My Hero


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Years ago when the married Tadano couple were on their way back home they caught a glimpse of a meteor fallin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Hitohito's birthday chapter.
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
The Holiday Special
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35: Crossover #1
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 8

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It have already been a few days since the events at the water park, Mike has been cheking on the security cameras on his apartment that he shared with Keith. Those 2 knew each other since they were basically babies, with Keith acting like the older brother who always looks out for Mike.

Keith was out running some errands so Mike had the whole place to himself, he couldn't stop thinking about how much fun he had with his new friend.

Did he really missed much by staying on computers all day? Should he try to go out frequently? Will Wayne even allow him to have a social life?
Those questions plagued him in the last few days.

Moving on with Hitohito, he woke up early and found himself at the abandoned pit, Hitomi was with him, since she had nothing better to do on the break she convinced her brother to take her along, with the approval of both their parents.

Hitomi: so nii-chan why are we here? It's completely empty.

Hitohito: I need to train on my speed first, if I'm not fast enough to save people...... well I don't want to think about that.

Hitomi: and why did you pick this place?

Hitohito: there's no one in this area, I can fly to any direction and not a single car or pedestrian will see me without my suit.

Hitomi: but it's so hot in here.

Hitohito: I can take you back home if you want.

Hitomi: on second thought the sun could be good for my skin.

Hitohito: I need you to time me so I can know how fast I'm going.

Hitohito: okay.

2 hours later

Hitomi: wow nii-chan I did know you could fly that fast.

Hitohito: -catching his breath- it's still not enough, at my full speed it takes me 5 minutes to make it home and another 5 to come back here.

Hitomi: seems pretty fast to me.

Hitohito: I knew you'd say that, but a lot can happen in 5 minutes, I need to improve my speed so I can get there before tragedy strikes.

Hitomi: okay but let's try that another day, it's hot out here I wanna go home.

Hitohito: sorry we stayed longer than I planned, let's go back home.

Hitohito and Hitomi went back home and did nothing for the day. For the Komi household they had planned to make a visit to Masayoshi's family. Shouko was looking forward to see her grandma again.

On the drive the Komi family stopped first to properly greet their ancestors.

Shuuko: did you properly greet our ancestors Shouko?

Shouko: yes mom.

Shuuko: good, let's go visit your grandma.

She nodded.

After a few hours they have arrived at the home of Komi Yuiko.

Yuiko: welcome home.

Shuuko: mother it's been a while!

Shuuko as greeted her mother in law as she would do. Upon entering the house the family they got greeted by Komi Ryouko.

Ryouko: Shuuko how nice to see you again!

Shuuko: Ryouko is nice too see you too.

Ryouko: Shouko my my you've grown.

Shouko nodded at her, after she took out she noticed a presence watching her, it was her cousin Akira.

Shouko started chasing Akira in a fun way, when Ryouko turned on the news and talked about Guardian.

Ryouko: Akira he's on TV again.

Akira: ohh, Shouko you want to watch the TV with me?

She nodded and sat down next to Akira.

Shuuko: I didn't know Akira was interested in the news.

Ryouko: oh she's just interested when they cover about the Guardian, ever since she knew about him Akira took an interest in hero stuff.

News reporter: following the events of a few days ago at the water park, guest Dr Keiji had the courtesy to talk to us about this country's hero.

Keiji: Hi yes, as previously mentioned I have been studying the patterns of this individual since his first appearance. I conclude that he has super hearing that is how he knows when there's trouble.

Reporter: but how can one explain the ability to fly and the strength.

The reporter showed footage of the fight between Guardian and the beast from a few days ago.

Akira: wow that is so cool.

Shouko: yes, he's extraordinary.

Keiji: this is my second conclusion, that individual is not from our planet.

Reporter: how so Dr Keiji?

Keiji: well you see, 15 years ago a unidentified object fell in our country, the authorities said it was only a meteorite, they said to not be alarmed, but few days later many more government agents stationed on the crash site.

Reporter: so in other words, our hero came from that meteorite?

Keiji: not meteorite..... a spaceship.

