Dear Diary... Nosipho's Life

By NoxoloMnune

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My name is Nosipho, I am 17 years old and I am still in high school doing grade 11, I live with my mother and... More

Dear Diary 1: My Crush
Dear Diary 2... Going on a date
Dear Diary 3... Getting to know a new friend
Dear Diary 4... A blow up
Dear Diary 5... An unexpected revelation
Dear Diary 6... Going out with a new friend
Dear Diary 7... Shocking Behaviour
Dear Diary 8... The biggest fight
Dear Diary 9... Making Amends
Dear Diary 10... New Relationship
Dear Diary 11... Drama at the Braai
Dear Diary 12... Fixing Shit
Dear Diary 13... A Fresh Start
Dear Diary 14... Jealous Boyfriend
Dear Diary 15... Breaking The Great Wall of China
Dear Diary 16... A Night Out
Dear Diary 17... Home Alone
Dear Diary 18... Ending the Weekend with a Bang
Dear Diary 19... Nerve-Racking Day
Dear Diary 20... Weekend Visitation
Dear Diary 21... Bun in the Oven
Dear Diary 22... Facing Reality
Dear Diary 23... Conflicted
Dear Diary 24... Keeping A Secret
Dear Diary 26... Family Meeting
Dear Diary 27... Silent Treatment
Dear Diary 28... A Great Day
Dear Diary 29... Falling Apart
Dear Diary 30... The Break Up
Dear Diary 31... A Present Father To Be
Dear Diary 32... Shopping For The Little One
Dear Diary 33... Unexpected Phone Call
Dear Diary 34... The Name
Dear Diary 35... Amending Things
Dear Diary 36... The Birth of Assa
Dear Diary 37: The Day After The Birth
Dear Diary 38: First Night At Home
Dear Diary 39: Going Back Home
Dear Diary 40: First Day At School
Dear Diary 41: Date Night
Dear Diary 42: Visiting For The First Time
Dear Diary 43: Family Day

Dear Diary 25... Revealing The Secret

20 3 0
By NoxoloMnune

The rest of September was okay but I was starting to show so I spent less time with my mom because I didn’t want her to notice my stomach, I still saw Ashley almost every day and we still spoke on the phone every day.

I can’t believe it’s already October and I still haven’t told anyone, it’s still only Ashley and I who know about the pregnancy. Today I’m going for my 4-month check-up and Ashley is taking me there even though it’s during the week and I’m supposed to be at school, I told Tumi that I’m not coming to school because I’m not feeling well. Ashley got here at 9am and we left for the doctor’s appointment

Me: Babe I look fat and disgusting

Ashley: You are not fat, you are pregnant

Me: The darker circle around my nipple is getting bigger and darker and my boobs are getting bigger and feel kinder heavier, this is just awful

Ashley: You will be fine my love, hasn’t your mom noticed anything?

Me: I’m not sure hey, but she has been commenting a lot on my weight gain, she says we should slow down on eating at restaurants

Ashley: Babe I think you should tell her today

Me: Not today

Ashley: If not today when?

Me: Why are you being so damn pushy!?

Ashley: I just think the sooner you tell her the better it will get for us

Me: Then tell her

Ashley: Maybe I should

Me: I will tell her when the time is right

Ashley: Nosi you better do it today

Me: Fine, I will tell her today

Ashley: Good

Me: Whatever

We arrived at the doctor’s office and already my mood was spoiled by Ashley, we got in and the doctor asked me to lie down on a bed next to an ultrasonography and then he drizzled gel on my stomach and checked the baby, Ashley was right by my side holding my hand

Doctor: There’s your baby right there, he/she is now about the size of your hand, growing and developing all his/her senses. By the look of things, you and the baby are coming along just fine

Ashley: Wow thanks doctor, so when will we know the gender?

Doctor: On her 5-month appointment

Me: Oh

Doctor: I will give you a prescription for all the pills you need at the pharmacy

Ashley: Okay, thank you doc

I got up and wiped the gel off my stomach, after the doctor gave us the prescription we went to the pharmacy and bought all the pills needed, after that we went to eat

Me: You know… todays appointment got me excited about the baby

Ashley: I got excited the minute we found out that you are pregnant, I just can’t wait to start buying tiny baby clothes

Me: And I can’t wait to find out what we are having

Ashley: I know right

Me: This gave me all the courage I need to tell my mom

Ashley: Do you need me there?

Me: No, I will handle this on my own

Ashley: Have you told Tumi?

Me: No I haven’t told anyone, you?

Ashley: I haven’t told anyone either

Me: I think I should write a letter to my mom, I don’t think I can tell her face to face, I’m scared

Ashley: That’s actually a great idea

Me: Yeah

Ashley: I love you okay

Me: I love you too

He gave me a kiss

Me: Please take me home, I’m sleepy and I need to write the letter before my mom gets home

Ashley: Are you still traumatized by my… you know?

Me: [Laughing] I’m not sure… why don’t we start at your place for an hour or two and find out if I’m still traumatized or not

Ashley: Why are we still here? Let’s go baby let’s go!

