Slacker (Assassination Classr...

By TheKufster

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Sora is the textbook definition of a slacker. He skips class sleeps constantly and never does his work. But t... More

Rinka Hayami
E-Class Shenanigens
Here Comes Karma!
Karma Fails Repeatedly
A Wild Bitch Appeared!
A Wild Bitch...Apologizes!?
School Assemblies Suck
School Trip
Sora just wants to go to bed.
The Box of Moe
My New Tentacled Best Friend
Worst. Teacher. Ever.
More Tentacles
Finals Are Finally Here!
Vacations are Fun.
I Take Back My Previous Statement.
Dude This is Totally Like Die Hard.
The Club
Where It All Began
Nagisa Vs Takaoka
Rewrite Published.

More Assassins

505 18 2
By TheKufster

"So, you're our next obstacle then?" I asked, the man smirked and played around with one of his knives.

"Pretty much," he laughed.

I glanced around at the group, Karasuma was still under the effects of the gas so we couldn't have him take this guy out.

I let out a deep sigh and took a step forward.

"Let's go Itona," I ordered, the shorter boy looked over at me and then nodded.

"You two aren't seriously gonna fight him, are you?" Kimura asked, getting me to shrug.

"It's not like we have any options," I replied, glaring at The Assassin. "Our only way forward is through him,"

"Exactly," Itona agreed. "So let's barrel through him,"

"Itona, Sora! Keep in mind that he has a weapon!" Koro-sensei ordered, I nodded at that.

Yeah, we would definitely need to find a way to disarm him. The question was how could we do that?

Then suddenly a knife cut through the air right next to me, nearly slicing off my ear. I rolled to the right and punched the assassin, who evaded and tried to stab me again.

This time Itona lunged forward and kicked him in the side, causing him to miss.

I took a moment to catch my breath and then laughed.

"Now that was just dirty," I joked.

"I'm an assassin, what did you expect?" The Assassin asked, I rolled my eyes and glanced at Itona. The shorter boy nodded and we both rushed in at different angles.

But it almost seemed like our enemy was expecting that and stabbed at Itona.

He didn't have time to dodge.

Oh, what the hell!

I dove in the way and caught The Assassins blade through my hand.

"ITONA!" I shouted, Itona complied and landed a devastating kick to The Assassin's temple, knocking him out.

I fell to one knee, the adrenaline wearing off and the pain finally hitting me.

"Does anyone have a bandaid?" I asked, getting a glare from Rinka. She then sighed and walked over to me.

"You're lucky I brought a first aid kit," she muttered.

Yeah, I probably was.

Because this fucking hurt!


We were now making our way up the stairs. Isogai turns to Nagisa with Karasuma leaning on his shoulder, "If only you could have stayed like that... History's full of assassins disguised as women."

The smaller male protests. "Don't you start too, Isogai!!"

"If you're going to cut it off, Nagisa sooner is better." Karma sneakily advises him, obviously enjoying all this.

"I am not! I happen to like it!" He yells at the redhead for the second time that night.

"Don't worry Nagisa, nobody's gonna take away your penis privileges," I joked.

"Can we talk about this later?" Karasuma glares, sweating badly

A small mutter of "Or never." Is heard.

"We're in our final stage of infiltration here. Ritsu?"

"Yes, sir. Up ahead is the VIP floor. These guests don't rely solely on hotel security but provide their own hired lookouts." Two shady, rather muscly men stand by the entrance door. There are whispers of:

"So of course, there's some blocking the staircase."

"They look was tough, too."

"Are they more of the guys who've been threatening us? Or hired muscle that has nothing to do with us?"

Terasaka cracks his knuckles, "Either way, we're gonna have to beat 'em to get by."

"Exactly right, Terasaka." Koro-Sensei muses now being held by Kimura, "And that weapon you have will do the job perfectly."

Terasaka scoffs, "Pff! What, you got X-ray vision now, too?" He takes his backpack off his shoulder and unzips it. "You'll have to take them both down at once, or they'll call for help."

"I got this, okay? Hey Kimura, see if you can lure 'em out this way some."

Kimura starts protesting at this, "Who, me? But how?"

All he gets is "How should I know?"

Whilst Karma glides over, a big smirk on his face, "Here, Kimura, try this..."

Uh oh.

Kimura walked past me into the hall.

Kimura walks over to the two guards who instantly turn to look at him, "What gives, kid?"

"Huh? Any brains around here? These guys are total muscle heads! You slabs of pigmeat oughta quit pretending to be human."

After the wash of insults, the junior high student starts walking off. The two men, now extremely angry, sprint after him, "Hey! Get back here!"

Well, that worked.

"What's with this brat?"

"He's crazy fast!"

"Got it!" Terasaka and Yoshida suddenly blast out of hiding, tackle the two to the ground, and drive stun guns into their necks.

"Stun guns!" Nagisa gasps, now back in possession of Koro-Sensei.

"I bought 'em to see how electricity worked on that octopus... Never thought I'd be using 'em like this!"

"You bought those? But weren't they expensive?" Someone chimes.

"Huh? Uh, well... I came into a little money lately, so..."

I thought back to when he was helping Shiro.

"Yeah, that checks out," I muttered, making Terasaka sweat.

"Nice weapon Terasaka. But check their chests." Koro-Sensei informs. "Judging from the bulges there," The student does what he's told and starts rifling around, "You ought to be able to find something even better."

Terasaka holds up two guns.

Oh crap.

"And... Chiba? Hayami? Those guns are for you. Karasuma-sensei hasn't recovered enough to fire with any accuracy. Right now, you two are the best shots we have."

"B-But this is all so sudden—" Chiba tries to say but Koro-Sensei continues.

"However! I will not permit you to kill anyone. With your skill, you should have plenty of ways to use those to defeat someone without a scratch."

Chiba checked the number of bullets.

Rinka eyed her gun nervously.

"Hey don't worry, you two will be fine," I softly said, placing a hand on their shoulders.

"Let's be on our way, then. From the looks of things at this hotel, there's no sign the enemy has set up camp in any great numbers. They're even down to one or two hired killers—at most."

"Yeah! So, let's go murderalize the rest!" Terasaka shouts, clenching his fist.

"Okay, team: We'll have to use the VIP-only emergency stairs to reach the next floor up." Ritsu relays, "And to do that, we'll have to go through the concert hall on the 8th floor."

A guy strides along into the said concert hall.

He sticks the muzzle of the gun in his mouth and sucks on it. He then stands on the stage. We were all hiding behind chairs, on alert.

A shot rang out, and Okano whimpered in fright. "FYI, this room is completely soundproof." Gastro informed them smugly. "You'll all be Swiss Cheese long before anyone comes to the rescue." He twirled his gun carelessly through his fingers. "Come on, we all know you ain't got the grips for homicide. Surrender like good little boys and girls and we'll go see the—"

A bullet whizzed past his head.

Holy crap Hayami.

Bright stage lights turned on, illuminating the room. I could see Isogai and Yada wince at the sudden brightness from their positions, crouched behind the chairs.

The Gunman flung the remote to the ground. "This is shaping up to be a job I can really sink my teeth into." He chuckled lowly.

The Gunman began to cackle loudly.

"This is gonna be like a four-star killing cook free for all." The Gunman said as he raised his gun.

He shot at the seat by Rinka's head.

Rinka gasped and ducked out of the way.

"I never forget an enemy's position once they've fired." The sharp-shooter bragged. "I acquired that trick in the army."

This guy was a soldier?

I rested my hand on Rinka's and offered her a soft smile.

"Think of it as battlefield synesthesia, I can echo-locate the source of hostile gunfire with pinpoint accuracy and check my own gun by taste." The Guman stuck his gun in his mouth, saliva dripping down his chin. "Now then," he took it out with a slight laugh. "I know there's one more stolen firearm out there."

Koro-sensei's voice rang out. "Stand by, Hayami. Hold your position." Rinka's eyes narrowed, a serious expression on her face. "Wise decision not to fire, Chiba. Well played." Koro-sensei praised the boy, who gasped slightly. "Our opponent doesn't have a lock on you yet. Hang tight and wait for my signal. I'll keep an eye on him and tell you when to shoot."

Koro-sensei giggled cheekily as the man's eyes fell on the direction in front of him. Koro-sensei, still in his ball form, perched on top.

"Hey!" The Gunman cried out, starting to fire at the new target immediately.


"You in the front row," he replaced his ammo at lightning speed. "Don't stare at me!"

Koro-sensei just laughed. "A seasoned marksmen against adolescent assassins. Our modest advantage will, I think, be quite enough." His mouth split open into a wide grin. "Okay, Kimura, run five seats to your left."

The boy followed the orders without hesitation. "Terasaka, and Yoshida, dash three seats to either side." Gastro looked on warily. "We've made a blind spot. Kayano, two rows forward and through the gap. Go!" The girl grunted but did as the teacher said. "Karma and Fuwa, move eight seats right. Isogai, five seats left." The kids obeyed and The Gunman huffed.

Now he knows everyone's locations.

"Alternate naming scheme!" He yelled. Gastro's eyes widened in shock. "Student twelve, move right and continue prepping. Students four and five train your camera on the target from between the seats." Gastro looked around frantically, trying to find some sort of pattern. "Use Ritsu to keep Chiba apprised of his movements on stage."

Ritsu, projected on my phone, made a fake camera with her hands. The Gunman shuffled on stage nervously.

"Ponytail, shift your position to the front left." Koro-sensei continued to bark out orders.

"Motorcycle fan, you as well. Two seats down. The student who checked out Takebayashi's favorite maid cafe, only to discover he kind of liked it, discombobulate the target by kicking up a racket!"

What the hell!?

"You bastard!" Terasaka exclaimed in anger, shaking some sort of cabinet loudly. "That's nobody's business but mine. How'd you even know?"

"Alright, Chiba." Koro-sensei grinned wickedly. "The moment of truth is upon us," Chiba grunted lowly, curled up behind a seat and clutching his weapon. "Get your bearings my boy. When I give the command, fire at will"

This is it.

Koro-sensei continued. "Hayami, you're on follow-up as needed." Rinka was no calmer than her partner. "Focus on blocking the enemy's evasive maneuvers. Now, a word of advice to our cool-headed sharpshooters who flubbed the assassination attempt earlier today."


Chiba gasped quietly in surprise as he stared at his gun. Rinka's eyes widened and her head shot to look at Koro-sensei.

"Don't let one failure overshadow the skills you've worked so hard to cultivate." Koro-sensei lectured wisely. "The best of us fall short of our abilities from time to time."

I smiled at Rinka and nodded.

"You maintain a facade of stoic nonchalance. But feel burdened by the confidence your classmate's place in you all the same." Koro-sensei continued. "Few guess at your inner anguish but it's there, just beneath the surface."

I nodded at that, glancing over at Itona and nodding. The shorter boy nodded back and smirked.

"You're not alone in this," Koro-sensei told them kindly. "You give it a brave face, but you needn't bear the pressure on your own. If you miss the shot there's a fallback strategy; we'll play hot potato with the gun and continue shuffling everyone until our foe has no idea where the next shot will come from."

Koro-sensei was still perched precariously on the back of one of the seats. "The reason that strategy will work is because everyone here has tasted the agony of defeat. Yes, there's pressure. But your classmates are in the same boat. Learn to take solace in that."

"Okie Dokie." Koro-sensei cheered brightly. "Here we go."

I held my breath.

"Student twelve! Stand and fire now!"

A student shot up from behind the exact seat The Gunman was looking at. A gun was aimed but the older man was quicker.

With a triumphant laugh, he shot directly at the student's head. The student fell back in slow motion, coat fluttering as they fell to the floor.

I smirked.

The Gunman made a noise of shock, the student was a mere scarecrow.

"That's where you want to aim!" Ritsu told Chiba confidently, who jumped out from behind his seat.

"You've got it." Chiba's hands were steady as he pulled the trigger.

The Gunman watched in amusement as the bullet whizzed straight past him. He chuckled evilly. "Nice shooting there, son. Too bad," he aimed at the boy. "Now I know—"

A falling light fixture cut him off sharply. He stumbled as he tried to avoid the obstacle, a strangled yell escaping his throat.

He rose his gun again and a second shot rang out. His gun was flung to the floor.

Rinka held her smoking gun and took a deep breath.

The Gunman choked and collapsed, and the students darted out from their hiding spots.

"Tag him and bag him!" Terasaka yelled as Kayano giggled happily.

Sugaya sighed, completely over the situation. He held the decoy, which was attached to a broom, and trailed behind the others. "I'll just make a scarecrow in total silence. No big." He deadpanned.

Karasuma sat in the seat behind Koro-sensei. "That was a white-knuckle ride." Terasaka wrapped Gastro up in duck tape. "I'm impressed they held it together. I've known pros who would have tanked."

"With the balance of opportunity and motivation, anyone can expand their horizon." Chiba and Rinka make their way over to their classmates, joining them on the stage. "They just have to move out of their comfort zone."

The Gunman struggled fruitlessly, muffled sounds of anger escaping his makeshift gag. "But we can't often do so on our own, we need a foe to challenge our complacency. Force us to draw upon resources we never knew we had. That, you see, is precisely why I became a teacher. To spark potential. To give my students both the opportunities to succeed and the motivation."

