My Hero


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Years ago when the married Tadano couple were on their way back home they caught a glimpse of a meteor fallin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Hitohito's birthday chapter.
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
The Holiday Special
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35: Crossover #1
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 6

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Next day of class Hitohito felt a shiver down his spine, it threw him off because it wasn't the Komi cult who he was afraid off, neither was it Yamai who she threatened him when Shouko wasn't looking. This one felt more personal, but he waved it off as usual.

Najimi: so Komi-san, where do you usually buy your clothes.

Shouko: [ my mom buys them for me.]

Najimi: huh?! Then what do you do on your days off?

Shouko: [ I rarely leave the house.]

Najimi: that's so sad! Right Tadano?

Hitohito: I mean it is surprising but I'm in no position to criticize.

Najimi: wow you're lame too.

Hitohito: what?

Najimi: regardless we need to get you new clothes Komi-san, how about we go shopping after school?

Komi: [sounds fun.]

Najimi: want to come Tadano?

Hitohito: you want me to go?

Komi popped her cat ears, she wanted Hitohito to tag along.

Hitohito: sure I'll go.

Najimi: can I invite someone else?

Hitohito: sure.

Najimi: Agari! We're going to buy clothes for Komi want to come?!

Agari: y-yes!

Najimi: let's go!

After class the gang went to the shopping mall to buy clothes for Shouko, what they did not expect was finding Yamai on the same place, surely it must've been a coincidence.

Yamai: how about I join you? The more the merrier right?

Shouko nodded.

After a few talk the group agreed to pick something for Shouko, to see which she would like the best... these are the options.

She tried first Najimi's option.

A qipao red dressed that Najimi picked as a Joke. It didn't get enough points.

Next it was Yamai's choice to say it was a bit revealing was an understatement, she got disqualified for exceeding the 10,000 yen limit.

Agari's choice was next, a plain shirt, some jeans and tennis shoes. Not cute at all.

At last it was Hitohito's choice, he got Shouko a long white dress along with some sandals. Everyone was amazed by how great Shouko looked, a perfect score. Shouko bought Hitohito's choice.

After leaving the clothing store Hitohito turned his attention to a record store.

Hitohito: you guys can head home I'll hang in here a little while.

Najimi: don't tell me you're going to that record store.

Hitohito: haha sorry I can't help it.

Shouko: [we could go with you.]

Hitohito: you don't have to really.

Yamia: alright suit yourself, let's head home Komi-san~.

Shouko: [ I would like to stay, I haven't been on a record store before.]

Najimi: you're not missing much, most of the music they sell is decades old.

Hitohito: well you're not wrong, but who knows, you might find something you'll like.

Najimi: alright I guess we can browse for a few minutes.

Hitohito look around the music that were on sale. Shouko browse with excitement as well. Najimi only looked for modern albums, and Yamai and Agari waited outside.

Hitohito: oh looks like they finally restocked the Boston albums.

Shouko: ?

Hitohito: it's my dad's favorite band, they have really good songs.

Hitohito proceeded to buy the new album, and with that out of the way the gang took their seperate ways back home.

Summer vacation.

The summer break has started and with that students were resting at home taking a break from school while others went to hang out with some friend. For Hitohito was a different case, taking a break from school didn't mean taking a break from superhero duties. There was a meeting at Wayne's hideout talking about what could be Red Legion's next move.

Wayne: students are an easy target for the Red Legion, now that summer break is here there's no doubt that they'll want to terrorize as many of them as they can.

Ace: the places with the highest chances of an attack is the water park, the theme park and the movies.

Hitohito: so what's their strategy?

Mike: I believe that after Skull's failure, the Red Legion will send a series of attack as a diversion, as a response to that the government will send all forces to focus on the terrorist while the Red Legion sends another team to Nakamura labs to finish the job.

Hitohito: what is inside Nakamura labs that they want so desperately?

Keith: experimental weapons that could destroy a city withing hours.

Hitohito: wait is that legal?

Wayne: at the eyes of the judges and the mayor they're just developing medicine, and we don't exactly have the jurisdiction to confiscate all those weapons.

Mike: so the least we can do is preventing them to fall into the wrong hands.

Ace: exactly, if a super terrorist is already giving us a hard time, just imagine the pure chaos one would do with those weapons.

