Slacker (Assassination Classr...

By TheKufster

36.6K 1K 86

Sora is the textbook definition of a slacker. He skips class sleeps constantly and never does his work. But t... More

Rinka Hayami
E-Class Shenanigens
Here Comes Karma!
Karma Fails Repeatedly
A Wild Bitch Appeared!
A Wild Bitch...Apologizes!?
School Assemblies Suck
School Trip
Sora just wants to go to bed.
The Box of Moe
My New Tentacled Best Friend
Worst. Teacher. Ever.
More Tentacles
Finals Are Finally Here!
Vacations are Fun.
I Take Back My Previous Statement.
Dude This is Totally Like Die Hard.
The Club
More Assassins
Where It All Began
Rewrite Published.

Nagisa Vs Takaoka

719 27 1
By TheKufster

Nagisa breathed heavily as he clutched at the knife with both hands. He shakily got to his feet and stared down at Takaoka.

"You monster." Nagisa snarled, glaring at the broken vials "I'll kill you for what you've done."

Nagisa don't.

Takaoka laughed joyfully. "That's the spirit, boy. Show me your kill face." Nagisa glared at him intensely, eyes glowing a neon blue. "Come at me with everything you've got."

Us students, plus Koro-sensei and Karasuma, looked on in worry.

"It's happened," Kataoka stated in disbelief. "Nagisa snapped."

Yoshida furrowed his brows. "Alright, let's be honest here for a second. Sure, we all want to kill him, but Nagisa might do it." His gaze softened. "Can't say I saw it coming."

"No!" Koro-sensei exclaimed in horror. "Someone has to stop this."

"Once he goes down that road there's no coming back," I muttered.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sugaya asked.

Someone grunted in annoyance and a stun gun from earlier hit Nagisa in the back, snapping him out of his daze with a gasp. Terasaka panted, arm still raised from his throw.

"Get over yourself, dumbass!" He yelled. "Yeah, don't think I missed the look you gave me when he blew up the antidote. Screw your pity!" Sweat dripped down his face and an unhealthy flush painted his cheeks. "Quit wasting your energy worrying about what's going on with other people and focus on you! Look, the virus is a lie. I'll be fine! He's playing you for an idiot."

"What are you saying?" Isogai interjected immediately, and Kayano gasped in realization. "Are you sick?"

Terasaka paid no mind to urgent questions. "Murder is murder. Even with a piece of shit like this evil son of a bitch. He's not worth it! Give in to the bloodlust and you're no better than him!"

"Once you do it there's no going back!" I shouted. "Every day when you look in the mirror you'll think 'a murderer is staring back at me' you don't want that Nagisa!"

"They're absolutely right, Nagisa. Listen to them." Koro-sensei added, words coming out faster than usual. "Killing this man won't solve anything. Blind rage is not a moral guide. In any event, he's likely bluffing about the antidote. We need only consult the poisoner downstairs. Do not stoop to Takaoka's level! Simply render him unconscious!"

Takaoka walked away from Nagisa, closer to the other group. "Shut your damn mouth! You're taking all of the fun out of everything!" He screamed, coming to a stop. "If we're gonna get the most out of this, he's gotta come at me with intent to kill! Part of the process is bloodlust unbound, he has to feel it or I can't properly humiliate him!" Takaoka explained, a crazed look on his face. "How the hell else am I gonna patch up my self-esteem?"

"Nagisa, please," Koro-sensei begged. "Take up Terasaka's stun gun. Heed the words of a friend before you give credence to an enemy! Resist the anger, and weigh your options. Ask, what within myself does this man have a claim on?"

Make the right choice Nagisa. You don't want that life, you don't want to end up like me!

"Terasaka!" Yoshida cried out in worry as his friend slumped to the ground. He and Kimura dropped to their knees to help him sit up. "You're as hot as a combustion engine!"

"Dude, how'd you make it so far like this?" Kimura questioned in shock.

"Who cares?" Terasaka pointed a shaky finger. "Don't look at me, look at them." Terasaka's face trembled with pain. "The octopus is half right. You ain't gotta resist the anger, you control it."

