Finding You » SuperFlash {5} √

By themiko2

60.9K 2.3K 1.3K

After Mon-El is sent away and Barry is trapped in the Speed Force, Iris and Kara only have had each other for... More

girl of steel
it's just another night, and i'm staring at the moon
i saw a shooting star and thought of you
i sang a lullaby by the waterside and knew
if you were here, i'd sing to you
far from the tree
you're on the other side
as the skyline splits in two
the faithful
miles away from seeing you
but i can see the stars from america
wake up
i wonder, do you see them too?
the flash reborn
so open your eyes and see
the way our horizons meet
mixed signals
and all of the lights will lead
into the night with me
luck to be a lady
and i know these scars will bleed
but both of our hearts believe
elongated journey into night
all the stars will guide us home
i can hear your heart
girls night out
boys night out
on the radio beat
when harry met harry
they're playing 'chasing cars'
and i thought of us
therefore i am
back to the time
crisis on earth-x : PART ONE
you were lying next to me
i looked across and fell in love
crisis on earth-x: PART TWO
evil doppelgängers
heroes vs nazis
crisis on earth-x: PART THREE
so i took your hand
back through lamp-lit streets
crisis on earth-x : PART FOUR
the calm after the firestorm
the danvers-allen union
and knew everything led back to you
can you see the stars over amsterdam?
legion of superheroes
hear the song my heart is beating to?
so open your eyes and see
don't run
the way our horizons meet
and all of the lights will lead
the trail of the flash
into the night with me
and I know these scars will bleed
fort rozz
but both of our hearts believe
all of these stars will guide us home
the elongated knight rises
i can see the stars from america
all of the stars
for good
when your legs don't work
like they used to before
both sides now
and I can't sweep you off of your feet
will your mouth still remember the taste of my love?
honey, I shrunk team superflash
will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?
and, darling, I will be loving you 'til we're 70
true colors
and, baby, my heart could still fall as hard at 23
and I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways
subject 9
maybe just the touch of a hand
I fall in love with you every single day
enter flashtime
and I just wanna tell you I am
so, honey, now
run, kara, run
take me into your loving arms
kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
null and annoyed
place your head on my beating heart
i'm thinking out loud
schott through the heart
maybe we found love
right where we are
in search of lost time
when my hair's all gone
and my memory fades
of two minds
and the crowds don't remember my name
when my hands don't play the strings the same way
I know you will still
love me the same
lose yourself
cause, honey, your soul could never
grow old, it's evergreen
fury rogue
baby, your smile's forever in my mind
in memory
therefore she is
I'm thinking 'bout how
people fall in love in mysterious ways
maybe it's all part of a plan
I'll just keep on making the same mistakes
shelter from the storm
hoping that you'll understand
take me into your loving arms
think fast
kiss me under the light
of a thousand stars
we are superflash
place your head
on my beating heart
the fanatical
maybe we found love
right where we are
dark side of the moon
take me into your loving arms
not kansas
kiss me under the light
of a thousand stars
make it reign
place your head
on my beating heart
battles lost and won
I'm thinking outloud
maybe we found love right where we are
the start of a new beginning
Iris and Mon-El quotes
𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔

harry and the harrisons

221 11 3
By themiko2

One night...Barry was happily asleep when suddenly, he heard a loud cluttering coming from within his apartment. He shot up in his head, a panicked and confused look on him. He quickly turned to Kara's side to find her gone.

He looked towards the door of their bedroom, confused once more, "Kara?"

"Sorry, Barry! Go back to sleep!"

Barry sighed in relief before dropping back onto his pillow. He then glanced over at the clock to find it was 5:15 AM.

Annoyed, he pulled himself out from the bed, putting on some sweats, before walking out of the bedroom. He went downstairs, where he found Kara sitting in the middle of the living room/dinning room, surrounded by open boxes. And a computer in front of her.


"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa," she stammered as Barry stared at her more confused, "Just one second. Let me just— Let me just get this last sentence down, okay?"

"Why- Why are you still awake?" Barry asked, glancing over to the dining table to find it covered in papers as well, "What is all this?"

