Cat & Mouse

By SearaSky

31.5K 1.3K 123

Two best friends: one a science/history geek, and the other a daredevil who is always down for any challenge... More

A/N: Fun, Not so fun Facts
Mission Recieved, Mission Accepted
Meet the Crew
Journey to the Past
The Expedition Begins
Let the Games Begin
Cats & Mice
Now What?
Bittersweet Reunion
Not Alone
The Nest
Not According to Plan
Into the Woods
Making Camp
To Hit on a Yautja
To Understand Feelings
The Cavern
Journey's End
The Last Stand
First Time
Mission Seară
Troubled Times
Clash of Titans
Training Begins: Seară's Truth
Something's Off
I Love You
Happy Ending Nightmare
Wedding Preparations
Wedding Crashers
Burn It Down
Prelude to Hell
All Hell Breaks Loose
Second Chance
The Queen


757 34 9
By SearaSky

Roxy looked at Nadia anxiously as she walked in. "You met him?" she asked excitedly. Nadia didn't want to disappoint so she managed a small smile and nodded in excitement as well. Roxy knew her friend a little better than that, so she hugged her. "I know, Di." She said as she rubbed her back. "How much longer until we get home?" Nadia questioned. Roxy shrugged. "If we assume this ship is traveling at the same speed that ours was, it'll be probably about 12 days still." Alec answered. Nadia nodded. "This is going to be so boring." Marissa added. "Only if we never leave the room. Arc never said we had to stay here." Roxy chimed in and the group nodded thoughtfully. "I say lets go exploring then." Claire grinned. The group then all walked out together. Roxy decided if Nadia wasn't in a tourist sort of mood, and wasn't taking every photo imaginable she'd just have to do it for her. She didn't want her to regret later. In their excitement they didn't think about how large the ship was, or that everything looked exactly the same. The group ended up being lost in a labyrinth of grey, and no Yautja were in sight. Claire heard a strange noise and she turned away for just a moment to try and see if she saw something. She thought maybe it'd be one of the hunters and they could help them find their way. She followed the sound to investigate, but all she found was a whole lot of nothing. To make matters worse when she turned to head back to the group they were nowhere in sight. She couldn't even hear them. She bit her lip. "Hey you guys?" she called out nervously. No one answered and she groaned. Panic immediately setting in. The chief said they'd be fine, but all Claire could think of was her getting surrounded by a wall of massive alien reptiles. She'd be totally alone and totally helpless. Her mind was wandering everywhere. What if they devoured her? Or ravaged her?

She turned to go the way she came from. Standing still now only meant the others were getting farther away. She started to jog. Rounding a corner she crashed into something warm and solid, sending her falling back and landing on her ass. She looked up, and saw legs, she looked farther up and saw an armored torso, craning her neck even further her eyes finally landing on a pair of dark inset eyes staring back. She screamed scooting backwards. The Yautja above her just stared down at her. He stepped towards her and began reaching for her. She screamed covered her head with her arms, "Don't eat or ravage me!" She cried. She felt a hand wrap around her wrist. With a surprisingly gentle grip, and no effort at all the Yautja pulled her to her feet. Claire stood and looked at him slowly. The Yautja just watched her with an arched brow, as if asking: What the hell is wrong with you? Claire took him in. Like Blaze he was charcoal black. But rather than the science fiction dinosaur Blaze resembled, this one resembled a black night leopard gecko. He was mostly black, but his toned and tight abdomen was a grayish white. Breaking up the colors of his back and abdomen were the leopard spots. She stared into his eyes. Stormy gray and black cobwebbed together, forming an almost honey comb-like pattern across his irises. Of course the look was complete with the diamond shaped pupils. Claire's jaw slightly dropped. She held up her wrist device, and snapped a photo of him. He narrowed his eyes at her. He wore armor just like Blaze and Archer, but on his back two katana were criss-crossed forming an X behind him. She then got stuck on deciding his name. Blade, X, Samurai, Kunai, Nyx, Noir, Night and even Katana were all in her head.

