Finding You » SuperFlash {5} √

By themiko2

60.4K 2.3K 1.3K

After Mon-El is sent away and Barry is trapped in the Speed Force, Iris and Kara only have had each other for... More

girl of steel
it's just another night, and i'm staring at the moon
i saw a shooting star and thought of you
i sang a lullaby by the waterside and knew
if you were here, i'd sing to you
far from the tree
you're on the other side
as the skyline splits in two
the faithful
miles away from seeing you
but i can see the stars from america
wake up
i wonder, do you see them too?
the flash reborn
so open your eyes and see
the way our horizons meet
mixed signals
and all of the lights will lead
into the night with me
luck to be a lady
and i know these scars will bleed
but both of our hearts believe
elongated journey into night
all the stars will guide us home
i can hear your heart
girls night out
boys night out
on the radio beat
when harry met harry
they're playing 'chasing cars'
and i thought of us
therefore i am
back to the time
crisis on earth-x : PART ONE
you were lying next to me
i looked across and fell in love
crisis on earth-x: PART TWO
evil doppelgängers
heroes vs nazis
crisis on earth-x: PART THREE
so i took your hand
back through lamp-lit streets
crisis on earth-x : PART FOUR
the calm after the firestorm
the danvers-allen union
and knew everything led back to you
can you see the stars over amsterdam?
legion of superheroes
hear the song my heart is beating to?
so open your eyes and see
don't run
the way our horizons meet
and all of the lights will lead
the trail of the flash
into the night with me
and I know these scars will bleed
fort rozz
but both of our hearts believe
all of these stars will guide us home
the elongated knight rises
i can see the stars from america
all of the stars
for good
when your legs don't work
like they used to before
both sides now
and I can't sweep you off of your feet
will your mouth still remember the taste of my love?
honey, I shrunk team superflash
will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?
and, darling, I will be loving you 'til we're 70
true colors
and, baby, my heart could still fall as hard at 23
and I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways
subject 9
maybe just the touch of a hand
I fall in love with you every single day
enter flashtime
and I just wanna tell you I am
so, honey, now
run, kara, run
take me into your loving arms
kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
null and annoyed
place your head on my beating heart
i'm thinking out loud
schott through the heart
maybe we found love
right where we are
in search of lost time
when my hair's all gone
and my memory fades
of two minds
and the crowds don't remember my name
when my hands don't play the strings the same way
love me the same
lose yourself
cause, honey, your soul could never
grow old, it's evergreen
fury rogue
baby, your smile's forever in my mind
in memory
therefore she is
I'm thinking 'bout how
people fall in love in mysterious ways
harry and the harrisons
maybe it's all part of a plan
I'll just keep on making the same mistakes
shelter from the storm
hoping that you'll understand
take me into your loving arms
think fast
kiss me under the light
of a thousand stars
we are superflash
place your head
on my beating heart
the fanatical
maybe we found love
right where we are
dark side of the moon
take me into your loving arms
not kansas
kiss me under the light
of a thousand stars
make it reign
place your head
on my beating heart
battles lost and won
I'm thinking outloud
maybe we found love right where we are
the start of a new beginning
Iris and Mon-El quotes
𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔

I know you will still

185 13 1
By themiko2

The dark forests — Juru. Laid in the middle of the forest was Lena, Supergirl and Alex, unconscious, until they all suddenly jolted up, gasps leaving their breaths. "We're here," Supergirl said.

Soon enough, the three were up and about, getting to work. Supergirl leaned on the ground, touching the soil with Lena pacing behind her while in the distance, Alex was gathering large sticks. "This is...this is impressive," Lena muttered.

"This is Juru," Supergirl said before standing up.

At the same time, the two turned back to Alex who was being obnoxiously loud gathering the sticks. "Are those for Sam and Julia?" Lena asked as Alex walked back over to them, holding three sharpened sticks.

"It's for whatever might be around," Alex said.

"I don't even know if anything here can get injured," Lena said before Alex poked her stomach with a stick, "Ow!"