"This is every file, every report, every footnote that I could find on DeVoe," Kara told him, quickly getting up off the ground as he walked over to the table, "I dug it all up when I woke up in the middle of the night. I just— I couldn't stop thinking about DeVoe and his machine. And now that he has all of the satellites, I mean, he could turn on the machine at any point," Barry had sat down at the table as Kara continued rambling, sipping on some of the coffee she made laying out, "And not knowing is maddening, but at least I know what he's planned, right? But everyone else in the city, in the world even, they're oblivious. Which is why I decided that I need to write a piece about it—"

Barry quickly looked at her, concerned, "An article?" He asked.

"Yes," Kara said before she plopped down next to him at the table, "Exposing every single detail of his maniacal plan—"


"I think that if people in this city knew what he was up to, then maybe they could protect themselves," Kara continued, "Barry...I really think this is exactly what we need to change the tide against DeVoe. So I'm gonna go upstairs, I'm gonna take a shower, feel refreshed, and then you can help me, okay?" Barry opened his mouth to speak but Kara had already gotten up, heading towards the stairs, so he decided to close his mouth.


The next morning, Barry, Kara, Mon-El, and Joe all stood in the cortex, before Caitlin, Cisco, and Harry, who stood behind some computers, "So, last night, Harry, Cisco, and I were up all night writing all the different algorithms we could think of involving the satellite tech that DeVoe stole," Caitlin told them, gesturing to the screen they had an idea of what DeVoe's satellites look like.

"We think DeVoe plans to position each of his five satellites at specifically calculated points around the globe," Cisco added.

"And when the quantum computers in each satellite link up—"

"He'll use that network to basically emit a series of dark matter bursts," Cisco said.

"That will reboot the pre-frontal cortex of every human man, woman, and child on this Earth," Caitlin finished.

"Well, we need to nip this in the bud," Joe said and they all looked at him, "We can't let him launch those satellites."

"Yeah, but, how are we supposed to find him?" Mon asked, "We haven't been able to register DeVoe's pocket dimension energy for days."

"And with Null's gravitational powers, he can launch these satellites from any place at any time," Caitlin added.

"Yeah...he can," Barry mumbled, staring at the screen, as everyone looked at him.

"What are you thinking, Bar?" Joe asked and Barry turned back to him.

"I think we shoot 'em down," he said. "Whoa."

"There is one small problem. DeVoe has Kilgore's powers," Kara said.

"Yeah, he can manipulate any tech-based weapon we fire at him," Joe said.

"So we don't use tech," Barry said and Kara stared at him confused, "We use some kind of organic matter weapon."

"Right, like a..." Harry said, but he couldn't remember what he was going to say, "L-Like a—"

"You know what?" Kara cut in, "Let's split up, see what we can find."

Everyone walked off, separating into different parts, while Harry suddenly stopped in the middle of the room, "Ramon," he called and Cisco looked back at him, "DeVoe's not acting. Why is he not acting?"

"I don't know, but it doesn't matter," Cisco said.

"But it does matter, though. And if I had my intelligence, I could figure that out. But I don't. I got to get it back," Harry told him.

"No, no, no," Cisco quickly said, "What you need to do is be patient. We're consulting with, like, literally every scientist we know."

"Why don't you consult with me?" Harry asked.

"No. Harry—"

"No, not dumb me, the other mes," Harry said and Cisco's eyes glossed over.

"The council," he muttered.


In the Speed Lab, Harry and Cisco stood before Herr Harrison Wolfgang Wells' hologram, staring at Harry confused, "So I must admit, found your transmission intriguing, to say the least. But first I have a question for you, Harry Wells," Herr Wells said, "Tell me, Harry, how does your hypothetica thinking cap account for the resonant inductive coupling of the dark matter transfer?"

Harry stammered a bit to answer, so Cisco began to speak for him, "Well, the- the inductive—"

"Am I speaking to you?" Herr Wells asked, "I cannot remember. Oh, wait. I'm not. The little guy that must be Cisco, put you in the box. Put the box in the pocket. Talking to Harry, a simple question. How does it account for the resonant coupling?"

"It, uh..."

"Ah!" Herr Wells smiled, snapping his fingers, "Ha! I knew it! He doesn't know! He doesn't know! Simple Harry is truly Simple Harry now."