Rinka and Chiba meet eyes from across the stage and moved closer, temporarily ignoring their celebrating classmates. They hit their elbows together and laughed.

Hell yeah.


A man stood at the end of a corridor, looking out into a large room menacingly. An arm shot out and yanked him out of the view of the room.

"That's not too bad," Karasuma said idly, covering the stranger's mouth so he couldn't breathe. "Looks like a good portion of my mobility is back," His victim slumped to the floor, unconscious. "I think I'm up to about half strength."

My classmates looked on, bewildered. "Which means you are about twice as badass as a regular human being." Kimura complimented in awe.

The group peered into the room sneakily. "That'll lead us to the top floor right?" Nagisa looked at the staircase directly across from them.

"Yup." Kayano agreed.

Isogai stared at his watch worriedly. "We're seriously coming down to the wire."

"Children," Koro-sensei called out, catching the student's attention. "It occurs to me the mastermind waiting for us above is not attuned to his resources. In fact, thus far, his hired hands have been egregiously misused." The group gasped. "Lookouts glorified bouncers; this isn't how one employs assassins. If our foe had aligned the men we encountered with their skill sets, they'd have been fearsome indeed."

"You've got a point," Chiba muttered. "The last guy wasn't off target by so much as a centimeter."

"You've got a point," Chiba muttered darkly. An image of the scarecrow appeared, a bullet hole in the exact middle of its forehead. "The last guy wasn't off target by so much as a centimeter."

"No doubt." Karma agreed, eyes glowing. "Sure."

"That could also explain why the man me and Sora fought went down so fast," Itona pointed out. "He didn't seem like he was suited for a straight-up fight"

I turned my attention to Terasaka and Nagisa.

"What's your problem?" Terasaka grunted as Nagisa touched him lightly.

"Dude, you're seriously burning up." He noticed. "You feeling okay? Wait—"

Terasaka quickly shut him up, placing a hand over his mouth. "Shut up!" He hissed. "I'm fine. Look, man, I've got the stamina to spare. It's just a fever, my system will kick it out.

Nagisa removed the bigger boy's land. "But the virus is deadly!"

"Dammit." Terasaka cursed. "Mr. K almost died because of me. If I hadn't been an idiot, he wouldn't have gotten gassed. And in case you haven't been keeping score, that's not the first crap I've pulled that nearly cost everyone Their lives. If I drop out, I'll bring the mission down. Who cares if I'm sick? I'm not gonna do that." Terasaka explained gruffly.

To think this is the same guy who tied a grenade to Nagisa's neck.

Nagisa's eyes widened in panic. "Terasaka, don't."

"Watch me."

Karasuma leaned out of a dark hallway, looking into another lavish room. He held up a hand and motioned for us to follow. They entered the room carefully and quietly.

We reached the other side of the room, there was a chair surrounded by monitors. 

"Argh, this itch." The sudden noise shocked the group, some gasped in surprise. The man with the deep voice from earlier scratched his face vigorously.

You guys are so bad at sneaking.

"It burns no matter what I do." He growled. "Still, one man's sensitivity is another man's hyper-vigilance. Makes me feel wired to my surroundings." The stranger threw a bunch of detonators over his back, landing in front of the group. "You didn't think this would be easy, did you! I told you I'd find a way to wipe the octopus off the face of the earth. Oh, and as you can see, when it comes to little details like detonator switches... I'm a big believer in redundancy."

Wait a second. I know that voice, but now it only sounds more fucked up.


"I reached out to four professionals before we came on this trip," Karasuma stated, gun still raised. "Three of them free-lance killers. But, the other was an old colleague." The man stood up from his chair, causing more gasps of shock to ring out. "Who, it turns out, went M.I.A after embezzling funds from the ministry of defense. What the hell do you think you're doing! Dammit, Takaoka!"

The man's scarred, crazed face was revealed. He smiled at them. "What naughty children." He said patronizingly. "Trying to sneak up on dear old dad, you disappoint me. I thought I raised you better than that." One hand held a detonator while the other dug into his cheek. "I know some boys and girls that are going to have to go to summer school."

"Mr. Takaoka?" Nagisa stuttered. " could he?"

The man in question grabbed the case of antidote and started to walk away. "Let's head up to the roof, huh? I've got a little surprise up there you're bound to get a kick out of. Oh, and before you get any bright ideas, bear in mind you are only alive because Daddy's feeling generous."

