
By hawksdivinetiddies

189K 8.6K 2.5K

A child assassin was given a second chance at life to become a pro hero, hoping that helping people would bur... More

AIZAWA [34.5]


3.6K 180 118
By hawksdivinetiddies


The male quietly scanned through the newspaper, a mug of coffee in hand. His crimson eyes were filled with slight interest, lingering onto the photo of her smiling just towards the side of the paper. A powerful asset or a troublesome threat, an annoyingly attractive girl that he couldn't seem to look away from. He disliked how eye-catching she was - he wanted to slash her face, to destroy it, just so that his eyes would never fall on her again.

"Who's that?"

A girl with messy spacebuns hovered over his shoulder, her golden eyes curious. The male glanced at her and took a sip of his coffee, stabbing a blade into the centre of the photo, "Our target."


"So, a written test and a practical?"

Arisa was just discharged from the hospital after being held for three weeks. Doctor Ujiko had assured that her quirk was now stable and she was free to leave but she had to go see him every month so he could keep track of her quirk growth. It made her worry but after experiencing death, the idea of dying again wasn't so terrifying. The only thing she feared most as of now was leaving behind Aizawa and her friends with many words left unsaid. If she were to die, she would want a specific time limit, to allow her to say everything that needed to be said and do everything that needed to be done.

Currently, Arisa was in her room at home, back in Musutafu with Izuku and Shoto sitting on her floor, bags of chips and candy in between them along with their school bags filled with school work. These boys had waited outside the hospital for her and rode home with her - it was really sweet. Arisa felt warm seeing them. She even got a text message from Shinsou and Bakugou. Shinsou gave her a heartfelt message while Bakugou's was borderline threatening but she understood what he was trying to convey.

"Yes," Izuku answered, munching away on his snacks, "But we have no idea what the practical exam will be, though."

Shoto eyed her, "Do you by any chance...?"

Arisa shook her head, eyebrows furrowed, "Aizawa-san doesn't tell me anything to give me an advantage. So, I don't know either."


"Well, all we need to do is prepare," Izuku grinned and tossed a small candy packet towards Arisa to which she nimbly caught, "Make sure we're ready for anything."

"Yeah but for now, let's focus on what's in front of us," she gestured towards the papers scattered all around them, "Let's aim for high grades this time."

"The one on the top really is blind," Izuku shook his head and mumbled. Arisa snapped her head towards the boy, "What'd you say, bush boy?"

"Nothing," a halo formed over his head and she smiled, "That's what I thought."

In class, she ranked second just after Momo. It was literally impossible to best the girl when it came to intelligence. Arisa found that admirable.

Halfway through their study session, she asked them, "Do you guys want anything? Juice? Coffee? Water? Cola?"

"I'd like juice," Shoto politely answered.

"Cola," Izuku answered without looking up from his notes. Arisa nodded and urged them, "Hey, I learned a trick while in the hospital. Look."

She focused, mentally recalling where she kept the juice and cola around the kitchen. This was an ability she found out she could do when she was trying to steal candy from the vending machine back in the hospital because she wasn't allowed to leave the room. She could move things out of her line of sight if she moved the energy she emitted and let it spread, basically working as sensors to look for the items she wanted. It was tricky because last time, she accidentally dragged a patient into her room. She needed only to do this if she didn't know its specific location but she knew where she kept the drinks around the house.

Her hands glowed and soon, the drinks floated into the room and she moved her hand, allowing it to land beside the two boys.

"Hehe, cool, right?"

"I didn't know you could do that," Izuku's eyes were sparkling as he held the cola in his hands.

Shoto only quietly watched her.

"It's all about creativity. Quirks are much more flexible than we think," this statement caused the boys to look like they were deep in thought. Arisa quickly pushed the subject aside and said, "Alright. Let's continue."

They worked hard and soon, nightfall came and somehow, the three ended up on her bed, asleep, legs tangled, arms on top the other person. Arisa was in the middle, the fabric around her eyes still on. Izuku was on her left, snoring away, his leg on her abdomen, his body positioned diagonally. Shoto had an arm across her collarbones, legs tangled around Izuku's leg, the other with hers. It was a mess.

Aizawa entered the room and nearly had a heart attack. His ward was sleeping with not one but two boys. He contemplated flipping the entire bed over to kick them out but Arisa looked relaxed and calm, it warmed his heart to see. His red eyes dissipated and he sighed, pulling the door shut with a soft click.