"Yeah, we're good," Alex said before she turned to Supergirl, gesturing to a very sharp stick in her hand, "This one. I like this one, it's mine."

She then handed a stick to Lena and one to Supergirl, but once she got her stick, she had to prove a theory she had. She placed pressure over her hand, creating a slash in her hand. She winced as she did so before showing the two her self injury, "Yep, this place bites."

The girls then started to look around, but soon Alex's eyes were placed to the foggy ground where she found a body. A dead body. "Oh, my God," she muttered.

"What?" Supergirl asked before she spotted the body too.

"That's Grace," Alex said.

"Who?" Lena asked.

"She's the human form of one of the Worldkillers," Supergirl told her.

"Oh, I- uh- she's dead," Lena stammered.

"Which means that we're running out of time with Sam and Julia," Alex said.

"Yeah," Supergirl muttered before she pointed behind them with her stick, "They headed in this direction."

——— ~ ❉᯽❉ ~ ———

The Legion's Ship, Iris hovered over Supergirl with The Flash as J'onn stood by Alex and Brainy and Imra stood behind the consoles. "Fifty-four minutes to totality," Brainy informed and The Flash's eyebrows furrowed up, such worry striking him.

More worry hit him when Supergirl's EKG started beeping rapidly. He looked down at Supergirl more tensely when she started breathing heavily in her sleep, stuttering around. Iris grabbed her hand, her eyebrows crinkled up, worry filing her dark eyes, wishing Kara never agreed to do this, wishing she didn't put herself up when she knew there wasn't that much energy left in her.

Unknowingly to Iris, Mon-El stood across the room, watching the worried girl even more worried. Guilty. He had such a heavy chest for what he promised Supergirl, and he hated that he was, in a way, lying to Iris all over again. Too many emotions filled him over so he quickly walked out of the room and into a hallway. But his sudden and abrupt disappearance caught the attention of some. The Flash.

He walked after him, and upon entering the hallway, he took his cowl off so the two could be face to face. When he did find Mon-El, he was facing the wall, a hand to his face, and Barry knew he was beyond stressed. "Mon," Barry said and Mon-El turned back around towards him, finding a worried face on him. But just as he found one on him, Barry saw one of Mon-El as well, "She's strong, Mon. That thought keeps repeating despite every atom in my body yelling at me to pull her out."

"I know she's strong," Mon said, softly nodding his head, "And all I wanna do is pull her out too, but not for her," and it didn't take a genius to realize who he was talking about, "But I can't do that. I look at Iris, and all I want to do is put a smile back on her face, but I can't. I can't do that. I can't help her, I can't hold her, I can't lov—" He stopped himself before looking at Barry, who just stared at him calmly, despite being very surprised, "I can't hurt my wife. What do I do?"

"There's nothing to do, Mon," Barry softly said and Mon-El hesitantly nodded before the two hugged tightly.

"Thanks, Bar," he muttered.

Meanwhile, when he had the chance, Winn sneaked off into an unknown room, tablet in hand, comm in ear, "Okay, this is Eagle in the nest. How're you doing, Baby Bird?"


"Oh, come on, I like that one. Are you in?" Winn asked.

"Yeah, I'm in Lena's lab. Where's the vault?"

"Head north," Winn said before he turned his tablet a bit, "Or wait, more helpfully, left."

——— ~ ❉᯽❉ ~ ———

Supergirl, Alex and Lena continued to walk through the forest of Juru when Alex noticed Supergirl was huffing and puffing a bit more, and not walking as fast. "You don't look so good," she said.

"Oh, I'm just tired. Brainy said it'd be hard for me to carry both of you in here," Supergirl said before she began to pant a bit more, "Is this what it's like when humans exercise? This is terrible. Why would you ever exercise?"

"One foot in front of the other," Alex said and Supergirl sighed.

"It's fine. It's no worse than light Kryptonite poisoning," Supergirl said and immediately, Lena stopped walking, fed up with the girl.

