Quirk List

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Original Quirk: 0: Perma-Gopy: The ability to permanently copy someone's quirk. Normally requires permission form the other individual to copy the quirk. Though the user can copy a quirk by force.
Drawback of this is an extreme migraine for both parties.
The last part of the quirk of the ability to give copied quirks away though at half power and must be built back up.
User can dispel unwanted quirks, though it is released in a powerful outburst of energy causing collateral.
Extra Drawback Info: Quirk gives the user the slight urge to collect quirks.
Extra Info: After copying a quirk, the user knows the basics of copied quirk. Though must learn on how to use it to it's fullest.
Mastering Perma-Gopy gives user the ability to take a quirk entirely.

1: Needle Head (Dispersed): Hair can turn into porcupine like quills and can be shot out in the direction that the user wants, curly hair or not; doesn't matter. Quills can be used as pens on short notice. Can also grow back at a fast rate.
Drawbacks: Shooting them too often can cause scalp to bleed.

2: Bladed Appendage: User can shift their fingers into razor blades, maximum length is six inches.
Drawbacks: Uses iron from the body, if blade is broken. Some iron is lost and must be consumed to replenish it.

3: Air Arrow: User gathers air to form a swirling compressed mass of air in the shape of a cone, big or small. Used for distance. Hits with the force of a typical arrow while also causing a small hole in the target. Drawbacks: Must have an eye on target, for arrow to be aimed.

4: Forth Dimension: A pocket storage dimension. Can fit anything that will go through a 24 by 20 by 46" square. User remember everything that's in it. No drawbacks are known.

5: Duplo-Arm: User transforms their bones, muscles and flesh to create four extra arms connected by a web of flesh from the main two. Causing the shoulders to get larger. Side affects to user due to not being born with the quirk are as follows. 
  In first couple transformations the cells creation will be taken from the fat reserves and extra mass will be stored into the bones, making them denser and stronger in order to hold the extra mass. 
    Continues usage of the quirk will cause natural muscle mass to strengthen and grow. Effected Muscles: All Muscles.  Most Affected Muscles: Arms, shoulders, back and chest.

6: Dark Shadow (Renamed: Kuria) : A sentient avian shaped shadow that extends it's form from the darkness against the skin. Kuria is a green shade compared to the dark purple shade of the original being a dark purple. The attitude is also different between the two due to their owners where Dark Shadow is an extrovert/talkative  where as Kuria is quiet and reserved.   
   Drawback: Both are difficult to control, especially when they are active with their owners. 

7: One For All: One For All also allows the user to stockpile an enormous amount of raw power, allowing them to significantly enhance all of their physical abilities to a superhuman level. This results in unbelievable levels of strength, speed, agility, and durability.
    This quirk is transferable but only if user freely chooses to but only via a piece of user's DNA such as blood, saliva, or hair.
    Side Powers integrated with the core due to previous users are as follows.
7.1: The ability to transfer this quirk via DNA 

8: Clone/Ectoplasm: User spews a white cloud like substance that groups up on itself to become clones that hold the appearance of whatever the user is wearing at that moment. Clones can use all quirks of this particular individual with the exception of the quirk that copied it. The clones can return to cloud form, only to group of to form a larger and tougher version of the clone. 
    Due to a surprise mutation, user can make a clone of themselves as sentient as themselves though the drawback of this is user cannot use five of the clones that they can make. 
   Drawbacks: Unknown
   Current Clone Limit: 15

9: Razor Wings:  User Grows a rather large set of wings with colors coordinating with their hair and the first owner due to a surprise mutation. Shape of wings have changed due to a secondary surprise mutation.
Color: Mostly dark forest green with highlights of light green and accents of red tips.
Shape: Between a Elliptical Wings for tight turning and easy take off; and High Speed Wings for easily kept sustained speeds.
    Sub Abilities: Feather blades- Hardens feathers to a steel like quality
      Feather Daggers- Same as blades but smaller
      Feather Manipulation- Controlled telekinetically
Transformation: Slightly bloody due to bursting from back, mass is taken from dense bones to make them hollow and fill out all the feathers and skin of the wings. 
   Transformation time: Seconds   

10: Hardening: Copied from Kirishima, this is the newest quirk and is thus untrained and limitations are unknown to the user.
   User uses it by tensing the quirk like a muscle and a intention on what part of the body will harden. 

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