"No," Cisco said, "That's not what's hap—"

"Ja, remember, I put you in the box. Put the box in the pocket. Crush the box! In the pocket," Herr Wells and Cisco stared at him with a frown, "This is very simple what has happened. Your hypothetical thinking cap had malfunctioned, hmm, and left the world's once formidable intellect a dum-dum!"

"That's not what happened," Cisco said with a smile.
"Yeah, that's what happened," Harry said with a stern face.

"That's what happened," Cisco muttered, his smile dropped.

"Poor Harry," Herr Wells muttered.

"Herr Wells," Cisco said.


"Are you gonna help us or not?" Cisco asked.

"Not," Herr Wells said.

"Why not?" Cisco asked.

"The Council of Wells is a council of superior intellects there to accept the challenge of others with superior intellects," Herr Wells said, "It's called the Council of Wells and not the Council of Dum-Dums!"

"Look at this man," Cisco said, stepping towards Herr Wells, pointing back at Harry.

"I see him," Herr Wells said.

"Is he not one of your own? Are you telling me you're gonna betray one of your own because he doesn't meet some arbitrary intellectual standard?" Cisco asked.

"Ah! So you do understand," Herr Wells said, "Ja, unlike your simple friend, here's what you now must consider. Auf Wiedersehen!" And then his hologram dissolved into nothing.

"No, he's right," Harry said and Cisco looked back at him, "I am a dum-dum."

"Hey, you are not a dum-dum," Cisco said.

"Ramon, come on. Let's face facts. I've lost most of my science, lost most of my math. Language will be next, and there's nothing we can do about it," Harry told him.

"On the contrary, mon frery," Cisco said and Harry looked at him confused, "We're the ones who created that council of ding-dongs in the first place, so if they're not gonna help us, that leaves us with one other option. A new council, a smarter council. A better council," he then smiled before walking off while Harry continued to seem confused.


Meanwhile, Joe walked into the Med Lab, painfully clinging onto his head, where he found Caitlin behind a desk, "Hey, Caitlin?"


"Do you have any ibuprofen?" Joe asked, "Reading up on all this organic matter has given me an organic migraine," Caitlin grabbed a bottle off her desk before turning to Joe, tossing it to him, and he caught it, "Oh, thanks—" but he froze for a moment, when he saw two very thin needles in Caitlin's head, "Uh, you have a little..."

"Oh!" Caitlin began to take the needles out, carefully, "Acupuncture. Ever since I found out I still have a cryogenic anomaly in my DNA, I've been doing every medical avenue I can think of to get Killer Frost to emerge."

"Mm. You really do miss her, don't you?" Joe asked.

"Yeah. Killer Frost was a part of me, and just as I was starting to accept her, she was taken away. I'm running out of ideas," Caitlin said.

"Hmm, well, I know it's not exactly the same, but I've had my fair share of missing persons case," Joe told her.

"And what do you do when you've hit a wall?" Caitlin asked.

"I try to attack it from a different direction. If that helps. Anyway, thanks," Joe said before he walked out, giving Caitlin an idea.


In the cortex, Caitlin stood behind a computer while Barry, Kara, Mon-El, and Joe stood behind the console, staring at her curiously, "We've been attacking this from the wrong direction. We know we need a tech-free projectile to stop DeVoe's satellites, so we've been looking for an object when what we really need is a person," she told them before she pulled up a picture of someone on the screens, "Amunet."

"Amunet Black?" Joe questioned as Barry, Kara, and Mon-El softly scoffed.

"I know she's not the ideal choice, but Amunet's psychic-powered alnico shards are not only deadly powerful, they're completely immune to DeVoe's Kilgore powers," Caitlin explained.

"Not ideal?" Mon questioned, "She kidnapped you."

"She tried to sell me into meta slavery," Barry said.

"And she ruined my bachelorette party," Kara added and Barry looked at her.

"That's not—"

"Okay, that's not as big of a deal, but you get what I'm saying—"

"Yeah, we can't partner up with Amunet," Joe said, "She's a criminal."

"Snart's a criminal," Caitlin said, walking around the computer she was behind, "So is Killer Frost. We worked with them."

"Look, even if we forgave Amunet for everything she's done, what makes you say she'd be willing to help us?" Barry asked.