Reporter: well Dr Keiji that is certainly a wild conclusion, but anything can happen now that we've seen a man who can fly.

Ryouko turned off the TV.

Ryouko: well I think that is enough for today.

Akira: hey Shouko is it true that you met Guardian?

Shouko: [I did but he had another outfit when I first saw him.]

Akira: cool! What else?

Shouko: [ he also stopped some robbers, they attacked him but he didn't got a single scratch.]

Akira: and did he fought them?

Shouko: [he only apprehended them, after that he vanished when the police arrived.]

Akira: do you think he'll stop by here?

Shouko: [I think he only appears when people are in danger, but don't worry, I'm sure you'll catch him flying around.]

Akira: sweet.

Shuuko: Shouko don't forget to greet your grandma before dinner.

Shouko: yes mom.

Shouko entered the room where her grandmother Yuiko was waiting for her.

Yuiko: hello Shouko, please take a seat.

She sat down.

Yuiko: you are now in high-school are you having fun?

Shouko nods.

Yuiko: are you giving your best?

Shouko nods

Yuiko: have you made any friends?

......... she nodded.

Yuiko: I'm glad to hear to that, come rest your head on my lap.

Shouko rested her head, having a feeling of comfort.

Yuiko: tell me have you met anyone special?

Shouko froze at the question.

Yuiko: what's with that reaction? Let me see your phone......... Tadano Hitohito? I don't approve of him.

Meanwhile Hitohito who was on his Guardian suit sneezed all of a sudden.

Bank robber: bless you.

Guardian: thank you.

He just stopped a bank robbery and apprehended the criminal, handed him to the police and flew away.

Guardian: better stop by the hideout to see if Wayne needs something.

Upon arriving at the hideout he walked into an argument between Keith and Michael.

Mike: I have already made up my mind.

Keith: I jusy worry about you, it's not a good idea.

Wayne: hey there Tadano.

Hitohito: hey Wayne umm......should I come back another time?

Wayne: nah ignore them, they been at it for an hour now.

Mike: Tadano great timing, back me up on this one.

Hitohito: what's wrong?

Keith: Mike here says he wants to go to Itan after the summer break.

Hitohito: wait you guys don't go to school?

Ace: nah, we were home schooled by Wayne over here.

Mike: I want to experience the real deal, the normal life of a high-school student.

Keith: we can't have normal lifes Mike, we have a bigger responsibilities. Tadano he'll listen to you say something.

Hitohito: I support Mike's decision.

Keith: what?!

Hitohito: Keith I think Mike is old enough to make his decisions, if he really wants it why do you stop him?

Keith: you don't get it, Mike doesn't know the outside world like I do, many people will take advantage of him, he'll be an easy target for bullies.

Mike: screw you too.

Hitohito: what if I look out for him? I mean if he wants to go to Itan it will be easier for him to make friends.

Wayne: sounds wonderful, you'll watch over him and he'll watch over you Tadano.

Mike: sounds good to me.

Keith: ..... okay but promise me Tadano that you'll watch over him.

Hitohito: I give you my word.

Keith: thank you.

Wayne: I'll work into your admision so you can start after the summer break.

Mike: thank you Wayne.

Wayne: don't thank me yet, anyways did you needed something Tadano?

Hitohito: just checking if you guys nedded something before going back home.

Ace: thanks but we can manage without you.

Wayne: now now Ace be nice, but he's right we can manage, if something serious were to happen we'll scream for you help.

Hitohito: alright, see you later guys.

Hitohito flied back home when he recieved another phone call from Najimi.

Najimi: hey Tadano, you want to got the festival?

Hitohito: sure, if I'm not too busy we can meet up on the following day.

Najimi: awesome, I'll invite some more friends, make sure you bring a yukata bye!

Hitohito: hmm a yukata, I have to check if my old one still fits.

Returning to Saturn where Hyperion and Termor were setting up an operating table with their new test subject.

Tremor: what did you find out?

Hyperion: this is interesting, he shares human dna but most of his body was altered

Tremor: I never heard of a planet that made experiments on their own kind.

Hyperion: well I did heard humans were savages but this is on another level.

Tremor: so why are you so impressed.

