After the Half First Day

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(This is mostly just a filler and I couldn't think of any other way of getting the thing later in the filler)
  (PS: Sorry this sorry is kind of choppy and fast. This isn't really the way I like to write. But this is a sort of filler, so I figured it would be okay)

     Izuku sighed softly with a little bit of sadness gripping at her heart as her friends walk to their train.   A stray thought crosses her mind about her father 'I wonder what he's up to'.

   So with a new goal in mind for now, the greenette begins walking back towards the school, lightly loosening her tie as she steps back into the air conditioned building and making her way to the Principal's office.

   Upon reaching the door she knocks lightly, a cheery high pitched voice answering to the sound. "Come in please!" Opening the door, a smile spreads across her lips as does one on his "Ah! Little Mouse! What is it that brings you back into the main building?"

   Izu chuckles softly as she sit down into the chair across from his desk. "What? I can't worry about my own pa? Like I would like to know about what you do after school ends".

   He nods and scratches at furred neck for a moment "Well I typically make myself a pot of tea an proceed to go through paperwork on various things. However I have been called upon the Hero Commission to participate in a meeting about something or another".

  Izu tilts her head "May I come with you? I don't get the opportunity to leave campus very often, seeing as school has started and we live here".

    The rodent chuckles "Yes, I suppose you do have a point there, you may join me".

  A bright grin spreads across her face "Thank you! An I get the chance to hang out with my Pa!"

  "Yes I suppose that is true. Well then! Shall we get going?" Getting off his chair, Nezu slips on the goggles and jacket he had when he first found Izuku in front of the school.


The ride to the Hero Commission building was without incident, getting into the building took a few minuets due to paperwork and the such.  Upon the 45th floor is where they parted ways.

    Izuku now has time on her hands, she didn't think this far. Walking around the floor she's on, the sight of a Balcony brings a smile to her face, the thought of fresh air and her notebooks brings her joy.

Opening the doors she sits against the railing with the wind playfully pulling at her hair and clothes. Reaching into her pocket dimension, she pulls out her notebook and pencil. Opening it, Izu begins writing about the quirk she noted the receptionist having, it seemed to involve bubbles, based on her hair and how they would detach and gently float about the lobby to provide the pleasant atmosphere.
Could the quirk be used for offense? Defense? Maybe support?

   However... her mumbling and brainstorming doesn't last long as a sudden shadow followed by a light metal thunk brings her out of her mind. Brining up her gaze slowly, the sight of brown leather boots first make an appearance, followed by baggy tan pants, with... red feathers on either side? Looking up further, the red feathers increase and soon tan but furred jacket sleeves enters her vision with a black and gold accented shirt. Bringing her vision up to the individual's face is ... HAWKS!?
(A/N: This all took a second of time)

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