Just a Royal Mess

By RanielleTJ4

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What do you think happens when 2 unlikely people meet in a situation that might seem normal to other people b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45


310 15 0
By RanielleTJ4

Ella's POV

Ok, so we were in Sofia's hotel and trying on dresses these idiots had got me some suits too but I liked the dresses better. I plan to wear a suit in the reception. We have legitimate guest list but it's like small with 50 people.

Miguel just gave the list for me to confirm the number of people so they can be sent. Yes it's being sent right now. Well, it was sent half an hour ago after I confirmed but you get what I mean. Leaving the main important confirmed people like the people who are close to us, they're significant others and family members.

If you count the amount of people, we know it's a shocker it was only 50 people. I am happy Sofia planned all this because I would have probably told her to do it anyways. The insider news is that there is a photo booth and DJ at the reception, my favorite food and a lot of other food. Apparently that's all I'm getting.

Oh, and that I am walking in second. There was a coin toss apparently and franc was representing me. We won.

"Your Majesty you know you got to pick these clothes today. You're getting married tomorrow." Franc yelled out I was in the bathroom.

"And I got to alter it like right now." Someone else said. Kat? I quickly wore the dress I had picked and went out.

"you know how to do that?" I asked when I saw Kat.

"I own a clothing brand of course I know how to alter" she said shrugging. I stood up on this circle platform and Kat put in some pin around the dress. "Ok the dress fits you perfectly just need to alter the waist maybe a inch. Rest is perfect." She said

"How does it look?" I asked her. No one else was in the room.

"You look beautiful" she said with a soft smile.

"Where is everyone?" They had already seen me in this dress and everyone went all 'Aw' and 'Ohs' when they saw me in this so i feel it seems like the perfect choice.

"Oh they are just out foods here." she said pointing towards the door.

"Oh cool" I said getting out of the dress and giving it to her.
"How you feeling? I know everything is all to sudden. Your ok with all this right? You can say no and I will personally go shut it all down." she asked me.

"No you don't need to shut it all down. I'm happy. If she hadn't prepared all this then I'm pretty sure I would have just asked Miguel to get the papers and just signed in the office. I have never really seen me getting married like in a formal wedding and stuff. But looking at Sofia I wouldn't imagine it another way." I wore my jeans and jersey. "Sure this all makes me nervous but it is like a good kinda nervous. Like I can't way to do it kinda thing. You know?" I said.

"I get what you mean. Before Skye I was more like let's just sign the paper at the court and be done with it. it's just a piece of paper. But when I meet her and like knew I want to marry this girl. I started buying wedding magazines. I wanted to do it the right way," she said chuckling.

"Plus I'm happy she setup everything. I would have just been clueless as hell on these things. The most I could have helped out with is picking the cake." I said chuckling as we both walked out to the living room. Everyone was there leaving Amber and Jazz. "Did the match start?" I asked.

"Nope still a few minutes left." Franc said as she ate sushi. I picked up a temaki roll and started eating it. For some reason everyone but me supports Barcelona. I'm the only Real Madrid fan here.

The match started and it was almost a tie in the half time. I looked at my phone and there was a text from Sofia.

Dumb Wife: If you want I have the getaway car ready we can ride into the sunset or well sunrise with Zale.

Dumb Wife: and Sonny

Dumb Wife: and Miguel too can't leave that poor guy with the vultures.

Ella: Can you send Zale over here with Sonny? Or better I can come over there? *Smirk Emoji*

Dumb Wife: Sending Zale and no you can come over here. Not like I don't want you to but I got security here left to stop me from seeing you till tomorrow.

Ella: Damn your family takes traditions very seriously.

Dumb Wife: Yeah they do. Also did Franc explain you the hand guess tradition?

Ella: Nope

Dumb Wife: Talk to her she will explain you the whole thing. Darruis and Vale have thrown an impromptu bachelor party in my room.

I was above to type there better not be any stripper when she texted me.

Dumb Wife: No strippers just the 'Boys' old whiskey and cigar *Face Palm Emoji* Amber and Jazz are here too.

Ella: ok be safe and don't be late for the wedding.

I was going to ask Franc about the hand thing but the match had started back up so I sat back in the couch drinking my wine and eating nachos.

Real Madrid won but one goal and started dancing around. I was a bit tipsy now. Everyone cleared out of the room after that slowly and Franc was cleaning up.

