Highlander's Conquest

By CrysTravel2019

314K 14.1K 766

Eva, 23, is traveling to Scotland to do research for a book she is trying to publish. She always felt close t... More

Theme Song: Spancil Hill
World of Words
Callum Strongnight
Her Position
His Vow
Feast PT 1
Feast PT 2
Feast Pt.3
Her Plan
Fendus' Determination
Day Before
Games Pt.1
Games Pt.2
Ewan Irongrass


4.1K 191 27
By CrysTravel2019

Eva stopped running and felt a sharp pain in her chest; she looked behind her. The town was far away from where Lucas was. She didn't know why tears formed and dripped from her eyes. "Lucas?" The pain in her heart wouldn't leave her. "Oh no! Oh no! Lucas!" She let out a loud cry which echoed around her. Eva knew in her heart that Lucas was gone. Her first friend. Even though it pained her, she knew that Lucas would have wanted her to move on and be safe. He told her to return to the castle, but Eva couldn't. She was worried for Callum and Fendus; she chose to stay. Eva knew that she might get killed if she went to them.

Eva didn't care anymore. She wiped her tears away and ran toward to path where Ewan and his army went. The young woman hoped that it wasn't too late. 


The armies clashed, and the sounds of swords and screams echoed throughout the land. Blood spilled on the green grass, and dead bodies lay on the ground from both armies. The clan leaders fought off many of Ewan's men and his allies. Fendus clashed his sword with the enemy, escaping many strikes and arrows. Callum was the main target of the enemy. Fortunately, many of Callum's men would be there to assist him; many of them sacrificed their lives for their leader.

Callum stilled for a moment as he looked around the battlefield. Many men were fighting to the death. Memories came to him of his mother, who would tell him stories, and sing him songs; his father on his drunken escapades. He remembered when his father would flirt with women and how it hurt his mother. Then, Callum remembered his mother on her deathbed; her weak eyes still looked at him with love. "Callum, my joy. I want ye to be happy. Even though I will be gone, I will still be with ye always. Please promise me that ye will never give up on love. Love is what will keep you strong and will help you go through of worst of times. I love ye, my Callum."

A tear dripped from Callum's right eye. He took a deep breath. "STOP! STOP FIGHTING!" Callum kept on screaming until all men heard him. Callum's allies were confused but also ordered everyone to stop. Ewan's men were confused, but they too stopped. On the other hand, Ewan was breathing heavily as he was covered in blood.

"This war was of my own doing! I will say that I wasn't a good leader to my clan and people! I have failed to break the cycle of my father's cruelty! I have been irresponsible and broken oaths to those who have been my allies!"

No one said a word; Fendus was among the men in silence. He had to admit that he was surprised by Callum's words, but he also felt a sense of respect for Callum.

"Now I face the consequences, and many die because of it. This war has nothing to do with any of ye; it's between Ewan and me. Our men should die for us no longer! Ewan!"

Many of the men moved away, making clear to Ewan; that the two clan leaders were face to face. Ewan laughs. "What is this? Ye suddenly have a change of heart; ye are foolish like yer father. Don't listen to him, my men! Victory is in our reach!" None of his men moved. 

Suddenly, Fendus dropped his sword. "Callum is right. He admits his wrongdoings. This war is between leaders. This is their fight." The other clan leaders also dropped their swords; their men did the same. Ewan's men looked at one another, conflicted and confused. One of the men dropped his sword, surprising everyone. Everyone followed suit.

Ewan couldn't believe what he saw; his men weren't following his orders. "What are ye eejits doing!? Ye dare disobey me!" His men only eyed him and moved out of the way, making him and Callum look at one another."

"It seems they agree. This is our fight, Ewan. Two terrible clan leaders fight to the death. Now draw yer sword."

Ewan bit his lower lip as he drew his sword. "Very well. I will show all ye cowards how it's done." The two men eyed one another, swords in hand. Everyone was silent as they circled the clan leaders. Suddenly, the two enemies ran towards the other; their swords clashed.


Eva kept running even though her feet and legs were tired and wet. The sun finally set. She was running out of breath, but she refused to give up. "I'm almost there; I can feel it! I hope I'm not too late!"

The more she ran, she noticed a large group of men standing still, yelling. Eva also saw the many dead bodies on the ground. She was wondering what was going on; as she got closer, she heard the men cheering.

Suddenly, Eva saw Fendus from afar. "Fendus!"

Fendus heard a voice from afar; he looked around until he spotted Eva running toward the group. His eyes became wide; he smiled and sighed in relief. He made sure not to be noticed and ran toward Eva. The two hugged one another tightly. "Eva! Yer alright! I was worried!"

"Fendus, I'm happy that you're okay!"

"Where's Lucas? I thought he was with ye." Eva shook her head, and Fendus understood. "Return to the castle."

"Where's Callum!?"

"He's fighting against Ewan. This war is between clan leaders. Now go!"

Eva ran towards the crowd of men who were cheering. Fendus tried to get to her, but she was too fast. She got past many of the men until she got to the front. Before her, she saw Callum and Ewan having a sword fight; they had many cuts and blood dripping from their wounds. She realized that they were fighting to the death. The young woman noticed that Callum was getting weaker. On the ground, Eva saw a sword. She picked it up and ran towards the men about to attack one another. To their surprise, Eva got between them; her sword stopped both of them. With one swift, she was able to unarm them both. Eva then swung her sword on Ewan's stomach, opening parts of his stomach; parts of his intestine came out.

Ewan growled in pain as he fell to the ground, trying to put in his intestines.

Meanwhile, Callum was in utter shock. His eyes were wide as he saw Eva alive and well. He slowly dropped his sword, slowly walked to her, and slowly touched her hair. Eva didn't move away; she hugged Callum tightly. "Callum, you're alright! Thank goodness! I was worried for you and everyone! I'm here and well! You all can stop fighting!"

