
By hawksdivinetiddies

198K 8.8K 2.5K

A child assassin was given a second chance at life to become a pro hero, hoping that helping people would bur... More

AIZAWA [34.5]


6.7K 289 58
By hawksdivinetiddies

"My name is Detective Tsukauchi. Please tell me everything that had happened in USJ."

Imagine Arisa's surprise, being questioned the moment she woke up. They had taken off her blindfold so she scurried to put it back on upon waking up. She had woken up in UA's infirmary and minutes after her awakening, a detective dressed in a tan coat walked in, his dark eyes firm yet kind. He had dragged a stool from the side and placed himself before her, a notepad in hand like a typical movie detective. Arisa really didn't appreciate the fact that she was being questioned - perhaps it was an old instinct because she was an outlaw before and the authorities and her family didn't exactly go hand in hand. Sitting before a detective made her uncomfortable but she had to put up with it. She could imagine that Aizawa would be displeased if she didn't cooperate with the police.

"It was a normal day. We entered USJ, met with the pro hero Thirteen. We were told about responsibilities and dangers of our quirk. Then, the villains appeared from a portal," she listed out everything she remembered which wasn't difficult. She had a rather accurate recall, "Thirteen led the evacuation but the guy with the warp quirk blocked the exit. Said they wanted to kill All Might but I didn't like the way he was speaking so I tossed him up high real nice and sent him flying -"

"You're not permitted to use your quirk -"

She looked at him incredulously, "Is that really the problem, right now? Should we have stood there, done nothing and died? If Thirteen used her quirk, I knew it would have backfired."

The detective frowned and paused his aggressive writing, "It did."

Looking at him confused, she asked, "What?"

"Thirteen's quirk. It backfired. Ate herself up from behind."

"See? I knew it was going to happen so I tossed the warp guy up real nice but I was too focused on leaving," she rammed her face into her palms, her blindfold shifting slightly, "The guy got us and separated us. To kill us, of course. I ended up in the landslide zone with Todoroki Shoto."

"And then what happened?"

"More villains tried to kill us so we defended ourselves. Then, I could hear and feel Aizawa-sensei in danger so I ran with Todoroki. I ran and saw it. The creature. An artificial human called nomu. It had multiple quirks."

He grew even more focused at this part of her story, "Tell me more about the nomu. When we got there it was just ash."

"That was my fault. Anyway, that thing is scary. I was protecting Aizawa-sensei, who, at this point was heavily injured and unconscious - wait, sensei, is he okay?!"

She wanted to smack herself against a wall for just remembering of her guardian's well-being. She'd never forgive herself if he died. Her desperation and worry must have been conveyed properly despite her eyes being obscured by the fabric because the detective gave her a small, reassuring smile, "Don't worry. He's got multiple fractures and wounds but he's awake. He'll be fine."

Her shoulders visibly sagged in relief. She placed a hand on her chest dramatically, "Okay, moving on. I ripped the thing in two," the detective's eyebrows shot up at this, "Would've killed anything else if something like that happened to them but you can speak with anyone that witnessed it with me. That thing, according to the villains were made to kill All Might so you know what happened? That thing regenerated and wound itself back together. Nearly scared me to death," she yawned for a moment, "Long story short, I killed it to protect my classmates and teacher who were in the immediate vicinity. I somehow realized that I was the only one that stop it at that point. Oh, it had multiple quirks: shock absorption and regeneration. Its body was amped up too. It was strong and stupid fast. Almost like All Might."

At the end of her long recap and statement, the detective looked grim by what she had just revealed. He stopped writing and tucked his notepad away into his coat.

"Are you sure it had multiple quirks?"

"Yes. I can show you with my quirk. May I?"

With a silent gesture of his hand, her own hand moved and her fingers moved in the most gentle way possible as the blue aura leaked from her hand, spread and slowly formed the clear image of the nomu. She had only realized that she could do this trick with her quirk a year ago, back when she was trying to explain to Aizawa who Castiel was but was too overwhelmed with emotions to speak so her quirk moved in her favour and showed him in her stead. It was a funny day. She remembered the look of exasperation on his face when he realized she had fallen for another fictional character.

This trick required precise control to be able to produce a clear image and even more so to recreate a scene from her mind. She hadn't mastered it yet so she could only produce three seconds worth of footage but according to the detective's face, it was enough, "I'm gonna need you to come with me so we could have this drawn and ran through the system."

Arisa frowned, "Do I have to?"

He sighed, "You destroyed our only lead so yes, we need your ability so we can investigate this matter further."

Looking sheepish at the fact, she meekly asked, "Am I in trouble? For destroying the artificial human?"