"Come on," Lena muttered as Supergirl and Alex faced her, "There's too much at stake for you to still be mad at me."

"I said we would work together. Never said it would be sunshine and rainbows," Supergirl said.

"Great, cause we're a little lacking on sunshine right now. What I did wasn't personal," Lena said.

"You had a stash of Kills Kryptonians, Lena. It's personal," Alex said.

"I would never use it for that. You know that," Lena said.

"I thought I knew everything I needed to know, but you have secrets. It changes things," Supergirl told her.

"Oh, right, you don't like secrets," Lena said.

"Nope, I don't," Supergirl said.

"Good. What's your real name?" Lena asked and Supergirl huffed, narrowing her eyes at her.

"That's not a great question for a Luthor to ask someone in my family," she said.

"You have secrets, I can get on board with that. I have secrets, too," Lena said but Supergirl slightly pouted before looking past her, after hearing a screeching noise.

The other two looked back as well to find shadowy figures soaring quickly around, and Supergirl rolled her eyes, thinking why was Harry Potter dementor look-a-likes always had to be around, "What the hell was that?"

"The reason we have sticks," Alex said before one of the figures suddenly appeared in her face, roaring.

Alex then yanked her stick right towards the figure, but it disappeared into fog right as the stick went through it. "That's a Kryptonian demon. I've seen them before," Supergirl said before she glanced over in the direction they disappeared to, "That's where they went. We're running out of time."

"I think I see an entrance over there," Alex pointed out, the same direction the demons disappeared to.

"Alright, come on," Supergirl said before the three ran over to the area and there they found a door.

Supergirl opened it first, placing herself in the line of fire in case there was an attack. But once she saw it was safe, she opened the door wider, letting Alex and Lena in, "Alright, come on. Come on."

Supergirl shut the door behind them and followed after the girls, and as they reached further inside, they realized they were in some kind of cave. Suddenly in the distance, they heard someone whimper out — crying.

They walked further towards the cave, where they found Julia sitting against a wall, scattered markings written behind her: Julia Freeman. Julia Freeman. Julia Freeman. Julia Freeman. Julia—

"Julia," Supergirl muttered before they all ran to the whimpering girl's side, "Julia!"

"Julia, it's Supergirl and Agent Danvers. Can you hear me?" Alex asked.

"We're here to help you," Supergirl said as Lena began to venture down the pathway across from Julia.

There she also saw scattered writing on the walls: My name is Sam. My daughter is Ruby. Ruby. Ruby. Ruby. Ruby. RUBY.

Almost hiding in the shadows, Sam was leaning against a wall, shivering when Lena spotted her. "Oh, God!" She muttered before quickly running over to her.

"I killed them," Sam whispered before Lena bent down in front of her.

"What?" She asked as Alex and Supergirl walked towards them.

"I killed then," Sam sobbed.

——— ~ ❉᯽❉ ~ ———

Still standing in the unknown room, Winn continued to tap away at his tablet while talking to Guardian through his ear piece. "And the cameras are officially disabled, you're welcome."

"Good work —— God, I don't know how anybody survived three Worldkillers in here."

"Yeah, man, I'm glad I was there," Winn said.

"Yeah, cheers to that. Speaking of Lena, I got eyes on the vault."

"Impressive, I know," Winn said.

"Yeah. It's almost as if she didn't want anybody to get in there."

"Yeah, no keypads, no locks, no internal mechanisms, just thick, acetylene-resistant cast iron. But, hey, you got one thing Lena doesn't," Winn said.

"Yeah, what's that?"

"Me, you dummy!" Winn exclaimed, "Well, technically, the, uh, pin-drop bomb I built you, but I built it, so, technically, me. So, just, uh, set it anywhere, then walk, like, way far back, and then set it off. The door will open," but after a very long moment of silence, Winn eyed himself at the quietness on James's end, "Hello, are you there? Did you do it? Are you in? James?"

"Yeah, I'm in. Look, Winn, there's nothing here. Lena was telling the truth, she's clean."

