Hold up, what? (Lightly Edited)

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{3rd POV}

     It's been four years sense Nezu adopted his Little Mouse. Izuku took to calling him Pa when alone or worried, though at this time, the pair are walking down the street headed to a local ice-cream shop as a reward for Izuku finishing a paper that's a full two grades above her current, it makes him proud.

   The sky is clear and the air is warm with summer heat with people bustling around with shopping bags and friends. Meanwhile Nezu holds his daughter's hand as they make their away through the people. The walk is seemingly short as Quizzes Izuku on the test he's made for her. "Alright Little Mouse, what are the planet's in our solar system?" Izuku seems to hesitate for a moment before responding. "Mercury: Named after the Messenger God, Venus: Named after the Goddess of love *bleh*-" Nezu chuckles softly. "Next is Earth: Meaning Dirt, The Moon: Not a planet, though it is our closest neighbor and is typically seen as female. Then is Mars: Named after the God of War-" Izuku continues the next few, though hesitates at Uranus, other wise getting them all. "Well done Little Mouse! You get an extra topping!" Izuku just beams happily at the extra reward.

    The duo are almost to the ice-cream shop when a man with short brown hair pull the pair into an alley way, both yelping in surprise as they fly through the air; landing far in the ally way.  "Why the ever living fuck is an animal taking care of a human child!?" The man snarls at the animal while Izuku shivers behind man, whimpering at the scrapes she received. The man stocks closer "Animals have no place having quirks! They don't deserve power like that!" Nezu being the ever observant creature that he is can see the man is about to get ready to lurch forward to pick Nezu up, what he isn't expecting is for Izuku to push her father forward only for her to be grabbed by the man, holding the back of her shirt she reaches up to grip onto his hand to keep herself from falling if he should let go.

     "Leave Pa and I alone!!" Izuku's fear is though the roof and Nezu can't really do anything about it unless he wants his child hurt. For the third time in a row, fate throws something unexpected at him. Izuku's hands begin to glow a bright green, eventually temporarily blinding the two other people in the alley way. There's a shout from the man and a grunt from his child. His vision is the first to clear, and the man that had attacked them now appears to have a face full of ... pins? While Izuku's hair seems to have changed and so has the man's hair. Both seem to be full of ... quills?

    Dropping his daughter, the two rush over to each other to embrace before Nezu take's the time to zip-tie the human's hands and legs, effectively restraining the man. "I'm so sorry this happened my Little Mouse, I promise to get you something extra for this-" Izuku just shakes her head. "No need Pa, just some time with you and some ice-cream w-will be enough for me. Also! I now have my quirk! Now i-if I can r-remember right, then we n-need to go register it?" Nezu grins at his daughter's knowledge. "That you are correct Izuku my dear! Now let us call and report this one to the police, tend to your scrapes, and then go get some ice-cream. Sound like a plan little one?" Izuku just nods and smiles happily as her hair returns to normal.

   Finally getting to the Ice-cream shop, Izuku orders a strawberry scoop dipped in chocolate. While Nezu happily eating his Green Tea flavored ice-cream. To his joy, Izuku didn't really make a mess compared to other four year old children, a thought struck him. "Izuku dear?" the greenette looks up form her ice-cream. "Yes Nezu Sir?" said critter just smirks at his child.

   "I just though of something. Would you like to be enrolled into elementary school so that you may be able to interact with others your age?" Izuku seems to contemplate this as she passively licks at her scoop. The memory of one of the times she went to the park with her pa to get some air and eventually got caught up with playing with kids around her age.

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