A time unto itself. (Lightly edited)

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A comfortable silence sits between the newly appointed couple as they cuddle on Izuku's bed. The heart monitor had been turned off, now sitting silent and, ironically; dead.

The owner of the room lays on the chest of a man a whole head and a bit taller than her. He holds her close to him, the horrors of the previous day circulating through his head and his hold on her tightens for a moment as the thought of losing one of the few people who has ever treated him like a human. He's scared. Scared he could lose her even though he just got her into his life like he's been wanting for such a time.

The greenette moves her head to look at him, chin resting on his chest once again. "Hey Shoji?" The man in question hums softly for her to continue. "If I remember right, the sports festival is coming up in a couple of days. After that, would you like t-to ... um" her head turns to the side and a nervus hand moves to her lips as she bites the knuckle. "Would you ... like to go on a date after the festival?"

Shoji would be lying if he said he was expecting that to be what she asked, however the adorable look she give him with her head down and looking up at him through her lashes makes his heart skip a beat.

  Don't get him wrong, he loves cute things, but they never seem to get the same reaction out of him that Izuku manages to. He manages to keep it all under a mask in order to keep a calm demeanor. But his mask has broken, especially when it comes to Izuku.
  The green haired super powered monstrous sweet heart that she is, has finally broken his mask.

     With an almost dopy grin under his mask he nods. "That sounds like a wonderful idea! Where would you like to go?"

    She freezes, not having prepared any locations beforehand. "I-I ... Um... I could show you m-my favorite café to go and study at, o-or maybe the arcade? M-Maybe a walk on the beach? I-I heard that it's been cleaned recently".

   He hums for a couple moments "a calm café date sound nice. Especially if it's after the festival".

  Izuku smiles warmly and nods "I'd have to agree". Silence echos out between them for some time before the sound of a door opening echos across the apartment. Shit, her dad must be home now. With a little bit of panic, the duo untangle themselves quietly but quickly. Izuku sitting right by the pillows and Shoji sitting on the other end of the bed. Both their heads turned towards the door, waiting for the white furred principal to appear in the door way.

   The rodent in question peaks into room and notices them both awake. "Greeting you two. Izuku, how are you feeling?"

  Izuku's smile is gentle and casual "I'm doing good dad. I feel awake and rested".

   The rodent glances at Shoji and a different sort of grin appearing on his face "I see I win the bet".

   The two sitting on the bed stare at Nezu in surprise and confusion. "Uh... dad.. what bet?"

   His grin only grows "Why I had a bet with Midnight-Chan to see who my daughter would get together with".

Nezu only chuckles "The particular smell of hormones, and hearing the rustling of sheets when I got home. You two were moving from whatever position you were in. Now Shoji, I expect to have 'the talk' with you later. In the meantime I'm going to go make some tea for all of us".

  As he leaves the doorway entrance, the duo look at each other with relief in their faces, Izuku is the first to speak up. Though she does ask her own Dark Shadow to close the door to a crack before speaking. "Well... at least he doesn't seem to disapprove of you".

Izuku: Principal's KidWhere stories live. Discover now