High School DxD x Male Reader

By SilverLikeIce

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Y/n L/n, the leader of a very prominent Gang in Northern Japan, is suddenly killed and left to Rot in a landf... More

Chapter 1: Business comes first, always.
Chapter 2: Business between friends.
Chapter 3: Cutting a New Deal.
Chapter 4: The Pieces align.
Chapter 5: The Snake's Instinct.
Chapter 6: I write my own description.
Chapter 8: Something Special! Part 1.
Chapter 9: Something Special! Part 2.
Chapter 10: Something Special! Part 3.
Season 2 Bio
Season 2 / Chapter 1: A Special Gift.
Season 2 / Chapter 2: Broadening Horizons.
Season 2 / Chapter 3: Demigod Alliance.
Season 2 / Chapter 4: Feast of Reunions.
Season 2 / Chapter 5: Bound in Natura.
Season 2 / Chapter 6: Wandering Emotions.
Season 2 / Chapter 7: Holy Awakening Part 1.
Season 2 / Chapter 8: Holy Awakening Part 2.
Season 2 / Chapter 9: Holy Awakening Part 3.
Another Notice!

Chapter 7: All the Homies hate Issei.

362 12 3
By SilverLikeIce

After my little roadside episode, I got into my car and pulled away, going back the way I'd come, headed for the ORC, where hopefully my new friends would be waiting for me.

Rias Point of View

Over the past 2 weeks, I've begun speaking to Y/n on a daily basis, we seemed to share a fair bit in common it seemed and I enjoyed discussing things with him, so I was worried about him to say the least, so naturally when he stumbled into the ORC with his hair messy and limping, I immediately got up to help him.

Rias: How are you feeling?

Y/n: Oh ya know, still somewhat freaking out, but broken toes really seem to do the trick when trying not to have an existential crisis. The pain really keeps you grounded.

Rias: Broken toes? How'd you break your toes?

Y/n: Oh, funny story really, I drove, stopped on the side of the road, kicked a rock, screamed, threw up, the usual shit. Honestly though, I'm surprised I was able to gather my thoughts.

While he spoke, I helped him limp over to the couch where he'd sit and then prop his foot up on the coffee table. Then, once he was seated, I took a seat next to him.

Rias: I can't believe you're so calm about this.

Y/n: Yeah... calm. Anyways, some good came of it, and I decided. I will admit, I hate myself, but I accept the fact that I am Loki's son, and I refuse to let someone who doesn't know me, write my description.

Rias: Good, I was worried that you'd try and do something stupid.

Y/n: Like what?

Rias: Well, I don't know. Resort to completely self destructive habits, like smoking and drinking?

Y/n: The only reason I've stopped smoking is because I ran out of smokes and am too lazy to get more, and drinking, well, I'll just keep that bit to myself.

Rias: Y/n, how often do you drink?

Y/n: Erm... I have a glass of wine now and then... and some nice 6% Choya Ice Nouveau Sake almost every night, and when I'm out of that, I'll drink some 12% Kizakura Sake instead. Unless it's a special occasion, then I'll drink Choya Sparkling Plum Wine. Then there's those days I'm feeling like having some me time, then I'll do some Pinot Noir, which is around 13%, though, if I'm just down in the absolute dumps, Bacardi 151 with a major 75.5% Alcohol.

Rias: I swear you're an alcoholic.

Y/n: Businessman. Speaking of Bacardi, I could really go for some right now. Forget about all this damn Loki shit and get wasted...

Rias: I'd rather you didn't. It'll be a little while till everyone comes back, when they do, I'll have Asia heal your toes, ok?

Y/n: Could you just forget about my toes and me liking to have a few drinks for a second and just... talk about something different? Please?

Rias: Alright, what about then?

Y/n: We never talk about your life, tell me about you, like... if you've ever had a boyfriend or something.

Rias: Well, I can tell you with certainty I've never had a boyfriend. I find men to be rather disgusting. Except you of course, I can actually tolerate you.

Y/n: Would you ever consider dating me though?

