Izuku: Principal's Kid

IceQueenXXI द्वारा

17.1K 424 192

( Don't own anything unless I say I do, like PLOT) What will Nezu do if he find's a baby swaddled in blankets... अधिक

Principal Teacher Combo?
Hold up, what? (Lightly Edited)
New People and a friend? (Partly Rewritten)
Exposing ones self
The Park
Training and Friends
Two holders
Entrance Exam (lightly edited and fixed)
First Day
After the Half First Day
First Official Day
Quirk List
Just Before the Sports Festival

A time unto itself. (Lightly edited)

243 9 1
IceQueenXXI द्वारा

A comfortable silence sits between the newly appointed couple as they cuddle on Izuku's bed. The heart monitor had been turned off, now sitting silent and, ironically; dead.

The owner of the room lays on the chest of a man a whole head and a bit taller than her. He holds her close to him, the horrors of the previous day circulating through his head and his hold on her tightens for a moment as the thought of losing one of the few people who has ever treated him like a human. He's scared. Scared he could lose her even though he just got her into his life like he's been wanting for such a time.

The greenette moves her head to look at him, chin resting on his chest once again. "Hey Shoji?" The man in question hums softly for her to continue. "If I remember right, the sports festival is coming up in a couple of days. After that, would you like t-to ... um" her head turns to the side and a nervus hand moves to her lips as she bites the knuckle. "Would you ... like to go on a date after the festival?"

Shoji would be lying if he said he was expecting that to be what she asked, however the adorable look she give him with her head down and looking up at him through her lashes makes his heart skip a beat.

  Don't get him wrong, he loves cute things, but they never seem to get the same reaction out of him that Izuku manages to. He manages to keep it all under a mask in order to keep a calm demeanor. But his mask has broken, especially when it comes to Izuku.
  The green haired super powered monstrous sweet heart that she is, has finally broken his mask.

     With an almost dopy grin under his mask he nods. "That sounds like a wonderful idea! Where would you like to go?"

    She freezes, not having prepared any locations beforehand. "I-I ... Um... I could show you m-my favorite café to go and study at, o-or maybe the arcade? M-Maybe a walk on the beach? I-I heard that it's been cleaned recently".

   He hums for a couple moments "a calm café date sound nice. Especially if it's after the festival".

  Izuku smiles warmly and nods "I'd have to agree". Silence echos out between them for some time before the sound of a door opening echos across the apartment. Shit, her dad must be home now. With a little bit of panic, the duo untangle themselves quietly but quickly. Izuku sitting right by the pillows and Shoji sitting on the other end of the bed. Both their heads turned towards the door, waiting for the white furred principal to appear in the door way.

   The rodent in question peaks into room and notices them both awake. "Greeting you two. Izuku, how are you feeling?"

  Izuku's smile is gentle and casual "I'm doing good dad. I feel awake and rested".

   The rodent glances at Shoji and a different sort of grin appearing on his face "I see I win the bet".

   The two sitting on the bed stare at Nezu in surprise and confusion. "Uh... dad.. what bet?"

   His grin only grows "Why I had a bet with Midnight-Chan to see who my daughter would get together with".

Nezu only chuckles "The particular smell of hormones, and hearing the rustling of sheets when I got home. You two were moving from whatever position you were in. Now Shoji, I expect to have 'the talk' with you later. In the meantime I'm going to go make some tea for all of us".

  As he leaves the doorway entrance, the duo look at each other with relief in their faces, Izuku is the first to speak up. Though she does ask her own Dark Shadow to close the door to a crack before speaking. "Well... at least he doesn't seem to disapprove of you".

     Shoji nods with a soft sigh escaping his mouth. "Yeah, I completely forgot that you were the principal's kid".

  A huff of amusement escapes her lips as she grins at him "It's okay, we've only been friends since ..." she begins counting on her fingers for the show of it before shrugging her shoulders. "Since forever it seems like. Hah! Some of the adventures the three of us went on ... speaking of Tokoyami, is he okay?"

