My Hero


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Years ago when the married Tadano couple were on their way back home they caught a glimpse of a meteor fallin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Hitohito's birthday chapter.
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
The Holiday Special
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35: Crossover #1
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 3

517 16 12

Day ended and night started, Hitohito was now on his night watch after an exhausting chase for Agari, at the end she agreed to be friends with Shouko, well not really friends but she decided to be Shouko's pet.

Hitohito: slowly but surely Komi-san is getting more friends.

Hitohito overheard a nearby police radio about a high speed chase on the city plaza.

Hitohito: well duty calls

A red car was currently running away from the police at high speed endangering the pedestrians. As fate could have it, Shuuko Komi was around the same area crossing the street on a green light for pedestrians.

Shuuko: this city really shines at night, too bad it's dangerous nowadays.

The loud honks from the red car at high speed.

Reckless driver: move lady!!

Shuuko: eh?

Shuuko saw how the car was approaching to her location, next this she saw was a silhouette in front of her in order to recieve the impact.

Hitohito: you okay there miss?

Shuuko: oh goodness, I though I was done for, thank you kind hero.

Hitohito got the driver out of the car and handed him to the police.

Hitohito: here you go officers.

Officer: wow I didn't believe the rest of the guys but you're real.

Officer 2: you mind if we get a picture?

Hitohito: sorry but there's more people in need maybe next time -flies away-

Hitohito continued with his superhero stuff, this time he finished earlier and got back home, once again without alerting his parents.

Hitomi: welcome back nii-chan how did it go tonight?

Hitohito: better it seems that people are feeling safe now.

Hitomi: good for you.

Hitohito: yeah this is a game changer I feel like can tackle any obstacle.

Hitomi: so are you going to tell mom and dad about it?

Hitohito: absolutely not! If they find out they'll ground me for life and good bye to the superhero stuff.

Hitomi: yeah I guess you're right, well be careful not to gain too much attention or they'll know.

Hitohito: ( I didn't like the sound of that.)

Hitohito went to sleep not giving it anymore thoughts, he'll cross that bridge with his parents when the time comes.

Meanwhile somewhere in the outer space a space ship has been coming close to the solar system. On the deck there was a massive alien with horns on the top of his head he went by the name of Tremor.

Tremor: are you sure the ship dropped into this sector?

His copilot a slim blue skinned alien with white hair showed him a map of the solar system, he went by the name of Hyperion.

Hyperion: well if my info is correct which it is, the Brakonian ship (A/N: the alien race of Hito) dropped into one of these following planets in this galaxy. Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Earth.

Tremor: couldn't you get a more specific location?

Hyperion: sure it would only take us what? Another 15 years? There's only so much we can do with our technology.

Tremor: this is going to be a pain.

Hyperion: well the quicker we find and eliminate the brakonian, the better for us, and high elders will be please with our work.

Tremor: sounds good hahahahaha!

Next morning in the Komi residence, Shuuko was cooking breakfast for the entire family, while doing so she couldn't stop thinking about the close call she had that last night. She wondered who was that person that saved her, she took a while to noticie her daughter was the first one to come downstairs ready to eat.

Shuuko: oh good morning Shouko, did you had a good sleep?

Shouko: I did mom, are you okay?.... you spaced out for a moment.

Shuuko: oh did I? I'm sorry Shouko I just remembered my encounter with that mysterious person.

Shouko: the one they talk about?

Shuuko: yes that one

Shouko: you met him too?! Tell me what did he look like? How did he save you?

Shuuko: Shouko calm down. It couldn't get a good look at him.

Shouko: oh okay.

Shuuko: in any case hurry up and eat you're going to be late for school.

Shouko: oh right.

She quickly ate her breakfast and left on her way to school, Shousuke a little later than Shouko, the only ones left in the house were Shuuko and her husband Masayoshi, who was also getting ready to leave for work.

Masayoshi: I'm on my way dear, see you later.

Shuuko: Masa wait...... before you leave I want to talk about something.

Masayoshi: sure thing honey what is it?

Shuuko: well I was wondering if we could go out you and me on the weekend.

Masayoshi: that sounds amazing but..... why all of a sudden?