"I've seen a different side to her. She's helped me before, and I believe she'll do it again," Caitlin said and they all frowned at her, but eventually, agreed.

Unknown Bar

In the underground ring, two women were boxing in the ring, when suddenly, The Flash and Supergirl zoomed in, Caitlin with them. The heroes glanced around as the two woman looked at them taken back. "This isn't what I expected Amunet's hideout to look like," Flash said.

"I might have made a few changes," the three turned to find Norvock had walked up behind them, with two armed guards with him.

Quickly, Supergirl speed over, grabbed the guns from them, before speeding back to the spot she was in before, "Really, boys?" She asked, before crushing both of the guns with her bare hands, dropping them to the ground.

"You trying to get us killed?" Norvock asked the guards, "That's Supergirl and The Flash, you morons," he then looked at Caitlin, who stood in the middle of the two heroes, "And Caitlin may look like a librarian, but she's a coldhearted beast."

"Where's Amunet?" Caitlin asked.

"Really? No, Hello, Norvock. How you been?" Norvock asked, walking up to them as his guards ran off, "You're not even gonna introduce me to your new bosses?"

"We're not her boss. We're her friends," Supergirl said.

"Well, isn't that sweet?" Norvock sarcastically said.

"Norvock," Caitlin stepped towards him, "Where's Amunet?"

"No one's heard a peep from her in months," Norvock said, "For all I know, the witch is dead," and Caitlin looked back at Supergirl and The Flash to find concerned expressions on them.


That night, Barry, Kara, and Caitlin stood in the cortex, pacing while Joe, Cisco, and Mon-El stood behind the console, "So Amunet's just gone?" Mon asked.

"Apparently, after her deal with Warden Wolfe took a nosedive, she's been out of the meta trafficking business," Kara explained.

"Caitlin, do you know any personal details that can help us track her down?" Joe asked.

"Oh, I don't know," Caitlin said, "Amunet's always been a private person, sort of unpredictable and rash, kind of fly by the seat of your pants," but then her eyes lit up, "Wait, when she kidnapped me at Christmas, she said she used to be a flight attendant. I think she was on an airplane the night the particle accelerator exploded."

"Okay," Kara muttered, quickly getting behind the console, and pressing a few buttons as Cisco walked over to one of the computers, "Let's see...yeah, it looks like there were thirty-five flights in the air in Central City the night of the particle accelerator explosion."

"Cisco, can you access the flight manifests?" Joe asked.

"Yes, I can, and I can take the cruise credentials—"

"Cross-reference them in the facial recognition?" Barry asked, looking back at him, to find an annoyed expression.

"Can you not read my mind?" He asked before continuing to press buttons, pulling up a picture of Anument when she was a flight attendant, "Huh."

"Her real name is Leslie Jocoy?" Caitlin asked.

"What is with Leslies being bad guys," Kara muttered to herself.

"Maybe she's operating under her real name, not her pseudonym," Barry said.

"Well...she didn't have a criminal record until the particle accelerator," Kara said, remembering her record from a while ago, "So, makes sense."

"CCPD's database has several prior work addresses for Leslie Jocoy," Joe said, looking at his phone.

"Alright, let's pay 'em all a visit," Barry said.

"Okay, Joe and Caitlin, you check out the recent addresses. Barry, Mon, you check the rest," Kara ordered off.

"Sounds like a plan," Barry said as Joe and Caitlin left the room.

"And I will go back to loft," Kara said as Barry and Mon-El began to leave, "I need to pick up a DeVoe file for my article—"

Barry stopped in place, looking back at her, "Hey, actually, can I talk to you really quickly?"

"Uh, yeah. Okay," Kara muttered before she followed him out into the hallway, with a confused expression. While Mon-El watched them go just as confused.

The two walked into the corridor where the elevator was, before stopping, turning to each other, "Just about your article," Barry started, as Kara looked up at him confused, "I just think maybe telling everybody about a meta-human uber-genius who plans on rebooting people's brains—"

"If we don't tell them, they'll find out too late," Kara told him.

"Sure...but I don't— I mean, the team's always kept what we're working on low-key," Barry said.

"I know...and so has the DEO, but last year, Iris sent out that article, knowing she had to get that information out to the people. How is this any different?" Kara asked.