    Shoji nods and lifts an arm with a mouth on it "Yeah, he's doing okay. A little shaken up, otherwise unharmed".

  The greenette sighs in relief "that's good. It would really suck if our trio was broke up because of that incident".

Shoji nods, agreeing with the statement. "Tell me Izuku, why did you choose to fall for me?"

Izuku blushes and curls into herself, brining her knees to her chest, arms around her knees, and hiding half of her face in the gap. "Well... I guess it's the kind of person you are. Even before we decided to become heroes, you would help people with the smallest of things. You were kind, even though we encountered a lot of people who sent glares your way, made nasty comments, or spat at your feet. You still showed them kindness and pushed on through".

"I... I'd have to say that's what made me fall for you. Your kindness no matter the person or situation". She looks back up at him, viridian eyes sparkling in the the sunlight. Lifting her head, she rests her chin on her knees. "Tell me Shoji, what made you fall for me" a small smirk plays at the edge of her lips.

Shoji hums softly as he leans against the footrest, a smile on the mouth formed on the end of his hand and on his own lips. "It was your smile. It was the smile you made when Tokoyami made that joke that had you doubling over. A stupid reason really, but then I started noticing how strong you were, not only in strength but also sprit".

Izuku hums softly with a smile pulling at her lips and a soft look in her eyes. "It was a funny joke though. I think about it sometimes". A yawn attacks her as she finishes her sentence, and with a big stretch she pushes herself out of bed and another stretch. "Right! If I don't get out of bed now, I'll never get out of bed".

Shoji nods and stands up as well, stretching his many arms before they wonder into the kitchen to find Nezu setting down the last tea cup. The rodent looks over with a smile "Ah! Just on time, tea is ready how you both like it".

Izuku plops herself down into her usual and well worn bean bag, relaxing into it a happy smile spreads across her lips.

Shoji plops himself down into the typical arm chair he's sort of claimed over the years. Leaning down he picks up the tea cup with grace, pulling down his mask; he's glad no one was watching, however... he'll have to show Izuku eventually. It's just a matter of how and when.

Nezu is the one to break the silence between the three "Tell me how you two got together, I was not there for it".

Izuku huffs a laugh "Always the gossip rat, aren't you dad?"

The aforementioned rat chuckles softly "You know me oh so well, daughter".

The greenette chuckles and leans forward to take a sip from the tea cup before releasing the gossip. "Well, it started with me waking up and seeing Shoji with the start of bags under his eyes and hunched into an uncomfy position, I coxed him to lay next to me. What I wasn't expecting was for him to pull me into a hug. I dealt with it and fell back to sleep. We woke up a bit later and talked it out".

Nezu hums softly as he sips from his tea. If one pays enough attention to the rat, they would be able to see his body physically relax at the tea. "Sounds... adorable. Is that the right term? ... I do believe it is accurate enough. I think Miss. Midnight will enjoy hearing about it. Thank you for divulging my craving for gossip".

Izuku huffs in amusement again "no problem dad. Sorry Shoji, I didn't think about if you wanted to tell about it yet or not". Her face falls as she stares into her tea, only to have a gentle hand on her chin to bring it up to look at Shoji.

There's a smile under his mask as he speak with his hand. "It's okay, it took me by surprise, but you seemed to be quite unbothered by your dad's question. So, I let it be".

A rosie blush spreads across her cheeks and a soft smile places itself onto her lips, her head trails after Shoji's hand; wanting to keep in contact, only to frown sadly at the sudden lack of contact.

   Izuku sighs, only to take a deep breath and down the tea in one go before setting it down. "I'm going to go take a quick shower, I feel gross from the fight the other day".

   Nezu hums "Alright Izuku, enjoy your shower. I'll keep Shoji company".

  Izuku nods at him and walks off down the hall and to her room to get clothes and the like.
  The two sitting in the living room stay silent until the sound of the shower kicking on reaches their ears.