Shuuko: well lately I've been noticing that we haven't spent enough time alone and... I don't want to live with the regrets.

Masayoshi: Shuuko......

Shuuko: sorry it was silly of me for asking, let's pretend I didn't say any-

Masayoshi interrupted his wife with a kiss.

Masayoshi: you're right dear, I'm sorry we haven't spent much time together. How about we get dinner you and me this Saturday?

Shuuko: -blushing- sounds great honey!

Masayoshi left for work kissing his wife goodbye and Shuuko close the door and cover her face in embarrassment.

Shuuko: this man makes me fall all over for him everytime.

Back at Itan private school where Shouko sat down with a bright mood and Hitohito quickly noticed that.

Hitohito: you look happier than usual Komi-san did something happen?

Shouko: [as a matter of fact two things happened, first my parents bought me a new phone so I can share contact info with my friends]

Hitohito: really? That's great you can keep in close contact with your friend! What about the second thing?

Shouko: [the mysterious guy that saved me also saved my mom from an accident]

Hitohito: he did? ( so that woman in the city was Komi-san's mother) then it was lucky he was there to save the day.

Shouko: [ I wish I could thank him for saving my mom]

Hitohito: I'm pretty sure he knows that you are grateful.

Najimi: yo Komi I heard you got a new phone.

Shouko: [ hello Osana, would you like to exchange contact info?]

Najimi: of course my bestie.

She got Najimi's phone number and looked at Hitohito for a few seconds.

Hitohito: you want to exchange contact info?

She nods.

Hitohito: okay here you go.

She was happy to exchange contact info with her friends.

Hitohito: (she's slowly getting around, good for her)

This nice moment would last long she overheard form the classroom next door about a building on fire, news quickly caught up, on of the students in Hitohito's class took out his phone and watched the live news, the rest of the class gathered around watching the news.

Student girl 1: that's terrible.

Student girl 2: wait I know that building my older brother works there.

Student girl 3: yeah my mom works there too.

Hitohito: Najimi what's going on?

Najimi; it seems that a building caught on fire. - takes out their phone- oh man the fire is spreading.

Hitohito: ( I have to do something) I'm going to the bathroom I'll be right back.

Hitohito exit the classroom and headed to the bathroom, luckily there wasn't anyone there and snuck out the window, the only problem is that he had no disguise.

Hitohito: just my luck I can't fly home to get my disguise it will be too late.....

He noticed a paper bag on the trash can.

Hitohito: -sighs- the things you do for the people Hito....

Back at the building on fire, news vans arrived at the scene, people gathered around and the police did their best to hold the situation.

Hitohito was flying towards the building, the fire was one of the top floors so he had to hurry fast before people decided to jump, a reporter noticed Hitohito and pointed him out.

Reporter: look up in the sky!

Civilian 1: it's a bird!

Civilian 2: it's a plane!

Civilian 3: it's.... a person wearing a paper bag?

Hitohito: not my proudest moment.

He entered through the broken glass and began looking for survivors, saving them one by one.

Hitohito: is that everyone?

Office worker: we can't find our friend, he must be up there.

Hitohito: how does he look like?

Office worker: he wears glasses, his name is Masayoshi.

Hitohito: I understand I'll look for him -flies back to the office.-

Office worker: .... why was he wearing a paper bag?

Back at the office the place was filled with smoke, no normal human could breath that much smoke and survive, but Hitohito wasn't a normal human.

Hitohito: um what was the name? MASAYOSHI! Where are you?!

Masayoshi: -coughing- I'm here!

Hitohito: you okay?

Masayoshi: -coughing- part of the ceiling fell on top of me I can't move.

Hitohito: don't worry, just try and hold your breath.

Back down on the street the fire department finally arrived, but they were too late the fire from the tall building caused an explosion taking out most of the building, the firefighters saw from the smoke a person descending with an injured person.

Hitohito: this man needs immediate care.

Firefighter: what about you?

Hitohito: I'm fine, but I have other matters to attend -flies back to the school-

Masayoshi: was he wearing a paper bag on his head?

Firefighter: he sure did.

Back to Itan Hitohito came back from the "bathroom" he threw away the paper bag and rushed to the classroom, he still had time before lunch time ended.

