Sneaky Link||YEONBIN

By Kang_Moa_

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Despite being known as the perfect student in his university, Choi Soobin has secret that could potentially r... More

CHAPTER 1: HYBE's Prince
CHAPTER 2: Where it begins
CHAPTER 3: Angel and Devil
CHAPTER 4: A Hectic Night
CHAPTER 5: A Rabbit under the Fox's claws
CHAPTER 6: Prostitute with Feelings
CHAPTER 7: Father
CHAPTER 8: Cold Hearted Fairy
CHAPTER 9: Stuck With You
CHAPTER 10: A Long Night
CHAPTER 11: Heartbeat
CHAPTER12: Under the Moonlight
CHAPTER 13: Basketball
CHAPTER 15: The Best Night
CHAPTER 16: Broken
CHAPTER 17: Compensation
CHAPTER18: Temporary Lovers
CHAPTER 19: Strangers Again
Chapter 20: Hide and Seek
Chapter 21: Punishment
Chapter 22: Punishment pt. 2
Chapter 23: Empty Promise
Chapter 24: Dressing Up
Chapter 25: Weird Feelings
Chapter 26: Jealously
Chapter 27: Replacement
Chapter 28: Gift
Chapter 29: Obedient Bunny
Chapter 30: Violence
Chapter 31: Infirmary
Chapter 32: Together Again
Chapter 33: Inner Doubts
Chapter 34: The Fool
Chapter 35: A drug called Pleasure
Chapter 36: The Truths
Chapter 37: Confession?
Chapter 38: Fanclub
Chapter 39: Mistake
Chapter 40: Promise
Chapter 40: Someone Who Cares
Chaper 41: Reconciliation
Chapter 42: The Brightest Smile
Chapter 43: Mr. Park
Chaper 44: The Third Person
Chapter 45: Guilt
Chapter 46: Candle

CHAPTER 14: Birthday Party

1.6K 80 27
By Kang_Moa_

The weekend came by faster than expected. A lively party was being held at the Park's mansion to celebrate Jay's 18th birthday. Many guests attended, mostly from Hybe university.

The decorations were top notch. And there were various kinds of food and desserts served on a long table. Snacks and drinks were also available for everyone to enjoy.

The guests seemed to be happy and having fun. The birthday boy was busy as ever, running around making sure everyone was enjoying themselves. Jazz music was playing in the background to set a relaxing mood.

A while later, Jay gave a speech in front of everyone to welcome them to his party and expressed his gratitude to his parents and a couple of other people. The crowd cheered as he stepped down and let everyone resume whatever they were doing.

The music switched to upbeat edm songs, people started gathering to dance eat some more.

Huening Kai arrived late to the party. It was a pain trying to drag his cousin into coming. And he had trouble choosing the right outfit to wear, which took even longer. It was around 8pm when he arrived. As soon as he entered, he saw his best friend, Soobin isolating himself in the corner with a tube of ice cream in his hands.

"Soobin-hyung!! I'm here!! Sorry I took too long"

Soobin turned once he heard Kai's high pitched voice. "Hey. Thought you had decided to ditch me"

"I'm not that kind of person, you know?" The blonde pouted. "Time to grab some food. I'm like, super hungry" He went to get something to eat and sat down next to Soobin.

"Were you all alone before I came?" Kai asked.

"Some people were trying to hit on me... maybe they found me boring cause they left" He murmured.

"You look stunning today, hyung" Kai complimented.

"Thanks. You also look amazing, Kai" Soobin smiled. His eyes wandered off to the crowd, trying to catch a glimpse of a certain senior from the dance department.

'Probably having a dance-off or something' he assumed.

Out of nowhere, Kai suddenly stood up and yelled

"Oh my god I forgot about Taehyun!"


"Why the hell did I even come here in the first place? So ridiculous" Taehyun stood by himself in the corner. Initially, he wasn't going to come. But after his cousin's persuasion, he found it difficult to say no to Huening's adorable puppy eyes.

Speaking of which, he got lost in the crowd and had no idea where his cousin went. And he didn't intend to search for him either.

Taehyun felt like punching him across the face. He should've known better than to follow Kai and be left alone like this.

