My Hero


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Years ago when the married Tadano couple were on their way back home they caught a glimpse of a meteor fallin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Hitohito's birthday chapter.
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
The Holiday Special
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35: Crossover #1
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 10

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Mike: okay Mike you can do this, you wanted to have a normal student life so here you go now.

Mike was currently at the school's entrance, he was nervous at first he didn't actually think he would make it here. Wayne pulled some strings to placed him on the first class as Hitohito, speaking of which he was approaching to Mike to ask him how he was doing.

Hitohito: everything okay Mike?

Mike: Tadano-san! Good morning!

He bowed.

Hitohito: haha good morning Mike, you feeling nervous?

Mike: as a matter of fact I am.

Hitohito: don't worry, I promise Keith that I'll look after you.... I've been meaning to ask but... how exactly did Wayne got you in?

Mike: I think he blackmailed admissions with some naughty photographs.

Hitohito: (that man is terrifying.) Well if you have any questions or want to say something, feel free to reach me.

Mike: thank you Tadano-san I'll be in your care.

They walked into their homeroom, Mike had to seat on the front desk, but Hitohito reassured him that on lunch break he'll join Mike.

Class started and Mike introduced himself.

Mike:hello everyone My name is Michael Krell, but you can call me Mike. I know I just got here after the summer break but I hope we can get along.

Most students didn't bother to look at him, with the exception of, Shouko, Hitohito, Najimi, and Nakanaka.

Lunch break.

Hitohit kept his word and joined Mike for lunch, Shouko and Najimi tagged along.

Hitohito: hey Mike.

Najimi: mind if we join?

Mike: not at all, please help yourselves.

Mike took out his lunch, it looked impressive to say the least.

Najimi: wow your lunch looks great Mike, your mother must be a great cook.

Mike: actually I made it myself.

Hitohito: wow that's impressive.

Najimi: WHAT?! No way I didn't know you were such a good cook.

Mike not only was good at computers or building new tech, he was also an excellent cook.

Najimi: mind if I have some?

Mike: sure I made plenty in case you wanted to try.

Najimi: thanks for the food!

Hitohito: Najimi don't eat all of it.

Nakanaka also wanted to join for lunch, she approached to Shouko.

Nakanaka: princess Komilia, for today I have decided to join you for our feast.

She nodded at her and placed a seat next to her, right in front of Mike who was staring more than usual.

Nakanaka: w-what's with him?

Hitohito: sorry Nakanaka, Mike here is nervous around people too, come on say hi Mike.

Mike: hi Mike....

Hitohito sweat dropped, Mike was confused why was he curious about the girl in front of her. Why did he feel weird?

Nakanaka: nice to meet you Mike.

Mike: (pull yourself together Mike.) N-nice to meet you too.

Nakanaka: by the way princess Komilia, I would like to invite you to my place after class.

Shouko: [I would love to Nakanaka-san.]

Nakanaka: really?! I-I mean thank you for accepting my invitation princess Komilia.

After the lunch break everyone went back to their seats. Hitohito was taking notes for the second half of the day while cheking on Mike making sure he was doing okay.

Mike picked on that and send some signals that he's doing alright, Tadano can really read the room.

After classes were done they all headed to the school entrance ready to head to Nakanaka's house.

Hitohito: ready Mike?

Mike: actually I was thinking about heading home.

Hitohito: you sure?

Mike: yeah you know how Keith is, if I'm not there early he's going to send a search team.

Hitohito: I don't think he could go that far haha.

Mike: I'll be fine Tadano-san, I'll see you tomorrow.

Mike parted ways with his new friends and headed home, upon arriving at the door Keith recieved him with a hug.

Keith: hey there mister student how was your first day?

Mike: it was great, Tadano introduced me to a bunch of his friends.

Keith: that's great, I'm grateful that he looked after you.

Mike: Keith I'm not a kid anymore, I can take care of myself.

Keith: I know but I still worry.

Mike: well can you at least try to not to worry about everything?

Keith: ..... okay I'll try.

Mike: thank you.

Mike headed to the kitchen to make dinner, while Hitohito and his friends were playing at Nakanaka's house, they were having their fun when Nakanaka decided to break the ice.

