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(HI! Sorry it's been a while since I've updated this, but here ya go! :D )

It's a dew days after she has told her friends of her real quirk, and a few things have happened since then. Like Uncle Yagi coming over again.

Saturdays are nice for waking up late, an that's what Izuku did. Waking up to the nine o' clock sun is nice and not the six o' clock one she usually gets up at.

Giving a nice hearty stretch she sees her dark shadow emerge from under her shirt, still timid but friendly. "Morning Izuku!" the lightly raspy female voice greets her ears at she looks to see the dark green avian shadow. Yawning loudly and sitting up; Izuku pulls her shadow into a hug.

"Mornin Kuria... let's get some breakfast" her feet hit the soft carpet as she stands, her soft All Might PJs relaxing from a bunched up position. Walking out she is confronted with Uncle Yagi and Pa sitting at the table, going over some files again.

"Morning Uncle Yagi! Morning Pa! So, what are you to going over this time?" the duo turn to look at Izuku then look at each other before Yagi sighs and looks at Izuku.

"Kiddo, this is very important and it looks like we may need your help ag-!!?" he stops short with the site of Kuria hiding behind Izuku. "Wait, I thought you said her quirk is clone" he turns to look at Nezu with a questioning look to which the principal sighs and closes his eyes while rubbing his snout.

"Izuku dear... it's time to tell him ... or do you want to show him?" Izuku just smirks, hoping to impress her Uncle with what she's about to do.

"First is Duplo-arm in combination with bladed appendage" activating the quirk from Shoji-san her arms bubble before the webbed arms extend from her own arms, the nubs quickly morph into hands before all thirty fingers morph to become blades of six inches; then she reverses bladed appendage. "Next is Duplo-arm in combination with air arrow and dark shadow" moving three of the six arms to extend before the other three make a pull back motion; air begins to move around in the room till a light breeze forms and the arrows form, while Kuria preforms the same motion; the quirk is disbanded to allow for a burst of air that lifts a paper or two.

"Lastly is Duplo-arm in combination with needle-head" her hair becomes dark green quills and she reaches back to pull out six long thick quills before putting them into a cup on the table with other quills she has pulled. Allowing her two other quirks to dispel the arms merge back into her arms to once again make the bones stronger.

"And lastly Uncle Yagi is my own quirk called: PermaGopy; allowing me to permanently copy an ability with most if not all drawbacks included. Can forcefully copy a quirk though that leaves a major headache for both parties. Can also forcefully take and give quirks; buuuut I don't like to touch the take part unless I really have to" she beams excitedly at him as she waits for a reaction.

Yagi is looking at her with light dread but that soon leaves to become hard confusion; he looks to Nezu for answers.

"Yes Yagi-san, she's related to him ... she's his daughter" he says quietly before Yagi reacts nervously.

"I-I see... well that's pretty impressive Izuku; I know that you could become a very versatile hero! Though, we need your analytical mind to get some help on where this villain could be" Izuku just grins and goes to the table after grabbing a banana.

Izuku: Principal's KidOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora