By FranciscoJoseAlonso

446 47 4

Road To PPVs and Crossovers and UCW shows More

UCW Road To Heaven or Hell 1: Waluigi
UCW Road to Heaven or Hell 2: Leomon
UCW Extra 3: Team Sonic vs Bandicoots + aftermath
UCW Road To Heaven or Hell 3: Wario
UCW Extra 5: Sonic vs Gray, Knuckles vs Natsu
UCW Extra 6
UCW High Impact 16: Against All Odds Fallout
UCW High Impact #18
UCW High Impact #19
UCW High Impact #20
UCW High Impact #21
UCW High Impact #22
UCW High Impact #23
UCW High Impact #24
UCW Money Above All Promo Package
UCW Prime Target (Money Above All): Asuna vs Sonya
UCW Money Above All
UCW High Impact #25
UCW High Impact #26
UCW High Impact #27
UCW High Impact #28
UCW High Impact #29
UCW High Impact #30
UCW High Impact #31
UCW High Impact #32
UCW Disorder and Profit Promo
UCW Disorder and Profit
UCW High Impact #33
UCW High Impact #34
UCW High Impact #35
UCW High Impact #36
UCW High Impact #37
UCW High Impact #38
UCW High Impact #39
UCW High Impact #40
UCW No Way Out Promo
UCW No Way Out
UCW High Impact #41
UCW High Impact #42
UCW High Impact #43
UCW High Impact #44
UCW High Impact #45
UCW High Impact #46
UCW High Impact #47
UCW High Impact #48
Glory or Demise Promo
UCW Glory or Demise
UCW High Impact #49
UCW High Impact #50
UCW High Impact #51
UCW High Impact #52
UCW High Impact #53
UCW High Impact #54
UCW High Impact #55
UCW High Impact #56
UCW Genesis 2 Promo
UCW Genesis 2
UCW High Impact #57
UCW High Impact #58 "In honor to Eddie Mac"
Interview with Yang Xiao Long
The Scarlet Truth
Graveyard Discussion (Edward Mason and Shovel Knight's arc part 1)
Edward Mason and Shovel Knight Arc Part 2: Feud with the Watterson (Part 1)
UCW Extra: Edward Mason and Shovel Knight's arc Part 3
Shovel Knight and Edward Mason Arc Part 4
UCW Extra: Shovel Knight and Edward Mason's Arc Part 5
Edward Mason and Shovel Knight's Arc Part 6
Edward Mason and Shovel Knight's Arc Part 7
Edward Mason and Shovel Knight's Arc Part 8
Interview with Peach
Interview with Karin
Peach and Karin's Arc Part 1
Zarya vs Monika (Week 1-8)
Zarya vs Monika/Anti-Rebellion vs R Evolution (Week 9-16)
Zarya vs Monika/Anti-Rebellion vs R Evolution (Week 17-24)
Enri Louvre's Extra Champion reign Part 1
Enri's Extra Title reign Part 2
Enri's Extra Championship reign (Weeks 9-12)
Enri's Extra Championship Reign (Weeks 13-20)
Fairy Tail's Wendy and Mirajane vs SAO's Sinon and Leafa
Banri and Zange vs SAO's Klein and Agil
SAO's Sinon and Leafa vs Wicked Twister's Nagi and Shoka
UCW High Impact #59
UCW High Impact #60
UCW High Impact #61
UCW High Impact #62
UCW High Impact #63
UCW High Impact #64
UCW Against All Odds 2
Hayden and Yukiteru (Dependants) vs Fairy Tail's Natsu and Gray
UCW High Impact #65
UCW High Impact #66
UCW High Impact #67
UCW High Impact #68
UCW High Impact #69
UCW High Impact #70
UCW High Impact #71
UCW High Impact #72
UCW Greed
UCW High Impact Intro (Men)
UCW High Impact Intro (Women)
UCW High Impact #73
UCW High Impact #74
UCW High Impact #75
UCW High Impact #76
UCW High Impact #77
UCW High Impact #78
UCW High Impact #79
UCW High Impact #80
UCW Pride Pre-Show
Banri and Zange vs Mario Bros (half 1)
Banri and Zange vs Mario Bros (Half 2)
Mario Bros vs Tom and Jerry
Mario Bros vs Dependants (Yukiteru and Robert Haydn) Half 1
Road to Rocker Entertainment: Elias
Road to IWA Unforgiven: Consequences of Underestimation
UCW Pride
UCW High Impact #81: Jin Sakai vs Gray Fullbuster
UCW Extra: Enri vs Ebel
UCW High Impact #82: Angelica vs Darkness
UCW Extra 2: Enri vs Six
UCW Extra 3: Fairy Tail vs Anti-Rebellion vs Jin Sakai and Sekiro
UCW High Impact #84: 6 Women Tag
Extra 4: Kuromaru vs Catherine Ward
UCW High Impact #85: Digimon vs Greedy Bastards
Extra 5: Inori Himuro/Iku Honda vs Peach and Karin Yuuki
High Impact #86: Lucy Heartfilia vs Kiki
Extra 6: Kuromaru vs Hinata
High Impact 87: No Disqualification: Fairy Tail vs Jin Sakai/Sekiro
Extra 7: Ruairi vs Kuromaru vs Catherine Ward
High Impact 88: Tag Team Title rematch
Extra 8: Kuromaru vs Halter
UCW No Way Out 2 Pre Show
UCW No Way Out 2
UCW High Impact #89
UCW Road to Glory or Demise 2 #1
Road to UCW Glory or Demise 2 #2
UCW Road to Glory or Demise 2 #3
UCW Road to Glory or Demise 2 #4
UCW Road to Glory or Demise 2 #5
UCW Road to Glory or Demise 2 #6
UCW Road to Glory or Demise 2 #7
UCW Road to Glory or Demise 2 #8
UCW High Impact #90
UCW Glory or Demise 2
UCW High Impact #91, Season 3 Start
UCW Extra 9: Halter (c) vs Ruairi
UCW Might #1
Extra 10: The Arrival

