Their Lost Hidden Sister

By Anonymouswriting1617

16.3K 397 10

Valentina Sage a name that she had been called all her life. But that wasn't her name. She got her name from... More

bonus chapters??
Bonus Chapter #1
Bonus Chapter #2
Bonus Chapter#3


307 11 0
By Anonymouswriting1617

Adriano walked over to his sister. He knew that this was a long shot but he had to give it a chance he refused to just give up and walk away. "Can we talk?"

"No." She wasn't interested in talking to him at least for a while it was still fresh on her mind and it hurt.

"Val i know i shouldn't have lied to you." He knew that he should have done things differently and if he could he would have. But he had been to scared of her reaction lying seemed like the best idea at the time.

"But you did so whatever you have to say no thanks." She didn't want to hear any apologizes she just wanted to be left alone with her thoughts to process everything that was happening.

"I'm sorry." He wished that he could redo it but he was scared to lose his sister.

"Whatever." She walked over to her locker to exchange her stuff. She was actually going to class even if she didn't want to.  "I really don't want to hear it."

"Val I'm trying here what can do." He would do anything he just wanted her to forgive him.

She turned towards her brother right now there was nothing that he could do but let her be.  "How about nothing just leave me alone as of right now i don't consider myself your sister. " She closed her locker walking away she had so much going on she didn't know the truth of what had happened years ago she was being lied to. And her brothers hated each other everything was just great.

He sighed looking across the hall he seen Sofia standing with some of the cheerleaders. She had seen what had happened.  She mouthed to him 'you ok?' She knew that it couldn't be easy for him right now she had known how much he wanted his sister back.

He nodded turning to walk away. He was going to need to come up with a better plan and fast he couldn't just sit and do nothing.


Mario went and sat next to his sister in gym.  He had heard that Valentina was even to talking to Adriano. "You wanna talk about it."

"No thanks." She just wanted to be left alone if no one was going to tell her anything then what was the point of constantly asking her if she was ok. She was being lied to by everyone and she didn't like it.

"You can't give me the cold shoulder forever." He just wanted her to open up to him he had seen how she was with Adriano and he jealous that she couldn't be that way with him.

"Not forever i was thinking two years." Just until she was old enough to leave them all behind and do her own thing. Adriano, Lorenzo and Leonardo had never let on that they were hiding anything. Same couldn't be said with Mario, Matteo, and Mariano. She would trust them and open up when she had an actual reason to. Like if she actually learned the truth but they couldn't give her anything. "They got me to trust them and they were hiding something from me. So i don't think i can trust you. You guys haven't given me any reasons to."

"What do you want me to do?" He would do anything he just wanted to get to know his little sister.

"I am tired of you guys asking me that i know a good one." That was what she really wanted but no one was willing to share those details.  "The entire truth what happened before i was born."

He wished he could tell her everything about what had happened but he only knew what he had learned. He didn't even know the entire thing. "Val-"

"Can't tell me either that's what i thought. At least he was able to tell me something from their side but you don't want to tell me anything so i just don't want to hear it right now." If they couldn't tell her anything was the point it was getting really irritating she knew that they each knew little things and that was all she was asking for. "If i can't get simple answers about my past why should i let you guys into my future. Things would have been so much easier had i never found out about any of you. I mean i know that she was a selfish bitch who only cared about herself. But at least when i asked her something she told me the truth."


"I'm going to the library i need to be alone right now." And by be alone she meant that she was going to start doing her own research and try to learn whatever she could about her past.


She got up grabbing her books and walking away she needed the time to think. She seen Sofia talking to Bianca and rolled her eyes. She wasn't stupid she had noticed her brother's girlfriend watching her. And she knew that she had done it for him. The hall split letting her walk through they were all terrified of her.

She walked to the library going to find a seat in the back. She took out her computer if they didn't want to tell her anything then she was going to find out for herself.


She had written some notes down and right now she was reading an article on stepmom. "Ah Elena Romano."

She closed her laptop and book looking over her shoulder at Emilio. She hadn't even noticed that he was there. But she guessed that was the point. "Can you not?"

