Fred <3

By yoyoyolmnop

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Just for fun For some reason all my chapters are out of order so... More

First year
Summer 1
Broom buying
Quidditch tryouts
Chamber of secrets
Dueling club
Gryffindor party
Twins b-day
Ravenclaw vs. Hufflepuff
Summer 2
Rita Skeeter
Diagon alley and quidditch
Gryffindor v. Hufflepuff
Christmas Eve
Slytherin vs. Ravenclaw
Fred's date
Quidditch meetings
Light night talks
Charolette (Charlie)
Quidditch Cup
Triwizard Tournament
Goblet Of Fire
First Task
Mirror of erised
Yule ball
Second task
Third task
More than friends
Daily prophet
Deatheater life
" part 2
The Battle

Ravenclaw vs. Gryffindor

2 0 0
By yoyoyolmnop

Oliver and I were in the library. He was studying for his OWLs and I was too. No reason not to get more ahead, this way I was able to help Oliver with things he had trouble with too.

"I just don't understand why Amortentia is so dangerous," he sighs.

"Yes you do Oliver. You're just tired," I roll my eyes.

"Humor me then," Oliver puts his head on the desk.

"You can't force feelings of love, amortentia just gives off the illusion of obsession and infatuation, like how you are with quidditch. Only thing is after the spell is over they'll just end up resenting you," I prop Olivers head up.

"And what's so wrong about infatuation?"

"Alright you're clearly out of it, infatuation isn't love. Let's head down to the quidditch pitch. You could use a few rounds to clear your head," I push him out of his chair, he lands on the floor.

"If you hadn't just mentioned quidditch I'd be very upset about being pushed to the ground," Oliver follows me out.

"I'm surprised the twins aren't here. They follow you everywhere," Oliver walks beside me on the way to pick up our brooms.

"They don't follow me everywhere... only when I'm with you really. They avoid Malfoy and tend to not intrude when I'm with Luna, Hermione or Ginny. Everytime I say I'm going off with you the insist on tagging along though. They must admire their quidditch captain a lot," I smile at Oliver.

"I do not think that is the reason," Oliver laughs and puts an arm around my waist.

"I like it when you do that."

"Do what?"

"Nothing," I laugh.

"Are you excited about the game? Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw," Oliver asks.

I put an arm around his waist, "Curious about the outcome."

"You are an amazing chaser."

"And you're just as good of a keeper, I feel like it'll be a low scoring game. Depends on our seekers really," I get on my broom as Oliver get's on his.

"I heard the Slytherins are going to be training with you," Oliver rides closer to me.

I snort, "Yeah, Flint's got a thing for me. He knocked me off my broom twice and now he's under some delusion that he's got a chance with me. They're still pretty good so after some convincing from Draco I agreed and convinced Davies to train with them. They're nasty but we got in some pretty good practices, the rivalry was very real."

"You're always so calculating," Wood admires.

"It's what I love about quidditch, it's like life-sized chess. What do you love about quidditch?"

"I love quidditch because... well there's nothing not to love about it. The feeling I get when I'm on a broom or even while writing plays. Everything," Oliver smiles with a gleam in his eyes.

"What's it like being a quidditch captain?"

"Like all my dreams have come true. Like I can't let my team or myself down. Like everyone is watching my every move and I'm just quidditch," Oliver sighs.

"You couldn't let your team down if you tried they all believe and trust you. They look up to you Ollie," I pat his shoulder, "and your way more than a game."

"Ollie? We're onto nicknames now?"

"You know... Ash is a nickname too."

Oliver flashes a wide smile and just looks at me.

"What about you?"


"How do you feel about me?" Oliver looks at me.

"Well of course I look up to you too. You're so passionate about quidditch and you put so much effort into your team. You're really great at it too," I put plainly.

"You're better at quidditch," he smiles.

"I'm better at most things Wood. Just a fact of life but you are more committed to the sport then I will ever be. All my plays and tricks, that's all they are, flashy tricks that would never work if I went pro. They work and they can get you out of a sticky situation but they're inconsistent and impractical. The skill you have is what shows in a match, something that all the quidditch recruiters will fawn over," I say as we fly over to the roof of hogwarts.

We sit down and Oliver looks at me as if hanging on my every word.

"You're really something Ash," Oliver pulls me into a hug and whispers, "thanks."

"Don't get all the mushy on me now. Maybe I'm trying to get into your head for the match in a few days," I laugh and hug back.

"You're already in it."