Let's just hope she won't attack them in her sleep.


It was finally the day Arisa returned to UA.

Upon entering school grounds, heads turned and whispers could be heard. Arisa ignored them and the two boys that came along with her glanced at each other then at her but didn't say anything. The two boys remained close, as if acting as two walls keeping her from the scrutiny of others. Arisa was slightly uncomfortable - she wished her revival wasn't announced so dramatically over the news. She wished her death wasn't announced either. This was another stark difference she could see compared to her previous life. If she had died, that would be it. The world would never know because to the world, she never existed. It would be difficult to miss someone that never existed and honestly, she preferred it that way. She disliked attention and she seemed to be grabbing an uncomfortably large amount lately.

"I really wish I was invisible right now," Arisa mumbled, "They really don't have to look at me like that."

Shoto was fixing his tie - the trio had woken up late and would have been later if Aizawa didn't wake them up. They were all shocked when they realized they had fallen asleep on top of each other. Izuku was even baffled that he stayed over at a girl's house. He nearly blew a fuse. He panickedly called his mother to tell her that he was fine while Shoto only told his sister where he was, calmly. The three raced out the house like a bunch of lunatics with the boys having not buttoned their shirts and Arisa was fixing the cloth around her eyes as she ran. It was funny.

"Well, you did die," Shoto bluntly pointed out, now fixing his hair, "And you miraculously revived."

"Yeah, dying is embarrassing," Arisa let Izuku braid her hair, tired of having it smack into his face every now and then.

"I can't believe I slept at your place," Izuku mumbled behind her, "I'm really sorry. You must have been uncomfortable."

"I said it's fine," she sighed, "It's not a big deal. I'm always happy to have anyone over."

"Then, I'd like to come over again after our exams are done," Shoto bluntly announced as they reached class. Arisa shrugged, "Sure."

Arisa pulled the incredibly large door open to see her classmates. Upon their entry, the class fell silent for a moment before they all raced towards her, ecstatic. Mina literally lunged and hugged her, "You're back!"

"Welcome back, Hayashi. I'm so glad to see you alive!"

"I was literally scared when I saw the news," Tsuyu brought up and she smiled kindly, "I'm so happy to see that you're well."

"Yeah. Just in time for the exams this week," Ochako brought up, laughing and Arisa let out a chuckle, "Yeah. Lucky me."

"Did you three come to school together?"

Sero suddenly asked, eyes curious, "It's rare for any of you to be late."

Mineta squinted his eyes at them, "I smell something fishy going on here."

"Probably your underwear," Arisa retorted and headed towards her seat. She waved to Momo who looked to her with a bright smile, "Arisa. I'm glad to see you're okay."

"Yep. Better than ever," she plopped down into her seat and set it down beside her.

"But it makes me curious. Did you, Todoroki and Midoriya come together?"

"Oh, yeah. They slept over at my place last night. Totally unplanned."


Arisa snapped her head to the side to see Ochako. She had fallen over her seat, her face red and shocked. Arisa looked to her concerned, "Are you okay, Ochako?"



Mineta, Kaminari and Sero were cornering both Shoto and Izuku, their faces reminiscent of demons. She swore she could see smoke coming out their noses, ears and mouth. Shoto looked up at them confused, "Yes. I slept with her."

The three boys literally were about to scream and have an aneurysm. Ochako literally passed out in a corner while Mina cackled like a devil. It was total chaos. Arisa had never been so confused. She looked to Momo for help but she looked exasperated. Iida tried to cut in but Mineta literally hissed like a snake, "Stay out of this, speedy boy. This is a matter of honour!"

Arisa quickly intervened before this could escalate any further and jumped in between them before this could escalate any further, "It's not what you perverts think. It was a normal, innocent, sleepover. Now, calm down before Aizawa gets here and string you under the sun like raisins."

"Yes, Hayashi-san is correct. Return to your seats immediately!"


It was lunch time and she was sitting beside Ochako, a bowl of cold soba before her. She blamed Shoto for making her hooked on it - every time he came to visit her at the hospital, he'd bring soba from a variety of places, practically making her an expert at tasting the differences and now, she knew that the ones that they have at UA, was one of the best. Arisa was quietly listening to her classmates discuss regarding the practical exam and what it could possibly entail. She was concerned but not all too concerned. She just knew that she just had to do her best no matter the obstacle.