Hitohito: then I must stop them no matter wha-

Hitohito's phone rang at a really poor moment.

Hitohito: sorry I thought I had it off.

Wayne: no worries mate, take your call. In fact I say we all take a break.

Embarrassed by that he took his phone to see who was calling, as luck would have it, Najimi was on the other end of the line.

Hitohito: hey Najimi now is not a good time.

Najimi: hey mister hero! Say how about we go to the water park tomorrow?!

Hitohito: are you serious?

Najimi: come on man, it's the summer we should be having fun.

Hitohito: -sighs- alright we'll meet at the water park tomorrow.

Najimi: great! I'll ask Komi-san, don't be late!

Najimi hanged up.

Wayne: problems at home?

Hitohito: no it's just that I've been invited to the water park.

Wayne: great, now you can look for suspicious activities at the water park, in fact Mike will join you.

Mike: excuse me what?

Wayne: yeah it will be good for a young man to go outside he needs to...... what's the phrase that kids use nowadays? Touch grass?

Mike: very funny Wayne, but I'm good here, I wasn't invited anyways.

Wayne: Hito my boy you think Mike can tag along?

Hitohito: I wouldn't mind but does he really want to come?

Wayne: of course he will, because that's an order and should he not follow it I'll confiscate all his toys.

Mike: Wayne that's not fair.

Wayne: boohoo cry me a river, you and Hitohito will just look for suspicious activities, after all that you can leave.

Mike: ....... you sure you want me there Tadano?

Hitohito: well the more the merrier right? I'm sure you'll have fun out there

Mike: ..... well who am I to deny an invitation from Guardian.

Hitohito: ahaha please just call me by my name.

Mike: I'll see you there tomorrow.

Hitohito: sounds great, I have to go home or my parents we'll get worried.

Wayne: you're free to go mate, everyone go home is getting late.

The rest of the group Hitohito, Mike and Keith had already left home for the day. Wayne stayed at the hideout for the night.

Wayne: something on you mind Ace?

Ace: I don't like the fact that we let him run around the city like he pleases.

Wayne: I mean he's a high-school student, he needs a normal life, didn't you go to high school?

Ace: of course I didn't Wayne you know that.

Wayne: all the more reason to let him go, he's a good kid.

Ace: I say we use the Brakonite now, I can deal with Red Legion by myself.

Wayne: right because you had it under control like last time.

Ace: I admit I made a slip up-

Wayne: 50 people died in Poland because of your slip up, so it's hard for me to trust you with a big responsibility.

Ace: ........

Wayne: so I sugest you shut your mouth, and follow my orders this time, I know what I'm doing, you're not.....

Ace looked at him angry.

Wayne: anything else?

Ace: .... no boss.

Wayne: then piss off, you'll get your mission when I say you're ready.

Ace didn't say another word, he just left the hideout, but he knew this conversation was far from over.

Next day at the water park.

Shouko arrived at few minutes earlier she was waiting at the train station for her friend, it was exciting going to the pool for the first time with her friends. She had to thank Hitohito for that, she's come a long way since they first talked.

Najimi: yahoo Komi-san!! Thanks for waiting.

Najimi and Hitohito tagged together.

Najimi: shall we go now!

A wild Agari appeared.

Agari: wait for me! Sorry I'm late!

Najimi: oops I forgot I also invited Agari.

Hitohito: how can you forget something like that?

In that moment Yamai and the rest of the cult appeared.

Yamai: Komi-san wait for us!

Hitohito: did you invite Yamai too?

Najimi: I didn't.

Yamai: now that we are all here let's go have fun a the pool!

Hitohito: w-wait I invited someone else I hope you don't mind Najimi.

Najimi: ohh who did you invite?

Yamai: bleh did you invited someone as lame as you?

Hitohito: oh there he comes. Mike we're here!

Mike was seen coming with an umbrella hat to protect himself from the sun.

Mike: Tadano-san thank you for letting me tag along.

Hitohito: no problem, guys this is Michael Krell an acquaintance of mine.

Mike: pleasure to meet you all.

Najimi: what's the deal Tadano? Is not like you to invite someone.

Hitohito: I'll explain it later, for now let's go have fun at park!

Everyone: yeah!!

Upon entering the pool, the boys and the girls went to seperate changing rooms, Najimi had to change on the mixed bathrooms.