She realized the way he was staring at her after she took his photo. "I'm sorry but you are one beautiful mother fucker." She blurted out. He began typing into his wrist gauntlet, because of her time spent with Blaze and Archer she knew he must've been searching for translations too. As he did that she just stared at him. Her biologist nerd of a brain just wanted to take him apart and put him back together. She never really had the time to view Archer and Blaze that way, they were too busy running for their lives and saving their lives. But now that she thought about it, and wasn't staring death in the face daily, they were a very mysterious, unique and fascinating species. She wanted to know them inside and out. She may consider finding her friends first though. "You can kind of understand me right? Can you take me to the other humans? We are all very lost..." She said quietly. The beautiful badass stopped looking at his gauntlet to look at her instead. He simply nodded his head once. We do love a strong, silent type. Claire thought. He moved around her and she followed him. She couldn't stop her eyes from scanning every single detail, even lowering to his ass, no matter how hard she tried. It may have been covered in their armored skirt belt, but anyone could tell it was plump. She eventually reeled her eyes away and began distracting herself with other things as she followed.

It didn't take very long at all to find the rest of the group, who now had Archer with them. They had noticed her absence and were backtracking while she was going forward. The result was they reunited about half way. Archer and the Yautja greeted each other. The different clicks once again meaning they were talking. The Yautja Claire found was a lot more soft spoken than the rest. He didn't make all of their noises either. Claire narrowed her eyes inspecting him closer. The likely cause she noted was a large scar across his neck. If it got deep enough to damage his vocal cords, then he didn't talk louder and didn't make certain sounds because he couldn't. So he was the strong and silent type because he was forced to be. Claire felt light pokes and glanced over. The group was staring at her with raised eyebrows. Claire turned slightly red realizing she had been staring at the Yautja this whole time. "It's purely science-based." She defended. Roxy and Nadia giggled the rest scoffed. Roxy approached the male. "So what's your name?" she questioned. He just stared at her in silence. These men and their damn silent staring. she grumbled internally. "Well if you are going to be silent we are just going to call you Blade until further notice." Roxy stated. Well, don't need to have my internal debate anymore. Claire thought to herself. Meanwhile the longer Nadia stared at Blade's pigmentation, she only thought of Blaze. She sniffled, and wished that he was there for her while she was "in distress." Roxy frowned and started rubbing her back again. "Do you have some kind of memorial for your deceased? If you do, can she visit Blaze?" She asked Archer. Blade tilted his head. They certainly did that a lot. Archer clicked again speaking their language and Blade nodded in understanding. "Will you stop acting like he's dead? He is not." Archer grumbled. Nadia looked at him with wide eyes.