"How about I run the idea by the team?" Kara asked.

"No," Barry said and Kara stared at him surprised, with her eyebrows raised, "I-I don't mean, no. I just mean...hold off until you finish writing it."

"Okay...I'll hold off," Kara said.

"You will?" Barry asked.

"Yes," Kara said before she stepped onto the elevator, "I will finish the article, then let the team know, see what they think."

"Okay," Barry nodded before turning away to get Mon-El as the elevator door closed.


Later on, standing in the Speed Lab again, Harry and Cisco stood before three holograms popping up, "Harry, I give to you the emotionally astute Council of Harrisons," he said as H. Lothario Wells and two other doppelgängers showed up.

"Hey, there ya are," H. Lothario Wells said.

"H. Wells, what — what are you doing here?" Harry asked.

"Those other stiffs, well, they got tired of my connections making me tardy to their party, so," H. Lothario Wells said before clicking his tongue, "They gave me the boot."

"Gave you the— wait, so I'm not the only one?" Harry asked.

"Nuh-uh, all of us been kicked us," H. Lothario Wells said, gesturing to the two other Wells's.

"All of you have been kick— You got me a council of rejects," Harry said to Cisco.

"Well, they're brilliant rejects," Cisco said.

"Ey! Oh, whoa, whoa! Who are you calling rejects? Ey, look at this guy. What are you, sta-nuts?" one of the doppelgängers said, causing Harry and Cisco to look at him. He wore all black. Black on black. Black shirt on black sweats. His hair was combed back with cleared loads of gel, and wore large sunglasses, "Allow myself to introduce myself. Sonny Wells. Earth-24. At your service. They call me Sonny on account of my sunny disposition."

"You know, I think that name kinda works for him," Cisco said.

"Ey, oh, the guy who must be named Cisco," Sonny Wells said, "My motto, personally, for me, my motto? Be kind. Rewind."

"Be kind. Rewind?" Harry questioned.

"They're still on VHS," Cisco told him.

"What?" Harry asked.

But the two were distracted again by a whistling to catch their attention. They turned over to see the other doppelgänger waving at them. He was French. Had lots of grey clothing on, a grey scarf, a little black hat, a small mustache, "Hello! Yes, Bonjour. So I am Harrison H.P. Wells, the Earth-25. So I must say that it warms me to see us all bonded by our faces and our hearts," he said.

"You see his scarf?" Sonny Wells asked H. Lothario Wells, "I like that scarf. Gonna get myself one of them classy scarves like this guy. That's a ten dollar scarf right there."

"So anyway, without further ado, it's time for me to commence this meeting with one of my poems, so...allez," H.P. Wells said, pulling out a very, very, very small notebook, "I never knew you. I never taste you."

"Mm, taste."

"Never smelled you. Until I do. And now I am hooked-ed."

"Mm, saucy," Cisco said with a smile while Harry looked absolutely annoyed, "And, uh, what is this poem about?"

"Bread," H. P. Wells said.

Cisco awkwardly smiled, it slowly fading as Harry leaned his head back in frustration, "Oh, deep connection," H. Lothario Wells said, "Food can feed the soul. You know, I once had this experience with a hot apple pie—"

"Okay, you know what? That's enough sharing from this side of the table. How about we let somebody else share?" Cisco asked, turning to Harry, "Harry, you have the floor."

"No chance."


"No way."

"Come on. Do the intro."

"Why? No. I'm not gonna."

"Harry," Cisco sternly said.

"What?" Harry asked.

"You have to do the sharing if you want the helping, okay?" Cisco said.

"Allez, Harry."


Harry sighed, before reluctantly saying, "I'm Harry."

"How you doin', Harry?"

"Bonjour, Harry."

"Howdy, Harry."

"You know his name," HP Wells said to H. Lothario Wells.

"So,'s the thing. I'm losing my intelligence," Harry told them.


"Oh, no."

"And as Wellses, you know how very important our intelligence is, and so I'm asking for your help to get my intelligence back so I can kick some—" Cisco cleared his throat, "So I can help my team. Will you help me do that?"

