The Coldhearted Prince & Prin...

By BL_Fan_62

39K 1.1K 597

This is a Vanitas no Carte fanfic a College AU. Vanitas is known as the Coldhearted Prince for being cold and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Vanitas & Dante
Vanitas & Amelia
Vanitas & Johann
Vanitas & Luca
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 26

764 19 1
By BL_Fan_62

In front of Vanitas and Amelia home was a young girl, Vanitas sighed as he just walked to his door "What is it Chloe?" Vanitas asked as he was unlocking the door. "I came to ask you something Vanitas or should I say The Blue Moon." Chloe says as Vanitas glared at her.

"Come inside and we can continue our chat inside." Vanitas says, he invited Chloe inside. Instead of showering and changing he made tea and brought some snacks out for Chloe. Vanitas sat in front of her "Now speak." He ordered her.

Chloe took a sip of the tea as she sighed "Jean-Jacques was attacked and is in the hospital right now. I want you to kill the man that tried to kill my Beloved." Chloe requests Vanitas help as he was listening to her.

Chloe took out a picture of two men "I was able to get a picture, the man on the right is his father Jean-Chastel. Jean and his father have never had a great relationship, you may do as you please with him. But for sure kill the man on the left. You don't have to kill them on the same nights." Chloe says, Vanitas smirked at her.

Vanitas crossed his arms "If you came in person then does that mean your paying me in cash?" Vanitas asked Chloe. She nodded showing no emotion "Yes. Please Vani, I already owe you my life but they tried to kill the man I love." Chloe begged Vanitas.

The girl looked desperate for Vanitas help, he sighed "Very well. I'll help you out." Vanitas accepted Chloe request. She smiled at him "Thank you Vanitas." "Yeah whatever."

Chloe left Vanitas home, she was heading to the hospital to see her lover. She remembered how she first met Vanitas.


Chloe was sitting on her bed looking sad. She lived in an old house that her parents abandoned her in, everyone knew but they did nothing to help.

They called her a witch and the house a haunted house. Chloe didn't mind, as long as they just left her alone.

But she did wonder what it would be like to play with other kids her age. Chloe was sad "I want to play..." Chloe mumbles to herself.

All Chloe wanted was a normal life, to be a normal girl with a loving family but no she wasn't destined with any of that. "Hey Vanitas! You can't go in there!"

That got Chloe attention as she hid herself and glanced to see who was outside. There she saw a boy with light blue eyes and a little boy with brown hair.

Vanitas laughed "I want to see if what people say about this house is true! I want to see this suppose witch!" Vanitas laughs with a huge grin, Luca sighed.

Chloe looked down at the ground "That's right to everyone I'm just some witch and this is a haunted house..." Chloe says as she decided to keep an eye on her trespasser.

Vanitas looked around in surprise "This place is pretty clean for a suppose Haunted House. I bet the witch isn't even real either." Vanitas says as he continued to look around.

Chloe watched Vanitas 'He's no trouble at all. I should hide until he leaves...' She thought to herself. Chloe turned to walk away "Are you done watching me?"

That made Chloe jump a little, she looked to see Vanitas staring at her. "How did you know...?" Chloe asked Vanitas as he grinned.

"So not a witch but a beautiful snow flake." Vanitas says as Chloe blushed a little but is soon faded. "Why are you here? Shouldn't you know about this place?" Chloe tells Vanitas.

Vanitas laughed "Of course I heard of this place. They say a witch lives in this haunted house and whoever comes here she kills them. She even makes them into food or potions! Hahaha." Chloe listened to Vanitas.

She expected him to run and scream for help but he didn't. Soon Vanitas laugh died down "You can call me Vanitas. Now who might you be snow flake?" He asked her.

Chloe mouth moved on its own "Chloe d'Apchier...well now just Chloe." She introduced herself, it was like his piercing light blue eyes made her speak. Vanitas smiled as he held his hand out. "Let's have some fun Chloe."

Taking Vanitas hand he dragged her outside to see Luca. "Luca I brought the suppose witch who is just a beautiful Snow Flake." Vanitas says with a grin.

Luca sighed at that, instead of complaining Luca just followed Vanitas lead as always.

They took Chloe out to all kinds of places to have fun. To the park, ice cream parlor, stores, arcades and to a small cafe to eat something.

For the first time Chloe felt like a regular kid that has fun. She was happy "Are you having fun?" Luca asked Chloe with a smile. "Yes. I am, I never had fun before so this is new to me." Chloe told them.

