Two holders

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A month has passed since Bakugo joined the initial trio's training for the entrance exam. With Bakugo being the aggressive yet some how kind pomeranian he is; pushed the trio to train harder than they would have.

Though today is not a training or school day even if it's a Tuesday. A gas pipe busted in the basement of the building, closing school for a few days.

A short white rodent scurries down the hall to stop at a room at the end of the hall. Opening it there are walls covered with shelves with items and posters of different heroes of new and some old. Like 'Bounce : The Spring Surprise Underground Hero' or 'Gran Torino : The Ricochet Hero' and posters of The Wild Wild Pussy Cats. In a corner of the room lays a six armed girl laying asleep in a shikibuton aka a floor bed.

Walking up to the greenette the little rodent sits down and begins peeling a orange imported from America. Smirking he watches the girl begin to stir at the smell of citrus.

Sitting up the greenette stretches with a yawn; the other four arms stretching with her. Looking to the source of the smell, a happy smile reaches her lips. "Mmmmm ... Good morning Pa, are you going to share your orange or am I going to have to go get my own" a smirk comes to her lips as Nezu smirks back at his daughter.

"I do not mind sharing a slice with you if you do not mind sharing a slice with me when you get your own" laughing softly the greenette agrees and eats a slice as she leans back against the wall to continue waking up.

"So Pa? Are we visiting Uncle Yagi today? I have a question for him" Nezu looks to his kid with a little tilt to his head.

Smiling his customary smile he munches on a slice of orange .. "tell me Little Mouse, what is the question you wish to ask him?" Turning to look to the side she avoids eye contact.

There's a short silence before her answer "I would like to keep it between him and I" sighing softly Nezu scratches the back of his neck.

  "That is understandable, everyone has their secrets. Very well, get dressed and we will make our way other to see Yagi" Nezu gets up and leaves the room to dispel the orange peels.


Walking out of the flat, the pair get into their designated mode of transportation for campus. A souped up golf cart.

Making their way off campus, Izuku picks up her pa and places him onto her large shoulder. "So, using the train today or is Uncle Aizawa or Yamada picking us up? Oh! Maybe Aunt Nemuri?" Soft high pitched chuckling catches her ear, turning she looks up to see her pa grinning down at her.

"The former little mouse! We're taking the train! I'll be testing you for your history test that takes place next week while we ride!" His forever grin still plastered onto his face.

With a soft groan then a sigh she relents "fine Pa.. I guess we can do that..." smirking a soft laugh leaves her. "Alrighty, let's go catch a train!" Jogging off, Izuku makes her way to the station.


Walking down the hall, a nurse and a doctor jogs down the hall with the intercom announcing a 'code grey'. The patient is experiencing something from trauma and has become violent. Stepping to the side Izuku and Nezu allow for the staff to pass before continuing to Yagi's room.

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