The way we rushed to his place, you would swear we were being chased. When we got there, we didn’t even make it to the bedroom, we had sex in the living room (on the couch), our clothes were all over the place. I know this was probably not the best idea but we haven’t had sex in a while, it seemed like the best idea and trust me, the sex was amazing

Ashley: So…?

Me: I don’t think I’m traumatized anymore

Ashley: [Laughing] Was it that good?

Me: Yep

Ashley: Come here…

We started kissing again then went in for round 2, after round 2 I fell asleep, I was too exhausted for round 3. Ashley woke me up at 3pm

Ashley: Baby

Me: What?

Ashley: It’s 3pm

Me: Oh shit, I have to be home before my little brother gets home

I got dressed quickly and he took me home, after he left I took a shower then started writing a letter for my mom, I just didn’t know where to start but I finally found the words

[Me (letter): Dear Mom

I’ve done something really bad, if I had only listened to you then I wouldn’t be in this situation, I’m really sorry for letting you down and embarrassing you, I know dad is also disappointed in me, I’m 4 months pregnant, I didn’t mean for any of this to happen, I’m really sorry


I took that letter and placed it on her bed and then called Tumi

Tumi: Hello

Me: Tumi…

I felt so emotional and started crying

Tumi: Friend what’s wrong? You sound like you are crying

Me: Can you please come to my place

Tumi: Okay I’m coming now

15 minutes later Tumi got here

Tumi: Friend what’s wrong? I came as soon as I could

Me: Friend I messed up big time

Tumi: Tell me what happened

Me: I’m pregnant

Tumi: … I knew it

Me: Friend what’s wrong with me? Why didn’t I force Ashley to use a condom?

Tumi: Wow Nosipho, wow

Me: I haven’t even told my mom... well she’s about to find out [Crying]

Tumi: Friend don’t cry, I don’t know what to say, does Ashley know? How far along are you?

Me: We found out together, 4 months

Tumi: I really don’t know what to say, what are you gonna do?

Me: I don’t know, I wrote a letter to my mom, and I’m telling you, so that’s the first step

Tumi: Whatever happens I will be here for you

Me: Thanks

She gave me a hug, I really needed that

Tumi: I need to go, Tumisho is on his way, I will call you later though, love you

Me: Love you too, greet him for me, and please don’t tell him about the pregnancy yet, Ashley will tell him once the dust has settled

Tumi: Okay cool

Tumi left and I started cooking, when my mom got home, I was already done cooking and sitting in my room biting my nails, I could hear her voice, she came into my room to greet me and asked if I’m done cooking, so I guess she hasn’t seen the letter yet, after she left my room I checked my phone and saw Ashley’s message

[Ashley: I just told my dad about the pregnancy]

I was shaking, I couldn’t even reply him, I was listening attentively to my mom’s voice, I was waiting for her to yell, beat the shit out of me or kill me, her silence was killing me, I didn’t know if she had read the letter yet or what but I was scared to go to her, after an hour or so I finally left my room and went to the living room to watch TV and she was there with Ntando, her eyes were so red as if she was crying, I immediately knew that she read the letter, it was so awkward, I didn’t know what to say or do, I didn’t even know where to look, I couldn’t even stand up to make myself food and I was really starving, after a few minutes I broke the silence

Me: Food is ready, can I dish up for you?

She just looked at me once and continued to watch TV without saying a word, it was like she was showing me that she heard what I said but won’t talk to me

Ntando: Nosi I’m hungry can you please dish up for me

Me: Okay

I went to the kitchen, dished up for us, including my mother, then I took both her plate and Ntando’s plate to serve them and still she looked at me once and turned to watch TV without taking her food from my hands, so I gave Ntando his food and placed my mom’s food in the microwave, then I went into my room with my food and ate in there.

I know I disappointed her and broke her heart into 1000 pieces and probably deserve the silent treatment but I wanted her to say something so bad. After eating I went to the kitchen to wash the dishes then I went back to my room and called Ashley

Ashley: Hello

Me: Hey, what did your father say?

Ashley: He didn’t say much, my father is never excited about anything except the money his businesses make for him, he gave me the exact reaction I expected to get from him, that man knows nothing about family

Me: I’m sorry babe

Ashley: It’s fine, nothing is gonna bring my excitement down plus I’m used to him being like this

Me: I also told my mother

Ashley: What did she say?

Me: Nothing, she’s giving me the silent treatment, she won’t even touch the food I cooked, her eyes looked like she was crying and that broke my heart

Ashley: Sorry you have to go through all of this

Me: [Sobbing] It’s fine

Ashley: Don’t cry babe

Me: We really messed up, all I need is a hug from you

Ashley: Do you want me to come?

Me: No, I will be fine, you are probably the last person my mom wants to see

Ashley: I really feel bad for putting both you and her through all of this

Me: It’s equally our fault for putting her through this, don’t just blame yourself

Ashley: I can’t help but feel responsible for all of this

Me: We’ll be fine

Ashley: I hope so

Me: I have to sleep, tomorrow I’m going to school

Ashley: Okay goodnight, I love you

Me: I love you too

Even though things are bad between my mom and I, I am just happy that I have Ashley, I honestly don’t know what I would do without that guy.

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