17 - a break from reality

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Changbin's POV:

November 15

I could hear my parents yelling downstairs, not that I even care what it's about. With them yelling, I can't even focus on my homework. Every time I look at the problem for more than ten seconds, the letters and numbers start to move around on the page. It's so frustrating to be like this, but at least the tutoring has helped a little bit. I guess today is just one of those days where I can't seem to get anything done, and I'm exhausted.

I feel like the world is weighing me down, pressing on my shoulders until I sink. It's heavy as fuck as well. I just need everything and everyone to stop for a moment so I can just breathe, but it doesn't seem like that's going to happen anytime soon. I dropped my pencil, sliding my fingers through my hair as I felt the lump building in my throat. Do you ever get that feeling where all you want to do is snuggle under your covers and cry into your pillow? The feeling of just wanting to run away and disappear? That's me right now.

With everything going on, I'm stressing myself out to the point of breaking. I knew who the only person who could make me feel better was, and that's why I grabbed my backpack. I shoved in some clothes for the night, hoping he would let me stay over. I grabbed my laptop and anything I could think of before rushing out of my room. I always remember to lock my door before I leave, especially when my parents are in a terrible mood.

I put my hood over my head, trying to sneakily walk past them to get to the front door. They seemed to be in the kitchen, the yelling and screaming getting louder and louder as I got closer. When I heard a glass shatter, I knew I needed to get out of here quickly. I made a full sprint to the door, letting them see me before I rushed out. I heard one of them call my name, but I never looked back as I hurried down the stairs of our front porch and down the street.

It was dark out, a few streetlamps guiding the way for me, but I only had to travel a few houses down. When I got to his house, I knocked loudly so he would come faster. I glanced back at my house for a moment, the lights still on and the yelling intensifying to its peak. I knocked again when nobody answered, my breathing getting heavier as I pounded louder on the door. I turned back when the door opened, and Felix was right there on the other side. He looked confused, scrunching his eyebrows as he asked, "Changbin?"

I didn't say anything and let myself inside, wrapping my arms around him for a hug. I was trying to control myself as best as I could, hearing the door softly close behind me as he returned the hug. I took deep breaths to calm myself down, feeling at ease from the quietness and peacefulness. I don't know what it is about Felix, but he's just so warm and safe.

"What's wrong? What happened?" He asked, soothingly rubbing my back in the process.

I squeezed tighter, "Everything." I replied, burying my face into his shoulder.

"O-Ok..." He stuttered, like he didn't know how to respond, "I promise you're safe here, ok?" He said, turning his head to kiss my cheek.

I just wanted to hold him for a minute, somehow feeling better since I've gotten here. But he pulled away slightly, trying to pick my head up, "Binnie, hey..." I loosened my hold, lifting my head up in the process. I sniffled, realizing my eyes were glossed over when I felt a drop slide down my face. He looked worried, bringing a hand up to gently caress my cheek, "You can talk to me. A-And Channie's at a party, so don't worry."

I sniffled again, knowing he's the only person I could vent to, "I-I'm just so stressed out. I can't do my stupid homework because the letters are getting mixed up and my parents are fighting again so I can't focus. There's just so many things bouncing around in my head a-and I can't keep up."

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