My super family

By starks_wifey

347K 9K 8.6K

Superfamily au!!! • y/n was adopted by Tony as a child •steeb and Tony got married •Peter becomes part of... More

Pt. One
Pt 2
Pt. 3
Pt 4
Pt. 5
Pt 6
Pt. 7
Pt 8
Pt. 9
Pt 10
Pt. 11
Pt. 12
Pt 13
Pt. 14
Pt 15
Pt. 16
Pt 17
Pt 18
Pt. 19
Pt. 20
Pt 21
Pt. 22
Pt 23
Pt. 24
Pt 25
Pt. 26
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Pt. 132

291 11 6
By starks_wifey

"Think about it, we send them back they'll die. I can't let that happen" Peter says standing tall

"Parker I'm sorry but no" strange sighs

"Wait but I only just got here, there's so much I need to know" other Pietro grabs my hand

I look at him and think of Westview

"Maybe Peter is right?" I suggest

"Y/n!? No" strange gives me an unhappy look

"Okay... just a little longer. That's all I'm asking" I give strange puppy dog eyes

"An hour. That's it" he caves in after a moment

"Sweet! Thank you!!" I smile at pietro

"He can meet your pietro" Peter suggests

In less than a minute other pietro runs us to the lake house where pietro is.

"Hey honey- oh my god" pietro comes out on the porch and stops.

"Pietro, meet pietro" I giggle

After a moment they are totally infatuated with one another and they will not stop talking

"Oh man and the whiplash people get is the funniest part, tell me how Tommy is with his powers" pietro asks about our nephew

"Oh man Tommy is our prodigy! He's great" other pietro laughs

"And faith?" I butt in

"Yes, how is our faith?" Pietro puts an arm around me

"Faith is- incredible. Already 14 and helping out his community so much. He's so much like y/n... and his powers fascinate me to no end." He chuckles

"14 wow..." I take a shakey breath thinking of my beautiful son

"We only got to know him for a short time" pietro frowns

"I'm sorry... then you must not know about-
Other pietro stops and smiles

"About what??" I ask

"Nothing... just know that there are other blessings in life you haven't met yet." Other Pietro smiles

"Thank you" I sniffle

"Faith is doing great. He loves his mom so much" other pietro can see the tears forming in my eyes so he gives me those words to hold onto

"Oh pietro thank you so much" I wipe a tear

"Of course. I'm sorry you can't be with him still"

"I will be soon. I know it" I nod

"Okay, it's been a while. I hate to send you away but I think it's time brother" pietro sticks a hand out to other pietro

"It has been a pleasure to get to know both of you" other pietro shakes his hand and brings him in for a hug

"I'll take you back to strange" I say as I compose myself

Soon we're back at the sanctum

"Alright strange it's time" I say going down into the basement

I walk in to find Peter has made acquaintances with all of the men we've trapped in the sanctum

"Good I'm getting tired listening to them talk about science" strange smiles softly

"Let's get them back where they came from" I nod

We grab the La machina de kadavus and strange gets ready to press the button

"It has been so nice meeting you, I'll tell my y/n all about you" other pietro gives me a hug

"Thank you pietro tell faith I said hi" I smile

"Find a way to travel the multiverse and come say hi yourself" pietro winks

"alright this is goodbye" strange nods to me

I give pietro a wave as strange presses the button all of the men behind the barriers disappear with sparkles along with pietro

I can just imagine how excited faith will be to have his dad back

"Problem solved" strange huffs happily

"Man those guys were cool! Can you believe there are other Spidermen out there!" Peter smiles

"None as cool as you spidey boy" I nudge Peter in the side

"Now for the love of everything good please never do unauthorized magic again" strange points to the two of us

"Got it" we say at the same time

"Good now go home" he turns away

"Come on I'll fly us home" I smile to my brother

Peter dangles from a web attached to my suit as we fly through the air back to the lake house

Pietro meets us at the door

"Hey guess what I got!" He smiles

"What?" Peter asks

"Pizza!" Pietro cheers

We run inside and find the table all set and ready for us

"Thank you dear" I kiss his cheek

"I know you guys had a stressful day. It's the least I could do" he shrugs

We sit and get ready to eat.