Winn exhaled relieved, "Well, thank goodness. I did not have the emotional bandwidth for another enemy, gotta tell you—"

Knock, knock.

"Yeah, gotta run, gotta run," he quickly pulled out his ear piece, stuffing it into his pocket right as the door to the room slid open, revealing Iris on the other side, a suspicious look on her, "Hey."

"What are you doing?" Iris asked as he nervously smiled at her, not wanting her to know what he and James were up to.

"Nothing," he muttered.

"Are you sure?" She asked, narrowing her eyes.

"Yeah, why- why- why wouldn't I be?" He stammered.

"'ve spent a very long time in the bathroom," Iris said and Winn stared at her dumbfounded.

——— ~ ❉᯽❉ ~ ———

Lena, Supergirl and Alex all watched as Sam slowly looked up at them, horror filling her eyes. "You're here," she muttered.

"Of course we're here. You think I'd forget about you?" Lena asked as Sam sat him, shivering.

"Lena," she muttered, almost crying, before looking up at Alex and Supergirl, "Alex...Supergirl. I killed you, too. I'm sorry."

"Sam, no," Supergirl said.

"I'm sorry," Sam cried.

"No, Reign didn't kill us. We're here to help you," Alex said.

"We're gonna get you out of here," Lena assured.

"The people I killed are coming," Sam muttered.

"No, Reign killed, not you. We're gonna make sure Reign never hurts anyone again," Supergirl said before she leaned over to her, "But, Sam, you have to wake up. You have to go back to your body and send us a message, tell us where the Worldkillers are."

"Don't let them in. They want me. I killed them," Sam muttered, slowly backing away from them terrified.

"Hey. Hey, you are not a murderer," Supergirl sternly said before she closed her eyes, feeling dizzy. She then stumbled back, hitting the wall behind her.

——— ~ ❉᯽❉ ~ ———

Supergirl's body started shaking in her sleep as everyone watched her in worry. "Ten minutes to totality. She can't take much more," Brainy said before he stepped next to Supergirl, about to pull her out, along with Alex and Lena.

"She's only got minutes," Brainy argued.

"I said...keep her in," Mon ordered, causing Iris and The Flash to slowly look back at him.

"What?" Iris asked.

"That's my wife, Mon-El," Flash sternly said, "She is about to loose all her powers, and is barely able to stay under. We have to pull her out. Now!"

"No," Mon softly said.

"I'm not looking for permission, Mon-El," Flash said before he turned towards Supergirl.

"Yeah, well," Mon began, pulling The Flash to face him again, "She asked me to stop you."

"What?" Flash asked.
"What?!" Iris asked.

"She made me promise to keep her in at all times, no matter what happens," Mon said, trying to ignore the looks he was receiving from the two, "She knew the risks."

——— ~ ❉᯽❉ ~ ———

Quickly, Alex helped Supergirl up to her feet as she shook severely. "Hey. Hey! We have to get you out of here," Alex said.

"No, not yet. Not yet," Supergirl muttered before she looked over at Sam, who was backing up away from them, "Sam? We don't have much time. Come on, stay with us. Remember who you are."

Lena slowly bent down a shaken Sam, being very gentle and cautious with her words, "Hey, you are Sam Arias, okay? You're the woman I would trust with anything," she told her.

"You're good," Alex said.

"You have friends," Supergirl said.

"You're a fighter," Lena said.

"You're a mother," Alex said.

"Remember Ruby? Ruby's just waiting for you to come home," Lena said as Sam shook her head, tears streaming down her face.

"Sam, you have to think of Ruby," Alex said.

"Ruby," Supergirl said.

"Remember Ruby?" Lena asked.


Suddenly, Sam's eyes shot open, her brown eyes now red, immediately causing them all to panic; Reign. She stood up, grabbing Lena's throat in the process, lifting her up off the ground. "Let her go!" Supergirl yelled, stepping towards Reign and Lena, but Alex held her back.

"I'll break her neck!" Reign threatened.

"Take me! Take me instead, please!" Supergirl pleaded as Reign looked back at her, a smirk on her lips.