"It's kind of scary that we can't know what we'll be doing for our practical test," Izuku admitted as he separated his chopsticks.

"Nothing too wild, I think," Iida added on and Arisa pointed her chopsticks at him, "I wouldn't put it past UA to jump us with something insane. Like, assassinating the teachers or something."

Ochako nervously laughed, "I hope not but I bet the written test will be fine. We can pull it off."

Hagakure who was sitting opposite of Ochako suddenly spoke up - honestly, Arisa didn't even realize she was there. She barely spoke to the girl anyway, "Aizawa-sensei said it'll be an overall summary of the entire semester."

"Yeah but he didn't tell us anything apart from that," Tsuyu pointed out.

Arisa was busy glancing around, noticing all the disguised agents that were assigned to her around the area. They have been following her the moment she left the hospital - it was kind of annoying, having them around. Due to her heightened senses, she could easily sense them. If she had her way, she would have asked for them to be removed but Aizawa was worried, she understood that. She'd endure anything as long as he'd get a peace of mind. Besides, those agents would be useful at keeping unwanted pests away.

"What are you looking at, Arisa?"

Her gaze fell on Ochako who was curiously looking at her. Arisa smiled, "You smell like vanilla. Is that your body lotion?"

The girl's cheeks reddened, "Yes. You can smell it?"

"I'm sitting close to you, aren't I? It's a lovely scent. It suits you."

She giggled, "Thank you."

Attention successfully diverted.

"- ow!"

Arisa turned to see a blond boy behind Izuku who was rubbing the back of his head. She could clearly tell what had happened. Judging from how smug the blond boy looked, he purposely knocked into Izuku's head. Arisa frowned. Izuku exclaimed, "Wait, you're Monoma from class B!"

He looked down at Izuku, "You lot encountered the hero killer, I heard," she looked at Izuku, surprised. This was her first time hearing about it. She was in the hospital after all, busy being dead and then recovering. She decided to bug him later for details, "The ways you have been basking in the spotlight have multiplied, haven't they, Class A? Your friend here," his gaze landed on Arisa, "Probably faked her own death to gain attention."

Arisa's jaw dropped.

And so did everyone else's.

Ochako was angry. She remembered how devastated she felt when she saw the news and how helpless she felt. It was real. All of it was real and this boy here dared to say that Arisa faked it all?

Her classmates' expressions all darkened.

Suddenly, he went limp and from where previously stood, appeared a girl with orange hair, a hand held up with a slightly angered expression on her features, "That's not funny. She didn't fake anything and don't you know what happened to Iida?"


Arisa realized she missed a lot and the three people she hung with in the hospital didn't feel like sharing it with her.


The girl looked to them, her gaze apologetic, "I'm really sorry about this. I'll make him properly apologize to you all later when he wakes up," she smiled, "Anyway, I heard you say that you couldn't know what the end-of-year practical exam would be. Actually, I'm told it'll be like the entrance exam: a battle simulation exercise. Fighting against robots."

"What? For real - how do you know?!"

The girl, Kendou, picked up the unconscious Monoma by the collar, "I know an upperclassman personally so I asked."

For some reason, Arisa felt disappointed.


That wouldn't even be a challenge for her.

Arisa mindlessly played with the feather that hung around her neck, her thoughts immediately conjuring up the face of a certain winged hero. She oddly wondered what he was up to. She found him odd, like there was something off about him and that his personality was a façade. She wanted to be wrong for once.


"Did you switch the agents with one of our own, Hawks?"

Aizawa and Tsukauchi had arranged for her to be watched over in case she was target of assassination once more. The Heroes Public Safety Commission had intercepted this intel and for their own ease, removed the agents assigned and replaced them with their own.

"I did, don't worry."


"Why do you care so much? She hasn't done anything wrong. She even died because she obeyed the law."

The woman let out a quiet exhale as she met the pro hero's gaze, "Hawks. I've told you before. This girl is a trained killer. The only reason why she's even allowed to attend UA and become a hero in training despite her body count is because we are aware of her capabilities. You were there during the Sukehiro raid, didn't you say that they willingly gave themselves up? After everything that has happened, it doesn't take a genius to realize that they're leaving everything to that girl."

Hawks doesn't believe that.

But he knew that there was something else.

He intended to investigate it further.

The Sukehiro family might have been gone and their tyranny stopped but Hawks knew that their story was far from over.

I sure hope you're clean, kid.

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