Archer sighed and began walking. Gesturing for the group to follow. They all followed anxiously. Blade followed behind them as well. "Do not get your hopes up, Nadia. For now he is alive. But whether he wakes up or not is a different matter. And if he stays alive is an even more different matter." Archer stated as he lead them. Nadia held onto Roxy's hand tightly after Archer said that. Blaze was alive! But still unstable based on what Archer was saying. They arrived at what appeared to be a laboratory of sorts. Archer typed in some kind of code and the door slid open with a whoosh. The group passed the doorway, and had to walk one at a time through a sort of large cylinder. It significantly resembled one of the newest metal detectors they had at space and airports. However after standing in the designated spot, and in the proper position the cylinder sealed and locked. There was a hiss as an overheard blacklight lit up and steam blew onto you and filled the container. After about thirty seconds the steam stopped, and a red laser light scanned the individual. Once done there was a green light, and the container unlocked and opened again. Every single person had to go through this process. They all guessed it was some kind of decontamination device. Once inside they all gawked at the laboratory revealed. There were a few dozen Yautja around. These ones were all a little smaller than the rest of the Yautja they encountered. All either 7 feet or a few inches shorter than that. But otherwise, the amount of advanced technology was absolutely stunning. They seemed to be divided into groups. It appeared to be engineers, scientists, and medical staff. Really the only way to identify them was basing it on their work space. Archer lead them into the medical area. There were a few exam tables, and also a few cryo-pods. In one of the pods Nadia recognized right away it was Blaze. She gasped and ran over to the pod. Placing her hand gently on the glass she looked in at him as her eyes began to water. His eyes were closed and all of his armor was off. The only piece of clothing he had on was that black leather loin cloth Roxy had talked about. Inside the pod it looked like it was filled with some kind of jelly-like substance. She glanced to the monitor beside the pod, it was obvious that it was showing and monitoring his vital signs. She could tell which was heart and respiration, but there were other waves it was showing that she had no idea what they were. She did, however, know that she wanted to hold his hand and speak to him. She was a firm believer that it helped comatose patients want to wake up faster, and in some cases even made it happen. Nadia just watched him for a very long time; to the point one of the medical staff even just slid a stool over to her. She gladly accepted it, sitting down and continuing to watch him. "He won't wake up faster you know." Marissa said. "No. He will know I'm in distress, and he'll come back to me again. Or I will sing Henry the eighth." Nadia said stubbornly. "Did you hear that, big guy? Come back or I will sing Henry the eighth." She threatened as if he could hear her. The group just shook their heads. Nadia continued to watch, never taking her hand off the front of the pod.

---------------A week later---------------

Nadia rarely left the pod. She watched as the medical stuff did all of their exams and rechecks on him. Also when they gave him whatever sort of medication they were using. They just accepted her presence to this point. The engineers even made some modifications to the pod so she could talk through a speaker. She sang to him as well. But regularly instead of intentionally obnoxiously just to annoy him. She also sang songs besides Henry the Eighth. Her favorite song to sing to him being "Rewrite the stars" from the Greatest Showman. Other times she would be in his presence, but watching the shows she downloaded. Currently she was doing just that, sitting beside the pod. His monitor began to rapidly beep. Nadia quickly stood turning to look at it, panic setting in. The medical staff ran over to check. One of them moved Nadia to the side, which she complied so they could work. Then they all began typing on the different pads. Nadia stood off to the side praying that the rapid beeps weren't some kind of alarm similar to a flatline. However the way the staff had rushed over her hopes had dwindled. She heard the hiss of the pod opening. Again she felt dread, thinking that meant he had coded and was gone so they were removing his body. Tears filled her eyes as she watched.

They did remove his body. However, they were only supporting it, because Blaze was sort of holding himself up and even taking his own steps. His eyes were even open. Once the medical staff were sure he was sure footed they let him go and moved away. Nadia gasped quietly as her eyes went wide. Blaze turned his gaze to her, just in time for him to see her leaping into his arms. He caught her, and she wrapped her legs around his waist as her arms wrapped around his shoulders and neck. She buried her face deeply into his neck as she sobbed. Blaze just held her, his own arms around her waist and resting on her back. Now she is definitely in distress. Blaze thought. The medical staff tried to pry Nadia off of him and it didn't work out for them. Blaze actually growled at them, and they immediately backed off. There was a series of rapid clicking. Nadia could recognize one of the voices belonging to her sassy woodpecker. She nuzzled into him more. After a while Blaze attempted to pry her off, but she only held tighter. "Nadia. I'm just trying to get dressed." She heard Blaze say. Once again his voice made her shiver. She reluctantly climbed off of him. The staff handed him his gear. All he put on were two metal wrist cuffs, one of which also had their comms device, and matching ankle cuffs with their armored belt skirt and the thick leather collar they had around their necks. He didn't don the chest armor, the pauldrons, the gauntlets, their thigh guards or even their armored shin guards. Nadia guessed they only wore full armor for hunts and battles. She blushed when she realized she just hugged a practically nude man. The only thing keeping him not entirely nude was that leather loin cloth. He pushed a button on one of his wrist cuffs. Black netting sprung from all four metal cuffs, but also from his belt and his neck guard. It cobwebbed out covering his entire body in the familiar netting. When she was sure he was done getting dressed once again she jumped on him wrapping her arms and legs around him. He of course caught her and supported her.

