Gale Hawthorne X Reader -The...

By Salazarsslut2007

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!!!THIS IS A SEQUEL TO GALE HAWTHORNE X READER -LOVERS IN THE ARENA-!!! If you would like to read this then I... More

Hello All
Chapter 1: The Spark
Chapter 2: The Train
Chapter 3: The Victory Tour
Chapter 4: 'For Now'
Chapter 5: Fuck The Fucking Capital, Like WTF You Doing Fucking Up My life??
Chapter 6: Rebellion?
Chapter 7: Healing
Chapter 8: Photo-Shoot
Chapter 9: The Announcement
Chapter 10: One last day
Chapter 11: The Reaping (2)
Chapter 12: Training
Chapter 13: Allies
Chapter 14: Interviews
Chapter 15: The Quarter Quell
Chapter 16: Welcome To The Jungle
Chapter 17: More Allies
Chapter 18: It's Finally Happening
Part 2: Chapter 1: New Home
Part 2: Chapter 2: Hijacking
Part 2: Chapter 3: Broken Memories
Part 2: Chapter 4: The Warning
Part 2: Chapter 6: "I still do"
Part 2: Chapter 7: The Flames Are Gone

Part 2: Chapter 5: The Rescue

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By Salazarsslut2007

The picture is irrelevant, but so am I...

Gale's POV

I was sitting on a bed awake when Boggs came in and told me to come with him. I agreed and followed him into the command where Coin was.

"Hey, I think that was the worst of it. The top floors are damaged, but everything else is fine. I wanted to tell you that we got an extra 8 minutes of evacuation time because of Y/n's warning. She saved lots of lives tonight, Gale. She's a hero." Coin said

"I know. But she's still in the Capital. She could be dead right now" I said

"We are working very hard and a rescue plan, we're waiting for the right time to execute the plan. But we need you to do something for us. We need you to tell all of Panem that we survived an attack by the Capital."

"Okay. But then we need to rescue them, okay? We can't wait any longer,"

"Okay, deal. We'll film the propo tomorrow" They let me go and told me to try to get some sleep.


I lay wide awake and try to sleep but I can't. It's impossible.  As people start to wake up, military people come in and tell us that it's okay to leave the bunker now. We go to breakfast and follow our schedules like nothing ever happened. 

A camera team leads me to an area outside in 13 where we see lots of rubles and...roses. White roses that have a very strong scent. Snow must have had them dropped here. Cressida leads me to a place where we will record the propo. I don't feel like talking. I haven't talked in like 12 hours. I can't stop thinking about what Y/n is going through, and what the capital is doing to her, it all keeps me from talking.

"Okay, go ahead, Gale," Cressida says, I try to say something, but I can't think of anything but Y/n. I really do try to focus and think about something else, but I can't. It's...impossible. If we keep doing this...Snow will kill Y/n, he's using Y/n to torture me. Even from 2,000 miles away he is still torturing me. "Gale, you alright?"

"I-I can't. I can't do this. I'm sorry, I just...can't" I finally said

"*Sigh* that's alright, we can try again tomorrow" We all went back underground and carried on with our schedules. I was released from my schedule and had the rest of the day off. I went to a little hiding spot where I sometimes go to collect my thoughts. I think about how desperately we need to rescue Y/n and the others. We can't wait much longer, it wont be long before Snow gets bored and decides to kill her. 

I'm deep in thought when I look over and see Haymitch coming toward me. He sits in front of me and looks like he's about to tell me something important.

"Hey, Gale," He says

"Hey," I say

"How long are you gonna hide down here?"

"As long as they'll let me."

"Okay, okay. Well, I came down here to tell you that they're rescuing Y/n." I looked at him surprised.


"The dam when down in District 5 and took out most of the power in the Capital, knocking out their signal defense. Beetee's inside their system now wreaking all kinds of havoc. A window is open to us. How much longer? I dont know, I guess until the capital can get the power back on." Haymitch explained

"And President Coin?"

"You know, I can never fully support that woman in the light of the prohibition they have going around this place, but, Plutarch got word that Y/n and the others are in the Tribute center. And with the power out, Coin sees this as an opportunity. She knows that Y/n is the capitals weapon in the same way that you're ours. And as opposed to having you two pointing at eachother, she's going to get him." Hearing this was great. Y/n is finally going to be rescued.

