Revenge For The Deceased


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Evelyn was only sixteen when her parents died. She was going to be the new leader of the palace but when she... Еще

I: Unexpected Surpise
II: The Escape
III:Unknown Stranger
IV: Pink Slip
V: I'm Alive
VI: You Better Watch Out
VII: Meeting In The Dark
VIII: Face To Face
IX: Making A Move
X: Wounded Or Healed
XI: Going Crazy
XIII: Settling Terms
XIV: Painting to New Heights
XV: Nevada or Jayce?
XVI: Broken Medicine Store
XVII: Inviting Guests
XVIII: Discovering Secrets
XlX: Gathering Evidence
XX: Back at Square One
XXI: Big Brother
XXII: That Night
XXIII: Double Date
XIV: Frenemy
XV: Wedding Day

XII: Going For a Run

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     I slowly woke up, placing my hand on my temple from the massive headache which I received last night. I rubbed the sleep out of eyes while I let out a big yawn. Suddenly, the alarm went on which startled me, almost making me fall off my bed. I followed the mysterious alarm to my clock. Oh gosh! It's 9:40. I'm going to be late. Why did I have to take those sleeping pills? I totally forgot that the sleeping pills put me in a deep sleep for a long time. Why do these stuff always happen to me? I rushed to my bathroom, to quickly take a shower, and put something elegant on. For once it was good that we had cold showers, because if it was a hot shower I would've taken half an hour. I love showers, its relaxing and peaceful but not cold ones. Looking at my clothes I couldn't decide what to wear. Being poor now, I don't have that many clothes to choose from. It was winter so I couldn't really wear a tank top. I grabbed a pair of jeans and wore it with a shirt saying "life is a roller coaster," with a picture of an orange with a face on it, going down a crazy roller coaster.. It was red with half sleeves, which was old enough. I wore my usual studs. I wasn't much of a jewellery fan but these studs were gifted by my mother. I took a quick peak at the clock just to make sure I was on schedule. Dang it! It was 9:55. I rushed doing my brush, and quickly put on my shoes. Gosh! I really need to go shopping. I sound so girly but this isn't an easy adjustment. I was a princess just; no I am a princess, just a poor princess. Who says all princesses had to be rich? Before running out I realized I didn't put my watch. I normally am very punctual and my watch is one of those reasons why. After fastening the watch on my wrist it was 9:58. Jayce did say the park was near here, so I was just hoping that I could make it. I just about made it to the door when I stopped to take a quick glimpse in the mirror. Adjusting my hair here and there, wiping off the wrinkles on my shirt when my hourly alarm on my watch went on indicating it was 10! No time for adjustments. Run, Evelyn. Run!

     I ran out of the door, hoping he is very patient but I doubt it, he's very stubborn. I headed to the forest which was the last place I wanted to enter. Stupid branches leaving you with scars and smacking your face. Bushes leaving you with a rash, if you don't wear jeans, ignorant animals which just make your life miserable the minute you lay your eyes on them. Blocking the sun with my eyes, I came across an intersection. Remembering Jayce's words, I headed right towards the park. Of course, my jeans got ripped from all the branches; I even got some scars on my arm. This is just great. Now, I am going to look hideous. There was no point of turning back; I had to get to Jayce before it's too late.

     As I made my way, I saw a glimpse of yellow and when you're in a forest there's not much yellow around. It must be the swings, or the slides. I rushed dead ahead, I was so close that I could feel Jayce's presence. I was so close, but at the final run I tripped over a huge branch. I fell face first into the ground. I yelled out my pain so hard, as I held onto my ankle, thinking it must've gotten sprained.

    "Evelyn," I heard a voice fading away. Was it Jayce? Opening my eyes, I saw Jayce coming to my rescue again.

    "Are you okay?" Jayce voiced sounded that he was worried? It got me thinking that he might actually might like me.

    "I'm fine but I think I sprained my leg."

    "Let me take a look." Jayce leaned down to take a good look at my leg.

    "I'm fine, really?" I quickly pushed down my jeans as Jayce was trying to lift them up. To tell you the truth, I wasn't fond of guys revealing any of my body parts even if I was injured and even if I knew they didn't have any wrong intentions. I just felt uncomfortable; I like my body parts to be covered, and nothing to be lifted off, unless I do it. No one lays hands on me but me! 

    "Don't be ridiculous, you're hurt."

    "No, I'm really fine." Why couldn't he understand? My ankle is paining but it's not like he's a doctor who can heal it or a magician who can just wave his magical wand and all my pain will vanish.

    "If your really not it pain, why don't you stand up and let's walk over to the swings."

    "Sure..." I told Jayce I was sure but I'm really not. Now, I have to convince my ankle it's alright when I know it's not.

