Sonic the Hedgehog & The Dale...

By DalekLord

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To get back the seven Chaos Emeralds from Dr. Eggman, Sonic and his friends manage to take the Blue Typhoon a... More

Authors Note
Part One: A Wounded Hero and Gathering
Part Two: The Dead Planet
Part Three: Finding Eggman and Taken Prisoners
Part Four: The Parliament of the Daleks, The Supreme Dalek, and Dalek X
Part Five: Dalek Trooper Production
Part Six: Labor Camp and The Thals
Part Seven: Plan of The Great Escape
Part Eight: X Group and Dr. Nega Robotnik to the Rescue
Part Nine: Varga Plant, Rebec, and Playing with Dolls
Part Ten: Welcome to the Thal Resistance and Reconnaissance
Part Eleven: Instant VHSs, DVDs, Blu-ray and Streaming
Part Twelve: Ambush Plan, and Dinner
Part Fourteen: The Cult of Skaro, Trash Compactor, and Rescue from the Enemy
Part Fifteen: Unit 359#58290 and Chaos Supreme Speech
Part Sixteen: The Final Boss
Part Seventeen: Homebound and Conclusion
Blooper Reel

Part Thirteen: Ambush, Chaos Supreme and Blake's Death

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By DalekLord

[Eggman's Flagship]

A squad of Dalek Troopers exit Eggman's Flagship carrying the Master Emerald.

The lead Trooper takes out imagecaster that showed a hologram of Commander Saunderz.

Lead Trooper - "The Master Emerald has been collected and is now in our grasp, Commander."

Commander Saunderz - "Very good, Sergeant. Meet us back at the city. We move out on the Thal Camp in 2200 rels."

Lead Trooper - "Yes, sir. Right away."

He turns the imagecaster off and signals his troops to return to the Dalek City.

[Thal Hidden Camp]

Back at the Thal camp, everyone is gathering weapons. Sonic notices Taron sitting on a rock with his duel axe in hand.

He rushed over and sat next to him.

Sonic - "Hello, Taron."

Taron - "Oh, Sonic. I never noticed you rush over."

Sonic - "Yeah, That's my speed for you. You know I never got a chance to thank you for taking us in after we liberated the Labor Camp."

Taron - "It was nothing. But I really prefer our race being pacifists. That was before the Daleks found out we were alive and we were forced to return to our war doing from the Thousand Year War."

Sonic - "I understand. I mean I maybe no Pacifist, but I would fight for my planet if there was no one else to fight."

Dr. Eggman - "Blake, I've got an idea. My brother and I will grab the rest of my Badnik Robots and we'll meet you at the ambush as backup."

Blake - "Good idea. But don't be late."

[Dalek City]

At the entrance of the city, the Supreme Dalek's personal coach leaves the city with two large Spider Dalek Walker escorts.

[Swamp Path]

The whole camp is marching down the Mutated Swamp. Blake had Tails, Espio, and some other Thals dressed in Dalek Trooper uniform as to lead the Supreme Dalek into the ambush.

Cooki was also pushing the muticuncka stand he said he had for after the ambush.

Shade was also trying to hold Tank back from having an eighth meal.

Blake holds his arm up as like to halt signal.

Blake - "This is the spot. Tails, Espio, You lead the Dalek Escorts to where we're at. Everyone else, Wait for my signal."

Everyone gets into a hiding spot while Blake goes up a rocky heap to keep a look out.

Meanwhile in a bush their hiding in Amy just takes the advantage of acting scared.

Amy - "Sonikku, I'm scared. Can I get a little bit closer to you?"

Sonic - "Just take it easy, Amy. Those Daleks' should be long.

And he was right. The Supreme Dalek's personal coach came around the corner alone.

Blake - "Perfect."

Tails - *Acting as a Dalek Trooper with the visor down* "Sir, we've located the Thals. They're just by the mud pits."

Metallic Supreme Dalek - *Inside the coach* "EXCELLENT! YOU MAY LEAD THE WAY!"

Tails and Espio led the to where the other were. Espio looked up and nodded to Blake.

He makes a butterfly signal to the others and everyone comes out of hiding and begins tearing the coach apart. Especially Sticks, who went Ballistic. Just in time, Eggman and Nega appeared in their ships and a ton of Badniks raced towards coach.

But once the Smoke cleared the Supreme Dalek wasn't in they're at all.

All of a sudden, the sound of stomping came round the corner.

Blake - "Oh, no. Spider Walkers."