Chatting noises, beaming loud music were something Taehyun couldn't stand. The people here had no idea what peace and quiet meant.

Then again, he couldn't really put the blame on them. This was a birthday party of a rich kid, after all.

He gulped his red wine until the last drop and set it down randomly on the long table. If he were to leave now, he could use some spare time to rest and work out some more.

"Huening Kai can go home with whoever he wants. I don't care, I'm leaving. Serves him right for treating me like this"

He didn't get to sing happy birthday, nor see the birthday boy. But Taehyun couldn't careless. I was even thankful he didn't have to face him.

"You're leaving already?"

Speak of the devil... there he was.

"Thought you chickened out and rejected my invitation" Jay showed up wearing his luxurious navy blue tuxedo. His smile was cunning as always.

"I have no reason to be scared of you" Taehyun replied in a flat tone.

"It's my birthday, you know. Shouldn't you have brought something as a gift?"

"What could a loaded person like you possibly want? I've no money to by a yacht for you"

"Aww don't be like that! It's not the price that's important. As long as you have the feelings. And actually..."


"I invited you because, I want to ask something from you. Consider it as a gift for my birthday, would you?"

Taehyun found it suspicious. Nevertheless, he decided to hear him out.

"Spill it. Don't waste my time"

"What I'm asking is... can we start over again?"


The silver haired shot a glare at him. "What's with you? Are you drunk?"

"No! I'm being serious okay? Can we like, not fight anymore? I'd rather make friends than foes here"

Taehyun eyed him up and down without saying a word. Was this really what Jay wanted?

"I've been thinking about this for a while, you see" Jay continued. "I admit what happened three months ago was totally my fault and I shouldn't have been such a jerk to you. Forgive me, please?" He extended out his hand.

Taehyun glanced down to the hand and back to its owner. This spoiled kid did know how to acknowledge his mistakes after all.

He finally took his hand and shook it. "I forgive you. But that doesn't make us friends"

Jay chuckled "Yes, yes I understand. It takes time to open up and accept one another, I won't rush it. How about we drink together to celebrate?"

Jay called one of the waiters to bring them some wine. He handed one to Taehyun and kept one for himself.

"Cheers to our friendship"

Both of them clanked glasses and drank. Taehyun found the beverage so good he couldn't stop.

"How's the taste?" Asked Jay.

"Not bad. Tastes expensive"

The younger boy simply laughed at his response.

The joy didn't last for long. After all, nothing is better than it seems.

Taehyun suddenly felt weird. His head was hurting, his entire body seemed to be on fire. He started sweating more than usual. Immediately, he could tell something was off, and it was quite obvious who the culprit was.

"What the heck did you put in my drink?!" He yelled in anger.

Jay's smile suddenly turned back to the evil smirk he once knew.

"Oh, nothing special. Just... you know, aphrodisiac. Surely a smart kid like you knows what that is"

"You son of a..."

Jay folded his arms and shook his head. "I thought you were smarter than that. Can't believe it was too easy to trick you. Us? Friends? Don't make me laugh. Why would I need you as a friend? I've got plenty"

"You'll pay for this, Jay.. I'll make sure you do— argh.." Taehyun felt worse than before, it was getting harder to breathe properly.

"Wait until you're taller than me. What could a midget like you possibly to do hurt me?"  Jay leaned in to whisper in Taehyun's ears. "There's a guest room on the first floor. You can use it. Thank me later" the birthday boy winked and walked away.

Taehyun badly wanted to pounce on him and rip him apart like a wild animal. But he was afraid it would just lead to something else. He tired his best to stand straight and handed to the bathroom.

Upon his arrival, he immediately locked himself in one of the cubicles. He lost control over himself— unbuttoning his shirt and slipping his hand inside his pants, desperately needing a release.

Taehyun's condition got worse. He kept rubbing himself, praying the carnal urges would go away after he was done with it. But it wasn't that simple.

More... he needed more than just his hands.

It was like he had lost control over himself. The white haired tucked his shaft back in property and bursted outside the small cubicle, in search for someone to satisfy his sexual needs.

The first person he saw would have a rough time tonight.


To be continued...

Thanks for the votes and comments! <3

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