Fred <3

By yoyoyolmnop

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Just for fun For some reason all my chapters are out of order so... More

First year
Summer 1
Broom buying
Quidditch tryouts
Chamber of secrets
Dueling club
Gryffindor party
Twins b-day
Ravenclaw vs. Hufflepuff
Summer 2
Rita Skeeter
Diagon alley and quidditch
Gryffindor v. Hufflepuff
Christmas Eve
Slytherin vs. Ravenclaw
Ravenclaw vs. Gryffindor
Fred's date
Quidditch meetings
Light night talks
Charolette (Charlie)
Quidditch Cup
Triwizard Tournament
Goblet Of Fire
First Task
Mirror of erised
Yule ball
Second task
Third task
More than friends
Daily prophet
Deatheater life
" part 2
The Battle


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By yoyoyolmnop

Every night I go to the Gryffindor common room because I don't want the twins poking into my stuff. I'd rather the, not come to Ravenclaw. I laugh with Fred and George til unseemly hours and then go on a pranking spree with them.

It was fun. Come Christmas time my parents were still busy. A Christmas at Hogwarts would be fun. Just not what I wanted. Which is when the twins invited me to the burrow. Still, I feel bad for Draco. He never enjoyed Christmas as much as he should. Christmas at the Malfoy Manor never really felt like Christmas unless I was there. Yet I really couldn't say no to the Weasley twins. I was just about to bring up Draco Malfoy but last time I did that they went on and on about how much of a prat he is.

Which I understand. It really wasn't his fault but calling people mudbloods was a horrible thing and he's done it. To which I wouldn't talk to him for a month till he apologized for what he did and said he'd never do it again. I've met his dad so yeah Draco's not great but I'll stick by him.

Fred, George, and I sneak out of the common room. And yes I do tell McGonagall about all the pranks I pull with them. Harmless fun that she advises me not to do but she'd rather not punish me as long as I'm honest. Harmless fun is better than destroying the wizarding world. Today's prank was going to be exceptionally fun. We were going to go into Flinch's office and turn his room upside down. A spell I made myself.

"Ash you're brilliant. I would've never thought to create a whole new spell for a prank," Fred grins as we sneak across the halls.

"Figured as much when you suggested making everything sticky and then propping it on the ceiling. Gosh, you gits need me," I roll my eyes sarcastically.

"Sure do love," Fred winks.

"Aaah when I think about what my life would've been like without Ash my heart just aches," George says dramatically.

They always flirt with you like that and sometimes you do back. I think it shows how comfortable and close we are to each other now. We are best friends.

"Gosh, guys I'm blushing. If you continue this I'll have to go out and learn a love spell," I say in a monotone voice as if reading from a script.

We all quietly laugh and talk as we reach Flinch's office. We step in.

"Grab onto something... well me, grab onto me," I say.

"Anything for you sweetie cakes," Fred grabs onto my waist.

I laugh as George grabs my arm.

Everything in the room will be turned upside down except the caster and anyone touching the castor.

"Tophisky alo Turv," I cast.

A variation of Topsy turvy that I researched and gave Latin roots and old language to make a spell. Some words are just infused with magic.

There's a swirl of purple. A little touch I like to add to most of my spells. And the room was upside down in a blink of an eye.

"Blimey, you really are brilliant," George says.

A piece of parchment falls from Flinch's desk. Well, I'm still a first-year student and not all of my spells can be perfect. I look at it and all it says is my name. Interesting. The twins look over my shoulders at it. Fred attempts to take it out of my hand.

"Wait. Revealio," I say.

The parchment changes. A few words or I guess code names I don't understand. Padfoot, worm tail, stuff like that. "Raise your wand tap the paper and say 'I solemnly swear I am up to no good, then 'Mischief managed' to keep from prying eyes." You do so and it's a detailed map of Hogwarts. You can see where everyone is. This was cool.

"Oh my. Our prank game has just been leveled up," George smirks.

"Yes, we- Snape. Snape is about to come down this hall. Hurry run," I whisper.

We all break out in different directions. I run into an empty hallway and hide behind a wall to catch my breath. A few seconds later Fred approaches it slowly. I pull him in to hide with me as McGonagall walks past.

"Well hello Ash. If you wanted me alone you could've just said so," he smirks.

"If you keep talking I'll start to regret saving your skin, Fred," I smirk.

He looks at me in awe. A little glint in his eyes illuminated by moonlight. A little lopsided grin plays on his face.

"What is it?" I ask.

"It just amazes me that you knew us for 5 minutes and could already tell us a part."