Rias: W-Well, I guess so? I can't really say, it's only been a few weeks.

Y/n: Fair enough, and since you've never had a boyfriend, I take it you've never had sex either.

Rias: What does that have to do with anything?

Y/n: Because I find it hard to believe that someone so beautiful has never once had sex. It blows my mind.

Rias: R-Really, it's not that big of a deal. But what about you huh? Surely you've had plenty of sex.

Y/n: Yeah, 6 years ago after my dad's funeral. I had no family left, I needed something to clear my mind, so I went to the club my dad frequented and then it just went from there. It didn't help any, so I haven't had sex since.

Rias: Oh... Well, that's definitely not the answer I expected.

Y/n: Why is that? Did you hope I'd be more experienced so I could take the lead~?

His voice, yet again, sent chills slithering up my spine and made me break out in goosebumps, and then I felt his hand trail up my back leaving a trail of goosebumps all the way up to my chin. I could feel his thumb on my lower lip, I couldn't help but let him pull me in.

That's when he decided to be an asshole and pull my chin down to kiss my forehead. I had expected him to actually kiss me, instead he went and got my hopes up!

So naturally I hit him, I left a large red handprint on his right cheek before getting up and sitting at my desk in a huff.

Rias: That was just purely unfair.

Y/n: You actually thought I was going to kiss you? Well then come here, I'll give you a kiss you'll never forget.

Rias: No, you've lost your chance. Now I don't trust you.

Y/n: Well fine then, I'll just go and ask Akeno if she wants to make-out when she gets here.

I wasn't sure what made me react in such a way but when he said that, I grabbed the pen that sat on my desk and threw it at him.

Rias: Gah! You are such a man! You can't just get a girl's hopes up just to trick her and say you're going to kiss her best friend!

Y/n Point of View

I wasn't sure how to respond to this situation, the slap was one thing, that I kind of expected, but then she threw a pen at me, yeah she missed miserably, but still, and then she yelled at me about getting her hopes up?

See, this is why women are confusing. You ask them if they'd date you, they don't give a clear answer and then when you tease them, they get mad. They confuse the absolute fuck out of me.

After she stopped yelling, I noticed she had a few tears in her eye's, and it told me everything.

Y/n: You've had your heart broken before...

This immediately got her attention, and then she nodded, just slightly.

I looked at her with sympathetic eye's and patted the spot next to me and she took a seat yet again.

Y/n: Talk to me, what happened?

A/n: I've made a few changes to the story purely for the fuck of it.

Rias: I... I made Issei part of my house about a year ago now, and so he transferred to Kuoh academy at the beginning of the first year, and at first, he was just a new servant. Nothing special about our relationship, and then... he started to become a bit more... gentlemanly? He started to go out of his way to be a nice guy, he even got rid of all his dirty magazines, but he was still the same goofy Issei, just a bit different, I quickly developed a crush on him and when I finally got up the courage to confess, he was busy screwing one of his classmates. He was the same old Issei, the only thing that changed was he got laid.

Y/n: Oh... Rias... I'm sorry.

I reached up to wipe a few tears from her cheek before resting an arm around her shoulder to pull her to my chest. 

I already didn't like Issei, but her story only made me hate him more. But that didn't matter currently.

Gently I rubbed Rias' back while she slowly decided to make herself comfortable in my lap, enabling me to wrap my arms all the way around her. She was currently positioned so that her legs we to one side of my body, her head positioned against my shoulder.

This moment was quite enjoyable really, she smelled faintly of strawberries. Possibly her perfume? Or maybe her shampoo? Whatever the case, she smelled sweet, it kinda made me hungry.

Y/n: I'm sorry that I got your hopes up. I just figured that maybe you'd regret kissing me or something, so I decided it was better to just... not.

All I got in response was a slightly muffle 'mmm' sound. So I wasn't quite sure what to respond with, so I just sat there silently, with Rias cradled in my lap.

If the others came in and saw this, I wouldn't be sure what to say.

And as per the rules, that's EXACTLY what happened, so I turned my head towards them, and simply waved.

Y/n: ... Sup.

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