The Passion Rose (Clockwork x...

By LazyFoxz

8.8K 172 160

Since this is my first fanfiction, it might be bad. But I hope you enjoy it! <3 and I will most likely mak... More

~*Chapter 1*~
~*Chapter 2*~
~*Chapter 3*~
~*Chapter 4*~
~*Chapter 5*~
~*Chapter 6*~
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 12

268 6 3
By LazyFoxz

Y/n's POV
I walked deeper and deeper into the forest, looking at my gps on the way so I wouldn't get lost. I tend to do that a lot when I have to travel a longish distance on missions. I had to find a way out of this forest and walk into another whole forest in order to get into the cemetery sneakily or something. It concerned me when the file made sure it was clear I had to be quiet in that forest though.

I've been walking for 49 minutes and I finally see a light that shows the other side of the forest. When I got close enough to the end of the forest, I went behind a fat tree and changed into different clothes so I could blend in easier. When I was done I grabbed my backpack and walked out of the forest.

I don't walk out of this forest often, so I find it entertaining when I do. I like to walk around and watch other people peacefully live their lives, oblivious to the fact that they might become one of Slender's victims one day.

The other forest wasn't that far away, it was only 2 streets down, so why not I just find a ride and get them to drop me off there? I stood at the bus stop waiting on the bus for a good 30 minutes before it finally arrived.

It was a white bus with a big dark blue line across it. I got in the bus and paid with 3 other people and I made sure I sat in the very back so people won't easily see me. Even if I've never been caught I'd rather be safe than sorry.

Luckily, where I was headed was the first stop so I was able to leave the bus in under 10 minutes. When I made sure the bus was gone, I made a mad dash into the woods. I don't know why I ran, there was nothing in particular I was running from, but something inside me told me to keep running and not stop.

It wasn't until I heard a loud growl that I knew why the little voice in me was freaking the fuck out. I looked behind me while running to see a huge transparent white thing with razor sharp teeth behind my tail. I don't know what I did to the thing, but it looked pissed and it was either wanting to eat me or kill me or both.

I wanted to take out my pistol and start shooting at it but it's in my backpack and it's not like I can just stop and grab it. So I just kept running and running until I saw a little cabin not too far away. I thought maybe I can hide in here until this... thing calms down.

When I got closer to the cabin that's when I started running faster and I immediately opened the cabin door, ran inside, and locked it before the monster started growling and scratching at the door trying to get in. I honestly had half the mind that it was the type of monster to be able to walk through walls, and I'm so glad I was wrong.

I wonder what that thing is and why it wants to hurt me so bad. Maybe that's why the file told me to be quiet when I enter this forest so I won't anger this thing. I figured if my mission includes scary monsters like this, that it might just get worse. This was probably child's play compared to the stuff that might pop up next.

Then out of the blue, the monster just went dead silent. I found that odd, and thought maybe it got tired of trying to eat me so it just walked away. Well when I looked out the window, I saw that this monster was frozen where it was with its eyes glowing a neon blue.

What the fuck is happening? This mission is creepy as shit already and didn't it like... just start? Then I saw it's bones start cracking. First it's weird looking arms bent a weird and abnormal way with a crack, then the same happened with its legs, and the same thing happened with the rest of its body until it morphed into something else. And what it morphed into next was shocking.

It morphed into a short elderly woman who was wearing a dress with strawberry patterns on it and the length reached up to her ankles, wearing big glasses that kind of magnified her eyes, and a velvet coat with black dress shoes. Then she gave the cabin door 2 gentle knocks and said, "Apologies about all of that commotion! I get protective over this forest after what happened. If you let me in I'll be more than happy to explain everything to you!"

I hesitated opening that door. Like wasn't she just chasing me and had razor sharp teeth like two seconds ago? What if when I open that door she turns into that ghost and finishes me off? I decided to stay completely still and not open the door. It's better to be safe than sorry.

She sensed my hesitation from my silence, so she decided to add, "I understand you don't trust me enough to open the door, and I'm not mad at you for it, but if I had true intention on hurting you, darling, I would've already been done getting rid of your body by now. So all I ask of you is to just open this door and hear me out, please."

I love you Clockwork, if I die always remember that. I slowly walked up to the door, pistol in hand, and unlocked it. After I unlocked it I could feel my heartbeat in my throat, but I have to remember I need to finish this mission and if I don't finish it and this old lady doesn't kill me, Boss will. So really either way I'm dead.