"I'm good with faces-"

"No you're not. It's been months and you have no idea what my brother looks like. Percy or Ron. You can never quite place who Angelina and Katie are either. So," Fred puts his hand over mine, which I just notice is still clamped to the front of his sweater. Right over his chest, "why can you tell us apart as if we are night and day?"

"For the same reason I can tell Luna and Draco apart. Because you are different people. Let's head back to Gryffindor before we start making out like a cliche," I turn on my heel and leave Fred alone.

Fred felt the heat rise to his cheeks. His heart was beating faster and for some reason he wanted to do exactly what Ash had suggested. He wanted to pull her back and kiss her. Because they were different people. He had no idea how much he wanted to hear that until he heard it. And he had no idea how much it meant for her to say it until she said it. He felt like he was about to explode.

We make it back to the Gryffindor common room and burst out laughing. We had decided we would look at this map more during Christmas break and they both agreed I would be the best person to keep the map. We talked and talked until it was already morning.

"You have a crush on Axel Redburn?!" George gasps.

"YES, George. I don't know why but I notice him a lot even though we've only talked a handful of times," I say.

"Ooho I always thought you'd fall for a tall redhead. Seems I was mistaken. A scrawny Ravenclaw with glasses caught your attention instead," Fred teases.

"Well I mean he does have red hair. He's quite tall too," I think.

"Oh, so you do have a type?" Fred smirks.

"The most interesting thing is the fact Redburn had dark brown hair and is barely taller than Ash," George wonders.

"Gosh, you caught me. I don't have a thing for redheads," I pretend to faint.

"What a relief I was afraid you'd fall in love with me," George says.

"Or worse Percy. I was worried she'd fall in love with our whole family," Fred sighs in relief.

"Can't wait for you to meet them by the way," George smiles.

After talking and laughing a bit more I go back to my room to gather all my stuff. I hug Luna goodbye and head out to go to the burrow.

I don't know why but I never really liked Ron a few 3rd years told me the chosen one chose me. As if he had some sort of crush so I couldn't sit by him. Naturally, when Mr Weasley picked us up I sat in the middle in between George and Fred. Percy called the front seat. On account that he was a prefect. Ron and Harry took the very back. We spent all night talking so I was out like a light as soon as we started driving. I leaned on Fred's shoulder as i slept.

I woke up later with Fred's head on mine. I sighed in relief that he wasn't a drooled. Mr Weasley glances at the center car mirror.

"So how do you like it at Hogwarts?"

"It's nice. The twins make it a lot more interesting."

"They talk about you so much that it feels like I already know you. What do your parents do?"

"I'm not entirely sure. They travel so much that I don't always have time to ask."

"Where do you usually stay?"

"Er... with the Malfoys."


"Draco and I are childhood friends..."

"I see."

The conversation continued but I could feel it was more strained than usual. Fred squeezes my hand and leans his head on me. I smile as he dozed off, I must have slept too.

I woke up to Fred whispering, "wake up love, you have to pick a room or you'll be stuck sharing one with Ron."

At this, I spring awake, "Don't you have a sister? Wouldn't it make sense for me to stay with her?"

"And here I was getting excited to share a room with Ash," George fake mopes.

"Whatever," I thwack him on the head.

We go in and I meet a very energetic Ginny Weasley as she brings me up to her room and tells me where to drop my stuff.

She rambles about how she's always wanted a sister and now I've come along. How exited she was to start hogwarts next year. What they do for Christmas. How Fred constantly sends letters about me. What she likes to do. What Fred and George say I like to do. If I'm interested in anyone. What my favorite class is. She just talks for a long time asking me questions and then it's dinner time. I was worried the younger girl would annoy me but I found her delightful. I make my way downstairs with her.

"Oh my! Since when had you arrived. To think Ginny has hogged you all this time. You are just as beautiful as Fred said you were. Honestly I thought he was exaggerating. You must be Ash. I am Molly Weasley. The twins mom. This is so exiting, you're the first one they've brought home. So... which one are you dating?" Molly pulls me into a bone crushing hug.

"Hm? Dating?" I ask.

"It's Fred right?"

"That's enough mom," Fred leads her away from me, turning to mouth a sorry.

Molly breaks away from Fred, "Oh no need to be embarrassed. She'll fit right in. I don't know how you managed to get someone like her but you had better make sure you don't lose her."

We all let out a light hearted laugh. "Oh you think I'm joking but I'm not. You had better not mess this up for us."

I laugh and admire Molly bickering with Fred.

George walks up from behind me and puts an arm around my shoulder, "that's our family for you."

I smile at him. Molly stops and turns to me and George, "Oh I am so sorry Ash. I thought you were dating Fred from how he was writing his letters. I didn't even realize it was George."

"Oh uh it's actually neither but thank you for accepting me into your family so quickly," I smile.