UCW High Impact #83: Klein vs Isaac Foster

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By FranciscoJoseAlonso

1- *We see first off Ruairi entering to a curious reaction from the crowd since he's new to them and then he grabs a mic and proceeds to speak:*

Ruairi: Can't say I didn't expect that reaction for an unknown, however I will have you all know that from where I come from I would be a bit of an equal to my opponent Johnny Cage as in being a champion or to be fair one of the three.

Onto the matter at hand, why am I beating Johnny?. Simple, just like he was made more mature by the tournaments he went through in the past, I have been made tough by my own experiences such as seeing when things are going to go wrong for someone or due to something happening and trust me this is one of those cases for Johnny since he's not unbeatable as Jin Sakai and Wario have shown and I intend to add my name to theirs.

*Here's when Johnny Cage comes down to the ring to a mostly negative reaction (90/10) from the crowd and grabs a mic.*

Johnny: First off, welcome to UCW rookie!. My name is Johnny Cage and I will teach you why the only thing to predict is you getting Caged. Because you may be thinking you have got it allll figured out but in reality you don't, especially against the greatest fighter of all time who was taken off guard by Jin and then evened the score 1 a piece and took Wario pulling a new move to beat him!.

Ruairi: Thanks for the welcoming, however, you can trust me that when I do a correct decision they tend to stick truthful to not the best of results for the affected.

Johnny: To what extent?

Ruairi: Yours truly got betrayed twice and then saw their brother kind of explode in his face.

Johnny: *flinches* Yikes, you aren't lying. Wait, that last thing mentioned a relative of yours...I swear to god if you try to do this with someone close to me forget about gimmicks, i'm going to not just defeat you but beat the crap out of you!

Ruairi: Chill, chill, after all, you shouldn't be this nervous if you are as confident in your own skills as you say you are...unless you are lying Cage.

Johnny: *Here Johnny attempts to clothesline Ruairi down to the mat only for the latter to stand his ground with a bit of knockback but not too much* What the hell are you?

Ruairi: Call me omen of disaster, call me a brick, I don't exactly care. Just warning you that you better try your damnest to win even if it won't matter since otherwise my judgements of events could end up passing onto your family...