Hitohito: phew that was a close call. ( I really need to get a spare disguise, in case of emergency)

Shouko touched Hitohito's shoulder startling him.

Shouko: [everything okay Tadano-kun?]

Hitohito: oh yeah the bathroom was full so I had to wait for my turn.

Shouko: [ I see, by the way you missed the person from saving the people at the fire]

Hitohito: did I? Hahaha just my luck.

Shouko: -sniffs- [is it just me or does it smell like smoke?]

Hitohito: (crap!)

Najimi: hey Tadano where you've been? You missed the coolest thing ever!

Hitohito: yeah Komi-san told me about the flying guy saving those people.

Najimi: it's cool isn't it? Being able to fly whenever you want without the need of a plane ticket.

Hitohito: I suppose so.

Najimi: -sniffs- does it smell like smoke?
School day was over Hitohito went back home thinking about all the lives he saved, he was really proud of himself, if he kept this up the city would go back to a much more peaceful time.

Hitohito: this is just getting better and better.

What Hitohito didn't know is that back home his parents would wait for him, the jig was up now and there is no turning back. He opened the door and greeted his family who was already waiting.

Hitohito: I'm back.

Satoshi: hello son did you had fun at the fire this morning?

Hitohito: I sure did dad-

Jeanne: So that was you on the news.

Hitomi walked in with a shameful look.

Hitomi: I'm sorry nii-chan they got me.

Hitohito: traitor.

Satoshi: so how long were you planning to keep this from us?

Hitohito: dad listen I-

Satoshi: I don't want your excuses Hito, I warned you about exposing yourself and now look! You're the most talked person on the news.

Hitohito: I was wearing a disguise dad.

Satoshi: that is not the issue here, you're going to attract a lot of unwanted attention. From now on no more going out.

Hitohito: what? That's not fair!

Satoshi: sorry that's not up to discussion, you're grounded until you finish high-school.

Hitohito: ......... no.

Satoshi: what?

Hitohito: no dad I will not stop, I finally give a use to my abilities for a greater good and you just want me to stop? I'm sorry but no.

Satoshi: why are you so stubborn with this? Why do have the need to expose yourself?!

Hitohito: because I don't want to lose my family!!

Satoshi: ..........

Hitohito look down on the floor clenching his fist trying to hold off his tears.

Hitohito: you know how frustrating it is? Being able to help but not doing anything, knowing you could avoid something terrible but you chose not to....

Satoshi: son.....

Hitohito: I have no one else but you guys..... I don't want to turn on the news and see that my family has fallen victim of the city's crime.... I don't care about being exposed, I just want to make the world a safer place for the people I love......

Jeanne turned to her husband.

Jeanne: honey we knew that one of these days Hitohito will grow into using his powers for good, and that time has come.

Satoshi: you're right dear.... it's just that I'm afraid that he might not be ready to take such responsibility.

Jeanne: he'll never know if he's unless we give him the chance.... it's time for Hitohito to set his own path.

Satoshi: that is true dear..... if Hito can handle this responsibility then I'll support him.

Jeanne: I'm going to my room wait here Hito.

Jeanne was looking trough her old stuff and came back with a brief case that she set up on the table.

Jeanne: open it.

Hitohito: what is it?

Jeanne: a little something I found on the ship that you were in.

Hitohito opened the briefcase much to his surprise the contents of the brief case included a red half mask, as well as a white suit with a red logo and a red cape.

Hitohito: wow.... was this on the ship you found me?

Satoshi: yes, at first we didn't know why, but as you grew up with your abilities it became more clear.

Jeanne: well go try it on.

Hitohito: right.

He went to the bathroom to put on his new costume and his new mask and came back, it fitted him perfectly like who ever designed this costume knew the exact measurements.

Hitohito: thanks mom.

Jeanne: -giggling- well if you're going to save the world you're not going to dress like a cheap cosplayer right?

Hitohito: -sweat drop- you're right.

Hitomi: I wish I had super powers.

Hitohito: I'm going to make a few rounds I'll be back before dinner.

Jeanne: be safe son.

Hitohito flew away from his apartment, with a new disguise so people wouldn't recognize him he flew around the city's street saving people. His journey has just begun.

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