
By hawksdivinetiddies

198K 8.8K 2.5K

A child assassin was given a second chance at life to become a pro hero, hoping that helping people would bur... More

AIZAWA [34.5]


3.3K 170 37
By hawksdivinetiddies

          Aizawa caught her.

          She lost the element of surprise.

          At least that was what he thought when she suddenly fell at the same time his capture weapon stretched towards her. His eyebrows shot up in surprise — it looked as if she sensed him even before he appeared. The girl twisted midair and gripped the end of the capture weapon, using her momentum as she fell to tug him down from the power lines. He quickly reacted to entrap her but she twisted the scarf around herself, allowing her to close up the distance as she gripped his shoulders, "Are you sure you're looking at me, sensei?"

          He blinked and the girl tangled within his scarf was replaced by Ectoplasm's clone.

          "What the fu —?"

          Arisa was nowhere to be seen.

          The real Arisa was nearing the original Ectoplasm's body, wiping blood from her nose. She had used one of her quirk's abilities which was neuroelectric interfacing and had messed with Aizawa's mind earlier when she was searching for him using her quirk. She made him see the rest of Ectoplasm's clones as herself to buy her time to reach the other teacher. It was still too much for her. She only perfected it enough just last week and it seemed that it was straining her.

          The original Ectoplasm was sitting atop a roof, his eyes vigilant. Arisa made sure to keep low, to keep her presence undetectable and moved around the building. She used her quirk to allow her to shoot up and quietly landed on the roof. She detached one of the cuffs from her hip and approached him, her senses on high alert. She held up a hand, the mysterious blue mist floating towards him.

          Class 1-A were all tense.

          Shoto whispered, "What is she doing?"

          Ochako was biting her nails at this point, not even sure if she was even breathing. It was like watching a highly tense horror movie right before they knew a jumpscare was coming.

          Up on the roof, Arisa focused and the blue finally touched Ectoplasm. Her nose bled and the male suddenly spun but it was too late. Just as he spun to face her, he flopped onto his side, unconscious. Arisa breathed out a sigh of relief and approached his unconscious form, clasping the cuffs around his... Legs? She wasn't sure. She couldn't find any hands on him.

          Arisa exhaled heavily and wiped her nose with the back of her hand, her gaze flicking over to the horizon.

          That was her first time putting someone to sleep with her quirk.

          I feel like I'm getting overpowered and I feel like it'll come at a great cost.

          She was going to worry about that another day. She had seventeen minutes left.

          Arisa wiped the sweat from her neck and face when she was suddenly ambushed from behind. Thankfully she reacted quick and she jumped to the left, dodging the familiar capture weapon. She rolled and stood back on her feet. She tried using her quirk but came up empty and she cursed, seeing the man's glowing red eyes behind his yellow goggles.

          "Looks like you're the real one," his scarf hovered around him eerily as he grinned, borderline creepy, "I didn't know you could do that. That's going to be annoying, that little trick of yours."

          She let out a short, breath of laughter, already feeling the fatigue set in. It had been a while she was sent out to the field. This was almost as intense as back then. Arisa had eyes on the exit just a few ways behind him, "I'd like to dance but running's more my scene now."

          She took a step back and fell off the roof. She grabbed the lower roof and swung herself into the house, shattering the window. She rolled and got back on her feet before she ran through an open window and jumped into another house. She ran down the stairs and burst through the front door, hearing Aizawa gain on her.

          She tried using her quirk but it was still a no-go.

          "Son of a bitch," she cursed as she ran, jumping over fences, entering houses in hopes of dodging his capture weapon. She continously tried using her quirk and it finally worked. She jumped out the umpteenth window and was punched from the side, sending her flying. She slid across the pavement, feeling her head spin as she flipped herself onto her back.

          He punched me.

          Her classmates all gasped and winced at the sight.

          Arisa scrambled up to her feet, stumbling slightly as she flipped herself over a concrete fence,  trying to make her world stop spinning. She had twelve minutes left. Arisa peeled herself off the ground and stood up, facing her opponent squarely, just in time to see his weapon shoot towards her. She gripped it and twisted it around herself — his eyes widened and she closed up the distance between them before she threw a punch but he dodged and the two were caught in a deadly dance.

          Ten minutes.

          Everyone watching were on their feet, all watching the screen.