    I slowly made my way up until I was standing on both feet but the moment I walked I stumbled. I almost crashed into the ground, when Jayce caught me. Our eyes again engaging each other's. Jayce then lifted my feet off the ground, carrying me. My eyes still engaging his as his eyes engaged in front. He placed me on the greenish swing of the park. He checked my ankle for any wounds.

    "How come every time you always get injured?"

    "Come on, I don't always get injured." I emphasized on the injured.

     "Name one time then," Jayce gave me an: I know am right look. I did get injured while running away, and then Hina pushed me, now this.

    "Okay, maybe I do get injured a lot but that's because...." I wanted to give a reason but I didn't have any.

     "Let's just say because you're clumsy." Anger showed on my face but I decided to drop it. "Your ankle is just sprained, if you rest and stop walking around, it'll get better."

    "Thanks doctor Jayce" I sarcastically said as I pulled down my jeans. Jayce got up and sat on the swing right beside mine. Both of us started swinging very lightly while kicking our feet in the dirt. It reminded me of my childhood days, where my dad would put me on the swings when I got injured and then swing right beside me to let me know that he'll always be by my side.

    "So I guess you accepted my proposal?" Jayce interrupted my thoughts of my father.

    "Huh," I shortly let out but then thought what he said.

    "Well......" I started to give him my explanation, but couldn't really think of anything.

    "You don't have to give me an explanation. But, I just want to say one thing. Everything happens for a reason. So I hope you know the reason that you came here today." Jayce dazzled me with that quote of his. My mom used to recite that quote to me whenever something terrible happened; she wanted me to understand life.

    "Where did you hear that saying?"

     "My mom told me that saying." There was a brief pause, as I was anticipating for more info, Jayce uttered "Just forget about it." Jayce angrily swooped up from the swing. I was shocked but worried at the same time. I've never seen him so emotional before.

      "I'm sorry, I didn't know........."

     "You didn't know what!" Jayce cut me off. "My mom told me! That's all!" By the sound of his voice he was acting very emotional. It almost sounded like he was crying out a painful memory. I knew there was more to it than that.

      "Are you okay?" I tried to take the soft approach but it probably didn't work because I'm not good at comforting people. Whenever I saw a loved one cry, I mostly force the reason for the tears and then I try my best to help them but that mostly happened with girls. Jayce on the other hand was different but I was still desperate to know why he was shedding tears.

     "I'm fine, let's just go home." Jayce stormed off and I started chasing him, trying not to fall behind but I forgot about my sprained ankle and let out a groan as I moved my leg and fell to the ground. Jayce suddenly stopped, and turned around to see me in pain.

    "I'm sorry," I heard him utter.

    "Can we just stay here a little longer? All my life I was always held captive but now I just want to embrace the outside world."

    "Sure but not too long." Jayce stated as we made our way back to the swings.

   "Why, are you planning on cheating on me, already?" Jayce chuckled and I followed after him as I started to pick up speed on the swing.

     "You just have to wait and see," Jayce half laughed and half smiled.

    "And what is that supposed to mean?" I started to get giggly and bubbly which totally isn't me.

     "You'll find out when we reach home."

    "Thanks for making me curious. Ahh, I hate secrets." My smile turned into a frown. I started to be stubborn ignoring whatever Jayce was saying.

     "You probably have a bunch of secrets I don't know." Jayce was acting smart but I could tell he was curious as well.

    "We'll you got me there. When the time is right all our secrets will be spilled, I guess." 

    Jayce and I kept conversing for a while. He asked me about my parents and what I meant by feeling captive as I said before. I also asked him questions. I learnt his mom was a magnificent artist but never shared her talent, like Jayce did.

    "So, you took after you mom. That's sweet." I had a magnificent grin on my face.

    "Yeah, I guess it was for the better."

    "What do you mean? What about your dad?" My grin turned into suspicion. Like, I said I'm curious and can't survive not knowing what he's talking about. Who was his dad?

    "My dad...." Jayce took a brief pause before continuing. "My dad was not really a role model in my life but we got along."

    "I see, so are you parents with my parents?" My eyes gazed at the sky. Jayce looked at the sky after me but never answered my question. Seeing him look at the sky, I thought he didn't have to say it because I already understood but then he surprised me, when he slowly uttered the word under his breath...

    "Yeah." Jayce then turned his gaze towards me. I quickly looked back at the sky but could hear Jayce's chuckle right beside me.

    "Look at the time!" Jayce got up from the swing. "We were carried off by your talks, that I almost forgot I had to go home. Let's move, now!" Jayce ran up to me and stood his hand out before I could even process what he just said.

    I followed what other couples will do and I placed my hand on his. Jayce gripped my hand tight and lifted me up from the swing. Jayce carefully then placed my hand around his shoulder as we made our way home.