Then out of the blue, the Supreme Dalek hovered over the sight.


Dr. Eggman - "Eggman! You know I renamed myself to Dr. Eggman! You're doing that on purpose."


Next to him was the Master Emerald in a hover bowl. Everyone gasps at the sight of it.


Sonic - "Oh, No."

That's when the Supreme Dalek put his manipulator arm on the Master Emerald and it glows until a mass streak of green lightning engulfs him and he shows with green shining through his eyestalk and grate section. He was no longer the Metallic Supreme, but Chaos Supreme.

Chaos Supreme Dalek - "CHAOS! IS! POWER!"

That's when a whole Battalion of Dalek Troopers come out the bushes and attack the Thals.

Everyone from the camp put up a fight with the threat.

Even many children Thals had joined the fight. an eight year old Thal, tried to grabbed a trooper but got his stomach impaled with a dagger.

A fellow Trooper looked down on the child. But unlike his comrades, he knelt down to the child's aid. The young Thal looked up at the Dalek Trooper with tears coming out his innocent eyes. His right hand, which he used to covered his dagger wound, raised and put on the Trooper's helmet.

Child Thal - "I-Imperial S-Scum!"

Then his hand slid down the Trooper's helmet and visor. This actually shook him up with what he and his comrades are doing. He stood up and looked with shakily breath. Instead of continuing the fight he hid in amongst the dead trees.

Blake could no longer bare the look of many of his people suffering and threw his dagger a side. He had to make the most dishonourable choice a Thal would make...

Blake - "Okay! We surrender."

Everyone looked up in confusion as to why he said this.

Blake - "I know for generations, our species' have been fighting each other to the death. But I wouldn't let this continue with more blood or sacrifices. Or more lives!"

Eggman and his followers and many Thals including Taron, Vaper, Cooki, and Rebec took this as an opportunity to sneak into the undergrowth.

Blake - "But tonight, tonight I draw the line for Peace, for harmony, and a new era! Well, Supreme. What you say?"

Chaos Supreme Dalek - "EXTERMINATE!!!"

The Supreme Dalek fired a green death ray at Blake. Lighting up his skeleton. But instead of falling to the ground after the shot, his body exploded. Leaving only his Skeleton.

The Supreme Dalek then turned his attention to the Mobians.

Chaos Supreme Dalek - "NOW, MOBIANS!"

The Dalek Troopers began surrounding Sonic and his friends. One signaled the Blood marked Trooper to stay near the remaining Thals.

Sonic - "You've just taken an innocent life. All he wanted was your reign to end is so the war didn't continue. As with the others they want free from Imperial Occupation."


Commander Saunderz and several Escorts came off a spider walker and held the Mobians at gun point and marched them towards the walker.

Captain Helmet - "Sir, what of the remaining Thals?"

The Supreme Dalek looked down at them with a long cold stare before...

Chaos Supreme Dalek - "KILL THEM ALL!"

The Dalek Troopers aimed their blasters at the Thals. Who were now scared none the less.

Captain Helmet - "On my Command."

The blood marked Trooper aims his blaster at them too.

Captain Helmet - "Fire!!!"

The whole Battalion fires on the remaining Thals.

Our heroes look at the sight with dread and sadness. They had made friends with this camp and now they were being gunned down.

During the shooting, the blood marked Trooper just lowered his blaster with out firing a shot. Through his visor and eyestalk. It tells that it is shameful and regret with his head slightly shaking.

The Supreme Dalek begins to leave when he notices the blood marked Trooper looking up at him.

[Thal Hidden Camp]

After escaping back to the camp, many of the survivors just sat and heard the shooting massacre.

Eggman was in deep regret.

Dr. Eggman - "It's my fault, I should never have come here to build a new eclipse cannon."

Snively - "Don't beat yourself up, sir. It was our old intention."

Taron - "Right now our new intention is to rescue Sonic and the others if there are any survivors."

Vaper - "Taron, why can't you face it?!"

Taron - "Wha..."

Vaper - "No one could have survived that shooting!"

Taron - "Vaper!"

Vaper - "Our leader's now dead, them Mobians are dead, half the camp is dead!"

Rebec - "Vaper, it could be possible they could have been taken prisoner."

Dr. Eggman - "Well, I'm going to make sure Sonic and the others are still alive. Anyone wanting to volunteer, do it now."

Everyone steps forward.

Eggman nods in agreement and looks towards the Dalek City.

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