          Hayashi Arisa reverted into Sukehiro Arisa as her movements grew faster and sharper. Aizawa dodged earnestly, his face tense when his hits were dodged cleanly.

          Nine minutes.

          Aizawa ripped the cloth from her eyes. Her weakness. He felt bad but he did agree to take on the role of a villain. The girl's eyes were sharp and despite seeing her many times, her eyes could leave anyone breathless.

          Arisa flinched and immediately her barrage of attacks stopped as she yelled out, covering her eyes with her hands. She was in pain. Thoughts of people that weren't even in the general vincinity poured into her mind. Aizawa decided to finish this quickly and made a mistake of having the slightest of bloodlust.

          Threat. She was threatened.

          The girl reacted and ripped the scarf off his neck and swept his feet from underneath him. She was moving on auto pilot. She was moving to kill.

          Her eyes were looking but unseeing. She was like a rabid animal. She was threatened by Aizawa. She pinned him against the ground, her free hand pulling back and Aizawa's eyes widened, realizing he was going to die if he didn't stop her. He had only seen her this way once, back when she started living with him. She was distressed and his presence scared her enough to go into full on killer.


          He yelled out desperately but her hand moved.

          Five minutes.

          He moved to stop her hand.


          His hands were bound and her eyes returned to its normal warm ones. Propping herself up with one hand by his head, she looked down at him, a small, amused smirk on her lips as sweat rolled down her skin and dripped onto him. With half-lidded eyes, cheeks red and blood oozing down her nose, she whispered, "Got you."


          The girl then fell on him, unconscious.

          Aizawa was still shocked, eyes wide as he cushioned her head from falling against concrete with his bound hands, spitting her hair out of his mouth at the same time.

          Did she fake it? Did she stop herself? She's amazing, she took out two pros on her own.

          The entirety of Class 1-A cheered after breathing sighs of relief. That was the most tense fight they had ever seen.

          "Oh my god, I literally thought she was gonna fail at the end there!"

          "She's such a goddess. The goddess' eyes have made an appearance again," Mineta sighed dreamily.

          Soon, the medic androids came to carry her away and Aizawa watched them quietly, deep in thought. He felt bad because of his actions. He hated seeing her in pain but it was what he had to do.

          Seeing her fight, Nezu was satisfied. He pitted her against two pro heroes because he needed to see the legacy of the late Sukehiro family, the assassination skills that were unique to only the Sukehiro bloodline. She was the only remaining Sukehiro and Nezu intended to nurture her to the best of his abilities. To become a useful asset for the heroes.


          Arisa stirred.

          Her eyes fluttered open and she turned her head when she could hear a hushed conversation but she couldn't seem to make out what they were talking about. She then realized that her eyes were covered and she felt herself relax. Soon, a figure approached her and she realized it was just her guardian. He plopped down on the empty seat beside the bed and the two stared at each other wordlessly for a moment.

          "You did great," he finally broke the silence, "It was my first time, seeing you out in the field like that."

          She smiled slightly, "I scared you at the end there, didn't I?"

          "How'd you stop yourself?"

          She chuckled, "I have a psionic quirk. I have control over the mind, Aizawa-san."

          "Right," he crossed his legs, "How are you feeling?"

          "Tired. My face kinda hurts. Can't believe you punched me."

          He smirked slightly, "Out there, I was the villain. You think I'd go easy?"

          "Still. That was shocking," she laughed, "But it's all good. I passed in the end," she frowned for a moment, "I hope the others won't think I'm a freak or get suspicious. I did go against two pro heroes and won."

          He gave her arm a pat, "They won't. In fact, they were cheering for you. Those kids are literally the best crowd you could mingle yourself with."

          "Oh, Aizawa-san complimented them," she gasped sardonically and he rolled his eyes, "If you can walk, get up. Let's go home."

          "Can you carry me?"

          "I'll throw you out the window."

          "I feel so loved."

          "Get up."


         The two quickly went home.

          Reaching home, Arisa immediately showered, her eyes closed the entire time and got dressed in a simple large, black shirt with white shorts. She walked out her room to see Aizawa in the dining room, papers scattered all over the dining table, his hair tied into a messy bun and stress written all over his features. She peered over his shoulder, "Marking the test papers?"


          "I'll get the coffee going," she headed towards the cupboard and pulled out the coffee grounds and other ingredients she needed, "You hungry?"

