Incognito (Paused)

By HER_Meekness

3.4K 328 6

"Nice." He bites on his lower lip and duck, lifting me over his shoulder as I screamed. "Ran... Randall! Sto... More

The beginning.
1| Secret revealed
2| Lamborghini hit and run
3| Mister Mummified
5| Friendship
6| Meeting family
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
18| Clarification
19| Baby shower (Heather)
20| Interrupting caller
21| Cater to you

4| Engaged with no memory

128 13 0
By HER_Meekness

Having the time to glare at him while worried for Mister Mayweather, I picked up the box and remove the ring. Slipping it on my finger, I was in disbelief when it fits me perfectly.

Pulled out of my thoughts by the nurses and doctor who came in, we where asked to step outside.

The lawyer went to make a phone call while I sat outside the door on the chair. Looking down at my finger with a simple yet elegant and expensive diamond ring. As the light from the ceiling reflexes on it, it glistens and almost blinded me. The heart shaped diamond in the middle was biggest, the middle area had medium shapes and at the end, the diamonds were smaller. All fifteen pieces in all. The strangest thing of all was my name on the inside. Once again I stared cringing, which the lawyer saw and started laughing.

"If you were a lawyer, you wouldn't make it in court with a face like that."

"I wouldn't want to, putting someone in a situation like this isn't the best idea, Mister Dawn. It seems you've fail to remember that this man had lost his memory and I... We don't want him getting attached after he's well and don't want to leave me. I don't do relationships sir and I don't like this idea of having an husband." I spoke truthfully, looking up from the ring to his face.

"I understand but it's better that way, you don't want a husband so you won't catch feelings."

"It seems you don't understand clearly as to what I'm saying Mister Dawn." I almost hissed. "I don't do relationships because I don't want anyone getting attached. If he does, or better yet if we do, then I don't care if I leave him heartbroken. I've warned you so don't hold me accountable when things goes south. I won't be meeting any family either, to save his ass or yours. I've read too many books and watch too many movies and knows how foolishness like theses are played out."

All the lawyer did was watch me with fascination then spoke. "You'll be greatly rewarded when Mister Mayweather is back to good health..."

"I do have a life too Mister Dawn, most times I won't be here so be thankful when I am, because all I want is that man to get better so I can continue with my life just where I left off."

"Okay. We'll talk soon but I have to get to work." He spoke just as the doctor and nurses exits the door.

"Mister Dawn and Mrs. Mayweather, Mister Mayweather has improved as to why he had a small panic attack. His memory will be back as we hoped and I've also went along to remove the feeding tube. Now he will be able to drink soups and so forth, nothing solid..." I stood attentive, listening to the doctor speak and he turned to leave but asked me a question that I was confused about.

"Do you cook Mrs. Mayweather?" He asked.

"I do." I answered.

"You do look familiar as I'm sure I've seen you at a diner by the university." A grin spreads along my face. "You make killer smoothies, I'm sure your husband would love a few sometimes."

"Could you maybe write a list of things he can eat, I could bring in things sometimes if that's okay, something he won't be allergic to?"

"Definitely chef. I'll get it for you right away." He nods and left while the chucking lawyer stood there amused.

"Not a wife by law or by religion but knows how to be a real wife by pretend." Came his snarky respond.

"I'm just stupidly caring and friendly, don't take me for granted though." I walked back into the room but the lawyer only pushed his head inside and announced that he was going back to work.

Laying there, I was surprised when the mummified man hummed in response but his eyes were on me. The lawyer only closed the door so I got seated next to him and touched his outstretched hand.

"I really do hope you get well soon Mister Mayweather, I don't like this pretending one bit." I mumbled then let go of his hand to reach for the folder.

I brought two but got him comfortably covered with his blanket and got seated.

"I brought two books. 'Blue Diamond' is a mystery thriller and 'Black bird' is historical and contemporary. As a white man I don't think you'll enjoy it, but I'll let you choose." I put the folders close to him but he surprisingly chooses 'Black bird'.

"Okay sir. I'll put this close incase you change your mind." I snickered and got comfortable myself then stared reading.