Days pass and Davies and Wood practised everyday. Oliver more than Davies. They practiced for unseemly hours. When the twins were able to break away from the constant practices all they had the energy to do was complain to me. I laughed as they whined about how they could never see me anymore since our practise times were opposite and both our captains were obsessed. As obsessed with practising as they were they refused to have overlapping practices. Sometimes I would see Oliver in the halls and he'd smile but it definitely felt like a rivalry. He would send me letters reassuring me that he didn't hate me but would definitley beat me in the match. I found it very amusing.

"What are you giggling over?" Fred collapses next to me on the Ravenclaw couch.

He snuck in at midnight, it was the only time Oliver let the team out of his sight. He made sure they were eating and keeping up with their grades so that they were healthy and allowed to play. He would have been making sure they were sleeping too if McGonagall hadn't drawn a line.

"Oliver sent another letter," I laugh at his rushed handwriting.


I hand him the letter.

To Ash,

Sorry I haven't been able to talk to you in a while. It's stressful times as you know, I just don't want to let my team down. Honestly I hope we crush Ravenclaw in the match. Either way I still enjoy being your friend however it is easier to use the manuevers that I plan on using if we are rivals. :)

Love, Oliver.

(The maneuvers are legal, don't ask the twins about it. They might tell you)

Fred shifts uncomfortably as he reads. The letter irritated him because he didn't want to admit that Ash and Oliver were anything more than friends yet. He didn't even want to admit that they were friends.

"Are you going to write back?"

"Of course, it's what I've been doing. I've actually been egging him on. He was only considering the 3am practise on Tuesday. I told him he should do it and make you run laps to get you in shape," I laugh.

"You're evil. So it was you. Oliver told us about someone encouraging him to do it. Our whole team was cursing you for days," Fred looks at me as if I had just betrayed him in the most horrible way possible.

"Who knows you might just beat me tomorrow now," I push his head gently.

"Don't even talk to me," Fred turns his back on me.'

"Well alright," I shrug and get up to go to my room.

Fred grabs onto me and hugs me, "I was only jesting."

It was the day of the match now. I was a bit nervous but it wasn't too bad. Oliver kicked me out of the Gryffindor table when I tried to sit by the twins. He was very competitive. After my team finished eating we went down to the quidditch pitch to stretch before the game.

Before a game Davies made us have a group sing-a-long or game for team building. I sat by Cho and Roger. He made us hold hands and sing nursery rhymes.

The team got really into it. They started singing an opera version of Ba Ba black sheep. We all joined in and could barely hold our laughter.

After the song was over our keeper points behind us. Roger and I look and spot the entire Gryffindor team staring at us in awe.

"What is..." Oliver trails off.

"I couldn't teach you all of our tricks now could I," I wink.

"Come on team, we'd better go before Wood spys on the rest of our pregame rituals," Davies mutters as we walk off.

The twins burst out into laughter but Oliver looks at them with an evil grin and they fall dead silent.

"Fred can sing the first verse. Everyone gather in a circle," Oliver claps.

"Theif," I roll my eyes as I walk out to meet the rest of my team.

Minutes pass.

"Captains shake hands," Madame Hooch says.

Roger and Oliver shake hands and walk back to their team.

"No matter what happens, play your best. Our strategies are solid and our team is even more," Roger says as a final good luck speech.

"Cho as soon as you see the snitch signal me, when I take a bat slowly grab the snitch while I distract," I say one last time.

"As long as you don't get distracted by the beater," Cho smiles.

I glance over at the Gryffindors. It looks like Oliver is still mid speech. We end up having to wait for Oliver to finish his speech. After 5 minutes madame Hooch forces him to stop and starts the game.

"Katie get's the ball she passes it to Angelina and ASH STEALS. Ash flies over to the goals and passes to Davies. Davies goes to score and PASSES IT TO ASH INSTEAD. Ash scores 10 points to Ravenclaw. Katie in possession of the quaffle the Ravenclaw hits a bludger to her and Katie fumbles the ball right into Ash's hands. Ash passes it to Davies who passes it to Randolph Burrow. Burrow flies to the goal and Katie steals, she passes to Alicia. Alicia flies to the goal and Grant Page blocks it! Davies in possession of the ball. He throws it across the pitch and Ash get's the ball, she throws and OLIVER BLOCKS," Lee commentates.

I stay next to the goal as Roger and Randolph chase after the quaffle.

"Can't stand to part from me," Oliver grins.

"It does bring me the utmost heartache," I frown.