"Look at you party monster cleaning up after the party" I said chuckling.

"I haven't been the party monster for years now" she said as she drank from her beer bottle and then throw it in trash.
"Hey what the hand finding tradition?" I asked not sure if I was even naming it right.

"Hand finding tradition? Ohh you mean that hand guess thing. It's Avram's family tradition. The outsider AKA you will be blindfolded and there will be brides maids hands in front of you mix with the bride. You have to guess which one is your bride but just touching her hand. Then just pick up and take her away that's what I did." She said shrugging. "ok I'm going to go get some sleep now I suggest you do the same and don't even try to sneak out of the room there are guards there to stop you." She said with a smirk. God, she knows me better than me.

Jazz's POV

"This is a bad idea guys" Sofia said as I followed them hiding behind a walk
"Come on we did this a day before Amber's wedding too" I said
"Ok it's clear" Amber said as we ran towards the car. When I got in the backseat with Vale I said "Do I need to remind you guys what happened when we did this a day before amber's wedding?"

"Nothing happened" Vale said.

"The stitches I got on my foot say something else" Sofia said with a straight face.

"One hour, pleaseeeeee" Amber said doing her puppy face.
"Fine only one hour" Sofia said and we cheered. Thank god I didn't grow up with her because I would have done everything after she showed me that face.

"How does that still work?" I said chuckling thinking of all the times that face has got us out of trouble.

"It's a super power." She said with smirk. We drove to some bar that Vale had picked, as he knew more about this place then Amber and I. We walked in through the back door of the bar.

"One Hour" Sofia said as we sat down and I nodded "Aye aye captain." We ordered a round of shots.

*Next Morning*

My head was throbbing. Fuck, why is it soo bright? Why my eyes finally adjusted to the light I saw... sky? Huh? I looked around to see I was on the terrace. The fuck? How did I get here? I got up to see I was in the same jeans but a plaid shirt that was fully unbuttoned. I quickly buttoned it up and walked down to Sofia's room but only Amber was there. I looked around to find sleeping in the bathtub. I kicked them awake.

"Bitch my head hurt's, How much did we drink?" Vale said as he got up with the support of the wall with his eyes still closed. He then just turned on the shower and stood under it without saying a word.

"I have no clue." I said as I got out. "Amber get up where is Sofia?" it took her a couple of minutes to get up and realize what I was saying.

"The tub" She said as Vale walked in a bathrobe.
"I was in the tub" he said. We all went wide eyed at the same moment.

"I will check our rooms." Vale said as he rushed out of the room.
"I'm going to see if she ended up in Ella's room" Amber said wearing her shoes and fixing her hair and clothes. Well at least she was in her yesterday's clothes.

"I got the car." I said and ran down. Fuck she wasn't in the car. The fuck where is she?

I walked out to the lobby to find Vale standing there out of breath in a jeans and t-shirt but he had no shoes I looked at my feet to see I had no shoes either.

"She not in out rooms."

"not in the car"

"please lord let her be in Ella's room." Vale said as Amber ran towards us shaking her head.

"We left here in the Lake!" Vale screamed out. Behind him Franc, Skye and Ella were walking towards us. They looked confused.

"What's up with you guys?" Franc asked.

"And who did you leave in the Lake?" Ella added.

"uhh-" Amber said looking at me and Vale shit scared. "A little help guy's" She nudged both of us.

"Like what do you expect me to say? I don't remember anything past the Bar. I didn't even remember we went to the Lake" I hissed at her. All 3 of them looked at us with they're arms crossed. Skye looked pissed as I think she had some idea about we were talking. That's went Bella and Neal walked towards us. Shit with Skye and Bella here we are screwed.

"W-We have this tradition to you know um-um go out and drink"

"We?" Neal said confused.

"Vale, Me, Amber and...."

"And?" Bella asked.


"Ok where is Sofia?" Neal asked with a smile on his face he was enjoying this soo much. Franc had covered her mouth but I could tell she was smiling too. We are sooo screwed.

"wethinkweleftheratthelake" Amber said quickly without pausing.

"English Amber" Bella said with her arms crossed.
"We think we left her at the lake" Amber said looking down.
"You think?" Ella asked.

"No no we for sure left her at the lake" Vale quickly added but I and Amber face palmed. We fucked.

