Cat & Mouse

SearaSky द्वारा

31.4K 1.3K 123

Two best friends: one a science/history geek, and the other a daredevil who is always down for any challenge... अधिक

A/N: Fun, Not so fun Facts
Mission Recieved, Mission Accepted
Meet the Crew
Journey to the Past
The Expedition Begins
Let the Games Begin
Cats & Mice
Now What?
Bittersweet Reunion
Not Alone
The Nest
Not According to Plan
Into the Woods
Making Camp
To Hit on a Yautja
To Understand Feelings
The Cavern
Journey's End
The Last Stand
First Time
Mission Seară
Troubled Times
Training Begins: Seară's Truth
Something's Off
I Love You
Happy Ending Nightmare
Wedding Preparations
Wedding Crashers
Burn It Down
Prelude to Hell
All Hell Breaks Loose
Second Chance
The Queen

Clash of Titans

604 27 1
SearaSky द्वारा

Blaze, Archer, and Blade had tracked the bad blood to an abandoned planet. It was very dense with tall, thick trees. It also had many mountains, valleys and gorges. Naturally the three went their separate ways in order to scout around to find where the bad blood had made camp. Archer was the one to find it. Looking around the camp there were a few large cages. One could only assume the bad blood had hounds, or they once housed the kidnapped game he was now hunting. There was one smaller cage and Archer had a bad feeling about it. Pulling up his gauntlet he looked at another 3D holographic map of the planet. Tapping a few more buttons, the heat signatures appeared. Once he located the smallest one, he instantly ran towards it. In fact he actually sprinted. When he arrived to the heat signature the child was hunkered down and crying quietly. He silently climbed into a tree, his cloaking device on. He stayed there and watched over the child. He sent Blade and Blaze a message. Instructing them to observe the other humans. If they were honorable, Archer planned to bring them and the child together. Blaze responded that a few of the captives had joined together. Two were female, one appeared to be medical staff and the other appeared to be military. The male in the group seemed to be ex-military. Archer sent Blaze the coordinates of the child with the instructions to chase the trio to it.

Blaze and Blade joined together in order to start corraling the trio to the location. They merely had to show themselves, growl and lunged at them. The group immediately sprinted away as they yelled. Archer snapped his attention at a distant howl. Glancing at the heat signatures, the hound would make it to the child before the humans did. Archer stood up from his perch, preparing to intercept. The hound came into view, charging full speed. The child screamed, conveniently standing up and running towards the trio. Archer leaped from the tree hitting the ground in a sprint. Dropping his center mass, he slammed his shoulder into the oversized hound tackling it to the ground some meters away from the child. He pulled his bow and an arrow. He nocked and loosed the arrow at the oncoming second hound. The hound shrieked before collapsing and dying. Where there were hounds, a Yautja wasn't far behind. In this case, a bad blood. Before the tackled hound could stand to charge again, Archer pulled his knife out. He swiftly stabbed it into the canine's torso, puncturing through the lung, ribs and into the heart. Allowing the canine to die as painlessly as possible. Archer's cover was already blown now thanks to rescuing the child. He didn't bother to cloak himself again when he came face to face with the bad blood. The bad blood and Archer stared each other down. This was bad, Archer knew hand to hand, but it wasn't his specialty. By the time he was able to ready his bow and aim the Bad blood would already be reaching him and he'd be wide open. Really didn't think this through so well. He knows, and used a child as bait... Archer thought to himself. The bad blood had an amused and arrogant gleam in his eye. "Blooded are so predictable." He sneered in their language. Just then one other bad blood uncloaked behind the first one. That was definitely not in our briefing. Archer thought internally. Archer just growled. He only needed to distract them so the child could get away. Glancing at his gauntlet he saw they were close. In his field of vision he could see a message from Blaze. The child and the trio had met, and of course they took the child in. The emotions of human females were weaknesses at times. Other times they became strengths. The drive to protect due to the maternal instincts of the human race knew no bounds. Unfortunately the group was traveling his way.