I'm gonna break his kneecaps.


"Hiring assassins, infecting students with a potentially lethal virus... what the hell is wrong with you? Are you out of your mind?"

Takaoka gazed at Karasuma, unfazed. "Strong words there, friend. I assure you I'm perfectly sane."

If you're sane, then I'm intelligent.

"Though I suspect world saviors are often thought of as mad. If you'd have done as I instructed and had the runts of the litter—" His gaze shifted to Kayano and Nagisa, along with the rest of the group. "—bring the goods on their own, my assassination plot would have gone off without a hitch and we'd all be winners." He paused. "I'd wanted to use, what's her name, Kayano?"

The girl gasped softly and Nagisa looked at her in worry. "Yeah, she was integral to the plot." Takaoka laughed darkly. "Oh, it was a doozie. The bathtub in my suite here is overflowing with anti-sensei BBs."

"I'd have set her up in there with the target, then in-tomed the whole setup in concrete," Takaoka explained with a small giggle. "The only way for the octopus to return to its normal form without touching the BBs would have been to blow everything sky high!" Kayano covered her mouth in fear. "Including the girl".

I'm gonna bust his kneecaps so bad.

"We all know he'd never do such an inhumane thing to the children in his care!" He smiled wickedly, smugly. "So I figured he'd take the honorable way out and opt to dissolve instead of killing of his students."

"He's a monster." Isogai spat.

"I won't lie, it gave Daddy quite a fright when he saw you'd all come in mass. It doesn't change things much but still." The man bragged slightly. "Oh, and my mood will play a significant role as to whether you walk out of this alive."

"You know Takaoka, I never did get to make good on my promise to kill you," I threatened. "Let's say you and I finally make good and that deathmatch!"

"Unfortunately for you you're not the one I'm interested in right now," Takaoka said. "Negative evaluations, demotions, gossip! You have no idea what it's like! My future is gone! You specifically Nagisa." Takaoka pointed at him, the group gasped and the boy's eyes widened. "Must answer for the grave injustice done too much reputation."

The boy's eyes narrowed, unimpressed.

Do you mean he did all of this over a grudge?

"I get it," Chiba spoke up from behind Nagisa. "He asked for the shortest students to come because he knew Nagisa would be one of them."

"Nagisa had every right to do what he did to you," Yoshida growled, eyebrows scrunched in anger.

Karma stepped forward, shielding Nagisa from the crazed man. He hummed slightly, "I see." Karma's mouth curved into a smirk. "So this actually has a lot more do to with you settling a score than anyone saving the world. Think about it, is beating up a kid gonna repair your self-esteem? Wouldn't someone my size be more interesting?"

"Get in line Karma, I was here first," I replied.

"Look you crazy son of a bitch!" Terasaka called out in frustration, moving closer to Karma. "Nagisa kicked your ass by your own rules so you've got no one to blame but yourself." The other student's faces were stern. "And here's the deal; even if you won, we'd still despise you! Nothing you could've done would have changed our minds."

"I don't remember asking for your opinion!" Takaoka cried, face twisted. "Love me or hate me, maggots," he held up the detonator threateningly. "I'm the guy who that could take half of you are right now with a push of a button!"

"That's true, we should all calm down," Itona said. "As much as I hate to admit it, we have no leverage here,"

I hate it when someone other than me is right.

Terasaka grimaced, and Takaoka smiled in victory.  "You, short round, let's go up to the heliport." He turned and walked away, case and detonator in hand. "Just you and me."

"I don't want to," the boy replied honestly. "But I'm gonna." Nagisa handed Koro-sensei to Kayano and followed Takaoka's advice and started towards the heliport.

"Get a move on! Pick up the pace!" Takaoka yelled.

Nagisa turned back to the group, a serious look on his face. "I'm afraid of what will happen if I don't do what he says. I'll play along for now and see if I can talk some sense into him." He smiled softly. "If he calms down maybe he'll give us the antidote." Nagisa continued after Takaoka.

"I don't like where this is going." Kayano whimpered, and Koro-sensei felt the same.

We all rushed after the duo. Nagisa and Takaoka stood on a different platform from the group, a wooden bridge connecting the two platforms.

Nagisa stood calmly, the breeze ruffling his hair and jacket. A knife was at his feet, the same he used to beat Takaoka at school previously.

Takaoka stood across from him. The suitcase sat innocently beside the man. He shifted his grip on the detonator.

"Don't even." Karasuma hissed, raising his gun in a flash. The students, plus Koro-sensei, looking on.

