35 - making things right

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Changbin's POV:

Continuing on December 20

I felt my eyes watering when Felix walked back towards the gym, not being able to say anything because I knew I would just choke on my words. My heart was beating fast because everything happened so suddenly, and I was taking too long to process everything in my head. He was gone before I knew it, disappearing into the gym and leaving me here before I could even get a sentence in.

I bit my bottom lip when it started to shake, walking over to the wall and slapping it with my palm at I whisper-yelled, "Fuck!" Because I didn't know what to do.

I turned my back to the wall, sliding down to the floor and bringing my knees up to my chest. I took deep breaths to try and calm myself down, but it wasn't working too well. Why didn't he even let me talk? He just kept cutting me off every time I tried to speak. He must've been holding it in for so long that he burst, but he could've at least let me say something. I didn't know he thought this was so important. I mean, how was I supposed to know when he never told me? Am I just supposed to read his mind—


"Ah!..." I flinched, turning my head to the left and seeing Yeonjun peeking his head around the corner. I took a deep breath, placing a hand over my heart, "You scared the shit out of me."

He gave me a guilty smile, replying, "Sorry..." As he came out from around the corner and moved towards me. His steps were slow, shoving his hands into his pockets as he looked down at me, "I uhh... I heard most of that. I didn't mean to; I was just coming back from the bathroom..." He quietly said, pursing his lips before he added, "Listen, I can just walk away and pretend I never heard anything if you want me to, but it kinda seems like you need somebody to talk to."

I paused for a moment, looking down and avoiding him as I replied, "It's ok. You barely even know me."

He chuckled a little, and it made me pick my head up again. He sat down in front of me, crisscrossing his legs and leaving a bit of space between us, "I thought we were friends. Maybe he had a point."

I pressed my lips together, rubbing the fabric of my pants between my index finger and thumb because I didn't know what to do, "He's my boyfriend; Felix."

"Oh..." Yeonjun mumbled, "That makes a lot more sense..." He quietly said, and then smiled at me, "You two look cute together."

I scoffed, "Not right now."

Yeonjun chuckled at himself a little, "Well yes, not when you're fighting..." He replied, and then he raised an eyebrow, "First fight?"

I hesitantly nodded, "Kinda, yeah."

Yeonjun nodded as well, "Fights are the worst, trust me."

I looked at him for the first time since he sat down, shyly saying, "D-Do you and Soobin-ssi fight often?"

He shook his head, "No, no... We've only had one bad fight, but other than that, we just have small arguments over stupid things that don't matter. Those are usually pretty rare at this point, though..." He paused for a moment, playing with the fabric of his pants like I was doing, "We're a lot better at communicating now. Soob is really quiet, so he wasn't good at opening up and talking to me when he was having a hard time. I do the same thing; I tend to hold things in rather than talking about it. But now, we talk about everything."

I smiled softly, "How long have you guys been together?"

He smiled too, "Two years."

I widened my eyes, "Geez, how'd you manage that?"

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