This was no surprise to the two, they heard all kinds of rumors. Vanitas was going to say something but Luca grabbed his sleeve "We need to go Vanitas. It's time for that." Luca whispers the last part.

Vanitas sighed then looked at Chloe "Sorry Snow Flake, we must take our leave now. Hope to see you soon." Vanitas says as he waved at Chloe.

Chloe waved back as the two boys were now gone. Chloe smiled as she was happy that she met Vanitas and got to hang out with him and his friend Luca.


A few days has passed since Chloe met Vanitas and Luca. She hopes that she can meet the two boys again and meet many others.

"Your so useless. Get in there and never come out!" Chloe looked to see it was, a boy was in tears and begging. "I-I'm sorry...please don't let me go in there..."

The boy was pushed in the house and locked in. "Don't you dare come home!" The man shouted as he left his son alone in a house that looks creepy outside.

The boy looked around in tears "...It doesn't look creepy..." He whimpers, he looked amaze at how nice and clean the house looks in the inside.

"I try to keep it clean in the inside."

The boy jumped as he turned to see Chloe, he was shaking. "The Witch?!" He yelled but looking at her the boy stopped shaking in fear. "No your just a normal person." He says.

Chloe eyes widen "Normal...?" She asked as he nodded. "My name is Jean-Jacques and you are?" Jean-Jacques introduced himself, Chloe blushed and looked down "Chloe." She introduced herself.

Jean-Jacques smiled "Let's be friends Chloe." He happily tells her as Chloe nodded with a smile and blush still.

The two always played together but then one day they heard rocks being thrown in the house and shattering the window. "What's going on?!" Jean-Jacques yelled as they looked out the window.

The whole town was throwing things "Kill the witch!" "Kill her before she takes another poor child!" "Kill her!" They all shouted.

"Maybe we can talk to them." Jean-Jacque says, Chloe shook her head. "No. It won't change anything." Chloe tells Jean-Jacques, she holds his hands.

Chloe smiled gently at him "Go before they accuse you of being my accomplice Jean." She tells him to leave but he held her hands tightly.

"I refuse! I don't care if they do accuse me! I love being friends with you and laughing together. I want to always be with you." Jean-Jacques tells her with a smile.

Chloe eyes widen at hearing that "So you choose the witch's side?" The two look at the man who was Jean-Jacques father Jean-Chastel. He glared at the two kids.

Jean-Jacques stood in front of Chloe "She's not a witch! I won't let you hurt or kill Chloe!" Jean-Jacques yelled at his father.

The father glared and lifted the metal bat that was in his hands. "So she has brainwashed you Jean-Jacques. You must die." Jean-Chastel told them with a smile.

The mob threw fire, Jean-Jacques took the hit of the metal. "Jean!!" Chloe cried out, she ran towards him.

Jean-Chastel ran away before he could get burned. Vanitas was watching from the start "I wonder what you will do next Chloe?" Vanitas mumbles with a grin.

Chloe hugged the unconscious Jean-Jacques, tears streamed down her cheeks. "Jean! Please wake up!! I want to always be with you too!" Chloe cried.

"My oh my. What's all this about." Chloe eyes widen "Vanitas?" Chloe started coughing from all the smoke "In the flesh." Vanitas grins.

She smiled "Help us please!" She cried for his help. Vanitas took out a small bottle and inside it was a green colored liquid. "If I give you this, I want something in return."

This surprised Chloe but she didn't waste time "I'll give you my loyalty and life! So please give it to me!!" Vanitas smirked and threw it to her.

Chloe wasted no time to give Jean-Jacques the liquid. After that Dante and the others came to help out. They went through the back door. "Chloe d'Apchier I'll allow you to be with this boy but when I contact you I expect you to answer." Vanitas tells her.

"Thank you so much!" Chloe cried with a smile, Vanitas blushed a little and walked away. Dante smiled at how his friend/boss is embarrassed.

Johann handed Chloe an envelope "This is from Vanitas. We hope to work with you soon and be happy as well." Johann says to her.

Chloe opened the envelope and saw a bunch of money in it along with a letter. She pulled the letter out to read it. "I wonder what he wrote?" She mumbles.

With that they left leaving Chloe alone now. Chloe read it in her head, tears streamed down and she smiled. "Thank you Vanitas! Thank you so much...!"

End Of Flashback

To be continued

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