"Why are you researching your stepmother couldn't you just ask your brother about her?" Emilio wasn't stupid he knew that right now she wasn't even talking to Adriano and that they knew about as much about her past as she did which was hardly anything.

She rolled her eyes she didn't like that he was being nosy right now. "Well i don't know if you noticed but me and her children are currently not on speaking terms and i wanted to know and this is the best way to find out."

"News isn't always true." He knew that she wasn't going to find the most reliable information on the internet and the best way was going to be going straight to the source.

"I'm sorry do you see some other way that i could find out information cause even if i were talking to those rats i call brothers they wouldn't tell me anything about her because they hate her." She had thought about it but she knew that Adriano especially hated his mother and he wouldn't let her meet her. "So no help there. No one will tell me what i want to know so i had to start researching things myself."

"And you couldn't just ask someone that lives here because." He assumed that there were better ways for her to learn that information. While not everyone in Italy knew the true story some new some of the major facts about it.

"I don't want it getting back to them." She knew that if she started asking people about her past it would get back to her brothers and she didn't want them to intervene.

"So they are not to happy about you wanting you to know more." He assumed that her brothers would be there to help her learn about her past.

She wasn't actually sure if they wanted her to know or not. But she wanted to know and she was going to do everything to make sure that she did. "Not sure i just know that none of them really want to tell me what is the story so i am tired of asking and now i am finding out for myself what really happened."

He sat next to her he would help any way that she could. Valentina Romano was a useful ally. And she was going to help him even if she didn't know it.  "What do you got so far?"

She opened up the book reading what she had. She didn't know how much of this was true but she hoped that she was getting close. "Alyssa pretended to be Elena and got pregnant with me. Elena was angry and hysterical and told him she wanted him gone. He wanted to fix things and she said the only way that was possible was if they got the baby. He got Alyssa to agree to that she was supposed to live with them until she had the baby she left had me here then fled to America. I can't find anything about her life after or anything relating to me their is a lot of fake articles about things that happened. But i grew up with her i would know if she was buried in a tomb when i was 8."

"I doubt anyone in your family would let what really happened after you were born get out." He knew that it was kept tight lipped for a reason. They wanted to find her and they wanted to try and do it quietly. "So as much as you might hate it."

"I have to hear it from the sources and none of them will tell me anything." She knew that but it wasn't going to  be the easiest.

"Well maybe you will get lucky." He knew that Elena always wanted Valentina as her daughter he knew that she was going to make sure that she got her back. There was no question about that.

She hoped so but she was doubtful of that the way it was going she didn't see her learning the truth anytime soon. "Or maybe i am going to spend my entire life not knowing what really happened but a bunch of lies."

"You never know."


Grace went and sat across from Elena they were sitting in a coffee shop and Elena was making progress and she was happy for it. Grace knew that something's had changed since they had last talked she looked happier.  "You are smiling something happened."

Elena nodded she had missed her sons and she was happy that they had asked for her help. "Lorenzo contacted me asked me for my help in getting Valentina back for them."

"This is what you wanted to have all of them back." Grace was happy that it was finally happening for her best friend she was finally getting everything taht she had wished for.

"Yeah and its working." It was all slowly coming together and she knew that it was going to be worth the wait in the end her family was finally going to be whole once and for all.

"That's good." She knew that all of this and the distance was going to be worth everything that happened and that drove them apart.

Elena knew for sure that her son wasn't willing to lose his sister again. He was going to do any and everything to get her back. "Adriano will do anything to get his sister back."

"And you are planning on using that to your advantage." Grace already knew the answer she had to make it look like her sons did this even if she was doing all the hard work herself.

"He is my child when he wants something he gets it and if he wants Valentina back he is going to do everything in his power to get her back even if it meant sharing her with them." And that was exactly what Elena was counting on she needed them to agree to share there sister to make sure that it was fair to her.

"Oh." Grace was amazed at home much planning Elena had put into this and getting the brothers to agree to share Valentina.

"It's not about them right now its about doing the best thing for Valentina and that is it and they can argue with me all they want but i can tell you right now that it isn't going to work." She knew that Valentina didn't have the best past but she wanted to change that for the future she wanted to make it bette for her.

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