"Non. Non, mais," HP Wells muttered, wiping away his tears, "Of course, Harry. Of course we will help him. We will help you. Open your heart. We'll open your mind."

"Come on, let's do this," Sonny Wells said.

"Okay," Harry muttered.
"Lovely," Cisco said with a big smile on his face.

Downtown Central City

Downtown Central City, Joe's black SUV pulled up to a sketchy small grocery store, where Caitlin and Joe got out of the car. Caitlin stared at the place, oddly, as Joe pressed his comms, "Hey, Bar, we're at the market. We'll let you know if we find her."

"Copy that."

"Amunet used to work here?" Caitlin questioned, "What did she do, bag groceries?"

"At least it's not human trafficking," Joe said before he opened the door of the shop, walking in, with Caitlin behind him, "Let's look around."

There wasn't much people in the shop, while there was multiple un-bought things in the shop. There wasn't much to look for, so Joe turned to Caitlin, "Hey, look, when I told you to look in a different direction to find your alter ego, I didn't mean team up with a criminal."

"I know how that probably looks," Caitlin said.

"Yeah, it looks like you want us to work with Amunet Black so she can help you with your Killer Frost problem," Joe said, "I mean, why weren't you up front with the team about that?"

"Because I thought they'd say no if I had my own reason," Caitlin told him, "Besides, I actually really do think Amunet can help us and help me with my Killer Frost problem."

"Well, how exactly can she help you?" Joe asked.

"Last year, when I was having trouble getting a handle on Killer Frost, I went to her," Caitlin began to explain.

But behind her, Joe saw a couple walk into a back room, and found it odd. So he pointed it out, causing Caitlin to look back as well. They began to walk towards the back room while Caitlin continued to explain, "She used a black market piece of tech on me, a splicer, helped me split Killer Frost."

"And you're hoping she still has this tech," Joe realized.

"It worked before. It could work again," Caitlin said.

"Well, Caitlin, you gotta tell the team," Joe said and Caitlin smiled.

The two walked into the back room, where they found loud music was playing, gambling tables everywhere, drinks being served, and a figure in the very back, taking care of all the money.

"Damn. Somebody saw Molly's Game."


Caitlin glanced over to the figure in the back, their hat covering up their identity, seeing them organize the money. But her head slightly tilted, slowly recognizing them.

"Hang on a second."

Caitlin began to slowly and calmly walk through the room, all the way to the back where the figure was as Joe pulled out his badge, "CCPD," he yelled out, causing everyone to freeze, including the figure, "This is an illegal operation. Everybody out of the room. Now," and quickly the room emptied out in a matter of seconds as Caitlin came to a stop in front of the figure, a smirk on her.

"Leslie," she said and the figure slowly looked up, revealing themselves as Amunet Black. She looked at Caitlin slightly annoyed as she sipped on some whiskey.

"Caity," Amunet said in an American accent, a plastered smile on her, "Leave it to your crafty little brain to figure out my dark secret," she then nervously chuckled, setting her drink down, "What are you doing here?"

"Calling your bluff," Caitlin said, "I knew you were still alive."

"No one could kill me," Amunet said.

"What's with the accent?" Caitlin asked as Joe walked up to her.

"It's part of my disguise. Had to blend it. Now I'm just your average American blonde making an honest living," Amunet said but Caitlin gave her a look, "Well, a more honest living, yeah?" She then chuckled a bit before she reached down to grab something besides her, "Besides, you know what they say," and she placed down her bag of shrapnel on the desk before her, "A zebra never changes it's stripes."

Quickly, Joe pressed his comms, "Flash. Supergirl."

Instantly, The Flash and Supergirl were zoomed into the room, causing Amunet to look at them annoyed, "Flash and Supergirl — You really do stop all the crime in the city, don't you?" She then reached out, and shrapnel covered her entire fist as Joe and Caitlin quickly stepped to the side for cover, "But not today."

She aimed her hand right at the heroes, but Supergirl stepped in the way, letting all the shrapnel hit her right in the chest. She then slightly frowned, as she watched all of it bounce off her chest, hitting right down to the floor. She then looked up at a more annoyed Amunet, "Points for effort," Supergirl said.

"We're not here to fight," Flash sternly said, stepping forward as Amunet stared at them confused, "We need your help."

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