"Now now, there's still time. Maybe you will join the family. If my boys don't mess this up for me that is."

"Mess it up for you?" Fred asks.

"Of course. Any mother would want a gorgeous and smart daughter in law," Molly smacks Fred.

We sit at the table, I sit by George and Ginny.

"So Ash, how do you like Hogwarts so far?" Miss. Weasley asks.

"Oh I love it there Miss. Weasley," I smile.

"Please call me Molly. So how did you meet the twins."

"She crashed into us outside our train car," George says.

"Yes George, Fred wrote about that. I wanted to hear it from Ash," Molly urges.

"Oh well that's what happened. Um I left Draco's train car and I was wandering around looking for new friends when the twins practically tackled me," I tell.

"Draco's car?" Fred asks.

"Well yeah," I rub my neck.

I forget Draco's a subject we don't talk about.

"Well I see why you'd leave his train car," Harry jokes.

I sigh in relief, it was about to get awkward. Maybe the boy who lived was alright after all. We finish eating and I help clean up with Fred.

I was drying up cups to put back onto the cupboard when Fred came from behind me. His side pressed into mine and his arm rested on the counter besides my waist.

"If you put so many cups on the bottom two shelves they'll break," he smirks as he moves the cups to the top shelf. All with an arm around my waist making it so I couldn't move between him and the counter. I look up at him and his build.

"You're adorable sometimes."

At this he let's me go. The arm that was once around me now rubbing his neck and attempting to hide his red ears. I walk away to finish wiping the counter.

Molly comes over and whispers in my ear "quite an influence you've got on Fred there. The bloke never helps pick up."

I laugh and finish up the cleaning when Fred comes over and puts some icing on my nose.

"Cupcake?" he gestures to one in his hand.

"Sure I'll half it," I take the cupcake and scrape the icing off, "you get the top half."

He smirks "better half anyway."

And that's how we worked. We had similar interests, different hobbies, and different tastes. Somehow we completed each other. Ginny gathers everyone for a movie night. Harry wasn't so bad, so I decided to give Ron a chance.

"I call sitting by Ron!" I shout.

"Blimey Ash, you got a thing for my little bro?" Fred teases.

"Well I wouldn't mind becoming a Weasley," I say.

"I uh-" Ron stares at me.

"Aww come on now you've got Ronniekins all flustered," Fred laughs.

Fast forward to Christmas day.

I had fallen asleep in Fred's bed. Fred was sleeping in George's. They were all cheesy last night talking about how they wanted to be the first to wish me Merry Christmas. This reeked of an incoming prank but I was so tired from beating Ron and Harry in board games I just followed and crashed into the nearest bed. Then again if the twins ever wanted to prank me they know you'd get revenge. Last time they were on edge for weeks and then I attached them to each other and tormented them all day.

I wake up in the middle of the night. Still drowsy from sleep. Fred was hugging George and George was snoring. It was cute. I walk over and lay on top of them.

I wake up to George muttering to himself "Ever heard of personal space Ash. My gosh." He lifts you off of him. "Ugh clingier than Fred."

I go back to sleep only for George to try shaking me awake. "5 more minutes you prick," I groan moving away from George and closer to Fred. Who, as George said, was clingy. His legs were wrapped around mine with his arms around my waist. Resulting in me having to put my face on his chest. He smelled like whatever soap the twins used and gunpowder from fireworks.

"FREDDDDD!!! Just get up, you sleep in every other day. For godrics sake it's Christmas. ASH! Oh come on will you two stop cuddling like fools and open presents with me. I'll tell mom that you and Ash are sleeping together," George pleads.

At the cuddling statement I feel Fred's shift probably getting ready to get up.

"Piss. Off. George. I don't care. I'm comfortable. Brush your teeth or something," I say going back to sleep.

After about ten minutes George comes back.

"It's Christmas. Wake up you two! WHAT ARE YOU DREAMING OF THAT'S SO IMPORTANT!?!. Are you dreaming of snogging or something? Wake up or I'll-" George talks and talks and talks.

"FINE fine fine fine fine I'm up," I say springing up. In one swift motion I get Fred off of me and get off the bed. I walk into the bathroom and wash my face and brush my teeth, when I get out of the bathroom Fred is just lazily sitting on the bed while George talks about how annoying it is to wake you both up. You mock George and push Fred to go Brush his teeth. Fred comes out more refreshed and awake. They tell me Merry Christmas and I tell them I'm Jewish. I always say jokes in a serious manner and so they take it seriously. I start laughing as we go down stairs.

"Finally up are we?" Molly asks skeptically.

"Gosh you won't even believe how hard they were to wake up. I tried everything and I was just about to pour water on them," George blabbers.