"Terasaka," Itona muttered, glancing over at the larger boy. "Your eyes have changed,"

My eyes widened.

"The slow-witted cow who dimly chews the grass before it is no match for the wolf with cow-killing vision." Itona recited.

Terasaka smirked.

Nagisa put the stun gun in his belt loop. He took his jacket off, which flew away in the wind. Leaving him in only a tank top. Nagisa still held the knife in his right hand.

"Ooh, don't we look vicious?" Takaoka patronized, taking off his jacket too.

Kayano gulped. "Question, Sir. Why did Nagisa put the stun gun away?" Koro-sensei couldn't answer?

"He'll use it," I said.

"How do you know?" Rinka asked.

"I just do," I replied, never taking my eyes off the fight before me.

"See you're opting for the knife, good on you." Takaoka congratulated the boy. "I knew you'd see the light. Wanna know a little secret?" He held up three vials of antidote. "I didn't blow up every vial of the antidote. Now either you come at me and your pals keep a respectful distance, or what's left of the chances of survival go bye-bye. Everyone infected will die!"

Takaoka turned his attention to the group that watched with worry.

"Hear that, Karasuma? It's just me and the boy!" He yelled victoriously as the teacher growled. "This stuff takes a lot to cook up under ideal conditions. Now sure there's not enough for everyone, but saving some is better than saving none!"

"Mr. Karasuma," Koro-sensei said seriously, low enough for just the man to hear him. "I hate to ask this of you but, if at any moment you believe Nagisa's life to be in jeopardy, please do not hesitate to shoot Takaoka."

Karasuma turned his gaze back to the duo.

Nagisa shifted to a fighting stance, and Takaoka mirrored him.

Takaoka, barehanded, rushed forward to meet the boy.

There was a grunt, a sound of impact and Nagisa flew back from the forceful kick to his chest. He skidded on the concrete heliport and scrambled to his knees, coughing.

"Ha!" Takaoka made his way closer to the boy. "That all you got? Where's that homicidal rage now you're on your ass? You little snot rag."

Nagisa glared and shot forward once again, the older man easily dodged him. Takaoka cackled madly and clenched his fist. 

Takaoka dashed forward and punched Nagisa in the face. The boy stumbled away but Takaoka didn't relent. He hit the boy again before kicking him in the back.

Kayano whimpered in fear.

Rinka looked away and scoffed. "So not a fair match." She murmured in annoyance.

"Yeah." Sugaya agreed. "Not kidding, right? He doesn't have a prayer."

"Jeez you two, have a little more faith," I said.

"Oh." Takaoka cooed. "Hey now, don't peter out. We're just getting started." Nagisa let out a painful breath, his arms shaking from exertion as he was on all fours. "That's right," he held up a knife similar to the one Nagisa had. "We haven't incorporated this old girl into the mix."

Takaoka strolled forward, flipping the knife expertly in his hand.

Takaoka pointed his knife at the boy threateningly. "I split you from groin to grin and savor the screams. I'll sever your hands and feet and mount them above my mantle like trophies!"

"The hell do you mean 'have faith'!?" Sugaya asked and I smiled.

"Just watch," I said. "You'll find that this battle isn't quite as one-sided as you think,"

"Shoot him, Mr. K!" Kayano called out to her teacher. "Please! Nagisa will die, that man means every word of what he says!"

"Stop." Terasaka interrupted, still slouched on the floor with Yoshida and Kimura crouched by him worriedly. "Let Nagisa handle it."

I smiled at that.

Karma looked back at him, unimpressed. "Dude." He deadpanned. "Do you see the shape he's in? At least if I was in there, Takaoka wouldn't have it so easy."

"You think so?" Terasaka countered with a small smirk. "Shows what you know. If you didn't ditch training so much you'd have a clue. This fight ain't over yet, pal..."

"Just watch." Terasaka continued. "He's about to pull out the big guns."

Nagisa opened his glowing eyes.

He smiled.

"There's something you guys missed," I pointed out, getting everyone's attention.

Takaoka flinched backward.

