By FranciscoJoseAlonso

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Road To PPVs and Crossovers and UCW shows More

UCW Road To Heaven or Hell 1: Waluigi
UCW Road to Heaven or Hell 2: Leomon
UCW Extra 3: Team Sonic vs Bandicoots + aftermath
UCW Road To Heaven or Hell 3: Wario
UCW Extra 5: Sonic vs Gray, Knuckles vs Natsu
UCW Extra 6
UCW High Impact 16: Against All Odds Fallout
UCW High Impact #18
UCW High Impact #19
UCW High Impact #20
UCW High Impact #21
UCW High Impact #22
UCW High Impact #23
UCW High Impact #24
UCW Money Above All Promo Package
UCW Prime Target (Money Above All): Asuna vs Sonya
UCW Money Above All
UCW High Impact #25
UCW High Impact #26
UCW High Impact #27
UCW High Impact #28
UCW High Impact #29
UCW High Impact #30
UCW High Impact #31
UCW High Impact #32
UCW Disorder and Profit Promo
UCW Disorder and Profit
UCW High Impact #33
UCW High Impact #34
UCW High Impact #35
UCW High Impact #36
UCW High Impact #37
UCW High Impact #38
UCW High Impact #39
UCW High Impact #40
UCW No Way Out Promo
UCW No Way Out
UCW High Impact #41
UCW High Impact #42
UCW High Impact #43
UCW High Impact #44
UCW High Impact #45
UCW High Impact #46
UCW High Impact #47
UCW High Impact #48
Glory or Demise Promo
UCW Glory or Demise
UCW High Impact #49
UCW High Impact #50
UCW High Impact #51
UCW High Impact #52
UCW High Impact #53
UCW High Impact #54
UCW High Impact #55
UCW High Impact #56
UCW Genesis 2 Promo
UCW Genesis 2
UCW High Impact #57
UCW High Impact #58 "In honor to Eddie Mac"
Interview with Yang Xiao Long
The Scarlet Truth
Graveyard Discussion (Edward Mason and Shovel Knight's arc part 1)
Edward Mason and Shovel Knight Arc Part 2: Feud with the Watterson (Part 1)
UCW Extra: Edward Mason and Shovel Knight's arc Part 3
Shovel Knight and Edward Mason Arc Part 4
UCW Extra: Shovel Knight and Edward Mason's Arc Part 5
Edward Mason and Shovel Knight's Arc Part 6
Edward Mason and Shovel Knight's Arc Part 7
Edward Mason and Shovel Knight's Arc Part 8
Interview with Peach
Interview with Karin
Peach and Karin's Arc Part 1
Zarya vs Monika (Week 1-8)
Zarya vs Monika/Anti-Rebellion vs R Evolution (Week 9-16)
Zarya vs Monika/Anti-Rebellion vs R Evolution (Week 17-24)
Enri Louvre's Extra Champion reign Part 1
Enri's Extra Title reign Part 2
Enri's Extra Championship reign (Weeks 9-12)
Enri's Extra Championship Reign (Weeks 13-20)
Fairy Tail's Wendy and Mirajane vs SAO's Sinon and Leafa
Banri and Zange vs SAO's Klein and Agil
SAO's Sinon and Leafa vs Wicked Twister's Nagi and Shoka
UCW High Impact #59
UCW High Impact #60
UCW High Impact #61
UCW High Impact #62
UCW High Impact #63
UCW High Impact #64
UCW Against All Odds 2
Hayden and Yukiteru (Dependants) vs Fairy Tail's Natsu and Gray
UCW High Impact #65
UCW High Impact #66
UCW High Impact #67
UCW High Impact #68
UCW High Impact #69
UCW High Impact #70
UCW High Impact #71
UCW High Impact #72
UCW Greed
UCW High Impact Intro (Men)
UCW High Impact Intro (Women)
UCW High Impact #73
UCW High Impact #74
UCW High Impact #75
UCW High Impact #76
UCW High Impact #77
UCW High Impact #78
UCW High Impact #79
UCW High Impact #80
UCW Pride Pre-Show
Banri and Zange vs Mario Bros (half 1)
Banri and Zange vs Mario Bros (Half 2)
Mario Bros vs Tom and Jerry
Mario Bros vs Dependants (Yukiteru and Robert Haydn) Half 1
Road to Rocker Entertainment: Elias
Road to IWA Unforgiven: Consequences of Underestimation
UCW Pride
UCW High Impact #81: Jin Sakai vs Gray Fullbuster
UCW Extra: Enri vs Ebel
UCW High Impact #82: Angelica vs Darkness
UCW Extra 2: Enri vs Six
UCW High Impact #83: Klein vs Isaac Foster
UCW Extra 3: Fairy Tail vs Anti-Rebellion vs Jin Sakai and Sekiro
UCW High Impact #84: 6 Women Tag
UCW High Impact #85: Digimon vs Greedy Bastards
Extra 5: Inori Himuro/Iku Honda vs Peach and Karin Yuuki
High Impact #86: Lucy Heartfilia vs Kiki
Extra 6: Kuromaru vs Hinata
High Impact 87: No Disqualification: Fairy Tail vs Jin Sakai/Sekiro
Extra 7: Ruairi vs Kuromaru vs Catherine Ward
High Impact 88: Tag Team Title rematch
Extra 8: Kuromaru vs Halter
UCW No Way Out 2 Pre Show
UCW No Way Out 2
UCW High Impact #89
UCW Road to Glory or Demise 2 #1
Road to UCW Glory or Demise 2 #2
UCW Road to Glory or Demise 2 #3
UCW Road to Glory or Demise 2 #4
UCW Road to Glory or Demise 2 #5
UCW Road to Glory or Demise 2 #6
UCW Road to Glory or Demise 2 #7
UCW Road to Glory or Demise 2 #8
UCW High Impact #90
UCW Glory or Demise 2
UCW High Impact #91, Season 3 Start
UCW Extra 9: Halter (c) vs Ruairi
UCW Might #1
Extra 10: The Arrival
UCW High Impact #92: Unexpected Happenings

