Training and Friends

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    It's another Saturday which is nice for Izuku, though unfortunately for her she had premade plans to go train with her friends for the UA entrance exam at the one and only Takoba Municipal Beach.

    The early spring breeze blows through her hair as she makes her way to the station. Birds sing, children play, and spiky blond ass-holes stare into the back of skull. Having duplo-arm active Izuku has the back two behind her back with the nubs as hands holding each other. Makes her feel elegant.

   Her thoughts of training with her friends are interrupted by a rough shove to her shoulder as a spiky haired ash-blond walks by with a shout. "MOVE IT EXTRA!" feeling upset but keeping her manners she says nothing as her and the jerk walk up the stairs to get onto the station platform.

   It doesn't take long for the train to arrive an unfortunately or fortunately the ruby eyed jerk happens to be sitting next to her. But something catches her eyes or more specifically her noes. A sugary sweet smell; closing her eyes and sniffing while turning her head, finding the direction its general location she sees the ruby eyed kid. Getting a better look at him he seems to be wearing a well worn black shirt with a pair of black shorts as well. The expression of annoyance on his face.

   Taking her chances with a seemingly arrogant jerk; she speaks. "Excuse me sir, your quirk wouldn't happen to involve explosions would it?" she gazes into his eyes as he turns to look at Izuku and she can see the slight expression of surprise on his relatively unchanging angered expression.

   "Yeah, so what if it fucking does freak?" his tone is obviously irritated but the light sound of curiosity is picked up. Izuku's expression doesn't change from its relaxed expression except from the small smile.

   "Ah, that would be due to the sweet smell that is emitting from your palms. So that either entails that your either generate nitroglycerin straight up or your sweat is something like a mixture; or your quirk could relate to sweets and you are just angered at your quirk based off of your expression.  I lean more towards the former" a nearly slickening grin appears on his face for a moment before it relaxes a little.

  "Well hot fucking damn, you're fucking observant!-" putting a hand to his chin for a moment as he appears to ponder something before smirking. "Alright Greenie, humor me; what else can you get from my quirk with little info?" his smirk grows again.

   Staying quiet for a moment she allows her thoughts to rush and think before replying. "Ah, so assuming that your explosions can flip a car. Then that would be enough force to kill a normal mortal if not cause serious injury; so that entails that you either have very callused hands for a mild endurance part to your quirk not to mention above average strength to be able to stay standing while using such large explosions. If not the long term affects would highly damage your arms in the long run. As for quirk weaknesses, it would be water. If your hands were to get wet, then that would dilute your sweat and cause the explosions to become less so or right out stopped" looking back at Ruby eye, his face is that of light surprise before it quickly changes to be a arrogant grin.

"Well fuck! Greenie here is just about spot fucking on!!" He laughs a little, but it doesn't sound right.

"Hey... name's Izuku Nezu, what's yours?" an arrogant grin becomes plastered onto his face.

"Name's Katsuki Bakugo! And I'm going to be the number one hero!" He jabs his thumb into his chest as he boasts.

"Well then, I hope to see you in the Hero Course, if you go to U.A. that is. Any way, I'm heading to the beach to train for the entrance exam. An assuming you are going, would you like to join my friends an I?" Bakugo's expression is angry but his eyes show interest.

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