Gale Hawthorne X Reader -The...

By Salazarsslut2007

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!!!THIS IS A SEQUEL TO GALE HAWTHORNE X READER -LOVERS IN THE ARENA-!!! If you would like to read this then I... More

Hello All
Chapter 1: The Spark
Chapter 2: The Train
Chapter 3: The Victory Tour
Chapter 4: 'For Now'
Chapter 5: Fuck The Fucking Capital, Like WTF You Doing Fucking Up My life??
Chapter 6: Rebellion?
Chapter 7: Healing
Chapter 8: Photo-Shoot
Chapter 9: The Announcement
Chapter 10: One last day
Chapter 11: The Reaping (2)
Chapter 12: Training
Chapter 13: Allies
Chapter 14: Interviews
Chapter 15: The Quarter Quell
Chapter 16: Welcome To The Jungle
Chapter 17: More Allies
Chapter 18: It's Finally Happening
Part 2: Chapter 1: New Home
Part 2: Chapter 2: Hijacking
Part 2: Chapter 3: Broken Memories
Part 2: Chapter 4: The Warning
Part 2: Chapter 5: The Rescue
Part 2: Chapter 7: The Flames Are Gone

Part 2: Chapter 6: "I still do"

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By Salazarsslut2007

Gale's POV

I got up from the ground and wiped the blood from my face. What did they do to Y/n? She used to be so sweet and loving, she used to love me, but now she won't even let me near her. I didn't think it was possible but I hate the capital even more now. They actually made Y/n not love me anymore. 

Haymitch came over to me and asked if I was okay, I said I was fine and asked what he thinks they did to her, he said he didn't know. We were taken out of the room. I didn't feel like talking, I couldn't talk, all I could think of was Y/n. Will she ever love me again? Why does she hate me now? Is this it? Is our relationship over?


My broken nose was treated in the hospital and now I'm sitting on my bed wondering where I went wrong. Does she hate me because I got rescued and not her? Does she think that I'm the reason she got tortured in the capital? God, I hope not. I keep thinking about and remembering everything we went through together. Does she even remember all that? I think about the note she left the day of the reaping, she thought she was gonna die in the arena, when I saw her alive I was relieved and scared at the same time, I knew I was going to see her again but not like this, I thought it would be different.

I told Plutarch that I want to try to talk to her, but he said that she needs time. She's been calmer with the doctors, but they're strangers, they're gonna see how she acts with people she knows from home. Like her mother, Peeta, Katniss, but not me. The capital has brainwashed her to think that I am a horrible person, that all I want is violence, but I don't, they used Tracker Jacker venom to torture her and they "Hijacked" her mind to alter her memories so that she now hates me. I wish we could go back to that night on the roof when we were watching the stars without a care in the world. But now the love of my life hates me, and I can't do anything about it. 


Y/n's POV

When I saw Gale I felt so mad all of the sudden, he's not even human, he's a capital-made mutt. All he wants is violence and war, so many people have been hurt and it's all his fault. Right now I'm in the hospital, Gale and Haymitch left, and now a nurse is running tests on me. One of the tests was an ultrasound. I lost the baby. Apparently, it was Gale's baby. I didn't know what to feel. Sad? A bit, I did just lose my baby. Relieved? Also a bit, it was Gale's baby, I hate Gale I don't want his baby. (I hated writing this, it's so cruel. But Y/n was brainwashed so it's not her original mind.)

The doctors want to keep me in the hospital for a while, but nobody trusts me yet. My mother came to see me, it was nice to see her, she told me that Gale has been worried sick about me, but I didn't believe her, Peeta and his brother came to see me, the rest of his family didn't make it, which is Gale's fault. Katniss came and saw me, we talked for a while. Everybody who came to see me has tried to tell me that Gale is good, he isn't evil and he does want peace, but they're all lying. He has been telling all of them that this rebellion will work, and somehow they believed him. This rebellion has only caused more violence and deaths. But that's a win to Gale I guess.

(time skip to a week later)

Y/n's POV

All week I have been in the hospital. Doctors have been running tests on me and they found out some things but won't tell me what they are. District 13 is different. Nobody is starving, everyone has a safe place to sleep, and most of the people are nice. 

The doctors have finally told me what happened. So the capital used Tracker Jacker venom on me, which I already knew, but they...they were using it to brainwash me. They changed my memories and my thoughts and everyone is telling me that that is why I think Gale is bad. I've spent all day thinking about it. Is Gale really bad? Or is the capital just trying to make me think that he is? A little bit of both? I don't know, but my head hurts. I go to sleep.


Gale's POV

Y/n talked to her mom, and Peeta, and Katniss. She's getting better, but...she still hates me. The doctors are doing everything they can to get her memories back to normal, but it will take some time. They don't know how long, but they know it wont be very soon. 