"Guys like Karma and I are different from Nagisa," I continued

Nagisa walked forwards causally.

"In a head-to-head fight, we would win. That's where we excel," I explained

Takaoka's face twitched uncontrollably.

Nagisa stalked towards Takaoka confidently.

Takaoka looked at the boy in fear, holding his knife out threateningly. "Come on! Do it!"

"Nagisa is different though," I pointed out, getting a few questioning glances.

Takaoka's gaze swept over the approaching boy.

"Different how?" Rinka asked.

Takaoka's stare locked on the knife in Nagisa's right hand.

"Karma and I are thugs," I explained with a bright smile.

Nagisa dropped the knife.

"Nagisa's an assassin,"

Takaoka's gaze was on bright but the weapon as it fell to the concrete. Nagisa lunged forward and clapped. The sound echoed through the night, a deafening silence took its place.

A blue light, that same shade of Nagisa's eyes, consumed Takaoka. The older man's mental walls shattered as the sound reverberated through his skull.

Takaoka toppled back slowly.

Nagisa quickly grabbed the stun gun and shocked Takaoka, the older man screamed in horror and pain.

Koro-sensei thought in awe. The rest of the group gasped in shock. Karma's eyes widened. Nagisa panted heavily, blood dripped from his mouth, and a graze on his cheek.

"Way to go, that's how it's done," Terasaka said proudly, still looking ill. "One good jolt and he'll be out like a lightbulb. Tase the psychotic rat bastard."

Nagisa put the taser under Takaoka's chin and made the man look him in the eyes. Takaoka whimpered.

"Please, no!" Takaoka sobbed pathetically.


Takaoka looked up at him with insane eyes. "Whatever you're about to do, don't do it with that look on your face!"

That might be a fate worse than death.

Nagisa smiled sweetly.

"Oh god!" Takaoka lamented. "I'll be haunted by that smile to the day they put me in the ground!"

"Mr. Takaoka," Nagisa interrupted softly. "Thank you for everything." He said kindly, a soft blush on his face. Nagisa pushed the button on the taser. Blue lightning crackled and Takaoka slumped to the floor unconscious.

Karasuma was shocked, the students were no different. Koro-sensei sighed in relief. The kids broke out into cheers.


"We bet the final boss!" Isogai exclaimed in happiness. They all laughed and applauded. Karma didn't join in, but a content smirk made its way onto his face. Nagisa looked up to the sky, the crescent moon shined back.


Is fucking terrifying.


Nagisa stood on the heliport, Takaoka at his feet unconscious.

"Nice work." A voice called out. Nagisa turned around and was face to face with Karma.

Isogai ran forward. "Are you okay, Nagisa?"

"Sure," he replied softly.

"Well done, Nagisa." Koro-sensei praised, being held by Kayano. "I'm proud of you. For the first time in a while, I had no idea how things would end."

Nagisa looked at him. "Thanks." He replied monotonously. "But what are we going to do now? Everybody else is still infected with the virus." The shattered glass vials were shown. "The antidote Takaoka didn't blow up isn't enough."

The class murmured uncomfortably. "We'll figure something out," Karasuma said, sending a text on his phone.

"But first, let's get off of this roof. Wait here for the chopper, I'll go collect Smog."

"Ha, please!" The group gasped and turned around. The four assassins from earlier stood on the heliport too.

"The antidote won't do you any good." The Gunman's voice was mumbled as he had his gun in his mouth. "Look at you brats, you really think you'll be getting out of this situation with your lives?" The students got into a defense position, ready for a fight.

"The man who's hired you has been defeated, let it go," Karasuma replied placidly. "You no longer have a dog in this fight." Karasuma stood confidently, the students ready behind him. "I'm almost fully recovered from the gas. And these kids are strong, believe me. I suggest we be reasonable and stop this before anyone else gets hurt."

The Gunman blinked slowly. "Yeah, alright."

"I'll make you wish you hadn't—" Yoshida cut himself off. "Wait, come again?"