Extra 4: Kuromaru vs Catherine Ward

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By FranciscoJoseAlonso

1- *We see the show starting with us seeing on a split screen to the two people that will be facing in the main event of tonight's Extra, Extra Champion Kuromaru and his challenger Catherine Ward.*

Catherine: Let's not waste any time shall we Kuromaru?. Congratulations on winning despite the odds, however your reign will sadly have to come to an end on your first defense and this isn't because of you being inexperienced or anything but rather because you have to be punished for essentially taking advantage of poor Enri who is on a turmoil with her stable and while you may have asked if she was okay or not, you could have held off the title match till she was okay  but noooo you chose to go ahead because all you wanted was to win that Extra Championship!. Trust me, being a champion must feel really good but you still gotta face payback and if Enri won't give it to you, i sure as hell will!.

Catherine: Listen Catherine, i know that you see your punishing as good and all that but come on. You are no saint at all if i am not considering i at least backstage when i was looking at this championship felt remorse because even if i promised to not hold back, it was still wrong to take something away from someone in an already downward spiral.
However, that does bring up a point since after all, if i am no saint despite having remorse...then what does that say from you who punishes those who do evil or sees as sinners for just the pleasure of it?.

Catherine: You've got a fair point. I may not be the best person in the planet, but just like that won't change neither will the fact that what you did is done and now you are the Extra Champion and since you fill oh so remorseful about it, then i will relieve you of that pain by becoming the new Extra Champion!

Kuromaru: Wrong, i will be the one leaving as the Extra Champion since i at least feel like i must pay by myself and not by others via having a good reign as champion and you will not stop that because of just pleasure.
You want the title because of who you are, i want it because I NEED TO MAKE UP FOR WHAT I'VE DONE!

Catherine: Wow, remorse is eating you up inside isn't it?. I can appreciate at least someone who knows they've messed up even if it's too late to change it. I'll tell you what, when i beat you, i promise you that i'll not touch you post match. No beatdown, no anything. After all, what i don't do to you, you'll already have made up for due to this current state you find yourself in.
See you on the main event Kuromaru.

Kuromaru: Heh, same to you Catherine.

2- We now see Peach, Karin and Daisy all on backstage as they are serious and focused before they all proceed to speak:

Daisy: The time for reckoning is tonight. Finally karma will be served for Anti-Rebellion and their reign will end.

Peach: Yes, because they may have a common goal even despite the dissension on their ranks of helping others through fear, but we have 3 separate goals that have brought us together.

Karin: You all know by now that i want to prove to everyone that you can do anything if you try and Peach wants to be able to protect others just like she was able to do so some few times in the past which works quite well on a tag team match. However, what you all probably don't know is that after the whole problems with Enri Louvre and Alice Baskerville back when the former was Extra Champion is how Daisy wants to prove that she's still the beat around despite not having been champion in half a year and what better way to do so than to stop the near unstoppable Anti-Rebellion?.

Daisy: Plus, even if we had our rocky start, we are a solid unit with 3 goals against one that is about to implode from within itself and has 1 goal and we have people with more doable goals than whatever our rivals are trying to do!. There's no way they're leaving with the titles!.

Peach: You may have gotten one over me Enri, but now you are under pressure of keeping your team together and can you deal with that just like what you 3 did with me?. I don't think so.

Karin: As for Zarya, congratulations on exposing a hole in the armor due to words from Jin Sakai and Sekiro, what a leader you are. However, towards Neun all i have to say is that while we won't hold back. I'm sorry for probably making your group implode since it is probably the sole reason you and Enri got to enter at the same time and not different times and considering her submissiveness and how commanding Zarya is, you might be left all alone after we beat you 3 for the Extra Tag Team Championships so for that i apologize.

Peach: The crossroads have been set and we will leave Extra Tag Team Champions and you can guarantee that!