Nakanaka: so Tadano, who was that guy that was with you?

Hitohito: you mean Mike? He just moved here not too long ago.

Nakanaka: how do you know him?

Najimi: yeah now that I think about it you never told me about him until we saw him at the pool.

Hitohito: (crap what should I tell them?) Well I've met him on a public place, we just started talking and got along well.

Nakanaka: oh I see, does he have any hobbies?

Hitohito: hmm as far as I know he likes computers and probably video games.

Nakanaka: (great we share interest.) Does he have a girlfriend? ( WHY THE HELL DID I ASK THAT?!! I JUST MET THE GUY!)

Hitohito: not as far as I know.

Nakanaka: -blushing- N-no that's not what I wanted to ask, I wasn't thinking clearly!!

Hitohito: okay?

Najimi: heh......

Nakanaka: why are you looking at me like that?

Najimi: no nothing....... let's keep playing.

Hitohito: (what was that about?)

They continued to played until Hitohito saw that it was already late, he headed out along with Shouko and Najimi. Nakanaka waved them goodbye and returned to her room, after her meeting with Mike she couldn't stop thinking about her, why was she so interested in him?

Nakanaka: I have to get it out of my head, maybe it's because he's a foreigner, yeah that's it.

Mike was having the same question about Nakanaka, what was so special about her?

Keith: Mike are you there?

Mike: ah sorry Keith I was lost on my thoughts.

Keith: oh I see....... so what's her name?

Mike: what?

Keith: you were thinking about a girl didn't you? What's her name?

Mike: how did you know it was about a girl?

Keith: buddy it's always about a girl, so how did you meet her?

Mike: w-well I don't think that's any of your business.

Keith: oh come on, when did you turned so cold? Just tell me her name already.

Mike: fine... her name is Nakanaka Omoharu, she's in the same class as Tadano and I.

Keith: I'll be rooting for you.

Mike: cut it off will you? We've just met I don't know her that much.

Keith laughed and Mike continued his dinner. No matter what it was Keith always knew what was going through Mike's head.

After dinner Mike went to take a bath, and head straight to bed, oddly enough he couldn't sleep yet, there was something, to be precise someone who's been on his head the rest of the day.

Mike: Nakanaka............ no no no no, I just met her, of I go to forward she'll get freaked out by me.

Nakanaka was playing in her room with her friends, she couldn't do well on the game because of the constant thinking of Mike.

Najimi: haha Nakanaka I beat you again.

Nakanaka: wha-

Najimi: you gotta focus girl.

Nakanaka: sorry it's just that......

Hitohito: is something going on?

Nakanaka: yeah but it's not important, we can keep playing.

Hitohito: (hmmmm I never seen her acting, she was like this all day after she met....... MIKE?!)

Hitohito's phone buzzed after coming with that conclusion, it was Wayne again.

Hitohito: sorry I have to take this call I'll be right back.

Nakanaka: sure no problem.

Hitohito exited Nakanaka's room and went to her bathroom.

Hitohito: hello?

Wayne: Hito! Thanks for picking up I need to ask you a really important favor.

Hitohito: sure Wayne, what is it?

Wayne: we're doing a transfer for Skull tomorrow in the afternoon, and I was thinking that maybe you could give us a hand.

Hitohito: transfer to where?

Wayne: is at a max security prison overseas.

Hitohito: wait I thought he already was at a max security location.

Wayne: well first we have to determine how much of a threat an individual can be, is not like we can place every enhanced terrorist into a prison with limited space.

Hitohito: well that's........ that's a good point.

Wayne: my concern is that the convoy escorting him might be ambushed, that is why I need you.

Hitohito: count me in Wayne, I'll make sure that Skull doesn't escape.

Wayne: great Ace will join you as well.

Hitohito: Ace?

Wayne: yeah, I hope that's not a problem.

Hitohito: not at all sir, but I think he doesn't like me.

Wayne: well Ace is not in charge of this operation, he's gotta deal with it or I'll replace him with someone else.

Hitohito: I don't think that's necessary sir, like I said I have no problem working with Ace.