"You. You are nothing. You've always been nothing. Only one of equal strength can defeat me. You are driftwood in the face of a hurricane," Reign told her.

——— ~ ❉᯽❉ ~ ———

Suddenly throughout the cruiser, a beeping noise went off, coming off from a screen of a map far off in the middle of the desert. "It worked," Imra said, turning towards everyone and they all looked at her, "We've got a location."

"Pull them out, now," Mon ordered and Brainy ran over to the girls.

"Setting a course," Imra said.

——— ~ ❉᯽❉ ~ ———

Reign began to squeeze harder against Lena's throat, the girl barely able to breathe, "No!" Supergirl yelled, but right then, Lena disappeared into nothing and Supergirl and Alex knew she was transmitted back to the ship.

Confused, Reign looked back to Supergirl and Alex, just to see them transmitted back as well.

——— ~ ❉᯽❉ ~ ———

By the time, Supergirl, Lena and Alex came to, the Legion's ship was already hovering over the Fortress of Sanctuary — the Worldkiller's Kryptonian stronghold serving as a repository for all the knowledge of the Kryptonians, including that of their destroyed home-world.

Sitting up, Supergirl, Lena and Alex looked at everyone standing in front of them, The Flash, Mon-El, Imra, J'onn, Iris and Winn. "It worked?" Supergirl asked.

"Like a charm," Flash said, flashing a smile at her.

"Are we still talking about dark magic?" Brainy asked as Supergirl got up out of her seat, standing before The Flash.

"You should rest more," he said.

"Since when has that ever stopped me?" She asked and he smiled at her, "But I do need you to stay here."

"What?" He asked, his smile dropping.

"These are Worldkillers, Ba— Flash. Aliens, Kryptonians, like me. They will beat you to a pulp," she explained to him.

"At this point, you're even weaker than me, you have to let me come with you," Flash said.

"I won't risk you getting hurt, not against them. I refuse to," she said before she walked past him, along with J'onn, Mon-El, Imra and Alex.

"Hey, hey, what about me?" Lena asked and Supergirl looked back at her.

"Help Brainy," she said before she continued her way out.

"Okay," Lena muttered.

"Okay," Brainy muttered as well.

Iris and The Flash looked at the two awkwardly as Winn quickly ran after Alex, "Hey, Hey, Alex," he said and she looked back at him.

"Yeah, I gotta go catch up," Alex said.

"Listen, this is worth the wait," Winn said.

"Okay," Alex muttered.

"I've always thought it was like, super unfair, you know. J'onn can phase through things, he can shape-shift," Winn said as he began to slowly walk over to a briefcase, "Then you got Supergirl, she can laser-vision, you know. Freeze-breath, she's massively strong. And then you got The Flash, who can run faster than the speed of light, he then phase through things, run up buildings, throw lightning bolts—"

"You're not making me feel super-hyped to go join the fight, but-"

"Exactly! Exactly. Right? So, I'm thinking, What does the best, most badass DEO agent need to make their battle-readiness up a notch?" Winn asked before he opened up the briefcase, pulling out a custom-made black suit, just for her.

"You didn't," Alex muttered.

"Oh, girl, I did, and then some," Winn said as he walked up to her, placing the suit in her arms. He then grabbed one of the gloves on top of the suit, fiddling with it, "What if I told you the future is magnets?"

Suddenly, Brainy was yanked back from talking to Lena, Iris and The Flash, his arm pulled back, and his Legion ring got pulled off his finger, landing on the magnet in Alex's glove. Brainy huffed, pointing at Winn before stomping over to them. "That ring literally costs more than this entire ship," he said before he pulling it out of the glove, placing it back on his finger, "Also, it hurt."

He walked away as Alex smiled to herself. Winn then pulled out a blaster and Alex looked back at him, "And wait until you see the bullets," he said as excitement filled her eyes. He placed the blaster on top of everything in her arms.

"I'm gonna go change now," she said soft, trying her very hardest to contain her excitement.

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