"It's all a code... Our taste buds. Bitter, sweet, salty and sour. We crave, have memories, balance our diets and enjoy the deserts for pleasure. Food is our way and it all started with me only knowing how to boil water, I had burnt it the last time though. My ex boyfriend left me when we both realized I wasn't great in that department but the sex, it wasn't enough to make him stay.

Mama was right though, hell as no fury like a woman scorned. Was that how the saying goes?

I've learnt though out the years, went to school and became a chief. Two years later I was in my pride and glory, my new restaurant 'la Bella' catering to a small party in the VIP section. They asked for the chef to praise for the delicious meal and wanted to request a cake for their upcoming wedding, since they've had a taste of one during desert.

Entering the room, there was a lord commotion as my ex boyfriend fell backwards from the chair he was so relaxed on when he saw me. He fell in fright, just how I had felt ashamed when he laughed in my face about my lack of skills to properly feed him.

His beautiful fiancé took him up, a girl with everything but a face or body matching to my own. He has gotten me replaced but I've matured.

I was tough as my melanin skin, with thick thighs were fit and an ass that needed no surgery. Breast that got developed over the years and I was proud of my body, the kind he like but now lost.

I walked over and introducing myself as he sat there gasping like a fish out of water.

"You cooked?" Was what he asked, surprising everyone including his wife.

"I do sir, I also own this restaurant and the branches all around." I all but boast.


I continued reading the story to Mister Mayweather, making facial expressions as I go along and I smile when I see a smile on his lips also.


I've made a call to speak with my son before returning to the room to have lunch.

Opening the dish to eat while the nurse feeds Mister Mayweather, their eyes turn to me. "What?"

"That smell so good." She sighed softly and the man hums as he drank his soup.

"Thanks. Do you want some? I brought extra." She nodded and I gave it to her while taking the bowl from her hand to feed him.

"I'll get in trouble..."

"I know you've been busy the whole day, plus your work isn't easy so go take a seat and hurry before someone comes in." She thanked me and sat in the corner while I nervously moved over to feed the mummified man whole happily let me feed him.

When was finished I leant over and wiped his lips with his napkin but didn't look up into his eyes. I gave him some water afterwards and he sighed with content. The nurse told me to adjust the bed further and I did. After a few minutes, Mister Mayweather burped loudly and I giggled but refused to look at him.

"You wore that smirk proudly Mister Mayweather." The nurse spoke and I looked, seeing it for myself. He was being boastful how how loud it was.

"Men." I smiled while shaking my head.

I then got seated where I was and started eating my lunch. When I was finished, I went back to reading while the nurse got him cleaned up once again. I finally looked up when they were finished then help her in moving his body a bit.

"Being bedridden can cause sores, we have to move him a bit sometimes." I nod with understanding.

He groan in pain sometimes but never complained, allowed us to turn him on his side while the nurse gives him a message. All the while, he kept his eyes on me.

"How long until his bones are healed so the cast can be removed?" I asked out of the blue.

"Five to seven months, but it depends. The last x-ray showed that it wasn't severely broken but a cast is needed to hold it in place so it grows well." I looked closely at his arm where the cast his to his leg, right below his knee.

"It's a little swollen there, is it suppose to look bruised still?" I inquired, with concern.

"What?" She added and look a closer look. Her eyes widened then she looked up at me. "I'll be back with Doctor Yale, he needs to see this." She rushed out and return with him.

Upon doing multiple checks, he turns to me and sighed. "Thanks for noticing it, we have to bring him into surgery..."

"What! Why?"

"It may have gotten infected underneath so we have to keep an eye on it. If that's the case, we'll have to remove the cast for a while and allow it to heal with another method. We can get iron in it's place, I promise you Mrs. Mayweather that he's in good hands "

"Thank you." I mumbled, watching as they put him in his back once again to remove him from the room. I gather my things before touching his hand that has the IV tubes still stuck there and squeezes it lightly. "I'll be here tomorrow but not as long as today. I have church then dinner with the family."

He blinked twice then hummed. Closing my eyes, I mumbled a small prayed then say Amen before letting go of his hand. I smiled softly as he did then watched as they moved him from the room to do the operation in another.

"Good luck." I shout for him to hear which he did when his good arm raised in the air.

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