The Park

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The Sun is low in the sky with the early morning rise. Izuku however forced herself to wake up around six in the morning to get to the near by park in order to go running and train her stamina.
The temperature is chill for the early summer days, and comfortable till almost lunch where the temperature skyrockets.

The breeze is light and park sparsely populated as our green bean runs along the main trail, working on keeping her breath steady while Kuria gives words of confidence and motivation.
  All the while, Izu notices several guys eyeing her from up ahead, disgusting smiles sitting on their lips. It makes her uncomfortable though she can't do much about it.

   Passing them, Izuku fails to notice the three men start running after her and fails to notice for quite a while, Kuria being oblivious as always doesn't say anything.
  Running for a while and starting to run out of breath, Izuku takes a pit stop at a nearby Gazebo on the path, with only one entrance/exit.

   A light layer of sweat covers her body, plopping down onto on of the seats, Izuku reaches into her dimensional pocket to pull out a water bottle. Taking a few sips and setting it next to her, Izu leans back against the backrest with her stretched out to rest along the back rest; closing her eyes while she catches her breath, she fails to notice the three men untill the light is blocked by their bodies.

   A voice of one of them brings her attention to them and she opens her eyes to see a broad shouldered man with; funny enough a 80's American style windbreaker.  Brown hair and eyes with a gold piercing on he earlobe, his voice deep with a slight rumble like gravel to it. "Hey there sweet stuff, what's a good looking piece of work like you doin out here at this time of the morning?" The other two chuckle.

   Izuku sighs as Kuria squeaks and retreats back, ever afraid of confrontation but glad to follow orders. "It's called taking a run, I'm training to get into the hero course at UA if you were gonna ask why I was taking a run" Izuku's tone is that of boredom and annoyance, it seems to piss the boys off.

    The large man grits his teeth and balls his fists, seeming to get ready to lift an arm to throw a punch, only to be interrupted in his action by a new voice, sounding of boredom and indifference.
    "You three must be really weak if you have have to gang up on a single girl, you are aren't you?".

   Being the meat heads being the idiots they are turn to the new voice, and yell "WHAT THE FU-" the voices cut off and bodies relaxing into a slump, Izu just looks at them with confusion.

    The new voice once again speaks "I want you three to continue walking down the trail and after a time you three will awake and put all thoughts of us away". The meat heads nod with a dumb look to their faces as they begin the seemingly shamble down the way.
  The voice steps into the arch-way to the gazebo, who stands there is a boy a bit taller than herself, lilac hair slicked back, or maybe floating? Dark circles under their eyes with purple eyes staring into green. "Hey, they didn't get to do anything yet, did they?"

   Izuku smiles softly at the boy "No. I could handle them if I needed. But thank you for stepping in".     The boy nods an turns to leave, only to stop at her voice "I'd like to get your name if you could be so kind. An no, I won't turn you in for technically vigilantism".

   He stops and looks at her "My name is Shinso. Have a good day".

   "No you don't, now I'm curious" with a quick speed, Izuku got up from her seat and gently pick Shinso up and gently puts him down on a seat. "Questions! Why did you decide to help me? Would you like some coffee! An what's your quirk?"
Izuku reached behind her back to pull out her notebook and pencil.

Shinso was quite confused when he plopped down and asked sudden questions. He takes a few moments to relax his tensed muscles and process the questions.
"Uh-uh.. before I answer, what's your name?"

"Oh! Sorry! My name is Izuku!" A blinding grin fills his vision.

Shinso raises an eyebrow "No family name?"

She chuckles "Technically no. My adoptive father doesn't have a last name, so his first name is my last name. Buuut that's just for paper work" Izu waves her hand dismissively.

A bewildered huff escapes the purrplette "W-Well then I uh, I helped you because I want to be a hero. I'm going to apply to UA, an yes to coffee please".

Izuku giggles softly and reaches behind her to reach into her dim-pocket, rummaging around for a moment. A particular thermos brushes against her finger tips, only to be pulled out. Taking off the cup and unscrewing the lid, some steaming black coffee is poured into the little cup. "I have stuff to add to it if you'd like".

Shinso looks at the travel cup and thermos with awe... he shakes his head. "No... black coffee is perfectly fine" gently taking the cup, an with only a sip, he seems to awaken a bit more but also relax. "This tastes amazing.... thank you".

Izuku giggles again "No problem! Though, if you wouldn't mind, I'd love to hear about your quirk!"

Shinso freezes an seems to have an internal panic, a few moments of inner debating and he finally sighs, his voice sounds sad and reluctant "I guess it's only fair that I tell you after the coffee... My quirk... My quirk is called Brainwashing; I can control people if they respond. I have to will my quirk to work on someone, and as far as I am aware, control up to four people. I can't ask someone to use their own memories, like who's that guy? The commands can't be overly complex either".

Izu is frantically writing her her notebook, a few moments longer after Shinso finishes speaking. Looking up at him with stares in her eyes, she begins to gush about the probable uses. "Your Quirk is fantastic!! Perfect hero material! You could talk down a jumper from a ledge! Stop a hostage situation! Calm citizens if you can significantly increase your person limit, could even stop a hostage situation! Or!-"

She's stopped by a warm laugh and slight smile of Shinso "I-I've never thought of my quirk like that. N-Never been told my Quirk was hero material either... always told it was villainous...." his tone dropped as he went on.

Izuku gains a sympathetic smile "I understand to an extent. My Quirk could be considered the most villainous Quirk ev- well no, that would be my biological dad. But I can copy any quirk, can force or have permission. Force causes me and the other to have a headache though.

"I can also ... take a quirk permanently from someone... I've never done that though, always copied" Izu's expression fell... she never feels comfortable talking about that part.

He nods softly before taking another sip from the coffee "that's understandable... guess you hid that part of your quirk huh?" She nods "So what quirks do you have copied?"

Another bright grin as she lists off her current quirks except OFA. By the end of her explanation he nods thoughtfully and sips the coffee. By the end, a lightly confused expression decorates her face "I'm surprised you're not freaking out, everyone else has".

He simply shrugs "I guess I just have enough apathy to not be concerned. Guess I'm just glad you're aiming to be a hero. I heated from earlier".

An with that, the two gained a friend as they continued to talk about being heroes and bits of their personal lives.

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(This is mostly just a filler and to add a new option to shipping if everyone decides to chose who to ship Izu with or I'm to choose. I'll be having a lot of little short chapters like this later on. Especially with the dorms come in)

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