"Stay right where you are, tough guy," Takaoka growled in reply. "Don't take this the wrong way," he sneered. "But I don't trust you not to throw a monkey wrench in my alone time with Nagisa." Takaoka pushed the detonator's button.

Oh crap.

"There we go." Takaoka there the detonator on the ground. "Now it's just you and me, kiddo. You understand where I'm going with this, right?"

Nagisa shifted his gaze back to the opponent in front of him. The knife at his feet glinted in the heliport's artificial lights.

"Revenge is an ugly word but if the shoes fits."

"You've got it wrong, Mr. Takaoka."  Nagisa interrupted bravely. "I didn't come here to relive our fight."

"Of course not." The man agreed. "You don't have the element of surprise on your side this time. There's not a thing up your sleeve to keep me from killing you."

Karasuma's mouth thinned, a mix of worry and anger. "Thing is," Takaoka carried on. "It'd be over too fast if I went at you full boar right of the bat. I want to savor this." He raised his arms in a seemingly welcoming position. "So here's what I need from you." Everyone waited in anticipation. Takaoka pointed at the ground. "Get on your hands and knees and apologize." He held up another detonator, this one for the case of antidote. "Say you're sorry for pulling a cheap trick. Admit you relied on the old bait and switch to cover your lack of skill."


Nagisa's eyes glowed, he kneeled on the ground. "I'm sorry—" He was immediately cut off.

"I don't believe you!" Takaoka raged. "Kneel down lower you little worm! I want to see your forehead touch the ground like the sole of a boot!"

Nagisa blinked up at the man slowly, he spotted the case out of the corner of his eye. He obliged. "I'm sorry for pulling a cheap trick on you. I just did it to cover up my lack of skill. I'm very sorry."

Terasaka stared at the duo as Takaoka let out a shaky breath. "Not bad." He said. "Now apologize for essentially asking me to hit the road afterward. Good gracious, the audacity." He smashed his foot on Nagisa's head, the boy winced in pain. "All the trouble I went through for you kids and that's how you talk to me?" Takaoka pressed his foot down harder. "I'm entitled to respect for the sacrifices I made!"

"I was wrong to treat you that way." Nagisa stayed calm. "You deserve respect. I am truly, deeply sorry. Please find it in your heart to forgive me." Takaoka smiled. "I was wrong."

The older man laughed and removed his foot from Nagisa's head. "I'm starting to believe you. Daddy feels much better. Was that so hard?" He asked as Nagisa cautiously raised his head.

"You know what this needs? To help the lesson sink in?" Takaoka picked up the case.

"Pictures of people who died from the virus I infected your buddies with. Smog let me borrow a few from his collection! The effects are spectacular. Boils over every inch of their bodies face like a bunch of grapes." Terasaka grunted as the man kept speaking. "You'd get a laugh out of that! Wouldn't you, kid?"

He flung the case in the air, and Nagisa started to lung after it.

"NO!" I screamed.

"Please, no!" Karasuma's cried out. But it was too late. Takaoka pushed the button.

The case blew up midair. Glass vials shattering at the insane pressure and heat. The student's jaws dropped, gasping in shock and fear.

Oh my God.

I felt tears build-up at the corners of my eyes.

Nagisa panted heavily as he watched the wind blow the remnants of the antidote away. Takaoka cackled joyfully, pointing a finger at the boy who was still on his knees.

"Yes!" Takaoka exclaimed. "That's the face I wanted to see! You know, you should make a scrapbook of this  vacation including pictures of your friends dying!" Nagisa slowly turned to look at Terasaka, who was slowly deteriorating. The two shared a pain-filled gaze. "You can call it, 'Nagisa's book of boiled over faces'." The man consisted to laugh widely.


Nagisa's heartbeat thumped loudly in his ears. Terasaka grimaced and his face shook, the knife was still at the smaller boy's feet. Nagisa hugged himself tightly, his breathing, once again, becoming heavier. He picked up the knife. Takaoka paused.

Why did that have to happen?

Nagisa shook as the knife dragged against concrete. The group stared at him in surprise. He raised the knife with two hands. Nagisa's eyes; malicious, glowing with ill-intent, were revealed. "I'll... kill you." He snarled.

Takaoka licked his lips and chuckled. "That's right. That's the way, sonny boy."

"Oh dear," Koro-sensei whispered lowly.

Dammit why!?

"I'll kill you!" Nagisa repeated louder.

"Why is this happening again," I muttered helplessly.


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