The Coldhearted Prince & Prin...

By BL_Fan_62

39K 1.1K 597

This is a Vanitas no Carte fanfic a College AU. Vanitas is known as the Coldhearted Prince for being cold and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Vanitas & Dante
Vanitas & Amelia
Vanitas & Johann
Vanitas & Luca
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 27

663 21 4
By BL_Fan_62

Vanitas was dressed up and was in a casino "He sure loves to gamble no matter if he loses or win." Vanitas whispered glancing at Jean Chastel, Jean-Jacques father.

The casino that Vanitas is in is called the Masquerade Casino. Even with a mask on he looks handsome and young still.

Since he was able to get in without anyone suspecting him. Vanitas needed to now make friends with the man who's playing, Vanitas stood up and fixed himself. "Now time to get started." Vanitas mumbles to himself.

Vanitas was walking to him "Hey buddy. Why don't you pull the latch a little less hard." Vanitas tells him and Jean Chastel tried it, he got some extra cash. "Hey man thanks."

Jean Chastel looked at Vanitas 'Damn he looks young and handsome even with that mask on. I wonder if I can sell him for some extra cash, I need to gain his trust.' Jean Chastel smirked.

Vanitas pretended that he didn't notice the smirk on his target. "Why don't we play some other games." Vanitas says with a fake smile that he could fool anyone expect his friends.


Jean Chastel agreed to it right away, he wasn't going to waste this chance to try and be friend Vanitas. Vanitas gave him a sly smile "Alright let go and play more games." Vanitas tells him.

They were playing for almost two hours and Vanitas had amazing luck. Every slot machines they had, Vanitas kept hitting jackpot. Jean Chastel smirked to himself.

Jean Chastel looked at Vanitas "I'm going to get a drink. Would you like one?" He asked Vanitas, he glanced at Jean-Jacques father. Vanitas wasn't that good with alcohol but maybe one wouldn't hurt.

Vanitas went back to the game "Get me something not sweet and make sure it doesn't have strong liquor in it." Vanitas responded to him as Jean Chastel nodded.

Of course Jean Chastel was going to make sure that it had the strongest liquor in it. Vanitas also knows that Jean Chastel was going to make sure his drink was strong.

Vanitas smirked to himself "Even if I get drunk it's definitely not going to stop me from doing my job." Vanitas whispered quietly to himself so nobody could hear him talking.

Not long did Jean Chastel came back with two drinks in his hands. "Here I got us both the same drink. It's called Boulevardier, the bartender told me it was delicious." Jean Chastel tells Vanitas.

Hearing this made Vanitas want to laugh but held it in. "Can I have my drink then?" Vanitas asked nicely with the same smile on his face.

Jean Chastel handed Vanitas a glass as he took a sip of it. "Not to bad." Vanitas says as he took another sip of the Boulevardier. Jean Chastel smirked a little "I'm glad you at least like it." He tells Vanitas.

About two hours passed. Jean Chastel was stumbling a little and he he was flustered too. Vanitas was in the same condition but a little bit more flustered and stumbling more then Jean Chastel.

" I'm the me out in the back..." Vanitas drunkly says as the older man nodded drunkly. "...Kay...see you out there..." Jean Chastel drunkly says too.

Vanitas turned to walk to the bathroom well more like stumbling instead of walking. Jean Chastel was able to walk a little but he was still stumbling less then Vanitas.

A lot of people were drunk in the casino, Vanitas just didn't care. He headed to the rest room and shut the door. It a single person bathroom which he already knew, Vanitas locked the door and grabbed a bag that was hidden.

Vanitas took off his mask and smirked "Now the real fun begins." Vanitas says as he starts changing into other clothes. Vanitas was never drunk, he was good at handling his alcohol but tells people he's lightweight to it.

After a few more minutes Vanitas was finally done changing into his clothes. He checked his bag to make sure he has everything. "I got everything so that's all good." Vanitas grins.

With that said Vanitas unlocked the bathroom and climbed out the bathroom window. 'I'm going to finish the job fast, it will definitely be done faster since he's drunk.' Vanitas thought to himself.

Jean Chastel couldn't really think straight but he does faintly remembers his plan to sell Vanitas for some extra cash.

"I'm going to be rich...!" Jean Chastel laugh to himself, he was still clearly drunk. Jean Chastel didn't notice something being thrown at him. "Gyahhh!!" Jean Chastel screamed in pain.


That laugh immediately made Jean look at his surroundings. "Who's there?!" He shouted out a little frightened after being stabbed in the leg.

The person that was laughing and who threw the dagger was Vanitas himself. Jean Chastel doesn't know that Vanitas was trying to kill him now.

There was a wire attached to the dagger and Vanitas tugged at it "Gyaaahhh!!!" Jean Chastel was in so much pain "Please!! Stop it!! It hurts!!" He screamed more in pain.

Vanitas just laughed more "HAHAHAHA!!!" This just frightened the man even more, with out warning Vanitas pulled out the dagger fast and rough "SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!" Jean Chastel yelled.

"Sorry no one comes out to this alleyway and even if help'll be dead already." Vanitas told Jean Chastel as the man realizes something "Y-Your the blue moon?!" Jean Chastel asked in fear (he still doesn't know it's Vanitas.)

This made Vanitas smirk to himself 'Oh my he finally found out who is trying to kill him. I'll finish this fast.' Vanitas thought to himself as he was getting ready to attack.

Jean Chastel was still on the ground, he couldn't run on his injured leg and even if he did he would still fail to get away from Vanitas. "Who the hell sent you! Why kill me?! I haven't done anything wrong!! So please don't kill me!" He shouted loudly.

Vanitas looked calm "You did nothing wrong you say." Vanitas says as Jean Chastel nodded his head. A grin crept up Vanitas lips "If you only told me the truth then I might have given you a quick death and maybe painless." Vanitas tells Jean Chastel.

The look that Vanitas gave him was really making Jean Chastel more frighten. He was shaking, Vanitas smirked "Now time to die." Vanitas says as he slashes at Jean Chastel.

The blade cut through a skin on the shoulder, blood spilled and it was not Jean Chastel he cut. Vanitas eyes widen as he backed away in the dark immediately.

"I won't let you kill him."

There standing in front of Jean Chastel and who took the attack for him was none other then Noé. It was Vanitas boyfriend that got in the way.

Noé grabbed his left shoulder that was bleeding and in pain. Noé looked at the darkness where Vanitas was standing at "Who are you! Are you the Blue Moon?" Noé asked him.

Jean Chastel nodded "That's him! He's the Blue Moon!" He yelled as Noé looked to the ground and back to the criminal. "I'll make sure he gets taken in then." Noé mumbles.

To be continued

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