"It's alright Ash, I know I am difficult to leave," Oliver smirks.

"Yeah you're such a keeper," I roll my eyes as the quaffle flies towards me.

Just like in the play. I take the quaffle before Oliver can hit it away and toss it into the goal. I wink at Oliver and fly by Davies who whispers a play to me. I wait right in the middle of the goal to intercept any pass the Gryffindor chasers try to do. George hits a bludger towards me. I don't move. A wave of worry flashes through Fred's face. Should he help her? Oliver would never forgive him, or maybe the opposite was true. Why wasn't she moving.

At the last moment Inglebee hits the bludger right at Alicia. Fred dives in to block. I grab the ball as Alicia attempts to throw it to Katie. I throw it straight up where Davies flies it closer to the goal. He drops it and I swerve to score. It makes it in. I look at Oliver expectign to see something along the lines of fury but he just had a look of shock and awe.

"Pick up your jaw before flies get into your mouth," I laughs at Olivers expression.

Katie grabs onto the ball, I stay up in the field. I move occasionally when bludgers fly past me. Shooting the occasional glare at George who seemed hell bent on hitting me. Davies gets the ball and they redirect their attention to him. Oliver blocks his shot and the ball flies towards Angelina. She grabs onto the ball and makes a clean shot into our goal. I was waiting up here for them to forget I was even up here. Burrow gets the ball and throws it up directly at me. I wait til at least 2 of the chasers fly after me. I jump from my broom and land on Fred's broom. I knew he wouldn't knock me off the broom and they wouldn't be able to hit bludgers at me. Before Fred can move me away from the goal I jump again and land on Davies broom. He flies quickly over to the goal and I jump as far as I can right. I score in the goal and hang onto the golden rim. The only thing stopping me from falling to the ground. Gasps are heard from the audience. Oliver seemed distracted by my dangling. Allowing an opening for Burrow to make a goal.

Burrow flies to the open goal and throws. Oliver blocks at the last minute. I was losing my grip on the hoop when Burrow dives to pick me up.

"Took you long enough," I grunt.

"Hey, it was your play," he shrugs as I jump off onto my broom.

A bludger comes right between us. I barely dodge it by ducking. I look around and find it was Fred who hit it.

Time skip.

"Ash gets the ball again and OLIVER BLOCKS. That was a close one. Ravenclaw has 100 points and Gryffindor has 70. Katie gets a hold of the ball and scores. Gryffindor 80. Alicia get's the ball and another score for Gryffindor, where are the Ravenclaw chasers? Looks like Ash is bickering with George. She just took George's bat. THAT HAS TO BE ILLEGAL. Why is she flying towards me. Wait Ash. Wait no you can't do that!" Lee yells trying to shield himself.

I roll my eyes as Ingles hits a bludger towards me. I hit it directly at George. He dives out of the way. I toss George's bat to Samuels. I go back to scoring. Our distraction made it so that Cho could discreetly get closer to the snitch. I score once and Oliver blocks twice before Cho grabs the snitch.

At one point I would try to score and Oliver would block it but I would grab the ball immediately after and try again. It was like a game of pass the ball between us before finally Fred hits a ball towards me and I'm unable to attempt another score. They were good beaters.

"Ravelclaw wins. I've gotta say that was an interesting game. A lot of tactics. I have to say Davies is a genius," Lee nods appreciatively.

I fly over and grab the mic from Lee, "Actually the ones that you kept yelling about if they were legal or not were from yours truly. They were all legal by the way. I just wanted to say sorry to Wood. For crushing him in this game. To think 250 to 90."

I fly down to celebrate with the rest of my team.

"Looks like Wood's come over. He looks furious. If he hits you we can get house points for better sportsmanship," Davies pushes me closer to Oliver.

WOW. I glare at Davies who just shrugs "Take one for the house."

I watch as Oliver makes his way towards me. He's walking fairly aggressively. I walk towards him at a more nonchalant pace.

The twins watch and laugh at Olivers fury.

"Look if you wanted to hear me brag this badly you could have just told me. You really couldn't wait another minute or-" I taunt.

Oliver pulls me into a kiss. He wraps an arm around my waist and puts a hand on my neck. I return the kiss, an arm around his neck and a hand in his hair. He lifts me up a litte. It was aggressive and heated. It was passionate and I wanted more.we were fighting for air but neither of us wanted to let go.

The twins were not laughing anymore. Fred stormed off.