The door slowly opened revealing the short elderly lady on the other side. From the outside she seems harmless, like she wouldn't hurt a fly. It's so surprising that even despite her looks she could kill you in seconds.

She greeted me with a warm smile and reached her hand out to shake mine, of course I shook her hand, I am not planning on dying this young, "I am really sorry about the misunderstanding earlier, darling, and I promise I'll be able to explain everything to you right now. Follow me to the dining room." And she walked inside the cabin and walked me to the dining room like she has been here countless times.

She sat down and I sat down at the chair across from her so I was looking directly at her. I fidgeted with my fingers while nervously staring at hers, oh please don't let me die today. Please, please, please don't let me die today. All I want to do right now is hold Clockwork and shower her with kisses, and I won't be able to do that if this shapeshifting creepy old lady kills me.

"You are putting yourself in deep danger being in this forest, little girl. Dark, dark thinks happen here that I'm trying to prevent. I chased you today because I tried to make your way out of this forest for your own safety, but instead you made it here. Why are you even here? You should know this forest is cursed right?"

Cursed? Boss said nothing about this forest being cursed! I tried to hide my panic from the old lady, contemplating if I should tell her about my mission. Well obviously Boss wouldn't want me telling strangers about my missions, that's apart of the rules!

"Because I was bored and I wanted to explore a new forest. I've already went to all the other forests and I've never been to this one." I said all in one breath.

"Well maybe you would want to explore somewhere else, cause this forest isn't the forest to explore." The old lady said, slowly shaking her head while staring at me with a very serious face.

"Well then, I guess I will make my way out. Thanks for warning me." I lied, getting up from my chair. But for some reason, the old lady bolted out of her seat and stopped me.

"Wait no, no, no there is no need for that. You made it this far why not you stay for a little while?" That's weird, didn't she just tell me I should stay away from this forest? Maybe this is apart of my mission.

"Well, alright, let's see if this cabin has any food. I'm sure I can make something so we can talk some more." I said, making my way to the kitchen to find something. The little old lady followed behind me, and it feels like she is watching my every move.

Toby's POV

I stood behind the couch Clockwork was sitting on while she watched TV. She seemed bored without Y/n here, and now that Y/n isn't here now it's my chance to talk to her some more. Maybe even find a way to break them up.

I walked around the couch and sat right next to Clockwork. She pretended she didn't notice me but I know she did cause I can see her eyes quickly glancing at me and then back at the TV.

After waiting for a couple seconds to see if she will start conversation, I decided to start conversation first, "Hey," She looked at me with a look that read please make this quick. I know she hates me, but I really want to change her mind.

"What do you want Toby? To brainwash me again and treat me like your little puppet?" She said in a snarky tone. Of course this pissed me off, but I can't show that right now. I need to be as nice as possible to be able to even have a chance to become "friends" with her.

"No, no, no not at all. In fact I wanted to apologize to you about all of that. I'm sorry, I really am, I shouldn't have done any of that and you have every right to be pissed at me right now, but all I ask is for you to give me at least one chance to make it right to you,"

Clockwork looked me up and down, not in a romantic way but a what does he think he is way. Obviously this isn't working, "I bet you're only saying that so you can attempt to break Y/n and I up, aren't you? Well guess what? It isn't working! She is my soulmate, Toby, and there is nothing you can do about that. So let it go!"

She stood up and was about to storm away but I grabbed her wrist before she could get too far. She turned around and tried to yank her wrist out of my grasp but I kept a tight hold.

"Clockwork please," I pleaded "Just give me one more chance. I'm not trying to form a relationship with you right now I'm trying to ask for your forgiveness."

She stopped trying to yank her wrist away and stared at my hand considering my apology. I think I got to her this time.

"Fine then, I'll give you one more chance. Only one, and if you try and form any relationship with me or make any problems with Y/n and I's relationship I will come for you. Fuck Boss's rules! But don't tell him I said that please."

I couldn't help but smile. This was way too easy. "Alright then, wanna go do something? It's all platonic I promise!" She smiled too and nodded, "Of course, I always want to hang out with a friend. Let's take a walk around the forest since that's really the only thing we can do right now."

2019 words
(I'm so sorry that I posted this chapter late btw I promise I will make up for it lmao)

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