Their Lost Hidden Sister

By Anonymouswriting1617

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Valentina Sage a name that she had been called all her life. But that wasn't her name. She got her name from... More

bonus chapters??
Bonus Chapter #1
Bonus Chapter #2
Bonus Chapter#3


429 11 0
By Anonymouswriting1617

Lorenzo was sitting on the couch looking through papers when Leo walked in. He was used to seeing Adriano at least once or Lorenzo saying that he did something, disappeared or did something he knew he wasn't supposed to do. "Adriano's not home yet."

"His car is here but i can't find him." Lorenzo wasn't sure if he had went with one of his friends or not but he couldn't find him.

Well if Lorenzo supposedly checked the whole house he could bet there was one place that he hadn't thought to look for him. "Did you check Valentina's room if he was smart and he is not that stupid then he would have gone to go make amends with her?"

"Touche." Lorenzo hadn't thought to check there and checking all his usual places and with also knowing there was a chance that Valentina was sleeping off her injuries and not wanting to disturb her.

"Come on."

They both headed upstairs to Valentina's room. They knocked on the door not getting an answer. They opened the door slowly seeing Valentina and Adriano both sleep with his arm wrapped around her. A movie was playing in the background. They both knew that Adriano had always wanted his sister back and now he had her.

They closed the door slowly to now wake the two up Leo was happy to see that they weren't mad at each other. Or at least she wasn't mad at him right now. They knew that he was going to make her mad again soon. "At least their on good terms."

"Did aunt Alessia call you?" Now Leonardo had only answered her because she was his aunt but she didn't really care for what he learned he was just happy that for once it did not involve Adriano. And now they could see why.

He was happy that his aunt brought Valentina back but angry that she still tried to hide her from them. "Yup."

"So Mario and Alonzo got to fighting did she tell you why?" Leonardo had an idea of why they got to fighting but he wasn't to sure and at least he hoped that wasn't the reason.

"Nope just that they both got suspended" He didn't know what the fight was about but he knew that it had to be serious because usually their cousins got left out of the drama.

"Why do you think they got to fighting?" Hew wanted to know because there was a chance that they were going to get dragged into the family drama and he wanted to try his best to avoid it at all costs.

"Don't ask me to understand why the Moretti's do what they do?" Lorenzo didn't want to even think about why this happened all that mattered was that Adriano wasn't the one who got suspended and that he had managed to stay out of it;. "All i know is that i am happy Adriano was not here today to be dragged into it. "

Leonardo smirked they had grown used to their brother getting dragged into anything bad involving Mario. "Like he always is"

Lorenzo just wished that Mario and Adriano could learn to stay away from each other. He knew that they didn't see each other much during the day besides the four classes they shared the same ones they shared with Valentina Business, writing, PE and Self-defense. "That is the point there always getting into with each other despite that they only share four classes. "

"They share relatives." And because of that they always would cross paths even more than when they had to work together.

"I wish that they didn't." Having no one connecting all of them would be the best.

"Don't we all." He could only imagine how much easier it would be for all of them.


Mariano and Mario walked into their house Matteo was waiting on them. Now that they knew the truth they had to work on how they were going to get Valentina. He stood looking at the two. "So what did you learn."

"Besides the fact that i don't know our aunt is a bitch." There aunt clearly had wanted to see how this played out.

"Languague." Mariano warned whether or not it was true it didn't need to be happening.

"They both are suspended for two weeks." And while it was understandable it gave them time to work on what they were going to do. "Our aunt wanted to talk to Adriano and we were informed that he actually cut out of school early."

"Why?" Matteo knew that if it was one things the families had in common was them wanting the boys to finish their education.

"We don't know that was just what the principal said but aunt Alessia knows that we know if she told them i don't know." He highly doubted that they she told them that they knew they would have already made it clear that they weren't giving Valentina up then.

Mario wasn't an expert but he did know that they weren't just going to give her up to them. "Well we need to figure out a way to get her with us?"

Matteo looked between his two brothers he had an idea that just might work assuming that she didn't know about the test that they did. "Easy if she trusts them we just tell her about the DNA test that will make her lose trust in them really quick."