*The segment ends with the crowd being tense as hell for the incoming match as lord knows what could happen should Ruairi win*

2- *We see Leomon and Renamon entering with the former being a bit different than usual as he now just enters the ring without any bragging to be expected of someone like him and Renamon with a small smirk before resuming her collectness as the crowd cheers for Mad Leomon finally getting a reality check, nonetheless they grab mics and start speaking:*

Leomon: Well, Pride didn't go my way. However don't dare ANYONE in this tag team division say that I can't be a menace because you will get what you deserve then!

Renamon: That would be believable...if it wasn't because you took the pin at Pride.

Leomon: You want another F5?

Renamon: *sigh* No, I don't. What I want you to do is get your head in the game for once! Tonight, we find out who are our next title defense be it at No Way Out or before and both teams could perfectly use you and your wounded pride to get these belts off of us and look, we may not care about each other nor like each other, but I know how much we want to be the champions so unless you want that to end and to be even more weak as you see it.

You, better, get, your head, IN THE GAME.

Mad Leomon: *takes a step back* Well well well, who would have thought that your spine would be good for once. I may not like you, but that strength of will in spite of danger I can see in good faith. And yet, you forget that barring Pride and Heaven or Hell I haven't lost and only one of those was a direct loss. So no matter who is brought forth I believe we will retain.

Renamon: Even when one of those teams almost won tag team gold albeit of the Extra division and the other is composed of Wario and Waluigi?.

Mad Leomon: WHAT?

Renamon: Like you've heard me, the contendership match has Wario and Waluigi against Jin Sakai and Sekiro and most likely we are facing the former over whom we have no definitive win.

Mad Leomon: This is a big complication not going to deny, however, I still have you to help so if push comes to shove, I may not like it but I could use your aid.

Renamon: And I will proportionate it since god knows you would just hit a wall if left alone.

Mad Leomon: Hey!

Renamon: You had that one coming. Regardless, now let me be the leader and you the follower and I'll get us out of a pickle because Jin and Sekiro have shown they aren't scared to cheat and we know first-hand how dangerous Wario and Waluigi are so let me lead you and we will be fine okay?.

Mad Leomon: *seems to hesitate for a bit before grunting in annoyance* Fine, but don't you dare forget that I am still the superior out of us two.

Renamon: Good enough a deal for me.

*The segment ends with Renamon now leading their exit whereas Mad Leomon's just following her with a scowl on his face and a smirk on hers as the crowd cheers for Mad Leomon having to follow someone along for once*

3- *We see Edward Mason going down to the ring to grab a microphone and proceed to speak*

Edward: Although I can't touch Shovel Knight until No Way Out, that does not mean I can't talk about him hence why I am here.

Shovel Knight, listen, I get that that bet we did before our match with the Wattersons was not the best move ever but there was no need for you to subject yourself to my way by betraying me, we could have ruled together the tag team division but nooo you had to be selfish and let your pride make you turn on me to be a hero with morally dubious actions against me, the supposed villain when in reality we are the same.

We both pull dirty tricks and in case you say that you may not have gone through the crap I did, you still turned on your tag team partner and considering the dubious circumstances of it all, I would say I am in the right and we are both villains.

*Here Shovel Knight comes down to the ring angrily and grabs a mic and we can appreciate by the crowd reactions how while Edward is slightly liked, SK is not at all*

Shovel Knight: How dare you, of all the people to call this on me, it is you?.

Edward, I don't know if you have noticed but the only reason I turned on you was due to that bet of ours and honestly, even if I am a villain, I am still the hero between us two because as simple as this may seem, there's most of the time black and white morality and even if we have greyed it a bit, I am still the good morality and you the bad one!.

Edward: Actually, I have just said why we are both villains bnut if you want extra proof, how about when you essentially forced me to play the hero when I wanted to be myself just possibly so you could have a sidekick?. That doesn't scream heroic to me and if it does to you then maybe you are not as morally good as you say you are.

Shovel Knight: Actually, wouldn't that just make you the villain though?.

Edward Mason: *closing eyes* What do you mean by that?

*The segment ends with Shovel Knight right after this leaving while the crowd is booing this outcome and Edward is angry but yet curious on what did Shovel Knight just said*

4- Johnny Cage vs Ruairi:

The match per se was based around how Johnny was unable to take down Ruairi as easily as others due to how sturdy he was and that sometimes his kicks would just bounce off of him thus limiting in options and even at times causing counterattacks from the latter, even so, Johnny kept fighting clean to try and shut up this pretty much oracle of misfortune before it goes out of control and this was noticed by Ruairi who was actually the nicer person in the match even if still serious compared to the more urgent focused Johnny and this oddly caused the crowd to be positive towards Ruairi and negative towards Johnny.