"The wedding starts in an hour and you are telling me you left Sofia at a lake?" Bella asked raising her Eyebrow. All three of us nodded.

"If she's not here in the next half and hour I will chop off all your heads" Skye said with a icy cold voice and that's when it happened. A shoe flew past my head. It was Ella.

"You fucking guys went out party?" She yelled out. All of us started to run as another shoe went flying passed us.

*An Hour Early*

Sofia's POV

I was being shaken. I opened my eye's to see it was Woodie?
"Huh?" I said as I got up trying adjusting to the light. That's when it memories of lost night hit me.

"Get up. You have to get ready. Go shower" She said throwing a towel at me.

"How did I end up here?" I asked her confused.

"You were passed out on lobby couch when Neal and Franc found you. They got you here." She said shrugging "And gave me like all these instructions to get you ready. Go Shower the glam people should be here in an hour." She said and I nodded too hung over to even question it. I took a quick shower and saw the lingerie I had picked for my wedding day was there and a silk robe. I wore them and went outside to find Franc and Woodie talking.

"How you feeling?" Franc asked as she gave me a green juice. I recognized it to be her hangover juice. It started horrible as I chugged the whole thing.

"Like I drank too much" I said gagging because of the after tastes. "But I'm excited for the wedding" I said with the smile. The glam people came in and took me away. Making me sit on a chair. They started doing my hair as I tried to get some sleep.

My makeup and hair was done. I could text Ella. I looked around for my phone when I heard yelling. I looked at the makeup people confused. They just shrugged. I went outside and looked down at the lobby to find Ella throwing shoes at Jazz, Amber and Vale.

"Ella" I yelled out but no one heard me as they're too wrapped up in themselves. I rushed down the stairs. The whole hotel was closed off for us.

"Honey" I yelled out again but no one heard me.

"We are getting her, we will fly there if we have too" Vale yelled out. I stood next to Skye confused.

"We can do that?" Jazz asked confused. now Franc handed her shoes to Ella and then Neal handed his shoes.
"No" Amber and Vale said together.

"What did the idiots do now?" I asked I walked closer to Ella.

"Give me your shoes," she said without even looking at me "they left Sofia at the lake when they went out drinking" she said when gave her my slippers. She was above to throw them when she did a double take.

"Wait! You're you're here?" Ella said.

"How?" Jazz added.

"I was in woodies room. Franc and Neal left me there. I was apparently sleeping on the couch." I said shrugging that's when Neal and Franc started to laugh.

"You asshole" Ella said hitting Franc with the slippers.

"Hey! Hey! It was a lesson for these idiots." Franc said pointing at Jazz as she hid behind Skye. Skye just
That's when we heard screaming. It was Franc and Neal, Bella had then but they're ears.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to play pranks before weddings" she kept on mumbling as She took them to the elevator still twisting they're ears.

"I'm going to go try save my wife" Amber ran.

"We are going to go get ready" Jazz said as she pulled Vale with her.

"Well then no seeing your bride thing is out of the window" Ella said shaking her head.

"Fuck it, it was a stupid tradition anyways" I said shrugging and gave her a kiss. "Knowing our family something was bound to happen," I said chuckling.

"Well that's true but your still not off the hook for this." she said and bit her lip mischievously.

"Hmmm, what do you have in mind?" I said as I leaned in closer inch's away from her lips.

"There might be some spanking and-" Before she could complete the sentence someone pulled her.

"Ok you can kink it all up after the wedding. I don't need to hear this and you horn dogs need to get ready" She dragged Ella away and I chuckled.

I went back to woodies room with a smile. She was not here. She had left after the glam people came. I wore my dress it was off-shoulder white lacy dress. It seemed transparent but it had a skin color clothe underneath it that covered everything. The bottom ad a white clothes underneath it. it was a simply but at the same time fancy and sexy dress. Plus it gave me free moment so I could carry my gun. I went to the bathroom and put on the leg strap. Strapping in my gun underneath my dress. You can't take any chances.
When I came out I saw Darrius giving Amber, Jazz and Vale a lecture. Bianca was in the back shaking her head.

"Uncle come on. I told them I wanted to do it." I said and gave him a kiss on his cheek. He was wearing a olive green suit with same colour vest and white shirt. I had picked Jazz, Amber and Vale as my brides maid and men.

Vale was wearing a black suit with blue shirt and red tie and to make Bianca he had a golden pocket square. As she had a black dress with golden design on it.