Mario swore that his brother was the good one and he was really considering outing the DNA test that they did on her. "And how is she going to feel about us using that against her."

"No matter how she feels she kept the fact that she knew that she was related to us from us." Mariano didn't care how she felt about them using that against her. They had the right to know their sister just as much as they did if not more. "And, we can use that to our advantage."

"And by we you mean you want me to talk to her when she get back to school." Mario just chuckled he knew that was going to be a fun conversation and a hard one to have at that it wasn't like Adriano was just going to let her near him. And there was still the problem with he wasn't even sure when she was returning to school to begin with. "And, i don't even know when that is."

"Well whenever that is you better talk to her." Mariano planned on getting her back one way or another no matter what they had to do to make it happen Valentina was coming with them. "And, you better not leave the school without her."

Mario nodded he knew that it was time for them to get their sister back one and for all. "Alright i won't."
Elena wsa sitting in her house looking at an old photo album no matter how much she wanted to she couldn't bring herself to throw it away. She was looking at the pictures of her kids right before everything went down. Of her and Valentino and the happy moments that they had before everything with Alyssa.

Back to when they got married back when everything made sense she wanted that again she didn't want her kids to hate her. She needed the stability but she wasn't sure if she was ever going to get it again. But she sure as hell knew that she was going to try,.

Alessia walked into the house with her son she didn't understand why him and Mario had got to fighting. She knew that they never really had drama they stayed away from each other most of the time and most of the time it was Adriano and Mario fighting. "So want to tell me why you and your cousin are fighting."

"He hit me." It wasn't his fault he had been just doing what he was told he couldn't be scolded for that.

"Well he shouldn't have had a reason to hit you Alonzo so why did he hit you." She knew that he did something and that Mario didn't just hit him for no reason.

"It's not my fault you specifically said not to tell them i did that." Although Alonzo wasn't so sure about listening to his mother he knew better than to disobey Adriano and would much rather face the Moretti side of his family then the Romano side. "And, when Adriano found out he made it clear what would happen if we told the Moretti's." And although it wasn't the best experience fighting his cousin he would still take that over fighting Adriano. " I lied to him he needs an anger management class."

"Don't we all."

"Go to your room." She turned to her husband who was standing against the door frame. "Don't encourage him." She didn't want Damien making them think that it was ok for them to do that. "They should not be fighting at school that is not what that is for."

"Well maybe you could have been honest with our niece about her past." Damien knew that if Alessia had just told all of them the truth about what had happened in the past or letting her brothers know that she was back and letting them all get to know her they wouldn't be acting irrational." her brothers that she was not dead and her brothers would not be reacting as such."

"Damien don't do that i had my reasons for doing this." She had a plan and it was going to work but she just needed to wait it out just a little bit.

"Alessia right now you're causing more harm than good." He didn't think whatever she had planned was worth it. He was sure that everything would work better had Valentina just been introduced to both sets at the same time. "She deserves to know them both not just one of them."

"She does and it is her decision to make when she wants that to happen until then." Alessia wanted it to be her decision about when she met her brothers. And how it went. "As her brothers, they should be smarter about their actions especially when they might affect their sister big time."

"And when will they learn that if they are constantly fighting over which one of them is going to have her?" Damien knew that they could have been able to come to terms with each other and their sister being back if they had just told them all together but waiting and staying with one brother over the other wasn't going to end well for any of them. " She is both their sister and they need to come to an agreement for her sake." Which with the way that it was going and how Alessia kept intervining and meddling in their relationship telling Valentina what she should and shouldn't do when it came to her brother was going to make sure they could never. "They are never going to come to an agreement if you keep intervening it will only keep getting worse an worse. "

Valentina woke up feeling an arm around her. She opened her eyes pushing her brother away from her. The last thing she had remembered was them turning on a movie and he was telling her little things that he remembered about their dad. She grabbed her phone seeing that it was already 6pm. She took a pillow hitting him on the head. She was happy that she didn't have to go to school and that she was doing everything at home that was going to make it easier since she probably wasn't going back to sleep for awhile. "Get out my room."

He threw the pillow back at her sitting up. He remembered Valentina drifting off him not wanting to leave her side yet. He hated that he never got to grow up with her and he didn't want to miss these moments. "Ow." He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes looking over to his sister. "What time is it?"