Eventually he pulls away from the kiss. Another competition of his, trying to see who would run out of air first. I won. Again. He looks me in the eye.

"This has to be the most ridiculous defeat we have ever had. I am livid. Absolutely pissed. You took my beaters bat and used it against him so that Harry was distracted from the snitch. What kind of messed up play w-" Wood rants.

I grab him by his uniform and pull him into another kiss. He lets out a small moan as I grip his shirt and run a hand down his abs.

I chuckle, "Yeah alright Wood. I don't really care if you're mad. You're hot."

He looks at me in awe, "That was still the most illegal legal play I've ever seen. It was downright disgusting, disrespectful, indecent, callous, and vicious. You completely took advantage of our weaknesses and even-"

I roll my eyes and we're back to kissing. He deepens the kiss as if letting all his anger into the kiss. He lifts me up again and tries pulling me closer if that were even possible at this point. My hands are tangled in his hair and around his neck. His hands travel until he's holding me up with his hands on my butt. I feel his tongue slip in and I bite it. He ignores it and we make out even more with his tongue roaming around and mine in his.

"Gryffindor may have suffered a brutal defeat but it looks like Oliver scored," Lee let's out before McGonagall takes the mic from him.

"We made it to the quidditch cup," I smile.

Oliver hides his face in my neck but I can feel him smile. He sucks my neck lightly but I know it'll leave a mark.

"We did too," Oliver smiles back, "You were right, the Hufflepuff loss doesn't mean much."

"Still mad at me?"

"Oh absolutely enraged," Oliver says.

"Come on, I'm actually going to the after party this time. You're invited," I say and Oliver releases me from his embrace.

I forgot that he lifted me up while we were kissing. I trip a little as he puts me down, we laugh. I regroup with my team and am met with Cho's teasing.

"Well now I know how we scored so many goals against Wood," Cho smirks.

"Oh please. You act like you aren't the reason we were able to wrestle the snitch away from Diggory," I roll my eyes.

"You were brilliant today. The plays you made were borderline illegal and I've never seen anyone manuaver that quickly," Roger gushes.

"Yes you have Davies. We practise together every week," I laugh.

"But to see it to this degree. Not even the Slytherin match brought this Blue out. This Blue demolished Gryffindor," Davies smiles.

"Way to lay it on thick," Fred rolls his eyes.

"I have to agree Roger. The scores were pretty close," I sigh.

"But the only reason we got the snitch was your bludger work."

"Yeah, you're welcome by the way. You couldn't have done it if I didn't let you borrow my club," George scoffs.

"I forcefully snatched it from you after almost pushing you off your broom."

"You're still welcome," George says.

Draco and Luna run down from the stands. It took them longer because they were in the audience. I spotted Harry walking over to us but Hermione and Ron takling him.

"That was bloody amazing Ash," Draco says.

"The play where you scored in your own goal was impressive. It confused the other chasers for a good 2 goals," Luna smiles.

"I'm just glad Page blocked them all, I was not about to give them a free 3 points," I laugh.

"You made it very easy to block," Page says.

"YES! That's our chaser," Burrow yells.

"If I was on the Gryffindor team I would be in trouble. Oliver was really good. I wouldn't have blocked a single goal from Ash," Page nods.

I walk back to Ravenclaw with Draco and Luna.

"Oliver played really well today," Luna says.

"Had to play well so he would be less ashamed when he made out with Ash," Draco laughs, "How was it by the way? Who's a better kisser?"


"Well go ahead and answer Ash," Luna smiles, "Don't be afraid to hurt Draco's feelings."


"ASH are you serious??? Oliver?" Draco gasps.


"Plus? PLUS WHAT?" Draco grabs my shoulders and shakes me while Luna just nods along.

"It was an angry kiss so obviously it was... YOU KNOW WHAT I DON'T HAVE TO EXPLAIN MYSELF," I run into the common room.

"It was barely a kiss. You were practically trying to eat each other," Luna laughs as Draco and her walk into my room.

"How is Draco here?" I ask.

They don't answer.

"What are you going to wear to this after party?" Luna asks.

"I don't know, I'll figure it out after I shower.

I finish showering and find Luna and Draco hunched over and looking at a pile of clothes.

"What's going on?" I dry my hair.

"Luna has gone insane and wants you to wear this," Draco points to an outfit laid out on my bed.

"On the contrary Draco is fashionably challenged. You just kissed Oliver and now you are celebrating his defeat. My outfit is clearly better," Luna nods.