Linco walked in with a cup of coffee and gave a peak on Jazz's lips. He had a baby blue suit on with white shirt and Jazz had a cream colour dress on which went just a little underneath her knee.

Amber had a black suit with white collar and golden chain button. She picked up my veil and put it over my head.

"Beautiful" Darrius said and kissed my forehead. Miguel said walked in a boy who seemed to be in his 20s. I wore my earrings and the ring Eleanor had gaving me when we got married. I had gaving the new wedding bands to Bella as she was the most sane person her.

"Your Highness" he said with a smile. "you look pretty, but I got something sent from Your Majesty." He said and then pulled out a card from his suit pocket and gave it to me as the boy walked forwards and kneed in front of me. I looked at then confused.

"Read the note you idiot" Amber said exicted.

"Hello Princess, you're not the only one who can plan surprise. On our wedding day I truly wanted to make you feel like a princess. That it's not just a title given to you. It's what you have always been to me. As you have never worn this before I thought our wedding would be the perfect time for it. I love you mi amor." I read out loud confused and then looked at Miguel. He opened the briefcase to reveal a crown.

"If you will let me have the honor Your Highness to put this crown on you." He said and I was in shock. The crown that was given to me when Eleanor gave me my title. I had never seen this. I nodded and bent down a little as he put it over my head. I walked in front of a mirror.

"Fuck you're a actually princess" Jazz said out of no where.
"Jasmine she has been a princess for the past one year" Linco said.

"Yes but like it's Sofia, like our friendly neighborhood Gangster. The crown makes like an emphasis on it" Jazz said.

"Friendly Neighborhood Gangster?" Amber said as all of looked at her amused.

"Well she was now shes the Friendly Neighborhood Princess." We still looked at her amused like what shit was she saying. "Fuck it! Guys well never understand me. Lets leave now we got to be at the venue in half an hour." Jazz said crossing her arms. We just chuckled and started to leave. I heard Linco mumbling in the back "I understand you baby your my Friendly Neighborhood Weirdo" he chuckled.

When we went to the front they had made a covered path to the car as there had been some news of paps being around. Well what else do you expect. A Queen, 3 Princess, a dozen of business moguls were all secretly roaming the streets of Italy. The word was going to get out. This is a very small and everyone knows everyone here. People were going to get suspicious.

I got in the car it was a vintage tinted black Rolls Royce. Darrius and I got in the same car as others got in the car before us. We drove to the venue as Darrius poured me a glass of champagne.

"Nah I'm already too excited that I feel I will burst." I said tapping my feet. He didn't say anything just nodded and drank the champagne. We reached the place and it was perfect. The stairs were all decorated with flowers and then a was a tunnel made of flowers too.

The tunnel lead to the back were the wedding was going to take place. There was a ballroom where the reception was going to happen. I picked this place cause of it view it was the lake and beautiful mountains. We went in to the rooms above the ballroom. Waiting for all the guest to show up. Everyone had to leave one by one as they took care of last minutes things.

"What if she doesn't like this? did I go overboard? Oh my god! What was I thinking? A quick wedding/ maybe we should have waited. She not going to like this." I kept on mumbling as I started to pace around.

"Hey Hey listen to me. she is going to love this" Darrius said as he started to rub my hands up and down. "She loves you she would have gotten married to in a last minute Vegas wedding" he said with a smile. "Just breathe. She loves you she will love this. ok?" he said as gave

"Ok" I said nodding and sitting down still nervous "Maybe I will have that glass of champagne now" I said and he chuckled pouring me a glass and then giving it to me. I slowly sipped on it as I looked out the window everyone had started coming in and taking they're seats.

Saw Amber with Zale and some kid in her hand. That's not one of Kay and Skye's kid or Bella's nor was it Eugene's kid. Jazz walked in at that moment.

"We starting in a few" She said and looked out the window with me.

"Whos kid is that?" I asked confused.

"Which one?" she asked as they're were multiple kids running around.

"The one in Amber's hand." I said pointing.

"Oh that, that's Wolf, Woodie's son" I almost did a spit take when I heard that.

"Toy Story has a kid? With whom?" I asked confused.

"What do you mean with whom? That's Eleanor's kid." She said but I could see her lips twitching a little. I just glared at her with my arms crossed. "Ok ok I'm kidding, it's her ex-girlfriend's kid. The girlfriend passed away a week after child birth. As Woodie was named the other parent legally.

