Friend to Foe

By Shae_fluff

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Lily always had a beautiful kind spirit and heart that Camry could never understand why lily always attract s... More

chap 2 Disgusted
chap 3 I'm done
chap 4 shopping!
Chap 5 🍻 Party vibes
Chap 6 Getting caught
Chap 7 Separation
Chap 8 forgiveness
Chap 9 Emotional damage
Chap 10 The get away.
Chap 11 Confrontation
Chap 12 Date crasher part 1
Chap 13 Date Crasher part 2
Chap 14 Revenge
Chap 15 Appreciation
Chap 16 A glimpse of the past.
Chap 17 Surprise surprise
Chap 18 Strange...
Chap 19 Date night
Chap 20 The truth
Chap 21 Couples Retreat
Chap 22 Punishment🚫💦
Chap 23 My turn
Chap 24 Trouble in paradise
Chap 25 Ultimatum
Chap 26 Doctor visit
Chap 27 The move
Chap 28 Evidence
Chap 29 The plan
Chap 30 By my rules
Chap 31 The rules
Chap 32 Finding out
Chap 33 Busted
Chap 34 The wrong one
Chap 35 Appointment
Chap 36 Give her time
Chap 37 group thingz
Chapter 38 I didn't mean it
Chapter 39 Ooh baby!
Chapter 40 Birthday girl
Chapter 41 Surprise!
Chapter 42

Chap 1 memories

4K 144 34
By Shae_fluff

Lily🌺 POV

This is my place of peace, my safe haven to clear my mind from my hectic day at work and  remembering the beautiful happy memories with my mother before she got gravely ill.

Looking out into the ocean, the therapeutic sound of waves crashing on the rocks and the burnt orange color shine throughout the skies as the sun sets.

To me this is my ultimate high, deeply inhaling the salty fresh air fulling my lungs and exhaling my stressful burdens away.

This very board walk my mother, Nathan and I had a picnic together before she passed away a few days later. I will always have that precious memory with me to treasure till my last breath.

Having my mother here with me would be my greatest and only wish but as the long time saying goes, if wishes were horses beggers would've ride.

She was in too much agonizing pain with the needles and medication everyday and when her leg got amputated it was painful and torturous for me to watch her struggle, she was always a strong independant woman, watching her become so vulnerable and dependant on us broke her. I pray that God keeps her soul till we meet again.

She is free from all the pain and suffering, that thought keeps me sane at night.

Looking at my watch its 6:35 in the evening and it's time for me to get home and make dinner. Nathan is constantly busy trying to get his construction business off the ground, which it already is in my opinion but he's such a workaholic.

Me on the other hand I am a nail technician and have my online business selling nail products and supplies. I love working for myself at my own pace and not dealing with coworker drama, it's quite liberating.

Taxi!! I shouted flagging down the car, "to the supermarket please, thank you" I instructed, I didn't feel like driving at work today.

One hour later...

Jugging down the steps in my humble abode after taking a shower to get all the acrylic debris off of me then heading to the kitchen to prepare some stew chicken, potato salad, and fried rice.

One of my favorite dishes to prepare, blending up my green seasoning in the blender and stirring the potatoes in the pot, the front door swing open revealing Camry in her usual skimpy clothing boldly walking in my kitchen, I role my eyes at her regretting giving her a spear key.

I have notice every time she comes over her breast is basically falling out and she ask for Nathan like clock work.

"Girl you cooking again! What you making and where's your brother is he home?" She ask picking up a carrot putting it in her mouth. Camry annoy me sometimes with her smart ass condescending remarks and then eat out all my food because her lazy ass can't cook and has the audacity to ask if I am cooking again.

"What you mean am I cooking again don't we all have to eat, I will have food in the fridge if your greedy ass stop coming over here eating out all my shit".

I don't like confrontation but when you disrespect me I can be very mean.

"Why are you so offended am just telling the truth every day sometimes twice your ass cooking and eating up all the food" she retort with a attitude.

Oh no she didn't just try to test me, 'bitch isn't it everyday everyone! need to eat including fat! people... so what's your point?' Camry is testing my patience and she knows it.

She always tries to insult, belittle and put me down in the presence of company especially when she notice a fine man is giving me more attention than her.

Camry is my only friend I have besides my brother, I don't trust people with my life or heart but that never stops me from being a decent human being.

The time we entered secondary (high) school she started to rear her ugliest trait which is jealously, for what ever reason I don't know. She stuck up for me when my bullies embarrassed me which I appreciate greatly till this day, I guess that's why I try to salvage our friendship even though it feels one sided.

"Lily let's be honest you can miss a few meals don't you want to be slimmer and sexy like me?" She said with her hands tracing over her curvy silhouette with a smirk on her face.

"No the fuck I don't and the men don't seems to be complaining and neither do I, I don't hear you saying that shit when you ask me to come keep your dates friend company, like I'm the ugly fat friend you drag along so please miss me with your fucking bullshit, matter of fact am sick of you and that stink attitude get out! and give me back my spear key heffer" I really am getting tired of her dragging my self esteem to hell with her.

Pushing her to the front door, same time Nathan opened it "hey sis" he pause staring at her Camry biting the corner of his lips. "Camry" is all he said in acknowledgement with a knowing smile on his lips before he walks away.

Wait a dam minute, what the fuck just happened in front my pupils, were they flirting?! ah ahh, not on my watch.

"Bye! Camry come back when you get some manners' I shew her ass out the door "okay you don't have to be such a bitch" she whine, lucking the door behind her.

Walking back into the kitchen mixing my potato salad finishing my rice and chicken, I called Nathan down to eat.

We said our grace and dig in, I was starving I hadn't eaten all day just some snacks in between clients.

Sitting in silence enjoying our food, the spoon hitting the plate echoed throughout the living room. I didn't wanted to bring up what just happen knowing his ass will lie through his teeth but I can tell when he's lying by certain signs.

"Nate be honest with me, what's going on with you and Camry" I ask drinking my tropical fruit punch juice.

His jaw clench before he can open his mouth, sign number one then he nonchalantly strug his shoulders "Lily we talked about this already she's your friend and we basically grew up together" he said stuffing his face again, and there he goes again sign number two that dam shoulder.

"Hmm umm I hear you boss", I know that's a lie, if they're not sexing something is going on, but it will come to light am not pressing it.

One thing I know about men with little fuck boy mentality, where vagina is involved they will sex anything that has a vagina.

I would not put nothing pass those two, Nate is a man whore and Camry is an attention seeker and thinks her pussy is the saving grace for mankind. As for me and my good pumpum ministry, will be choosing very wisely who I bless with this tightness.

"Nate do you mind washing the dishes and putting up the leftovers for me am a bit tired' I ask looking at him. "No problem but if you wake up and am not there I will be out with the fellas" he told me.

"Okay good night be smart and safe out there, love you" my brother is my only family I have left so I have to remind him to take care of himself and always be alert.

"Love you too lily" he shouted from the kitchen.

I removed my pillows from the bed and snuggle under my cozy sheet with the A\C and fan on slowly drifting off to sleep, I have a busy day tomorrow.


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