Archer started to step backwards. The Bad bloods tensed ready to attack. He had an arrow nocked in seconds and launched it at the duo of bad bloods. It exploded near them, and did some damage to their legs, but didn't hit them enough to kill them. Archer turned and ran. The Bad bloods roared in anger and began chasing after him. Their plasma castors firing rapidly. Archer was navigating through the dense forest at a nearly blinding speed while dodging blast after blast, zigging and zagging to make it harder to aim. He knew he wasn't going to get away, but escaping was not his intention. He was simply using himself as bait. He wanted to get the pair as far away from the group as possible, and so far it was working. He also knew what awaited him once he got captured, but it didn't matter. Behind him he could hear the bad bloods were only getting angrier. An unseen force slammed into Archer from the side. A third bad blood uncloaked itself as it tackled Archer to the ground. Archer roared kicking him off. He quickly stood, but the other two had arrived and he was surrounded. One landed a powerful punch, making Archer stumble into the fist of another. Once again stumbling back only to be punched again. They repeated this process of punch after punch for some time. They even escalated it to kicking him or slicing through his flesh with a knife. Archer was beginning to lose consciousness, his vision switching between blurred and dark. Finally one of them grabbed Archer by his throat and lifted him up as their hand tightened around his esophagus. With a roar the bad blood raised Archer higher before slamming him down as hard as possible. There was a distinctive crack, and Archer hacked up some blood. It was at this point everything went dark. After many attempts and nearly 24 hours, Blaze and Blade were still unable to reach Archer at all. They glanced at each other. Blaze began typing into his gauntlet. Using his mask he tapped into Archer's mask. All he saw was his brother's body. He was tied against a large stone pillar. His armor had been stripped off, and his weapons were gone as well. His head hung low, the dreadlocks covering his face. However it was easy to see the flourescent green blood dripping from his mouth. Looking at the rest of his broken body there was more blood: some dry and some fresh. It wasn't hard to guess he had been tortured. Blaze growled. The bad blood was going to pay for that. Blade snarled at the sight, it only made him think of what happened to his clan and his younger brother. Blaze instructed his brother's mask to scan the area. Once the mask recognized the coordinates and pin pointed them on their holographic map, Blade and Blaze cloaked themselves and ran for the camp.

Meanwhile the group of humans had come across the camp as well. On their adventures they were fortunate to come across weapons. They had also happened upon other humans as well. However, everyone else was dead now. Between canine beasts, and gigantic dreadlocked aliens, only four remained: a child, a nurse, a soldier, and ex-military. They stared at all the skulls displayed around the camp. The nurse had the child's eyes covered. The next thing their eyes landed on was one of the dread locked aliens. Immediately the group had their weapons ready and pointed at it. The child was able to see around the nurse's fingers. "Wait no!" the child yelled. The group looked at the small girl. "That one is nice. He helped me get away." She said. "We have to help him too." The girl walked over to an unconscious Archer. "Mr. Alien? Can you hear us?" She asked and she poked him. Archer didn't stir really. The little girl went around the pillar. She looked at the adults. "Help." She said and the rest of the group walked over. They all looked at the chains. The ex-military man began to pick the iron locks. When they were all unlocked they quickly unwrapped the chains. Archer just fell over landing on the ground. The little girl shook him as hard as she could. "Mr alien wake up!" A growl began vibrating through his chest. He slowly lifted his head his eyes landing on the little girl. The nurse quickly grabbed her and pulled her away. Archer pulled himself off the ground standing up. The humans formed a sort of human shield around the girl as they stared him down. "We set you free so get us the fuck out of here." the man demanded. Archer growled loudly, snatching the man by his throat, and raising him off the ground. "Mr. alien, wait!" The little girl slipped between the adults to rush to Archer. "He didn't mean to be mean." She said. Archer looked at the girl. "Put the mean man down please?" She asked. Archer slowly lowered him down to his feet before letting him go. The group sighed in relief. Archer looked around the camp. When his autumn eyes landed on his gear he walked over to it. He redressed himself in his body net, the fabric and his armor. Lastly he slipped his mask back on.