          "I'm fine. You don't need to cook for me, you know."

          She shrugged, "I do it 'cause I want to. Besides, all you do is consume those juice pouches. I provide the nutrients you need to function with my cooking."

          He didn't say anything. She just assumed he rolled his eyes.

          "Can I help grading the papers...?"


          "Aw man."

          "... But you can organize them."

          She grinned, "Okay."

          And so the two burned the midnight oil together. Arisa made use of her quirk and made his coffee float from the counter towards him. Aizawa was always fascinated to see her quirk. Arisa ended up falling asleep on the table after quietly watching him work, a soft smile on her lips.

          Aizawa wordlessly carried her to bed.



          The next morning came and a certain group of people in class were in deep mourning of their fallen grades and practical exam outcomes. Arisa ignored them and chose to sit at her seat, reading another book she picked up the other day. Shoto had been staring at her the moment she came in and even now. Arisa twitched and glanced up to see him still staring at her. The girl finally asked him, "Why are you staring at me, Shoto?"

          He looked away, "I wasn't."

          She looked at him strangely before continuing to read.

          He didn't stop staring but before she could confront him, the door slammed open to reveal Aizawa glaring at the noisy class, "When the bell rings, you all take your seats."

         She didn't even realize that the bell rang.

         Everyone quickly took to their seats, most of them glum because of their test results from the other day, knowing they failed. Arisa, honestly, wasn't looking forward to the class going to the forest lodging that Aizawa had spoken about. She wanted more time to binge watch her shows and to read more fanfictions online. She hoped the forest lodging had wifi because she needed it — she needed to have her daily fill of Gojo fanfictions.

          Aizawa shuffled over to the front of the class, his eyes scanning the class, "Morning. Now, about your end-of-term exams," he began, "I hate to say that some of you have failed and as such," most of the students lowered their heads, accepting of their fates when suddenly Aizawa grinned, "Everyone's going to the forest lodge!"

          "What a twist!"

          The man continued to announce, "There were zero failing grades for the written test but for the practical, Satou, Kirishima, Kaminari, Ashido and Sero all failed."

          Aizawa explained that everything he had said during the practical exam was a logical ruse to push each of them into a corner. Her classmates were all relieved and Arisa continued to squirm under Shoto's stare. The forest lodge that they'd be going to was going to be a one-week bootcamp and suddenly, Arisa was looking forward to it.

          The day then carried out smoothly and a bit plainly. Soon, it was over and Arisa was shouldering her bag when her classmates were discussing about the bootcamp. Iida, Izuku, Ojirou, Mineta and Kaminari were standing around, the lodge guides in their hands. Suddenly, Hagakure suggested, "Hey, what about we all go shopping together since our exams are over and all that. Everyone in class A!"

          "That's a great idea!"

          "Hey, Bakugou, you come too!"

          "Arisa, you're coming too, right?"

          Ochako and Momo were both looking at her expectantly. Arisa pressed her lips together before smiling, "Ah, what the hell. Sure."

          "What about you, Todoroki-kun?"

          "I visit the hospital on free days."

          Right. His mother.

          Arisa accidentally asked him about him, curious of where he would go during weekends. One day, at home, when it was just the two of them, he opened up about his family and Arisa realized that she wasn't the only one with a complicated family background. After this revelation, Arisa and Shoto grew even closer despite him not knowing much about her except for the many cardboard cutouts of fictional men laying around her bedroom. Arisa was also shocked to learn more about Endeavour behind closed doors — she had always been suspicious of him from the get-go but hearing it from his son, she didn't know how to react.

          Should she report it?

          No. It was all up to him.

          "Arisa, can we walk home together?"

          It was Shoto.

          She smiled at him as she gestured for him to follow with her hand, "Sure. Let's go."

          And out they went and the two quietly walked side by side. The two never spoke much but their silence often said volumes. They enjoyed each other's company.

          "Hey, Arisa."


          "I'm sorry about how I've acted towards you before. It was rude and I wasn't thinking."

          He was referring to their first few days in UA.

          Arisa looked at him curiously, "I thought we were way past that?"

          He shrugged, "Yeah but I still feel bad about it."

          She knocked her shoulder into his, "Don't worry. That's all in the past. We're friends now and I like being around you."

          He gave the softest of smiles and agreed, "Yeah. I like being around you too."




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