29 - defense mechanisms

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Changbin's POV

Continuing on December 10

I had one arm wrapped around Felix and the other was holding his hand as he cried on my shoulder. I've tried my best to calm him down, but all of my efforts have failed thus far. We've been sitting on the driveway for the last fifteen minutes, waiting for Chan-hyung to get here. I felt awful. I should've just listened to Felix when he said that he had heard something, but I had no idea it would break out like this.

It's freezing as well. Sitting out here in the middle of winter doesn't help when you don't have much to keep you warm. I could feel Lix shaking in my hold, but I'm not sure if it was because of the emotion or the chilly air. I need to try one more time. At least one more time to bring him back to me.

I tilted my head down, my nose rubbing against his forehead as I whispered, "Hyungie is sorry..." I sniffled from the cold, "I'm really sorry, Lix."

He suddenly paused, lifting his head up off my shoulder for the first time in the last ten minutes. His eyes were red and puffy, shakily replying, "W-Why is hyung sorry?..." He sniffled, bringing his free hand up to wipe away the tears, "Y-You didn't do anything."

"I don't think me yelling helped." I was quick to add, not wanting the blame to go onto him.

He shook his head and then rested it on my shoulder, "You were j-just protecting me."

I clenched my jaw, squeezing his shoulder a little from the anger, "I don't like your dad very much. He pisses me off."

"I don't either..." He quietly said, sniffling right after, "P-Promise I'll make it up to you."

I scrunched my eyebrows, "Why? You're already amazing..." I replied, feeling him lift his head off my shoulder. He turned to me, seeing the tears welling up in his eyes. I took my hand away from his and brought it up to wipe the tears away with my sweatshirt, "Just having you next to me is more than enough."

I finally saw him smile, never wanting it to go away. He opened his mouth to say something but was quickly cut off when we heard a car speeding down the road. We both perked up, watching a car pull over to the side of the road right in front of us. I already knew who it was before Chan frantically got out of the driver's seat and ran over to us. His girlfriend got out of the passenger seat, a face of concern as she watched Chan squat down in front of Felix.

I loosened my hold on Felix, Chan's eyes moving all over the place as he spoke in English, "Did he touch you?! Y-You're not hurt right?!..." He reached out and grabbed Felix's hand, "Still have all your fingers..." He mumbled under his breath, moving so fast that Lix couldn't do anything to stop him. He brought both of his hands up, inspecting his face for any flaws in the system. I could see his breath from the cold winter air, panting since he was so worried, "No bruises? Ok, good." He mumbled to himself again, pushing back Felix's hair to look at his forehead.

"Hyung, I'm fine..." Felix sniffled as Chan pulled his hands away, "Can you give us a ride to Innie's house, please?"

Chan clenched his jaw, looking like he was about to snap, "Appa just left you out here?! I swear I'm gonna fucking kill him!..." Chan was quick to stand up, stomping to the front door, "Appa!"

Felix stood up with him, so I did too. I didn't know he was going to go a bit crazy like this, and I guess Yeji didn't either because she hurried after him, "Channie! Stop!"

I groaned and followed along, watching Chan shake Felix off his arm and quicken his steps towards the door. He tried the doorknob first, and it didn't open. Chan laughed sinisterly, and I was scared out of my mind. I don't think I've ever heard him yell, and now he was banging his fist on the door as he screamed, "You locked him out too?! Open the door you prick!"

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