There was a growl and Archer looked over to see the three bad bloods all staring him down. The humans gasped. Archer simply stepped around them all. The humans all hid behind his back. The bad blood that Archer guessed was the leader roared at them all. Archer roared back. The bad bloods began circling them, and just as he had done with the canines that surrounded them on the other planet, he matched their step. "Too bad you're not a woman. Breaking you would be fun. Although maybe breaking you would be more fun because you're not female." The leader sneered in their language. Archer growled and then roared again. The leader looked at the other two bad bloods and they stood down. Archer and the leader ran at each other. Both tackled the other at the same time, so they crashed, landing hard together. The leader was the larger and stronger of the two so he landed on top. He pulled his arm back and thrust it forward to land a powerful punch. Archer dodged and instead he hit the ground, leaving an indent in the dirt. Archer kicked him off and slid out from under him. As the leader stood up Archer greeted him by clotheslining him. Archer then began landing one powerful blow after another. He stood to curb stomp the leader, but before the stomp landed the leader had rolled out of the way and was back to his feet. His plasma canon began to glow and whir as it powered up. Archer ran, once again zig zagging to make aiming harder, and keeping away from the blasts as they were fired. He leaped over a large boulder tucking against it. The leader approached where Archer was hiding. He looked down behind the boulder, the blade attached to his wrist gauntlet fully extended, but Archer wasn't there. There was a roar and then he was slammed into the ground from the side as Archer uncloaked. The leader roared in frustration. Turning his head, his mandibles bit deeply into Archer's arm. Archer roared in pain, quickly ripping his arm away and moving back. Archer nocked and loosed an arrow swiftly as the blood dripped from his arm. The explosion sent the leader flying. Before Archer could release another arrow, he jerked when a powerful strike landed on his abdomen. One of the other bad bloods appeared in front of him. The other appeared behind, grabbing Archer's arms and pinning them behind his back. Archer growled slamming his head back and head butting the one restraining him. Using the same force he lifted his legs and kicked the one in front of him. Both getting knocked off balance. Archer was temporarily free only to get his throat snatched by the leader's hand once again. "We will definitely be having a lot of fun with you. Let's see how tough you blooded really are." He growled as he leaned closer. Archer head butted him. There was a sickening crack as his mask met the leader's mandibles. When they separated 3 of 4 of his mandibles were broken. A vibration echoed through Archer's chest to signify he was laughing. The leader roared loud, raising the blade on his wrist and began to slam it down to pierce it through Archer. Flourescent green blood spilled everywhere. Roxy and the little girl both made very high pitched screams.

Archer was covered in blood, but it wasn't his own. The screams were echoed by a ground shaking, very pissed off roar. The leader's severed hand was laying on the ground. A smart disc arched through the air and back into the expecting hand of Blaze. Archer kicked off of the leader, doing backflip and landed on his feet a few yards away. Blaze and the leader both roared at each other, then charged slamming into each other, before starting an all out brawl. The amount of crushing sounds and blood splatter was more than a little intense for fists, knees and feet only. However, Blaze was pissed, and Nadia was fully aware of his anger issues. They had learned this was known as Blood Rage. The reason they meditated was to control it. Blade appeared in front of one of the other bad bloods. His katana pressed against his jugular. Blade and the bad blood stared each other down. The bad blood pulled his own blade slicing upwards, knocking Blade's katana away. The two began their own fight. The clanging of swords was really all you could track. Their movements were so fast it was almost blinding to try to keep up. Archer meanwhile was attacking the third bad blood. This one wasn't as large or as powerful as the leader so it was more of an even match. Claire discovered that by adjusting her fields of vision she could track Blade's battle easier. She watched intently as he and the bad blood fought. His movements were smooth, and precise yet forceful. Based on the way he was moving and his postures and stances, it was like watching a cat. It was beautiful, sort of like a deadly and bloody dance. It was oddly enchanting. Blade had his two Katana, but he was only using one. Claire believed it was because his opponent only had one blade. The bad blood he was against seemed to have more honor than the other two. They kept clashing, but when one fell or lost balance, the other waited for them to get their footing back. Towards the end the pair stared each other down again. They dropped into an attack stance at the same time and both charged forward. They each sliced at the same time as they passed each other. It was almost like they were mirrored. Blade's opponent however was the one that fell first. His body laid in one area, his severed head was in another. Blood pooled from both parts. Blade whipped his katana sharply through the air, the blood flew off of it due to the momentum. Once it was clean he put it back on his back. He wasn't entirely unscathed. He had a deep, horizontal cut across his abdominal muscles.