She has him but it's a shared custody between her and the girlfriends ex-husband. As you know it was his sperm. Plus he's a nice guy. The marriage just didn't work out but they were still friends and even had moved like next to each other to take care of the baby. Woodie still lives in that flat." She said as she fixed my crown.

"How do you know all this?" I asked her confused.

"Because I talk to her instead of glaring at her every time she enters the room. She's a nice person and I would have probably dated her if I was into girls" she said shrugging.
"You sure your not into girls? You seem pretty into her" I said with a smirk.

"Well I do love her and marrying her would be fun as we both are good at annoying you but I love my Mr. Teddy Bear too much" she said chuckling.

"Why you into people with toy nicknames?" I asked chuckling. "Toy Story over there and Mr. Teddy Bear"
"Lol never noticed that" She chuckled and took the glass from me drinking the last sip. "Let's go." She said and gave me her hand. I smiled and walked with her. We stood in front of the door from where I was going to enter. She then left me and walked out through other door to take her place. I was going to enter alone as Ella was entering alone. She didn't really have anyone to give her hand. That's when Uncle came and stood next to me.

"Can I have the honor to walk you down the aisle?" he asked me and I looked at him confused.

"Ella asked Miguel to walk her down the aisle, you think I'm leaving you hanging here alone," I said chuckled and hooked my arms with him. The music started playing and I watched down the aisle everyone was standing and had smiles on they're face. Smiled and stood at my place as uncle kissed my hand and then went to his seat. Jazz came and took my bouquet as the other music started playing and Ella walked out. I just couldn't take my eyes off of her. "Wow" I mouth. I felt my hand being tucked I looked at it to see it was Jazz I hadn't let go of the bouquet.

"Oh sorry" I said giving it to her. Ella chuckled lightly when she said that. she stood in front of me and franc came from the back placing her dress properly and taking her bouquet.
"You look...damn mamacita" I said biting me lower lip and smile which made her laugh.

"You look beautiful too papito" she said and then we heard a cough we looked down to see it was Franc placing Ellas dress out properly.

"Let's keep it PG guys" she said making my cheeks turn red and Ella look the other way. Zale was in a Tuxes of his own and I wave at him making him giggle. The officiate started out the ceremony. As it went on I could hear Amber saying Zale's name a lot. After a while both Ella and I turned back to see he wanted to come towards us. I just chuckled and told Amber to get him here.

She tip toed and gave me Zale. I held him in my arms as the ceremony went on. It was time for the vows.

Bella came forward and gave us the wedding bands. Ella went first.

"I promise to always remember that you are indeed human. That you may sometimes make questionable decisions, decisions I don't agree with, like sneaking out to party that I didn't authorize on the night before our wedding—instead of, I don't know, sneaking into my room! But what I love about you is I know that you do these things because you care so deeply about those who are close to you and are genuinely one of the most thoughtful and considerate people I have ever known. You remind me of my brother in this way. Today, I promise to show that same care and consideration for you for the rest of my life. Right now, it's the easiest thing in the world to do because I honestly love you so much and want nothing but your happiness, but even when things are difficult and it gets hard to do and our love gets more comfortable, complacent and timeworn, I will always show that same care and consideration for you." She said making me smile.

"Now repeat after me" The officiate said and she did "I Eleanor, take you, Sofia, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward; for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part; according to God's holy law. In the presence of God I make this vow." She said and then held her hand forwards for my hand. I like a clueless idiot gave her my right hand.

"The other hand dear" the officante said.

"oh shit" I said embarrassed as I heard people chuckling in the background. Ella chuckled herself. I moved Zale from my left side to right and gave her my left hand. She then slipped the ring on. then it was my turn for the vows.

"Ella, I knew from the very moment I laid eyes on you that you were my forever. Someway, somehow, I was determined to make you mine. And from this day forward my heart is entirely yours....

As we continue to grow in our lives together, I promise to give you all of my words when needed, and to share in the silence when they are not, to pick you up if you are down. To love you unconditionally, to lay my bare skin on you when needed most, to care for you and our families for as long as we live. To adventure with you always, to say I love you before falling asleep each night. To be the best mom to our son and when our family grows bigger. To always, know in the deepest part of my soul, that when challenges arise we will always find our way back to one another.