That said, even with the initial 75/25 gap, once it became pretty much a brutality affair as Johnny ditched the kicks and went for strength to soften his opponent down which then caused his quality to show up and make the match go back and forth as Ruairi was also now struggling with Cage's new strategy that allowed his skill to show and made him try to end the match ASAP before Cage got ahead by fighting fire with fire which caused that by the end of the match both men were bloodied.

This all served to put Ruairi as a threat considering he was debuting and putting Johnny Cage in problems, to keep Johnny looking as good as he always does by withstanding an initial disadvantage and then manage to get a way into fighting back even if not controlling the match and to show how both competitiors even if seeming not that threatening per se due to attitudes, that they can still make someone bleed.

In the end, a Shadow Kick to stun Ruairi followed by a Cage-Plex (Fisherman Suplex) got Johnny the clean victory.

After the match, we see just both competitors being helped to backstage, due to the amount of blood they lost, by the security.

5- Tag Team Championship N1 Contender's match: Greedy Bastards (Wario and Waluigi) vs Jin Sakai and Sekiro:

The match itself was chaotic since everyone was cheating barring Sekiro and this was shown mostly during the latter half since at first it was a rather clean match since they all seemed to be on the same level to a degree (after all Wario and Waluigi had still teamed more than their opponents) and thus it was deemed unnecessary to each side to cheat.

However, once the Greedy Bastards got tired of the stalemate and started cheating to gain the lead, Jin followed suit and the match was a showcase of strength and smarts as the three dodged the referee catching them due to all the chaos being produced with Sekiro remaining the outside force since he was essentially seeing this and realizing that while Jin cheated he trusted in his skills more than the other two who seemed almost too clingy on those tactics and thus became elemental for the final portion of the match were he the moment he was tagged in turned a 75/25 lead of the GB due to them being more experienced at cheating into a back and forth match through sheer skill and it wasn't fully turned into his and Jin's favor because Sekiro was still one person and the bastards were two.

This all served to show how the GB are pretty damn good as a tag team considering that they do be good as singles competitors and mixing that would result in quite the potent team, that Jin can make mistakes yet still be good enough to deal with two of the most tough and smart fellows in the company into a stalemate and that Sekiro was no mere weak link but capable of catching the Greedy Bastards off guard if too deep in cheating.

In the end, Waluigi hit Sekiro with a Big Boot after shoving him into a corner and covered him to get the victory amidst the chaotic match.

6- Klein vs Isaac Foster:

The match per se was showing that Klein and Isaac, who had been during the tail end of last season enemies, didn't like each other as initially Isaac who would normally play with his opponents (even if he needed to cheat) was going all out to destroy Klein and the friendlier Klein was not giving him any mercy either which caused once again blood to be spilled albeit rather than brutality due to one competitor it was due to both and with Isaac's cheating whenever he could not be stopped by Klein's SAO buddies it got real ugly, real fast.

That said, while initially the match was in Isaac's control 75/25 due to all the cheating, once Klein caught onto what was happening, he cooled down and got focused in winning and whilst suffering a lot from Isaac's brutality, the latter's inexperience outside of using weapons for fighting (aka non hardcore environmental) costed Isaac badly as now SAO had caught on better at how to avoid the cheating with weapons from happening which reduced Isaac's offense a lot and essentially turned the match around as now Klein had a 65/35 lead which wasn't bigger due to Isaac being durable more than skill because there Klein had him beaten.

Essentially, this all served to show that Isaac's durability is still there, just that without cheating he struggles on matches with rules and how once he does cheat he is too good whereas Klein showed that he was quite tough for managing to hang on during the bloody part of the match, notice what he was doing wrong even despite having lost quite the bunch of blood and then change it to turn the match around.

In the end, Klein hit a Pop-Up Powerslam and covered Isaac to win the match cleanly.

The show ends with Klein celebrating his victory with Kirito and Agil before they raise him on their shoulders as the crowd is oddly enough cheering because of Klein just being damn likeable.

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