Hyperion: because this solves our treasure hunt, why would all of a sudden humans would enhance one of their own up to a point into creating a monster?

Tremor: to assert dominance?

Hyperion: true but what else?

Tremor: ......... to eliminate a much stronger target.

Hyperion: exactly, it seems that whoever did this was to eliminate the brakonian.

Tremor: you're saying the brakonian was on earth this whole time?

Hyperion: only one way to find out.

Tremor: ....... get my armor ready.

Hyperion: what about the brakonite?

Tremor: don't need it, I have killed many brakonians without it.

Hyperion: I'll continue to make some test while you look for the brakonian.

Tremor: do what you want, I'm going hunting.

Tremor took another spaceship and took the route to earth ready to hunt down the last brakonian.

On the night of the festival Hitohito arrived earlier with his dark blue yukata, he did invite his new pals but it seems they already had plans so he only had to wait for Najimi.

Hitohito: ( Najimi is sure late, or did I arrive a little early? Was it all a prank?)

Hitohito in that moment he saw Shouko walking down the street towards the same direction as him, wearing yukata as well.

Hitohito: whoa...

Shouko wasn't sure if she looked good in it.

Hitohito: ah don't worry you look good on it. (Dammit Najimi you didn't told me Komi-san was coming as well.)

Shouko looked for her notebook but couldn't find it, she forgot it at home.

Hitohito: you forgot your notebook?

Shouko nodded.

Najimi: hey hey! Tadano Komi you two are here.

Hitohito: hey Naj- What's with all these people?!

Najimi arrived at the festival followed by a massive crowd.

Najimi: these are also my childhood friends, anyway let's go have fun.

Upon entering Shouko was greeted by Yamai and her cult, surely this was another coincidence what else could it be?

After an hour or so Hitohito, Shouko, and Najmi tried a few games to see if they could win a few prizes, they stumbled with Yadano and Nakanaka on the games as well. Hitohito had to be careful to hold back and not attract any attention.

The group won a few small prizes which was more than enough for Hitohito. Later while walking around with the group Shouko got distracted and didn't noticed that she was left behind.

She was in the verge of crying, but lucky for her Hitohito came to the rescue.

Hitohito: you okay? Don't worry if something like that happens again just call me on the phone.

Shouko: ! -nods-

They both sat down and waited for Najimi to comeback.

Hitohito: I've sent a text to Najimi they should be back any minute now.

Shouko nodded.

Hitohito: I'm guessing you had fun with all your friends right.

Shouko took a stick and wrote on the floor.

Shouko: [yes.]

Hitohito: that's good. -he turned around.-

Shouko: [it's also fun with just the two of us.]

Hitohito: hm?

She immediately scratched what she wrote.

Hitohito: Komi-san?

Shouko: [ thanks for hanging out with me.]

Hitohito: -smiles- of course.

That sweet moment wouldn't last long, as Hitohito noticed some people running away from something terrified. Screams could be heard from far as well as some explosions.

Hitohito stood up, Shouko wanted to ask what's wrong.

Hitohito: Komi-san.....we have to go.

Shouko: ?!

Hitohito grabbed Shouko's hand and took her as far away as he could, but they soon got dragged away by the crowd and separated. Shouko managed to get out from the danger where she saw Najimi and the rest.

Najimi: Shouko are you alright?!

Shouko wanted to say something but couldn't, she was only worried for Hitohito who was hiding behind the bushes changing into his suit.

The one who was causing all the chaos was none other than Tremor who somehow knew the exact location of the brakonian, he was currently harassing and food vendor.


Vendor: I don't have any of that, I don't even know what is that!

Tremor: you're useless!!

Tremor who was carrying a mace lift it up and prepared to kill the guy, but he noticed something or someone was charging at him behind his back. He was no fool, Tremor had previous experience with brakonians, meaning ambushing him was useless.

In a quick swift he swung his weapon at Guardian hitting his back and slammed him into the ground.

Guardian: Gah! ( he knew I was coming.... how?)

Guardian tried to get up but Tremor kicked him in the chin a placed his foot on Guardian's chest.

Tremor: found you brakonian.

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