Callum also hugged Eva; her body was cold, but his warmth overcame it. "E-Eva, yer safe. All I could think about what ye." All the highlander could feel was a joy as Eva was safe and alive. 

Fendus, on the other hand, stood in front of the armies, watching the scene. He bit his lower lip but said nothing. Suddenly, he saw Ewan getting his sword. "Callum, Eva! Behind ye!" Fendus ran towards them. Callum saw Ewan getting his sword, getting ready to attack. All three were close range; Eva would have been the first to be attacked. Callum pushed Eva away. Then, Ewan's sword pierced through Callum's chest, close to his heart. Blood splattered, even on Eva, who was lying on the ground, horrified by what she witnessed. 

All witnesses were in shock. Fendus stopped, horrified. Ewan laughed. "I have won! The Strongnights have come to an end! I will finally-!" He could not finish his statement as he saw Eva before him with a sword in hand. With a single fast swift, Eva sliced through Ewan's neck. His expression was shocked; a line of blood dripped down; his entire head fell to the ground, as did his body. Ewan was no more. Eva then went to Callum, holding onto him. "Callum, you'll be okay! You'll be okay!" She looked at everyone. "Is anyone a doctor!? I mean, know healing!?"

No one said a thing. Many men slightly bowed their heads. "No! No, don't bow your heads!" Eva didn't realize that tears were dripping from her eyes. Fendus finally got to her and Callum and knelt close to him. 

"He's losing too much blood, Eva. The sword is close to his heart and deep." 

"No, there is something we can do! Please!" Suddenly, Eva felt Callum's hand on her face, gently motioning her to look at him. He breathed heavily as blood dripped from his nose, lips, and wound. The rest of the clan leaders went to the group but said nothing.

"I-I am sorry for everything I have done to ye, Eva. I-I was afraid of ye. Afraid that I-I would love. Afraid that I would g-get hurt."

Eva shook her head. "There's nothing to be sorry about! I know! Just save your strength; we will take you home!"

Callum coughed and smiled at Eva; he gently motioned Eva closer to his face; his lips touched hers. Eva was surprised by the sudden action. However, she returned his kiss. Everyone watched, as did Fendus, who said nothing. Moments later, they separated; parts of Callum's blood were on Eva's lips. Eva's tears dripped on his face. Callum smiled as he saw a figure behind Eva. However, he looked at Eva and smiled. "I love ye. I-I hope w-we meet again..." Callum did not move, and Eva moved him and yelled for him to wake up.

"Callum," said a feminine voice. 

Callum, who watched everyone, looked behind him. His eyes were wide. "Mother, it's ye."

"Yes, my darlin'. I was waitin' for ye. Aine has heard my prayers and kept her promise to me. I also have that young woman to thank. The goddess has brought ye the woman for ye. I was afraid that ye would not be able to love."

"Mother, I-"

"Speak not, my darlin'. We have much to speak about. One day, ye will see the young lady again. I know ye will." She motioned out her hand to her son. 

Callum looked behind him as he saw Eva holding his body, crying for him. Fendus is trying to comfort him. A small tear fell from his right eye. "Aye, mother, I hope I do see her again."


The year 2022

There were a few tour groups in a castle. Covid restrictions had lessened, and tourists worldwide could travel to Scotland. Among the tour group, a youthful appearance and long red hair worker explained the castle's history. "After the death of clan leader Callum Strongnight, he left everything he owned to his beloved Eva. It is said that before battle, Callum gave Fendus his will that Eva was to have his last name so she could inherit everything. Eva and Fendus married to complete the alliance, making their clans one and keeping their lands safe for centuries. The couple also had four sons and one daughter." The tour guide smiled as she looked at everyone, particularly and young woman. Ye all can explore the castle; there's a graveyard outside the castle and the statues of many clan leaders."

The tour group broke up to explore on their own. A young woman in her early twenties had an average body, long straight platinum blonde hair, and light beige skin; her eyes were light blue. She went outside the castle to go to the graveyard. There weren't many people since covid is still happening. As she got to the cemetery, she saw many tombstones and statues. She stopped in front of two figures on top of two graves.

"Eva Strongnight and Callum Strongnight. What a tragic love tale; I read a lot about it when I came to Scotland."

"Aye, people of Scotland will never forget the story of these two," said a masculine voice.

The young woman flinched as she looked behind her. A man stood at least 5'8; he had light brown hair that touched his chin. His face had a triangular look, and his body was slightly muscular even though a jacket covered it; his eyes were light hazel that shined. "Are ye a tourist?"

"Uh, yeah, kind of. I'm a university student, but I'm from New York. I'm studying here in Scotland. I need to write a report about this castle. I'm Evangeline, by the way."

"Aye, sorry for not introducing myself sooner. The name is Caleb. Ye look kind of familiar."

Evangeline blushed. "I don't think so. I've only been a student in Scotland for a year. Although it might sound strange, I feel I have been here before."

"Aye, I've lived in Scotland all my life. Although to tell ye a little secret, I'm a descendant of Eva and Fendus. My family still owns this castle. We try our best to preserve our family's history."

"Oh, that's so cool. I'm glad you are preserving such a beautiful part of history."

The two kept on looking at one another. Caleb cleared his throat. "I-I was wondering if when ye have time. May I take ye out for a cup of coffee?"

Evangeline blushed. "S-Sure, I would love to. Y-You know, I would like more input about the history of this castle since your family owns it. Afterward, we can have that nice cup of coffee."

Caleb chuckled as he led Evangeline inside the castle. Unknown to them, the female tour guide watched the young couple walk around the castle, smiling and talking. The female guide smiled. "Those two, even the ends of time, cannot keep them apart."

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