The Gunman removed the gun from his mouth. "No worries," he exclaimed cheerfully, his voice much lighter than before. "You don't have to bother with us, our contracts don't cover avenging our employer. Anyways, I was saying, the antidote would only be useful to you if you'd actually been poisoned."

"Huh?" Terasaka huffed, being held up by Yoshida.

"Well, technically you were but not that bad." Smog smiled kindly, lifting up a canister. "You know that bug you can get from eating oysters on the half shell? I gave you a perfected version of that old warhorse, it ought to flush out of your systems in about 30 hours or so. Unpleasant, but not fatal." He lowered the canister and lifted up the vial in his other hand. "Now this sucker is what our boss wanted us to use. If I actually had," he laughed quietly, "different story altogether."

The one who fought Karma continued from where his partner left off. "After we got the job the three of us talked it over and hatched a plan." He explained, without the 'hms' from earlier.

"The boss's idea, y'know, seemed too harsh. We figured a handoff would play out just as well if you only thought you were in danger."

"And a bout of food poisoning certainly makes you feel like death warmed over so win-win!" Smog finished cheerfully.

Okano stepped forward. "Since when does a hired assassin have scruples? Isn't going against your client bad for the bottom line?"


"We take pride in what we do. But money isn't the be-all, end-all. A client's needs are always considered carefully, and we do aim to please."

"But when we realized he never intended on giving you that antidote," The Gunman said. "It was either we try to live with ourselves after having offed a bunch of innocent junior high kids, or we take out a hit on our reputation. Seemed like a fairly straightforward ethical decision to us. And there's always a way to bounce back if you're clever."

The students gasped in shock at the revelation.

"So!" Smog exclaimed. "Guess this job was a wash. But at least none of you are going to die because we don't have scruples. Here," he threw a bag at a Nagisa. Who caught it, dazed. "Give that supplement to your buddies, and make sure they get plenty of rest. They'll probably wind up feeling better than they did before this whole thing started."

A helicopter approached noisily, landing on the heliport.

"Thank you, gentlemen,' Karasuma drawled. "But I'll believe it after I've seen those kids make a full recovery. In the meantime, I'm afraid it's protocol to detain you for questioning."

"Uh," The Gunman didn't put up much of a fight. "Yeah, okay. If you wouldn't mind making it quick so we can move on to the next job, that'd be great."

Takaoka, in a straightjacket and strapped to a stretcher, was wheeled into the helicopter.

"You disappoint me," Karma said lightly, causing the wannabe Samurai to come to a stop. The man's lips were red and puffy. "I thought you'd at least want a grudge match between the two of us." Karma beamed, holding up the nose legs from earlier. "You're a samurai isn't your honor threatened by hot sauce?"

"Part of the samurai code is not to kill people out of spite." He patted Karma's red hair fondly and continued to walk toward the helicopter. Karma was shocked at the man's actions. "I'm content to wait for the day someone puts a price on your head, hun. Cause it'll happen, guarantee it."

"Let this be a lesson to you," The gunman called out as Samurai joined him and Smog in the helicopter. "You want a rematch, make it to the big time. Become a worthy target!" He fired at the concrete. "Then we'll come back, and give you all the assassination grand tour!"

The student watched in surprise as the helicopter left, Nagisa bent down and picked up the bullet Gastro had shot at them.


"Hey, Terasaka," Nagisa said to the boy from inside the helicopter that was flying the students back to their hotel. "I owe you big time. I was on the verge of a bad choice. So thanks for yelling at me."

The bigger boy huffed. "It's hard enough to kill the octopus without one of us being taken out of the equation."

Karma giggled and Nagisa smiled, a flush on his cheeks.

"Yeah," he agreed. "Guess so."


Why was my phone ringing this late at night?

I groaned and picked up the device, pressing it against my ear.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"How ya fucking been?" A familiar voice greeted.


"What do you want," I asked.

"Just thought I'd congratulate you for what you pulled off tonight, taking down an assassin sounds pretty badass!" He cackled.

"How the hell-" I started.

"I have my ways," he said. "Anyway, I gotta run but hey..."

"I'll be seeing ya,"

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