So we're war with the capitol. Ever since the capitol attacked 13, Beetee and I have been designing and creating bombs and explosives to use on the capitol. District 13 has a huge supply of bombs and explosives of all kinds, we definitely have a chance of winning this rebellion. I remember when Y/n and I were in the other districts for the victory tour, we saw tons of small uprisings and acts of rebellion. I was excited that something is finally happening after years and years of unfairness toward the districts. But being apart of the rebellion -more like the face of the rebellion-  feels weird. I feel like all the rebels are looking up to me and if I mess up, then it's all over. The Capital used to love me, but now they all hate me. I dont really care though, if we can win this rebellion then it doesn't matter what the capitol thinks, because we'll have won and they'll have little to no power of us anymore.

(After destroying "the nut" in District 2, and this time, Gale got "shot" not Katniss)

Gale's POV

I woke up in a hospital bed, my ribs feel sore and bruised. The bullet didn't touch me but the impact bruised my ribcage. I sit up and see a picture of my family, the pearl I gave Y/n on the beach, I don't know how they got it, but they somehow did, and Y/n's promise ring. I picked up the ring and looked at it. I remembered the day I gave it to her, after our fake proposal, and I think of how that promise may have been...broken. All because of the capitol. Seeing the pearl and the ring gave me an idea, but I quickly shut it down, I don't need to be getting my hopes up.

I saw Johanna walking toward my bed, she took my morphling drip and stuck it in her own arm. I didn't really mind, I don't think I need it anyway. She sighs as the morphling makes it's way into her blood stream. She started going off about how much she hates her therapy sessions because her therapist keeps saying that "everything will be ok" and how she's "perfectly safe" she starts looking at and picking up all the the stuff that was on the nightstand.

"It's just some stuff my family brought" I said, she picked up the pearl and admired it.

"You gave this to Y/n, right?" She asked

"Yeah," I responded quietly

"She still isn't better?"

"Not yet, but she will be."

"I hope so," She said, she almost sounded like she cared "I mean, not that, it's just annoying seeing you all depressed everywhere you go, that's all" She quickly said after that to cover up that she might maybe have a little bit of a heart.

"Uh, huh" I said, unconvinced. She left and then I fell asleep again. 


Gale's POV

Haymitch told me that Y/n is doing better. He said that she almost seems like herself at some times. God, I miss that. I miss Y/n talking to me, and coming through my window when she has a nightmare, and holding her all night so she feels safe. I

Finnick and Annie got married a couple nights ago. It was nice seeing them so happy. It made me think, what if the rebels win this war? and Y/n gets better and we can live happily and get married and start a family. I hope so. Y/n is getting a little bit better everyday. She lets the doctors help her now, and they are allowing visitors. But not me. The Capitol brainwashed her to hate me specifically. But one day in command, Plutarch and Haymitch told me that Y/n asked to see me. Does she have her memories fully back? 


I'm standing outside of her hospital room waiting for approval to go in. I see her sitting on the bed in there, she still has bruises and some cuts on her, but she still looks beautiful, she still looks like the girl I fell in love with in the arena a year ago. Haymitch came out and told me that I can go in now.

I walk in and see her look up at me. I stand a few feet away from the bed, still not sure if she is gonna attack me again. I don't expect her to have her full memories back but I hoped that she does.

"Hey," She said in a soft light voice

"You wanted to see me?" I said, using a gentle voice

"Yeah," she said, "I-I wanted to tell you that...I can sometimes...remember. Sometimes I can I get these flash backs and...I see you, the real you. The you I fell in love with. Not the you the capital made me think of. I remember when you said that you loved me in front of all of Panem. I remember that night...I told I felt the same way, then we...kissed. that right?"

She remembers! Yes! this is great!

"Yeah, that's all right. All that happened"

"Okay, it's just...sometimes I don't know what's...what's real and what's not real. And I don't know who to ask."

"Well, you can ask me." I walked a little bit closer to her bed "You can always ask me"

"Thank you" She said a little over a whisper, and she smiled very lightly. A sight I missed so much. "You're a hunter. Real or not real?"

"Real." I said with a little smile. "Do you remember when we were on the beach in the arena, and I gave you this pearl?" I pulled the pearl out of my pocket and put it in her hand

"Uhm..." She closed her eyes and though for a minute. "Yes, I remember. I had this with me when I was taken to the capital. I couldn't remember why I kept it, but I did."

"So...are you...are you better now?"

"Sometimes I can remember things like this, and other times I...I just cant. But I am getting better." She closed her eyes again, and them opened them. "I tried to save you when the head peacekeeper what whipping you. Real or not real?"

"Real. Then you all took me back to your house and yours and Katniss' moms helped me."

"I must have really loved you." She said. "Remember loving you...and..."

"And what?" I said, still using a gentle voice

"I think...I still do"


A/n: omg! I've been waiting for this! We still love him!

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