"He'd be dead if he did that," I sigh.

"Gosh her and Fred just wouldn't stop cuddling each other. I even shook her and she just moved closer to Fred!" George exclaims, exasperated.

"Cuddling?" Fred raises a brow.

"Oh please, you knew what you were doing. I swear you wrapped your arms around her tighter after I shook you. Right Ash," George gestures.

"Yeah, Fred was hugging me as I slept. To be fair I only slept in your bed to avoid your pranking," I say still sleepy.

"Huh? We don't prank you. Not after... that day," George says shuddering.

Everyone laughs at our conversation and makes fun of Fred as we finish breakfast. It was a tradition to open presents in pajamas so that's what we did.

I got everyone a gift.

Fred: A matching necklace with me and George. A set of muggle walkie talkies that should still work in Hogwarts.

George: A matching necklace with Fred and I. Socks.

Ginny: A necklace with a G and rubys.

Molly: Shoes that look like any shoe you want and are extremely comfortable. A formal robe.

Arthur: A muggle snowglobe that plays cat videos. (George talked about his snowglobe collection.)

Harry: Socks. An eye-correcting potion.

Percy: Prefect socks.

Ron: A magic candy maker. Makes 200 candies. Any candy.

Molly gasped when she opened her gift. She couldn't believe I got her the shoes. They were definitely expensive. She tried to return it but I insisted.

"Oh please. I went shopping a while ago with the twins and I couldn't help but think about their poor mother who had to deal with all their antics. These are just things I give you because I thought of you, especially the socks," I explain.

"I'm offended you thought of Ginny and not me when you saw that cute heart-shaped necklace," George says.

And then the gifts they got me.

Fred: A Gryffindor scarf (apparently I borrow his too much), Walkie-Talkies? (how original).

George: A Gryffindor Jacket (apparently I borrow this too much too), Earring with his initials (cute ig).

I only take their stuff for quidditch games though. To cheer for them. And when I'm cold. And when I want to.

Ron: A jacket (I actually really liked it)

Harry: A chess set (same thing he got Ron)

Ginny: A bracelet with her initials (I found it cuter than George's gift)

Arthur: nothing. (he felt really bad about it after I gave him my gift though. I said he'll owe me a favor)

Percy: "Not a prefect" socks. (prick)

Molly: A knitted Weasley sweater like how she makes for her kids with an A dark blueish purple with a white letter instead of yellow (this was so adorable, I felt like I was welcomed to the family).

"Now Harry I would've made you one too if Ron wrote about you as much as Fred and George wrote about Ash," Molly explains.

This was perfect. I loved Christmas with the Weasley's. The day was spent singing carols. Playing games, decorating cookies and making hot chocolate. We ended it with a muggle movie. One of Arthur's favorites. The gift of the Magi. The twins and I sat on a couch. George in the middle. Fred and I both leaned on him. Harry, Ginny and Ron were on the floor in front of us. Molly and Arthur were nestled on a sofa. Percy was off being Percy. As soon as the movie ended George got up. Resulting in Fred and I's head falling into each other. I curse George and start laughing as I see a bunch of popcorn stuck to Fred's face. He must've been sleeping. We all laugh. I get up and grab an ice pack for my head.

"Where's mine. You know my head got hurt too. You've got a hard head," Fred rubs his head.

"Maybe if you stopped whining," I roll my eyes.

I take my ice pack and put it on his head. We talked for maybe 30 minutes. Using the ice pack as some sort of talking stick, taking it from each other and talking. It came naturally. You go up to the room only to find George locked the door. Alohomora, except you don't have a wand. Unlike most witches and wizards I didn't need a wand. Still, I wanted to keep this from Fred and everybody for the time being. Wizards and witches who could do what I can are regarded as dangerous. Even though I knew Fred would never tell. Once one person knows everyone will.

"C'mon let's go to Ginny's room," I say.

"I don't want to share a bed with Ginny," Fred whines.

"We can just sleep in the same bed. Like last night," I shrug.

"Y'know it's not to be taken lightly a boy and girl that are a part of different bloodlines in the same bed," Fred states.

"Not when you put it that way. Besides, me and Draco do this all the time. Though to be fair he's not as much of a hugger," I laugh.

Finally he gives in and we head to Ginny's room. I squeak the door open and head in. I make my way to the bed and sprawl out. Fred falls onto of me leaving me winded.

"Didn't see you there," he smiles, I can't see it but I can sense it.


"Couldn't help not seeing my face."

I grab his neck and pull him closer to me, "just admit it, you fancy me."

"I don't. Good night."

"And goodnight to you as well. I'll get you ear warmers to hide your crush."

The rest of Christmas break flies by. And we're back on the train to Hogwarts.

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