*The segment ends with the trio leaving to prepare for their match as the crowd are cheering because of the big odds against Anti-Rebellion*

3- Next, we see how Lucy and Buddy essentially start double teaming Ana backstage and beating her down with this concluding in an Armstrong Slice (Inside Out Lariat)/Lucy Kick combo as the two look at each other and shake hands and then exit together albeit it's clear from the end of the segment that they may have form an alliance that can take down Ana, but they are still gonna fight over the Women's Title once she's dealt with as Buddy briefly stops and looks at Lucy's title around her waist before following her as if nothing happened.

4- Finally, before the matches start, we see Erza coming down to the ring and going to grab a mic before she proceeds to speak and say the next words:

Erza: So, it seems that business has picked up whilst i was not around am i right?. However, i am not here to talk about that but rather to talk about sonething else. As you've seen, ecer since i won the Openweight Championship and as a matter of fact ever since i was in UCW, while losing here and there, i have never been pinned nor submitted cleanly and that essentially has made me realize that the truth of the matter is that while winning the title was hard considering who was the champion and that i had to deal with Mako too, retaining it has been not as hard per se even if i did have to deal with a fired up Daisy and Zarya who had shown how far she'd go to win the title. But nontheless, i am here to make a request: CHLOE PRICE, I WANT YOU ON EPISODE 88!. I know we have our tumultous history from last season but think about it, you probably are the one person that could actually defeat me for this title seeing how you managed to be just the second person to get a pinfall victory over Zarya behind me plus that you're known for managing to turn around the feud and even got the victory for your time on our last clash on the main event of Glory or Demise!
So, what do you say?. Do you accept my challenge Chloe?.

*Here we see a crowd that was cheering the moment the match got proposed by Erza to cheer even louder as Chloe came down since even if they didn't like who she associated with, the match was still huge!*

Chloe: You're on. I'll see you at Episode 88. However, be careful to not regret making this choice since if we go by our record last year, i am better than you.

*The segment ends with Chloe just leaving as the crowd cheers for the hige match confirmed for Episode 88 which is shaping to be even bigger a card than it already was*

5- Extra Tag Team Championship match: Daisy, Peach and Karin Yuuki vs Anti-Rebellion (c):
Boi this match, it essentially showcased both Team Daisy being a well oiled machine specially when compared against Anti-Rebellion who had tons of issues from Zarya being a hindrance since it forced Enri to discuss with her as she was trying to force Neun to be more harsh which distracted both Enri and Neun from the match allowing the gap to go from 70/30 to 80/20 (as long as Zarya or Enri didn't bicker, then it was 60/40) and even then the whole dissension caused miscoumunications that Team Daisy used to their advantage to basically Zarya trying to pummel down Peach to show her she can't do anything which led to Peach just getting a better performance as she was not gonna let this golden chance for her goal slide to even Neun essentially trying to be more harsh but faltering against Karin due to her showing remorse for what she'd cause when they defeated them, Peach because of same reasons as stated with Zarya (this being a good chance to prove she could help others by showing she can fight back) and Daisy simply because of her being probably the one of the three wanting more to get back at Anti-Rebellion + wanting to show she was as good as ever.
This all ended up being lethal as Peach and Karin struck with a Samoan Drop/Neckbreaker combo on Neun and then Karin proceeded to cover her as she apologized to get the clean victory and the titles.
After the match, as the crowd cheers and Team Daisy celebrates for winning the Extra Tag Team Championships, we see how Karin's words hold true to a degree as Zarya just shoves Neun's unconscious body to the floor and then exits with Enri just choosing to help Neun up as the crowd are even more happy that Anti-Rebellion might be done and we see to close this section how Karin just looks down at Enri helping Neun and goes to help them before Peach stops her and shakes her head before the two return to celebrating as there's regret evident on Karin whilst Peach is celebrating even if not as happily as before and Daisy just doesn't care.

6- Extra Championship match: Kuromaru (c) vs Catherine Ward:
Finally, it was time for the main event. The match itself told the story of how Kuromaru didn't trust Catherine due to her being as harsh as per usual in the match which gave Catherine a slight 60/40 edge but at the same time this was during brief periods as Kuromaru intends on having a long run with the belt and Catherine would not stop him before he could achieve so and this ended up actually getting at Catherine who had already acknowledged the state Kuromaru was despite still being someone that needed to be punished to the point of offering no post-match attack and this all caused her to slowly go softening the intensity of her punishment on Kuromaru albeit without causing the match to go beyond back and forthness.
The match ended with Kuromaru hitting a Frontwards DDT and covering Catherine to get the clean victory.
After the match, we see probably a rarity as Catherine despite all this and that OFFERS Kuromaru a handshake, someone that considering her whole shtick she would never do and after a moment of disbelief...Kuromaru accepts the handshake and then Catherine just tells Kuromaru that she's gonna ensure he doesn't lose the title any time soon and then exits as he's confused.

The show ends with the crowd just confused on the newest development since Catherine was offering something unique to Kuromaru who was just in disbelief he had earned Catherine's favor.

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