"I have to go help," I got up and was about to leave when Haymitch grabbed my wrist.

"Hey, hey, woah, kiddo. Wait. What are you just gonna do jump out of the vent and go storm into the capital? Besides, it's already underway. Six soldiers went in. Volunteer only. Including Peeta. They'll be back soon enough. With Y/n." I let out a sigh of relief knowing that Y/n will be saved, but I just wish I could go and help.


They're doing a propo with Finnick this time. For the rescue to work they need to use Finnick as a distraction. All he needs to do is talk long enough for the rebels to rescue Y/n and the others. I'm in command right now with Haymitch, Beetee, Plutarch, and Coin. We watch as Finnick talks about how Snow used to sell his body, and if he refused then he would kill someone he loved, he went on about that topic for a while. He also said that in return for letting the citizens use him, he didn't want money, but he wanted secrets. He was saying how Snow used poison to kill off the higher-up people so that he could become President. He also drank the poison so that is didn't look suspicious, but now he has an uncurbable sickness.


Y/n's POV

Gale is horrible. I dont love him anymore, I never even did. All of this violence and war is all his fault. He's the reason I'm here right now. All he ever wanted was violence, and havoc. He doesn't even want peace, all he wants is war.

I'm laying in the pitch black room, holding this smooth grey pearl. I dont know why I keep it with me, but I know it must be sentimental, when I hold it I feel a sense of security and comfort. It's a familiar feeling but I cant  put my finger on it. It must be from my mother. I feel sore everywhere, I have hardly eaten or drank anything the entire time I've been here, but they gave me some food so that I dont die. Not killing me has been the worst torture. I just want this all to be over now. I feel myself about to drift into sleep when a group of people come in. They all have guns and a lot of gear on, including gas masks. I think it's the same people that have been torturing me, but why were they wearing all that gear?

"Not again" I said under my breath

"hey, hey, it's okay, Y/n. It's okay, it's Peeta, we're here to rescue you" I heard one of the guys say. I looked into his mask and saw that it was Peeta. It was so good to see him again.

"Peeta?" I said

"Yeah, it's me, let's get you out of here," He picked me up and I started to feel drowsy, then I passed out not long after.


Gale's POV

Finnick and I are waiting anxiously for them to get back. Finnick is tying knots in his rope while we wait. I'm staring at the door waiting for someone to come in and tell us that they're back when Haymitch opens the door.

"They're back," he says and me and Finnick jump up and and follow him. He takes us to the hospital area where I see Johanna fighting against nurses because she doesn't want any medicine. And I see who I assumed to be Annie because she ran to Finnick and they started kissing. It made me more anxious to see Y/n.

"She just woke up, she's this way," Haymitch said leading me to a window where I saw Y/n sitting on a bed as nurses took the blood pressure cuff off her arm. The nurses left as Haymitch and I walked in. She looked so different. She had a cut going along her forehead, cuts and bruises on her arms and legs, she was shaking slightly, her lips were trembling, her eyes watering, and it broke my heart to see her like that.

"Y/n? It's Gale, I-I'm here, I'm right here, I'm so happy you're alive," my eyes started to water as I spoke. I took one of her hands in mine but she pulled away.

"Dont touch me." She said very quietly, almost a whisper, but she sounded very serious. I looked at Haymitch who also looked confused.

"W-what? What did they do to you?" I asked, getting very worried.

"Get away from me." She said, a little bit louder this time, but more harsh.

"I dont understand. Y/n it's me, it's Gale, you remember me dont you?" I tried to hold her hand again, but this time she pulled away quickly and punched me right in the nose. Hard. So hard I think she broke it.

"I said get away from me!" She said

"Y/n, you're not thinking straight, this isn't you-" She punched me again.

"This is me, this is the same me, I just now know who you really are" I didn't know what she was talking about. I wiped the blood running from my nose.

"What are you talking about?" She came at me and I fell to the ground, she continued punching me, it was crazy the amount of strength she had considering the amount of torture and starvation she went through. She kept punching me, I could have fought back, but I couldn't. I would never do anything to hurt her. Haymitch pulled her off, then a nurse came in and gave her a shot that made her pass out.

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