Ella, you are my everything and this is my promise to you" I said. Then repeated what the officiate said "I Sofia, take you, Eleanor, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward; for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part; according to God's holy law. In the presence of God I make this vow." I saw a tear roll down Ella's cheek. I quickly wiped it away and gave her a kiss. I heard a fake cough it was the officiate.

"Sorry" Ella said and I looked down blushing.

"Eleanor and Sofia, it is with such joy that I now send you out into the world to spread the beautiful light that you share with those around you. By the power vested in me, I now, for the first time, pronounce you married. Now kiss and go celebrate!" he said with a smile and I leaned in from a kiss as she did too. I gave her a long kiss as I dipped her a little not too much as I had Zale in my arms.

We walked hand in hand to the back of the aisle and to the room setup for photos. Miguel had told me we needed to get wedding photos to be released to the public plus to be frame at the place. We first got couple photos, then a family photo with Zale in it. Then with just the brides maids and men.

From my side that would be Jazz, Amber and Vale and from Ella's side that would be Franc, Bella, Woodie. Then one with just family that would be Amber, Franc, Bella, Darrius, Vale and Bianca. Ella quickly called over Miguel. After this we did a huge photo with everyone and they're kids in it. The photographer had to back couple a feet's cause everyone was not fitting in the photo. We then went to the room as we had to change into our reception attire.

When we were alone in the room she took Zale from my hand and kissed his forehead. "Don't you look handsome kiddo" She said and kissed him again making him giggle.

"Go change I will change him." she said and I nodded putting the crown on the table. I went in the bathroom and changed into a simple silk wedding dress. I came outside to find Zale in a glittery black jacket. She had swapped out his plain black blazer for a glittery one. He was on the bed as Eleanor for in her suit pants. Tucking in her shirt and buttoning her pants.

The door just barged open, we both jumped back and I reached for my gun only to realize it was Jazz and Franc "Oh wait your actually getting ready" Franc said and we just looked at them confused.

"No like in the past people generally made out." Jazz shrugged.

"Idiot's" Ella said as she wore her blazer.

"We are just going to take Zale. Be down in 5" Franc said awkwardly tiptoeing and taking Zale with her.

"We have idiots for family" I said shaking my head chuckling.

"Well we married into each other's circus can't do anything now" she smiled as I helped her out with her cuffs.
We went down and ballroom doors opened as the announcer saying "I present you the Tovar Reofer's for the first time" and we entered with smiles on our face as everyone clapped.

Everything went smooth and soon it was speech time. Woddie got up first she was already tipsy by the looks of it.

"Hello everyone, Many of you know me but if you don't, I'm Woddie Eleanor's best friend. The first time I met her she was sleeping on my girlfriend's dorm room couch. I was soo ready to hit her with my pan but she got up all elegantly and said 'go for that thick book over there she won't bruise and your pretty ass won't be in jail' that's just she just left after that. Now so many years later I'm standing here at your wedding to Sofia to tell you I did take your advice. She didn't bruise and my pretty ass didn't go jail. To Eleanor and Sofia hope you live a happy and wonderful married life." She said as she lifted up her champagne. We all did the same "salud" she said and drank it.

"salud" we all said and drank. There were other speeches after that some too long and some short and sweet. Finally it was Darrius turn. "Well I will keep this short as everyone is jumping to get on the dance floor. I wish you guys the best of luck and a happy future. I'm know Eleanor will keep you happy just as much as Sofia will keep you happy. I get you already gave me a grand kid but maybe I couple a more because you know Zale needs a brother or a sister" he said I almost chocked on my own spit and Ella was laughing.

Subtle, very subtle!

Everyone then got on to the dance floor as our first dance. We stood in the middle.
I took her hand, as the song started to play and slow dancing.

"Wise men say only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin
If I can't help falling in love with you?
Like a river flows surely to the sea
Darling so it goes
Some things are meant to be" She went away from me as she then came back warping my arms around her. Her back to my front

"Take my hand, take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you
Like a river flows surely to the sea" she started to mouth the song to me.

"Darling so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand, take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you
For I can't help falling in love with you" I turned her around and finally dipped down

"I love you" I said as our foreheads were touched.

"I love you too" she said and pulled me into a kiss.

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8.7K 816 32
First book of the 𝗦𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀 "𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐲" What will happen when two souls who hates one another are asked to be Together Forever? 𝗜𝘀�...