"6 get out my room" She was hungry but she also had a few things that she had to finish too.

He got out her bed heading towards the door. "Im going back to sleep." He walked out of her room not sure if he was going to actually go back to sleep or do something else.

She climbed out her bed grabbing her phone and heading downstairs being careful how she went down the stairs not wanting to hear anything from her brothers how she was moving to much. She went to the kitchen first seeing Isabella cooking. "That smells good"

"Nice to see you out your room?"

She turned to see Lorenzo standing against the door frame watching her. She hadn't seen him or Leo all day. Which she knew was mainly because she had been sleep most of the day. "I was sleep."

When they had went to check on them a couple hours ago they had both been knocked out. They had to make sure that they got up at a decent time before they both turned bitchy. "How'd you sleep?"

"Good." She was content with the conversation that her and Adriano had. Now all she wanted was to eat and rest some more. "Now I'm hungry."

"Your ribs are feeling better." He was assuming they were she wasn't wincing so that was a good sign.

"It's bearable." She can handle it and it wasn't the worst it could be and she knew that.

Lorenzo nodded he was just worried about her doing something that could make the pain worse. "Alright just be careful."

"I will i promise." She knew that she was going to have to tread carefully already knowing how an injury like this could worsen.

Leonardo walked into the room he had been listening to the exchange between the two. "Dinner will be done soon."

"Alright, I'm just going to take a shower then maybe watch  another movie." She hadn't even made it that far through the first one her and Adriano had talked through the movie and then she had started to drift off.

"Alright don't go back to sleep if you mess up your sleep schedule." Leonardo could already imagine what her attitude would be like when she was running on little to no sleep.

"I know Leo if i mess it up I'm ot going to want to get up when i have to go back to school." Not only would that suck being exhausted when it was finally time for her to go back but it would also be irritating she already didn't like being woken up out her sleep and it would constantly happen. "I won't i will be fine. "

"Just making sure." He didn't know what he was more worried about her actually getting sleep or the temper that would come if she didn't.

Valentina smiled she had never had anyone to worry about her it was a nice feeling. "I'm fine i will be fine nothing is wrong but i need a shower."



Not being able to go back to sleep Adriano had went to the basement gym where he found Lorenzo hitting a punching bag. Which he found comical since he was coming to do the same thing. "I thought that was my thing."

Lorenzo looked back at his brother rolling his eyes he knew usually he was the calm and collected one but at the moment everything was upsetting him. "Been a long week."

"For who?" He knew that they were going through a lot with the transition with Valentina and trying to make sure that Mario and them didn't realize she was there sister too.

"Everyone." Lorenzo knew that the whole family was going through a lot.

Adriano went and held the bag letting him punch. "What's the problem? What's worrying you cause the only time you come down here is to check on me." He knew that he was the one that inherited both his dad's temper and mother's attitude so he used their gym as a way to release that stress. BUt he learned that both of his older brothers had different ways meaning Leo coped and usually Enzo was never bothered by anything. "Leo doesn't come down here you never needed to. So what is the problem."

"I just have a strange feeling that something is going to go wrong?" Lorenzo didn't just have a feeling he knew that something was going to go wrong and he could only imagine what the collateral would be.

Adriano was a little confused why he was so down when they were finally getting what they wanted. They had Valentina back and the Moretti's were the none the wiser of who she was and if he had it his way they never would be. "And what do you think is going to go wrong?"

"I think they know I think that they are going to plan to take her from us." Lorenzo was positive that they were planning to take Valentina and he didn't want to lose her.

Adriano furrowed his eyebrows he had been careful and he hadn't seen any signs that they knew or they were planning on taking her. "What makes you think that?"

"It was to easy getting her here without any of them saying something." Usually they would have a smart comment they still shared a Mafia he knew that word got to him and someone would have said something even if it was something as simple as Valentino had truly been cheating on Elena.

"What were they going to say?" Adriano had done his best to make it clear that Valentina was a Romano and doing his best to keep Mario away from her. "As far as Mario knew she was my sister."