   "Now then" setting down the tea cup in his lap Nezu looks to Shoji to keep his attention. "Shoji, let's have 'the talk'. I'm not going to ask you what your intentions are with my daughter. You need to discuss that with her...it's her body and her choice. However, you need to be aware that if you disrespect that choice in any way, I will come after you with all the forces of Hell behind me". The rodents eyes are particularly deep this day, and if you were to look far enough into them you would see the fires of hell promising death and pain.

   If it was Nezu's intention to strike fear into the young man in front of him; he succeeded.
  Shoji nods quickly but calmly, trying to not show his fear. "Yes sir. I'll ask her that".

   Nezu nods and the windows to hell seem to close. "Good man. Now tell me, Shoji. Do you have plans to take my girl on a date any time soon? I know it's a little early to ask, but you never know".

   Shoji seems to relax and take a sip of tea. "Yes actually. Izuku proposed that we go to her favorite study café the day after the sports festival".

   Nezu hums thoughtfully with another sip of tea "That is one of her favorite places to visit. 'The Little Violin' I think it's called. She talks about it often".

After that and for a short time, the two speak about random topics.

    Later, from the bathroom down the hall, the sound of a hair dryer starts bouncing around the house. "Nezu sir, would you tell me Izuku's favorite color".

   The rodent tilts his head in curiosity. "Wouldn't that be a question to ask her?"

   Shoji gently scratches his check "I knit, and with Winter a few months away, I thought it would be a good gift to make her".

  Nezu smiles at the young man. "Red, her favorite color is red; like the shoes she often wears. Oh! Before it slips my mind. When her head trailed after your hand, it reminded me. I should warn you... I may have accidentally made Izuku touch starved". His smile slides down into a small frown and a look of self hatred drips into his eyes.

    "I never had a good experience with humans as a younger individual. But dispute that, I was able to push myself to able to be around humans for a long time and held or touched for a short time. But.. I was unable to hold or give Izuku the physical attention she needed as she was growing up until now. I felt that I was unable to help Izuku like the way I should have been able to. So I must ask Shoji". The principal of UA High of all people, gets off his chair and bows at the waist. "Please give my daughter what I was unable to; especially if this relationship is going to last. Of all things I ask that".

    Shoji had been thrown off his kilter a couple times today, but this has taken the cake. Dispute that, the six armed man takes a breath before speaking through one of his nubs. "I promise to try my hardest to make her comfortable and to care for her at every point". 

   The rodent rises from his bow, with a nod, a gentle smile, and a sparkle of hope in his eyes; he takes a places back in his seat with his tea.

~Else Where~

   Somewhere in a dark building, a man sits at a unique computer, typing furiously at the keyboard. A special thermal based screen that heats up spaces that form small words and different temperature variation spots that fluctuate the form pictures. The printed letters on the keyboard heated up enough to be seen through thermals and not hurt.  Who is the man at the keyboard with tubes feeding into his heavily scared and eyeless face? Why it's none other than All For One.

   Why is he typing furiously at a specialized computer? Why he's searching through date bases and the general web to find clues about his daughter he once thought lost.

   All those years ago, he managed to catch up to the woman he had coupled with in order to conceive a child that could possibly hold a quirk such as his or a better or altered version of his own quirk. She told him she had killed the child and dismembered it, he killed her for that. Back on topic, what he found in the classified section of his child's files; pleased him greatly. However, what didn't please him was where and who raised her that ticked him off.

   She was raised at UA, a school of heroes. Nezu, the principal of said school, and a animal of all things. That Monstrosity raised her as their own. Even going as far as adopting them. He would kill the rodent if he ever left the school grounds. Too bad he hasn't been seen doing that for a long time.

   However, he'll have to see if he can get his child back somehow. His little plan will have to cook a bit more before it can be put into action anyways.

{WordCount: 2555}

  (A/N: Can't live with
a character that doesn't have any sort of ... flavoring.   But there you go! A half chapter, a sort of filler and another post after only a couple days!? Hell yeah! I hope I can post a couple more chapters before this stops giving me dopamine again.  Can't tell you how often I wanted to get back into writing this. But every time I sat down and begun reading what I done. I was getting nothing.  Anyway, I'll stop babbling and put the WordCount up top.

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