[M] Star Lost || Changlix

By txtbtskpop

51.7K 2.6K 1.7K

Changbin thought he was going to lay low after getting kicked out of boarding school and being forced to move... More

2 - the bad side of curiosity
3 - introverts don't belong at parties
[M] 4 - mistakes were made
[M] 5 - our own demons
6 - savior from the dark
7 - misinterpretations of others
[M] 8 - wild nights
9 - not everyone needs protecting
10 - safety in numbers
11 - hidden in plain sight
12 - unwanted help
13 - an apology needed
14 - the fear of exposure
15 - avoidance of the fear
16 - the love pouring out for you
17 - a break from reality
18 - religion is a safe haven for some
19- the third wheel makes it a tricycle
20- feeling star lost
21 - how to be like you
22 - we need to talk
23 - insecurities coming to light
24 - love comes first
25 - distance makes the heart grow fonder
26 - have faith not envy
[M] 27 - the need to love thy self
28 - better together
29 - defense mechanisms
30 - secret secret
31 - coming out party
[M] 32 - alone time
33 - this song for you
34 - how fast things can go downhill
35 - making things right
36 - growing pains
37 - saving needed
38 - i need him here
39 - here with me
40 - love is patient
41 - forever with you
epilogue: our eternal love

1 - a new beginning

2.7K 90 90
By txtbtskpop

Felix's POV:

September 1

The first day of a new school year should be exciting, but in high school, it's anything but exciting. At least I have Channie with me. He's basically my protector, even though I've never asked him to be like this. Coming here from Australia was a roller coaster a few years ago, and in school, everyone picks on the new kids. I don't know what it is about Chan and I, but we've gotten our fair share of bullying when we first got here. At least my brother had the smart idea of bulking up and working out throughout the years so that people couldn't pick on him anymore, but I've never taken that initiative. He plays soccer as well, which helps him fit in a bit better than me.

I'm only a bit of an extravert around my friends, but I would much rather stay inside and bake than be out at parties. Chan is almost the same way, but he's been to a few parties around here. He's gotten a little popularity after making the soccer team, but out of all the guys on the team, he's a total saint. Between drinking and drugs, Chan chooses to do none of it except the one or two drinks when he's at a party in order to fit in. I can't tell you how many times I've had to help him sneak back inside from getting home late... because he had to help one of his teammates get home. He's just too nice of a person to say 'no' to them.

And then there's me; the quiet Australian boy that does his homework and sits in the back of class.

I sighed to myself as we walked to the bus stop at the corner of our street, and Chan noticed, "What's wrong?"

I turned to him, seeing his eyebrows scrunching together. I gave him a little smile to reassure him, "Nothing. I was just thinking."

He rolled his eyes, both of us stopping when we got to the intersection where our bus stop was, "Junior year is gonna be fine, ok? You're overthinking it."

I shoved my hands into the pockets of my jeans, "At least you're cool and popular and have a girlfriend."

He tilted his head and gave me a look; that look that just says—

"Really? Lix, comparing yourself to other's is never a good idea. And I think you're cool."

He was right, but it's something I always do. Chan is the poster boy of 'perfect child' and I feel like I'm lacking a bit, "I just— I don't know."

Chan audibly sighed, "Listen, you're gonna be fine, I promise."

I opened my mouth to respond, but I started to hear footsteps. I think Chan heard them too since he turned his head as soon as I did, both of us looking at the person walking towards us. When he locked eyes with us, he slowed down his pace; staring at each other for a few seconds before shifting his gaze to the side and looking down at his feet.

He was wearing black jeans with a black zip up hoodie, the hood over his head as well. He clutched onto the straps of his backpack with a duffle bag over his shoulder as well, seeming anxious about being around other people. He stopped and turned to the street a few meters away from us, keeping a respectful distance. Chan and I both looked at each other, confused. For the last three years, we've been the only people at this bus stop. He must've moved here recently or something.

Chan turned to him, being the friendly person he always is, "Waiting for the bus?"

The boy turned to us, pursing his lips together as he nodded in response. Chan asked another question to try and start a conversation, "Did you just move here? We're usually the only ones who're at this stop."

He quietly shook his head and quickly turned back to the road, seeming anxious about starting a conversation in the first place. It made me raise an eyebrow, knowing Chan was just trying to be nice. But his response made me curious; how have we never met him if he's lived near here for a while? We would've definitely seen him around by this point.

Chan just turned back to me, realizing how uncomfortable he must've made the other boy by trying to talk. The way his lips went into a thin line made me realize how bad he must feel for embarrassing the other boy, but he was just being friendly.

We heard the bus coming, looking down the street to see the yellow school bus we've been riding for the last few years to get to school. When it stopped in front of us, the driver opened the doors; happy to see the same bus driver behind the wheel. She knows us by now since we're the only ones at this stop, but I did notice how she furrowed her eyebrows at the new boy stepping on as well.

I made my way towards the back, seeing Jeongin waving to me as I walked closer. He's my best friend, and we ironically met on this very bus three years ago. I happily took the seat next to him as Chan went further back, probably going to sit by his own friends. When I sat down, I could see the hood of that boy's jacket peeking out over the seats. He was sitting way in the front near the bus driver where almost nobody sits.

I averted my stare when Jeongin shook my shoulder, making me turn to him. He had that big smile on his face like he always does, "What's up?"

I gave him a little smile back as the bus started moving, "Not much. What's up with you?"

He seemed excited that I asked, "Kai texted me 'good morning' and it was so cute! Oh my god, I'm not used to having an amazing boyfriend."

I chuckled a bit, "You two have been dating all summer. Shouldn't it have sunk in by now?"

