The Coldhearted Prince & Prin...

By BL_Fan_62

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This is a Vanitas no Carte fanfic a College AU. Vanitas is known as the Coldhearted Prince for being cold and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Vanitas & Dante
Vanitas & Amelia
Vanitas & Johann
Vanitas & Luca
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 32

577 22 12
By BL_Fan_62

Unknown to Vanitas and Noé was that someone was watching them. His eyes were just like Vanitas expect they were gentle. He was watching Vanitas looking so vulnerable.

"You never once looked like that."

Few days later after the breakup

Amelia was with Dante and Johann; she was hanging out with them like always. It was almost the end of the school trip "Did you guys get Vani anything?" Amelia asked them.

"Yeah, I got some stuff for the quack." Dante says, Dominique, Jeanne and Luca happen to be walking by. "I got something as well for Vanitas." Johann happily tells him. "If you're this happy then the quack will probably hate it for sure." Dante tells Johann.

A phone started ringing "Oh! It's Vani." Amelia answered the phone not caring that the three were listening on them. Amelia looked worried "What?! You and Noé broke up!" This got Dante, Johann, Jeanne, Dominique and Luca full attention.

"What happened? Did he break up with you?" Amelia asked but she looked horrified for some reason. "Why does she look so frightened?" Jeanne decided to ask.

Dominique shrugged her shoulders "Who knows." She answered Jeanne her new lover. They just recently started dating, the only one that knows is Luca.

They saw Dante snatch the phone out of Amelia hand. Johann got closer to listen as they looked worried now. "The trip is almost over so hang on quack." Dante tells Vanitas over the phone.

"Yes, listen to Dante, Vanitas. Don't do anything stupid and once we get back, we can talk about it." Johann says with concern. Luca wanted to snatch the phone to say something, but he would blow his cover.

Dominique and Jeanne glanced at each other "If their saying that then could it be that the jerk really cares and loves Noé?" Dominique asked her girlfriend. "I think he does Domi." Jeanne answered her right away.

Jeanne looked at Luca too "Let's call Noé and see what happened between him and Vanitas." Jeanne tells Luca and Dominique as they nodded "Noé looked so in love with that cold bastard." Dominique says as she takes her cellphone out.

She clicked on Noé name as the phone rang and someone answered "Hi Domi. How's the trip?" Dominique could hear the sadness in Noé voice. "Hey Noé, is it true that you and that jerk broke up?" She asked him.

It was silent on the other line "Cher?" She spoke with worry in her tone. "Yes. We broke did you know?" Noé asked her as Dominique answered "Me, Jeanne and Luca happened to hear the bastard friends talking on the phone with him."

Noé gripped his cellphone "I'm fine Domi. You guys don't need to worry, me and Vanitas ended it on good terms..." Noé lied to her, he hated lying but he didn't want Dominique and the others to worry.

It hurt Noé a lot. No, it wasn't on good terms...Noé found out a terrible secret that Vanitas was keeping from him. Not to mention Vanitas confirm that it was true and told him that he killed his own family.

"Hey Domi, I need to go now." Noé tells her, he heard her sighed "Cher. If you ever need to talk then give me or the others a call." Domi told Noé as he bit his lower lip "I will Domi. I have to go now." He says trying to end the call and they said goodbye to each other.

Noé looked at his cellphone with sadness in his eyes "So he told his friends already." Noé mumbles to himself. Vanitas number was still in Noé phone, he always stares at the name. He hopes that Vanitas would reach out to him.

With Vanitas

Vanitas put his phone down and was getting ready for work now "I needed to tell them, so they don't ask questions when they get back." Vanitas whispered to himself as he got everything he needed.

Not long did it take Vanitas to get to his workplace, it was most likely because he was lost in thought.

About Two Hours Later

A glass shattered on the ground; the manager sighed at this "Vanitas maybe you should head home early today?" The manager suggested but Vanitas shook his head. "I'm fine manager. I promise I won't mess up again." Vanitas promises.

The manager and the waiter who's name is Keita (he's an Oc) next to him glanced at each other "Hey Vanitas, why don't we talk in the break room." Keita asked Vanitas, he looked about the same age as Vanitas. Of course, he was a little hesitated but nodded.

Once Vanitas was done, him and his co worker Keita headed to the break room to talk to each other. They both sat down across from each other in the break room.

It was silent until Keita broke the silence in the air. "Something is bothering you because I have never seen you mess up or break anything at all. Did you and Noé get into some kind of argument?" Keita decided to ask Vanitas.

Vanitas looked down as his bangs covered his eyes, Keita waited till Vanitas spoke up "Yeah. We got into an argument then we broke up but it's not a problem..."

Keita eyes soften "If it didn't matter that you two broke up then why are you crying?" He asked Vanitas sadly.

Tears. Vanitas touched his cheeks. There was tears. He was crying. Vanitas eyes slightly widen from noticing that he was crying "But why am I crying..." Vanitas asked himself and his co worker.

The young waiter watched Vanitas "It's because you love Noé, you didn't just like him like you had a crush on him. If you didn't love him then you wouldn't be crying a lot Vanitas." Vanitas covers his eyes still in tears.

"Go home today. You need to sort everything out so you don't mess up here or anywhere else Vanitas." Keita tells him, Vanitas only nodded. "Okay...can you tell him I'll be leaving for me." Vanitas asked as Keita nodded with a sad smile and waved goodbye to him.

Vanitas grabbed his stuff and left to go home. "I should pick up some groceries..." Vanitas mumbles as he goes the grocery store.

To be continued

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