I laugh and look at Cho and Gwen who had made their way back at this point.

"Which one should I wear?" I ask Cho.

She smiles at me and walks over. She smiles at the options, "They're both perfect but I'd have to say my option is the best."

Cho walks over to her stuff and pulls out a pre-planned outfit, "I had a feeling."

"And back to square one, whoever throws me a pair of socks first is the outfit I wear," I catch a pair of socks heading straight at my face (pick any outfit it doesn't matter)

"You are so lucky to have us," Draco smirks.

"Whatever, come on Cho. We are the guests of honor," I laugh.

We walk into the common room and are instantly met with cheers. The Ravenclaws were always excited after a win but more than usual today. Maybe because unlike other times Ash actually showed up.

I walk down the stairs and spot Oliver. I make my way to him saying thank you to all the people who congratulated me on the way. Then Marcus Flint finds me first.

"So in light of recent events... let's say you and I go on a date," Flint smiles and touches my arm.

"What do you mean Flint? And don't touch me," I groan yanking my arm back.

"Well you won because I let you practise with my team and you obviously have a thing for captains," he grabs my arm.

"You don't deserve any credit now let go of me," I say calmly trying not to attract any attention.

"All I'm saying is that I know you like me so you might as well just date me. Unless you want to skip to kissing like you did with Wood," Flint grips my arm tighter.

I start thinking of spells to use. I didn't want to ruin the party but I definitely didn't want anything to do with him.

Suddenly Flint gets pushed back. I look behind me and find Fred. Not even a second later Flint is punched in the face leaving him knocked out on the ground. I look up to see Oliver standing over Flint. My jaw dropped. What the heck. This was not discreet.

"Fred. Oliver. What," I say in shock.

Oliver laughs as he looks at me, "told you I was enraged didn't I?"

"Ok... and Fred?" I ask.

"Gotta protect you, captains orders," Fred smiles but frowns as soon as I turn back around.

He was jealous of Oliver. He got so upset when you and Oliver kissed in the middle of the field that he wanted to just go to his room and not wake up. George forced him to congratulate you and come to this party.

"Ash are you alright?" Hermione says stepping over Flint.

"Fine Hermione," I smile.

Ginny runs up and kick Flint to the side a bit more and pulls me into a hug, "you beat us. But I'm so proud of you. And that kiss, a lot of girls are jealous of you."

"More boys are jealous of Wood though," Hermione nods.

"One of them is laying on the floor," Draco smiles.

"Isn't he your quidditch captain?" Oliver asks.

"Eh. Ash is my best friend, balances out," Draco shrugs.

"So you like Wood?" Fred pulls me aside.

"... I guess so," I smile.

I liked Fred, a small part of me knew that but if he didn't feel the same way I'd hate to ruin our friendship. Especially when Oliver was such a great guy. I didn't want to ruin anything.

"And he likes you?"

"Well... yeah. Yeah he does," I look up at Fred.

"And what about m- ...Oliver's a good guy. Maybe he loves you more than quidditch," Fred walks away.

"Love?" I whisper.

I wasn't sure I wanted Oliver to love me. I wasn't sure I wanted Oliver.

The night continues and all my friends have a fun time. I had a great time as well. Fred wa able to have some fun since Ash and Oliver didn't kiss anymore that night but he'd feel slightly less happy everytime Ash and Oliver interacted.

"You look really great by the way," Oliver whispers in my ear.

"Aha!" (the person who's outfit you chose) yells triumphantly.

"How did they hear that?" Oliver watches them.

"How'd you miss so many of my goals," I laugh.

"You're just so pretty you distracted me. Why didn't you like going to the after parties?" Oliver asks.

"Well Ollie. I'm sure you know that at these after parties everyone seems to be all over you. Last time I hadn't even won and about 50 people asked me out. I've seen the horde of girls that cheer you on in the stands. How many times have each of them asked you out? If you win they're awed and want to be with you. If you lose they see it as an opportunity to comfort you, either way, not fun," I explain.

"I haven't been asked out once today," Oliver lifts his head.

"I'm intimidating," I shrug.

"I suppose I'm not then. Flint was all over you."

"Flint is all over anything that breathes," I roll my eyes.

"I'd rather he not be all over you," Oliver flirts.

"That's enough. I'm actually disgusted," George butts in.

"I second that, I think it's your bedtime," Fred ushers me away.

"How about I stop flirting with Oliver and you let me stay?" I ask.

Fred stops and pushes me back to the party.

"Let's play dare," I announce.