At the men's changing room, Hitohito was putting on his swimming trunks, but he turned to see that Mike hasn't changed yet.

Hitohito: what's wrong Mike?

Mike: sorry Tadano-san, I just don't feel secure with my body I......... I'm just a skinny boy.

Hitohito: there's no shame in showing your body Mike.

Mike: easy for you to say, you have the body of an athlete. How much can you even lift?

Hitohito: haven't put that to the test yet.

Shinobino, Chirai, and Sonoda heard the conversation from the other side of the locker. Now they felt insecure about their bodies.

Chirai: does Tadano really have abs?

Sonoda: I'm not sure if I can face him with my condition.

Shinobino: it has to be some sort of joke, I mean an average guy can't have such body.

With a defeated look they change into their swimming trunks and went out to the pool, waiting for the girls to come out with their swimsuits.

Komi came out with a two piece bikini that Yamai bought her, she got really embarrassed by it after Hitohito gave her a compliment.

Everyone gathered around having fun at the pool, but while Hitohito was swimming around a hooded figure was approaching the water park. The individual sounded afraid, disoriented, mindless, he just wanted help, help from whatever danger that was coming.

Back with the gang at the park, Mike was sitting with an umbrella on top of him watching the bags.

Mike: man everyone is having fun.....

Hitohito: why don't you join them?

Mike: Tadano-san? I thought you were with your friends.

Hitohito: I did but I kinda got worried that you are not having fun.

Mike: thank you for your concern Tadano-san, but I'm watching the bags I can't just leave them unattended.

Hitohito: well I cover you up, I could really use a break.

Mike: you don't mind?

Hitohito: of course not, you go have fun.

Mike: thank you buddy, I won't take long I promise!

Hitohito: you go enjoy yourself.

Hitohito switched places with Mike, while Mike was having his fun, Hitohito took the chance to report to Wayne.

Wayne: Tadano! How's my number one hero doing?!

Hitohito: just reporting that nothing suspicios has happened, did Ace and Keith checked on the movies and the Theme park?

Wayne: they haven't checked in yet, but I'll let you know once I hear from them.

Hitohito: thank you Wayne.

Wayne: by the way Tadano, how is little Mike doing?

Hitohito: he's -looks at Mike having fun.- he's having the time of his life.

Wayne: I'm happy to hear that, thanks for looking out for him. It means a lot to me that Mike is making friends.

Hitohito: no problem Wayne, Mike will be under my care.

Wayne: I'll take your word, well I'd best leave you be, have fun Tadano.

Wayne ended the call and Hitohito went to check on the gang.

Back with the hodded figure who was wandering around the park, the visitors were uncomfortable so they called security to kick him out.

Security: alright man, come with me.

???: please help me, something is inside me.

Security: don't worry buddy, I can get you some help but you need to leave the premises.

The security guard touched his shoulder and that got him a little angry.


He trew the guard far and began to change his condition.

???: ARGH!

Whatever was happening to him it made him into a dangerous person, his body size doubled with the seconds passing, the color of his skin was changing to blue, and he lost all reason.

Hitohito heard all the commotion from the entrance, Mike was next to him.

Hitohito: Mike, get everyone to a safer place.

Mike: I'm on it.... okay everybody we need to leave now, come on move!

Yamai: what's happening? Don't you see we're having fun?

Najimi: take it easy Mikey is the summer break.

Soon the rest of the gang would found themselves being trampled by the crowd who was running from something. Everyone ran to the nearest emergency exit, while Hitohito went to the changing rooms to suit up.

Hitohito: I have to hurry or innocents will die.

Shouko couldn't move in all the commotion, she tried to run but to no avail since she got pushed by the crowd earlier bruising her knee. Thankfully Najimi saw her and gave her a hand.

Najimi: Komi-san, let's get out of here.

Shouko nodded.

???: ROAR!

Both Shouko and Najimi turned at the giant blue beast who was about to smash the two of them.

He swung his arm to attack, while they only closed their eyes and braced for the worst....... but the attack only made impact with Hitohito's head.

Guardian: are you two okay?


Guardian: thank you for your bravery, but I'll take it from here.

Guardian shoot his laser beams to push the monster away.

Guardian: you will not terrorize these people any longer you beast! (That sounded a bit cringe.....)

With those words he charged at the beast for the big fight that many will witness.

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