He happily sighed, leaning back in his seat, "He's so sweet to me, Yongbokkie. You know how nice it feels to cuddle with someone?"

I rolled my eyes, "I wish."

"It's like hugging a teddy bear, but it also hugs you back." He replied, seeming like he was in the middle of a daydream.

I raised an eyebrow, "Did something happen last night?~" I sang teasingly, poking his side.

I saw his cheeks start to blush, the color spreading over his face, "Maybe."

"Who bottomed?" I asked, earning a smack on the arm from my best friend.

"I tell you this every time! It's private!" He whisper-yelled back to me.

I only laughed, leaning my head back on the seat, "It's private~..." I mocked him, "It's alright. I know you topped."

His eyes widened, his cheeks turning a darker shade of red. He crossed his arms over his chest, "Not telling."

"Does his ass hurt?" I whispered, laughing as he swatted my arm again.

We were so deep into conversation that when I looked out the window, we were already at school; not that our house is far from school in the first place. It's weird; I didn't even feel the bus stop again after it had begun moving, but maybe we're the last stop this year. As soon as the doors opened, the boy from our bus stop was the first to rush off. Since Jeongin and I were near the back, we had to wait a little while so that everyone else could get off first. I tried to keep an eye out for him but lost him in the crowd before I even got off the bus. I shook my head, not knowing why I was even trying to look for him in the first place.

. . . . .

I was one of the first people to get to my calculus class, sitting quickly in the back of the room. I know that most of the people in this class are going to be seniors, but I was always good at math and got to move up a level when I took the placement exam a few years back. Maybe that's why everyone picks on me. There have been times when I've been bullied into doing someone else's homework. And one time I asked the teacher if we had any homework at the end of class; big mistake.

The class started when the bell rang but two minutes later, there was a knock on the door. My teacher went to go see who it was, smiling as she opened the door. I was surprised to see it was the same boy at the bus stop from this morning. He had taken the hood of his jacket off, showing off his undercut and his face a little better. He looked really handsome in my opinion, and it was cute how he held onto a stack of papers while talking to my teacher. Now I know he must be new here, seeing from afar that the top piece of paper had 'Student Schedule' written in bold letters across the top.

My teacher faced us, giving a smile as she said, "Changbin-ssi is new, so be sure to lend him some help if need be."


I kept repeating that name in my head, softly smiling to myself now that I knew who he was. Some of the girls in the class eyed him from head-to-toe, noticing the same thing I had noticed. He was noticeably tense after our teacher had made a big scene of him coming here and I felt bad for him; I was in the same position as him before and I could barely speak Korean.

She gestured towards my direction, making me confused until she said, "There's a vacant seat in the back."

I turned my head to the left, seeing the open desk right next to mine. I quickly looked around the room, realizing this is the only desk that hasn't been occupied by someone. I was too busy looking around the room that I didn't realize he was already walking towards me, taking a seat at the open desk.

I gave him a little smile when he sat down, and we locked our eyes together. We were just staring at each other for a moment before he looked away. I turned back to the front of the room, not knowing why I had the butterflies in my stomach.

. . . . .

I hate gym. It's definitely my least favorite class of the day. Changing before gym and having to shower afterwards is the worst part. I don't mind running around and having fun but changing and showering makes me feel vulnerable. And in a room full of high school boys, who knows what will happen. I wish Jeongin was here to suffer through it with me, but neither him nor Chan have the same class as me this year.

I had to pass by a handful of people in order to get to my locker, which was at the end of the row. When I opened it, I took my backpack off my shoulders and grabbed my clothes that were meant for gym class. I shoved my backpack into my locker and gulped before slipping my sneakers off. I always get really uncomfortable when I have to change, but I know I have to live with it.

As I pulled my shirt over my head, I spotted Changbin getting to his locker a row down. He was on the end of the row as well, but on the other side of the pathway made by the rows of lockers. I watched as he took his backpack off and placed it on the floor, taking out a duffle bag that was already in his locker. I think it was the same one he was carrying at the bus stop this morning. He must be trying out for some sports team, that's the only real explanation. He seemed to have his gym clothes in that bag, rummaging through it for a few seconds before he finally found them. He shoved the duffle bag back in his locker and pulled his shirt over his head without hesitation.

I just realized how buff he is, the muscles in his back flexing with every little movement. I scrunched my eyebrows at the few bruises he had but didn't think about it too much since I had to quickly look away. He had turned to me, catching me in the act. I tried to focus on what I was doing, grabbing my tee-shirt and putting it on. I didn't realize that he was coming closer until he was standing right next to me.

I lifted my head up, meeting his eyes. He still didn't have a shirt on, able to see his abs and pecks on full display. I noticed a few more little bruises scattered around the front of his torso, making me more curious. The look on his face seemed angry, saying through his teeth, "Why're you staring at me?"

I gulped bringing a hand up to rub the back of my neck out of anxiousness, "I-I didn't mean to—"

I stopped when he took a step closer, my breath lightly hitching when his face got close, "I'm not gay, so fucking quit it."

His dominance threw me off guard, unable to wrap my head around the situation. I didn't even know what to say in return, but I was terrified, "I-I'm sorry." I squeaked out, unable to form the right words in a hurry.

He just stared into my soul for a few moments, his brown eyes narrowed at me. He didn't say anything, just standing there like a statue as he glared at me. Neither of us dared to move, and I was scared of what's to come next. I was surprised when he just turned on his heel and walked back the way he came. I let out a little sigh of relief, seeing him put his shirt on over his head and then I turned back to focus on my own business. The last thing I need is for Channie to be worrying about me getting in a fight on the first day of school. He has way more important things to worry about.

"Worrying doesn't empty tomorrow of it's sorrows; it empties today of it's strengths."

- Corrie Ten Boom

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