"Huh?" Oliver asks.

"It's this game Ash wants to play at every party she goes to but no one ever wants to play with her because it's a lame game," Draco explains.

"I will ignore Draco's comment. Come on guys. We've got the entire Gryffindor team and the entire Ravenclaw team. You guys get to give dares, as long as they don't go to far, we have to do them. If we don't follow through and do the dare... we get kicked off the quidditch team," I smile.

A few eyes light up and a few quidditch players try and exit.

"Everyone who's up for it make some noise, before Inglebee runs away. COME ON GUYS!" I cheer.

Just about everyone in the common room claps and yells.

"Come on guys, let's play," I smile.

Hesitantly the teams make their way to the makeshift stage.

"Alright the Hufflepuff in the first row get's the first dare," I point.

"I dare George to take off his shirt," she blushes.

"Um," George shifts.

"Up to you George, this dare is a bit uncomfy, you can reject it if you want. If you reject it anyone after you can reject it too though," I smile.

He mumbles something and takes his shirt off. He's met with a few gasps and applause.

"Ravenclaw in row three, four people to the right," George says.

"Is he allowed to do that," Oliver whispers to me.

"Yeah, once you've been dared you can pick the next darer. George has played before."

"Malfoy told me no one wants to play it."

"They don't want to, they still do though."

"I dare Ash to tell us who the first person that ever asked her out was," the Ravenclaw dares.

"Sneaky. I like it, Thomas Ekhart. I pick the Slytherin in the 2nd row, 10 people down.

"I dare Harry and Ginny to kiss," the Slytherin says.

I see someone handing him five dollars as he makes the dare. They were planning something.

"You don't have to. If you reject it then we can reject it too. Come on Harry, Ginny, you don't have to," I interrupt.

"I'll do it," Harry says.

They kiss.

"Hermione Granger in the front row," Harry points.

Oh they were definitely planning something.

"Ash and Fred should kiss," Hermione grins, "for 5 seconds."


"You have to do it Ash," Harry shrugs, "your rules remember."

"...Davies would never kick me off the team," I argue.

"Your rules Ash," Davies shrugs.

"Fine come 'ere Freddie," I walk over and pull him into a kiss before he can evern register what was happening.

He kisses back which I appreciated. It would've been way more awkward if he just stoof there. I start feeling butterflies in my stomach, it was different then when I kissed Oliver it was definitely better. I felt tingly like this was what I was meant to do. Five seconds pass and he pulls away.

"Gwen in the last row," I pick.

"Uh, I kind of just want to watch," she says.


"Davies and Oliver should kiss then," Gwen smiles.

"Oh finally something interesting," I smirk at the two shocked faces.

"You can't kick me off my own team," Davies says.

"My rules Davie, remember," I laugh at their uncomfortable faces.

Eventually they walk closer and kiss. Not much happens. They don't deepen the kiss or anything. They just kind of stand there with their lips touching. As soon as 5 seconds pass they yank apart from each other.

"That. Was hardly a kiss," I frown.

"Let's move on from the kissing please," Oliver groans as he points to a girl in the front row.

"I dare Oliver to tell us who on the team he would kick off if he had to," she smiles.

"...Can we go back to the kissing," Oliver says with his eyes wide in shock.

"It's a trap, you can't say no because I had already completed a dare of the same sort," I whisper to myself just loud enough for Oliver to hear.

"Myself then, every person on my team is invaluable if one of them weren't on it, it wouldn't be my team," Oliver says.

He points at a boy across the room.

"Davies I dare you to tell us who you would kick off-" the boy starts.

"It's people like you who ruin things. The game isn't even fun anymore. I'm going to sleep," I grumble.

I stalk off to my bedroom, Luna, Cho, Draco, Hermione, and Ginny follow.

"Sleepover?" Ginny asks when they reach the door.

I look up.

"We can tell stories and do each others hair," Cho offers.

"After that we can look through your clothes," Hermione says.

"Read your diary," Luna smiles.

"Gossip and talk about boys," Draco mocks but I think he was secretly being very serious.

"Is Harry one of the boys you're talking about?" I raise an eyebrow.

"You really ruin everything," Draco slumps onto my bed.

"Fine, let's have a sleepover. But I'm actually sleeping and you all can find your own bed to sleep on.

I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. When I wake up I expect them to be at their own rooms. Instead I see Hermione, Luna, and Draco crowded in my bed and the others nestled on the floor.

"This is ridiculous," I sigh.

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