Meanwhile, Archer and the second bad blood were at each other's throats. Their wrists were deadlocked as they were trying to impale each other. The bad blood had a knife he was trying to stab Archer with in one hand, while his other hand was keeping Archer's armed hand at bay. On the flip side, Archer was holding the bad bloods knife hand back, while his other hand was trying to stab the bad blood with an explosive arrow. The muscles and veins in their arms were popping due to the sheer power in their grips and the strength they were using to hold the other back. Archer was at a slight disadvantage being shorter than his opponent. His opponent was using this to his advantage as he pressed more of his weight down. Archer was starting to buckle. In a hail-mary attempt, Archer decided to use his own height in favor of him. He dropped his shoulder suddenly, it was enough to break the bad blood's concentration and edge. He swiftly pivoted around the bad blood kicking him on the back of one of his knees. The bad blood dropped to a knee. Archer spun the rest of the way around, dropping low as the bad blood stood, he slammed his arrow upwards. The arrow pierced through the bad blood's bottom jaw and was stuck in his mouth. The arrow exploded at the contact. Flourescent green blood, and brain matter splashed everywhere. The brawl between Blaze and the leader ended after Blaze slammed him down onto a boulder hard enough to break it. He slammed his fist down onto the leader's face as if he just swung a sledge hammer. The amount of blood that splattered was haunting. Blaze however wasn't done. He grabbed either side of the leader's face, digging his claws into his flesh. With a strong grip, he ripped the leader's head from his shoulders, spine and all coming out with it. Blaze released a mighty roar as he held the head up. The humans were just staring in shock and horror. The amount of gore they just witnessed was too much to handle. Even though it was bright green blood, and not the blood of humans it was still hard to describe what they felt and comprehended, aside from sick to their stomachs. Roxy, Nadia and Claire all screamed as they hugged each other and jumped up and down celebrating. They knew the mother ship would go to pick them up. They all sprinted out and towards where they'd enter. Archer coaxed the group of humans to follow them. The little girl was fine to listen, but the women needed some encouragement from the man. Eventually they went with them. The mother ship uncloaked when they reached it. The humans gawked at the massive structure.

The door opened. "Gheaţă!" was all they heard as Roxy came barreling down the ramp. She made it to about halfway before she leaped off and into Archer's arms. Archer, still weakened from his experience on the planet, actually ended up being tackled by her. She landed on top. She hugged him tightly. "You scared me to death you big bastard!" She cried as she hugged him tighter. The humans they rescued stared in wide eyed confusion. Nadia was the next one that came down the ramp. She was slightly calmer, but only until she saw Blaze. When her eyes landed on her Big Guy she smiled wide. "Off!" she ordered pointing towards his mask. He obliged, and immediately she wrapped her arms around him as she pushed her tongue into his mouth to make it dance with his. The other humans almost threw up. Claire was the third one down. She was genuinely calm. A gentle smile spread across her face as she saw Blade. Blade trilled perking up instantly. She hugged him and he hugged her too, chuffing again as he nuzzled her. The girls all let them go stepping away. "Go get cleaned up." they all said and giggled at the unison. The three males walked inside as instructed. Nadia slapped Blaze's ass as he passed and he made the clicking growl. Nadia grinned. The new humans stared at the girls like they had about a dozen heads. "He's my mate I'm allowed." Nadia defended. "But it's a... an it!" The nurse exclaimed. "He is beautiful, but deadly. No different than half of the flowers and frogs from Earth." Claire chimed in. Roxy nodded. The humans shook their heads. "Well, whatever. They helped you. Come on, so they can get you guys home." Nadia said and the humans followed the women inside the ship.

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