"Did he give anything away that he might have guessed it?" Lorenzo was sure that it was a slim chance but it was still a chance they had found out quickly and now their was a chance that they did too.

"Gym he kept picking her first for his team i thought that he was just picking on her cause she was new to the school." But now that he thought about it everytime without fail was a little suspicious. He knew that he had gotten close to her because he knew that was his sister and he was now wondering if Mario had been doing the same thing.

"But realized that it could have been something different." There was a chance although Valentina looked like their dad she also looked like her mom and shared features that both Mario and Adriano had.

"Now that i think about it." Adriano did notice that Mario had a sudden interest in Valentina from the moment she started the school till recently he did like messing with her and maybe It was for more than she was the new kid. "Wait a minute is their something that i don't know." He was figuring that there might be because Lorenzo was asking him all these questions.

Lorenzo knew that Adriano wasn't aware of the events that had happened due to leaving early aka finding out that Mario got to fighting and who he got to fighting. "You left school earlier than normal Mario got to fighting with Alonzo."

"Because?" Adriano knew all to well that they preferred to ignore their cousins for the most part unless they truly needed something.

"We don't know all we heard was that they got suspended because they were fighting." Lorenzo knew that Mario wouldn't just fight just to fight he either didn't like him for example whenever him and Adriano got to fighting or they did something to him.

"We are not sure why we just know that they did." He wasn't sure what Alonzo could have did but he did something for Mario to start a fight with him. And he wondered if Adriano knew any reason. "Any reason you can think of for Alonzo to piss Mario off. "

Adriano shook his head pausing for a moment realizing that he had done something that might have caused it. "Shit" He ran his fingers through his hair recalling the conversation he had with his cousins.

"What?" Lorenzo was a little confused it looked like his brother had just realized something that probably wasn't good for them.

"I told them not to tell Mario or any of them when i figured it out." It wasn't a surprise to him that his side of the family scared his cousins more and he had made it clear it wasn't a game to him and what he was willing to do if they opened their mouths. "And if they-"

Lorenzo nodded chuckling lightly he now understood what his brother was saying he had guarunted that his cousins wouldn't spill anything about their sister to anyone. "You scared the shit out of them,"

"That's what i do." And it worked for him and made sure that he didn't have to tell them more than once and that they knew what the consequences would be if they crossed him. "I scare people into complying."

Now it was starting to make sense why they had gotten the call about the fight because technically they were involved in it because Alonzo wouldn't give information that Mario wanted because Adriano had gotten to him first. "Well apparently you did a good job because they got to fighting today and i would bet that it was over the fact that Mario wanted the truth and Alonzo refused to give it."

"What do we do now? Just pretend that we don't know they know." Adriano wasn't as smart as his brothers but he knew that if they did that it would come back to bite them hard.

Lorenzo nodded for now that seemed like the best course of action for them. "Yes."

"And if they figure out a way that they could get her." He didn't even want to think about them taking Valentina and losing his sister again. "Then what do we do?"

"They have nothing to use to even get Valentina to go with them." He wouldn't let them keep Valentina they had just gotten her back. Lorenzo and his brothers had suffered enough and even if he had to pull the one card no one wanted to he would. "And if they did it won't last for long."

"What does that mean?" Adriano didn't like the way his brother had stated it. He knew that they had used not fun threats to get Valentina it was possible for the Moretti's to do the same. "We convinced her to stay here and you don't think they would be able to do the same."

"If they get a chance all you have to know is that i got a plan if something were to go wrong." Lorenzo knew that his brothers wouldn't like it, but he also knew that calling his mom to help would work in their favor if they needed it.

"And are you just going to keep this plan to yourself or are you going to share so that everyone knows and were not in the dark." Even though Adriano was sure he wasn't going to like the plan it looked like his brother seemed to have something and if they lost Valentina anything was better than nothing.

"If it happens just know that i have a plan." It wasn't a plan they would like but he knew they wouldn't care as long as it was a plan that worked to their advantage.

"Alright." He trusted his brother to be able to handle it if something were not to go their way but at the same time he had seen first hand how Valentina could be and he was more worried about how she was going to react to everything after whatever the Moretti's were planning went down.


So I have a few ideas of how the switch happens but also looking to expand everything blowing up.

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