"You should be. You're not permitted to use your quirk after all. Especially not to kill," she moved to protest but he held up a hand, "But I can let this matter slide because it was self-defense," gestured towards the image she had shown him just seconds before, "I understand that you kids would have died if you didn't do what you did."

She smiled but it dropped quickly, almost comically when he continued, "But it's still not okay."

"I'll go with you but please take me to see Aizawa-san first."


Still in her hero costume, she set out with the handsome detective.


"You look like a mummy."

She had reached the hospital curtesy of Detective Tsukauchi and after inquiring where her guardian's room was, she made a beeline for it and slid the door open after knocking. What awaited her was clearly Aizawa in bandages from head to toe. Her lips twitched upon seeing him both in amusement and relief - she could still see flashes of him lying in his own blood but Arisa shook the images away and approached her guardian who didn't seem amused by what she had just called him.

"Why are you here?"

She snorted and sat on the edge of his bed, "To see you, of course because I doubt there's Castiel hidden in one of these rooms," he rolled his eyes at the mention of the Supernatural character. She paused for a moment and observed him, meeting his eyes through the tiny gap in the bandages that surrounded him, "I was worried."

Aizawa and Arisa were both emotionally inept and usually aloof but they were both learning. Aizawa looked at her for a moment before he looked away, gruffly responding, "I'm fine."

She gave one of her rare smiles, "Yes, you are."

"Stop looking at me like that. It's giving me the creeps."

She laughed, "This is one of the rare moments where I get to show concern for you, Aizawa-san. I'm really happy you're okay."

"Did you come here alone?"

"No," at that moment, the Detective poked his head into the room and she gestured towards him, "I came with him. He's taking me to the station."

"So, you're finally getting arrested."

"Stop joking with such a serious tone," she resisted the urge to smack his arm because that would be a horrible idea.

"I heard you protected me today," he lowly said and she silently listened, "That was stupid. You should have run," she wanted to protest but the Detective was slowly nearing the pair. Aizawa looked away, "You could've gotten hurt but thank you. You've really grown, Arisa."

Her cheeks burned red at how soft he was being. At the moment, Detective Tsukauchi appeared beside her, "Ah, Eraser, you seem well. I'm taking her to the station. She has valuable evidence that we need."

Even behind the bandages, she could tell he was quirking an eyebrow at the male, "Evidence?"

"Oh, remember that trick I did when I showed you Castiel?"

He was probably resisting the urge to roll his eyes at the mention of her favourite fictional character and focused his attention on the male beside her, understanding what she was referring to, "I see. Well," he glanced at her with narrowed eyes, "Behave. Don't cause any trouble."

"Oh, the faith you have in me," she lamented before pushing herself off the bed and walked towards the door, the Detective following after her. She gave her guardian a short wave and a lopsided smile, "Get better soon or I'll delete your account from netflix."

"You better not, you brat."

"Insert evil laughter here," she said as she left, earning a look of amusement from Tsukauchi. They were an interesting pair.

"Okay, let's go, detective."

Tsukauchi took the girl to the station where showed the image of the nomu to their most skilled artist, allowing them to sketch up the artificial human she had completely annhiliated. Tsukauchi then realized that if she could produce such a clear image of the creature, she could do the same with the other villains so he asked her to do so because they were the only ones that managed to escape. Happily, she complied, viewing it as an opportunity for her to improve her ability - it was an interesting skill. She could produce any image or video, somehow, with the blue energy she produced as a result of her quirk.

This was fascinating not only to her for the detective as well, "What's your quirk?"


His eyebrows rose at this, "Telekinesis? Seems much more advanced than the usual telekinesis."

"Yeah," was all she said. She didn't feel like saying more because that would mean uncovering everything her family did to her before.

He smiled kindly at her, "It's a very useful quirk."

"Thank you."

Soon enough, they were done and Tsukauchi took her home. She wanted to stay with Aizawa but she would probably chase her out, crippled or not.

And now, there she was, standing before the house they shared, slightly low-spirited now that her guardian wasn't home.

"Eh, Hayashi-san?"

She snapped her head to the side to see the familiar meek boy, Midoriya Izuku.


"Do you live here?"

"Yes," she smiled, now happy that she didn't have to enter her home alone, "Would you like to come in? I could really use the company."

He blushed and flailed for a moment, "Eh - uh, are you sure?"

"Yeah. Come on. I'm gonna corrupt - introduce you to my world."

"Did you say corrupt -?"

She wordlessly walked past the gates with him following after her.

That was how Midoriya was sucked into the world of Supernatural with her.

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