    "Go get changed, you look like a mess." I then examined myself from head to toe, seeing my ripped jeans, a stain on my shirt from the fall and dirt everywhere. I let out a small chuckle and nodded, while I headed to my room. Jayce then placed his grip back as he saw me almost fall.

    "I'll take you to your room." Jayce insisted and I nodded again.

    After taking a quick shower and putting on fresh clothes, I gave myself a good look in the mirror. Trying to see what I look like after two weeks living the average life. My face which looked like the life was sucked out of me. My plain white shirt with yoga pants, like I'm getting ready to run a mile. Actually, I'm looking like I just ran a mile, with all that water on my face from the shower but looking like sweat.

    "Hurry up!" Jayce yelled as he knocked on the door fiercely.

    "Coming!" I yelled back. Turning away from the mirror, I opened the door, looking at a well prepared Jayce.


    "The reason I wanted to tell you to hurry up!" Jayce interrupted me and stepped back so I can look at his outfit. He was wearing tracks, and a very tight, and I mean tight undershirt which showed the outline of his gorgeous abs. Did I mention GORGEOUS? I literally stared at his 6 pack abs, thinking how can a guy that doesn't eat that much be healthy. After a long stare, I started to giggle!

     "What!" Jayce made a funny face, and was clueless to why I was giggling so hard.

    "You wanted to come back, just so you can get a jog." I started laughing even harder. This boy barely eats, and now he wants to run like a mile. He already looks so healthy making me look like a twig. I admit it I was kind of upset, knowing he takes good care of himself. Don't get me wrong. As a princess I had a strict diet to follow but with no food lately I've lost a dramatic amount of weight. Now I look like a twig but I appreciate his determination. Even in the cold, he's willing to run, so he can be healthy.

    "What!" Jayce repeated. You think I'm going to jog in this weather. You must be crazy." Jayce showed some attitude, and then my giggle stopped.

     "Then where are you going to go dressed like that?" I gestured towards his clothes.

    "The job you set me up with. Did you forget already?"

   "Oh," I stupidly let out but I thought he only designed stuff, so why was he dressed like a construction worker? And he calls me stupid but I still had to ask.

     "But why are you dressed like that? You're a designer......" I stopped there to let him finish

    "I'm getting paid extra to actually build my design ad be the manager of the wedding. So I have to cut, saw......."

    "Oh," I stupidly let out for the second time. But, I refuse to a admit defeat.


    "What now." Jayce started to get really annoyed with me but what can I do, I'm a curious girl. I hate not knowing stuff. It makes me feel left out, like you don't belong. I hate that feeling!

    "I still don't know why you're dressing like that. Like, you said look at the weather, it's so cold outside."

    "Not that many citizens live in the south since it's a deserted area. It's frankly not even that cold here. Sure we have a few chills here and there but I learn to adjust to the cold weather in my days. And the palace is a long drive from here, which means it's less cold at the palace than in this area. Any more questions now." Jayce stared at me, waiting for another annoying question.

     "No....... but you have to admit we both look like were going for a jog."

     "Whatever" Jayce put on his cool macho look.

     "Let's just go!" I angrily said, making my way to the door but stopped as Jayce placed his hand on my arm. I turned around yelling out "What!"

     "You're not going anywhere."

     "What!" I have to stop saying what.

     "It's not only me who's working there, other co-workers will be there too and we can't risk anyone seeing you alive."

     "I get we're dating now, but you don't control me. I'm not going to live the rest of my life hiding. I'm not that kind of person and never will be. I have a plan, so don't worry about it." I loosened my arm from his grip. We both went in the car, in utter silence.

    "You don't have to be angry. I was just didn't want you to be hurt."

     "I'm a grown woman, and I have learnt to defend for myself."

    "I'm sure you have." Jayce responded but I couldn't tell if he was being sincere or not. "I knew you were going to do something like this. So, I prepared myself." Jayce told me while driving.

     "What do you mean by that?" I got curious again.

     "The other co-workers will come at 4, so you don't have to worry about being caught. I told Hina that I was going to get there early, so we don't risk you getting caught."

    "When did Hina and you start talking?"

    "Ever since you got your little nose into my business, and made me get this job." I ignored Jayce as he was getting on my nerves. I leaned against the car window, opening it and looking outside. Looking around my surrounding there was dead silence. Not a human insight, not a car on the road, well except ours.


I KNOW THIS WAS POSTED REALLY REALLY REALLY LATE! And this time I really don't have an excuse other than I was.... lazy. I couldv'e posted like two pages and that to last week but no that would never meet my friends expectations (Anoyacinth, IIBlueFlamesII, BePsychedelic)! SO, here you go! I hope it meets your length expectations if it still doesn't too bad! My chapters will never be as long as this! TRUST ME! I spent forever writing this! AND once again I'm sorry!

Also a thanks to everyone who reads my story!! You guys are the best!!! Please fan, vote, and comment!

Thanks For Reading :D


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