Wayne: then it's settled! Stop by our hideout when you're done with school, I'll give you all the details tomorrow.

Hitohito: we'll be in touch Wayne.

Hitohito hung up the phone and headed back home after spending a other hour playing at Nakanaka's, when entered he saw his mother in the living room who was happy to see him.

Jeanne: ah Hito-chan perfect timing!

Hitohito: hm?

Jeanne: I can't find my keys, can you help me look for them?

Hitohito: uh sure thing mom.

Hitohito took off his glasses and used his x-ray vision to look for the keys. They were placed under the sofa.

Hitohito: found them.

He told his mom as he lifted the sofa with one hand and picked the keys up.

Jeanne: thank you Hito-chan, wow those powers of yours are really handful.

Hitohito: haha you know me, always trying to help no matter how small it is.

Jeanne: it's great that you grew up to be such a nice man.

Hitohito: well I have to thank you and dad of you for raising me as your son.

Jeanne: Hito-chan.

Jeanne began to cry by her son's words.

Hitohito: w-what's wrong mom?!

Jeanne: -sniffs- it's nothing really, go take a bath, dinner will be ready soon.

Hitohito: sure.

Jeanne: ( Hito-chan, I am so glad your father and I found you.)

She kept cooking dinner, a few minutes later her husband arrived from work.

Satoshi: hey honey.

Jeanne: hey dear~.

Satoshi: you seem in a good mood.

Satoshi walked near his wife to kiss her and gave her a hug.

Jeanne: oh it's nothing, I'm just happy to have my husband here.

Satoshi: and I am happy to have my wife here.

Jeanne: you know it's been a while since we had a romantic getaway, what do you say we go out just you and me?

Satoshi: what about our kids?

Jeanne: I think they'll be fine, Hito is more than capable to watch over our home.

Satoshi: fair enough, I'll check my next days off and we'll set a date.

Jeanne: fantastic!

Jeanne was excited for having some alone time with her husband, hoping that day could come sooner, right after dinner was ready the Tadano family ate and went to sleep.

The next day 7:30 pm.

Ace and Guardian were in position, they waited for the convoy with Skull to leave the prison, while Ace didn't like working with Guardian he had to do what he was told. Guardian was in position the gates of the prison opened giving enough space for 5 armored trucks to leave the facility.

Wayne: alright people this is it, Tadano, Ace make sure the convoy reaches its destination.

Wayne was communicating with Guardian and Ace trough intercoms.

Ace: roger that sir.

Guardian: count on us sir.

Ace: Guardian drop me off on top the front truck.

Guardian: sure thing, I'll be following from the rear.

They got into position and started the escort where Skull was chained in the middle truck.

Skull: these chains can't hold me forever.

Guardian was flying behind the convoy, everything was going smoothly........ until it wasn't.


An explosion was heard from a few blocks away from the convoy.

Guardian: What was that?

Wayne: it's the Red Legion they're trying to create a distraction to intercepted the convoy.

Guardian: and what's the status?

Wayne: plenty of injured people but the paramedics are on their way, just focus on the task.


Guardian: I just heard another explosion!

Wayne: then ignore them, the only thing that matters is that Skull doesn't escape.

Ace: you can't be serious.

Wayne: sorry kid, but it's for the best, let the first responders handle it.

Guardian couldn't believe the words that came out of Wayne's mouth, did he really not care that innocents died? No, he couldn't stand around and do nothing, Guardian was tasked with an important mission, but the safety of civilians are more important.

Guardian: sorry Wayne, I can't do it.

He turned off his mic and flew around the areas where the attacks occurred.

Wayne: Tadano? Tadano?!

Ace: he's gone Wayne, I can handle this job. (Tadano..... please save these people.)

Guardian arrived at one of the areas and started to assist the injured, he help a lady who got stuck in the car.

Civilian lady: thank you!

Guardian: get somewhere safe.

???: at last we meet Guardian.

He turned to the voice only to see another hodded figure.

Guardian: I suppose you are the one responsible for this.

???: I have but one purpose..... to eliminate you.

Guardian: sorry but you'll have to get in line.

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