Afterwards Blaze and Nadia left the Laboratory. Nadia refused to let him go again, so he carried her through the halls. He held her as she hugged him and played with one of his tendrils. Blaze ended up taking Nadia to his room. Nadia looked around. The room was massive. One corner had a few what looked to be training robots, a treadmill, and a large panel in the wall that had what appeared to be a bow flex attached. Blaze set Nadia down but she held onto his arms. "Where are you going?" she asked. Blaze tilted his head. "To bathe." he replied. Nadia blushed and nodded letting him go. As he turned to head for the bathroom Nadia caught his clawed hand. "Wait. Can I come too and help?" she asked sheepishly. "I agreed to be your mate, Nadia. You can do whatever you want." he responded and Nadia's face really heated up as it turned red. She nodded and followed him into the bathroom. Blaze placed his hand on the wall and a panel revealed itself. He typed in a few things, and then water began to pour, filling the deep and oversized bathtub. Pushing that button on his wrist device again, the netting retracted. He paused before removing anything else. He noticed Nadia was just frozen in the doorway. Blaze looked at her. "If you want to take one, you can go first and I will wait outside." He told her. Nadia shook her head rapidly, pushing herself into the bathroom and she walked over to him. He is just a man. You've seen them naked plenty of times. Get yourself together. Nadia scolded internally. Blaze looked down at her with his head tilted. "Do I scare you, Nadia? Do you regret asking to be mine?" he asked and she remained quiet. "We have not copulated. It is not too late for you to change your mind." he stated. Nadia looked at him. "It's not that at all, big guy. You are sweet, loyal, beautiful, you make me feel protected and safe. I can't see a single flaw. I've never been this nervous before. Maybe because you are so perfect, and I want you so much, I think you deserve better and I won't be enough." She admitted. Blaze tilted his head. "You are my mate. I require no other." Blaze said bluntly. Nadia nodded as she hugged him tightly. He hugged her too. Nadia let him go after a while and she helped him take his cuffs and his neck guard off. She paused when she got to his belt, Blaze just rested a hand on her shoulder and he took it off himself. While he did that she removed her own clothing. The only thing left on him was his loin cloth, and the only things remaining on her were her bra and underwear. Blaze turned his back to her. Nadia smiled and stripped them off. She slipped into the bathtub then. Blaze rid himself of the loincloth and submerged into the water as well. Nadia stayed on one side of the tub while Blaze stayed on the other.

Nadia couldn't stop squirming. Blaze however was acting totally normal. He had his soap and was lathering himself with it. He even took each of his locks and cleaned them one by one, top to bottom. Nadia huffed. Get it together. Being alone doesn't have to be about sex. She lectured herself again. She scooted to his side of the tub. She could smell the soap, and it was a familiar scent of amber, bergamot and vanilla. So during their adventures the pair had done more than just hunted when they were away. Nadia took the soap from him. Nadia made him turn and she began to wash his back for him. He trilled in response. Nadia loved when they made that sound. It was soothing, and adorable depending on the circumstance. He really had no business being cute on top of everything. Once his back was washed, she rinsed it off and then she moved onto his tendrils. She copied the way he had washed them, and she washed the rest for him. As she did her eyes were watching his newly formed scar from where that queen had stabbed him. She really hated those serpents now. She leaned down, and she pressed her lips against the scar, kissing it gingerly. She then wrapped her arms around him hugging him from behind.


For your beautiful imaginations I present some references on how our newest boy looks.

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