"Room for one more?" Harley comes downstairs

"Where have you been?" I eye up my twin

"With Mel. What did I miss??" He asks

We all look at each other and laugh

"You wouldn't believe the day we've had" Peter shakes his head

"Hey. I have time to listen" Harley sits

We fill him in on our crazy adventure which he barely believes

"Leave it to y/n to turn to the dark side and mess up a spell" Harley teases

"Hey come on" I roll my eyes

"She's a great magician for real" Peter says seriously

"She is you should've seen her in Westview" pietro nods

"And Faith.. god you guys would love him" I smile

"Hey that reminds me, can we watch the tapes?" Peter asks

"What tapes?" Pietro looks at me

"Oh! The recordings from Westview!!" I cheer

"You have recordings?" Pietro looks at me hopeful

"It's the last piece of him we have" I nod

We go into the basement where the large lab is set up.
I run to the big computer screen where I left the FAITH card.

"Here it is! Okay everyone get comfy" I smile

We bring down an inflatable mattress and blow it up for all of us to sit on.

Then I insert the card. It takes a moment to boot up
I sit with pietro impatiently

Then the screen lights up.
"Wandavision! Y/n and pietro edition!"

"Wow" pietro smiles

The tapes start to reel starting off when pietro and I first got out of the car and visited wanda and vision in Westview.

"Wow you two look great!" Peter comments on the old timey outfits

"I hate black and white tv" Harley smirks acting like this isn't the coolest thing ever

"It only gets better from here" I smile watching as we interact with wanda

We go through the video laughing, talking, tearing up at parts

"Man you guys made a cute kid" Harley nudges me

"I know!" I giggle

"I wanna meet him" Peter smiles

I hold hands with pietro the entire time as his eyes are glued to the screen

"Come on this is great! We should've gone" Harley says to Peter

"No, no, wait" I frown knowing the end is nearing

I watch as we get to the part where Vision tries to leave the barrier.
Then the part where Agnes takes our children.
Then when pietro and I are trapped.

We all get quiet until the large fight scene

"Yeah! I knew you guys would beat their asses" Harley cheers

"They didn't stand a chance" Peter nods

But then the sad quiet returns as we watch our little family walk back into our house for the last time.

I start to tear up remembering those feelings

Pietro grips my hand as we watch us say good bye to Faith over again.

"Oh man this is awful" Peter looks over with teary eyes

The illusion ends and so does the tape.
All that's left on the screen is text that says "pietro and y/n will return to Westview"

I lean into pietro as the boys get up

"Don't worry sis. You heard wanda at the end. She's gonna figure out her magic and you'll all be together soon" Harley nods

"Right! I know you'll see him again" Peter agrees

"Alright. Time for bed" pietro helps me up but I stay quiet

We all go upstairs and the boys decide to game for a little bit.
Pietro and I go to our room and get ready for bed

"Do you think wanda is doing okay?" I ask

"I couldn't tell you. It's rough not having her around though" pietro sighs

"I just feel like she could be onto something with her new magic. To you know find the boys" I smile softly

"I'm sure she'll find a way" pietro nods

"I dream of him all the time" I sigh

"I know love, I know" pietro brings me in for a hug and kisses my head

"When we do have a child-

"Ah! Stop we're still babies ourselves" pietro laughs cutting me off

"No seriously! Hear me out haha. Baby names" I say

"Faith" pietro nods

"I got it! Faith, mark 2" I joke

"Come on get to bed" pietro laughs rolling his eyes at me

"Whatever you laughed" I smile going to jump in our bed

"When do dad and pops come home?" Pietro asks

"Hopefully soon. I'm not sure but I would love to see dad right now.... I miss him" I nod

"Let's get some sleep" pietro kisses my forehead

The next morning I wake up to Peter yelling downstairs.

Pietro and I look at each other confused so pietro puts me in his arms and runs us downstairs

"Come look!" Peter smiles

I check the tv screen to see footage of dads spacecraft landing back on earth after their recent trip to space.

"they're back" I smile softly

The tv shows people cheering as dad and pops step off together holding hands. It's heartwarming seeing the two of them

"They'll never believe what happened this week" Peter snorts

"I can't wait to tell them!" I giggle

Then my phone starts ringing. I check to see it's my dad :)

*-Dad!-* I answer

*-hey kid! We're on our way home say hi to Steve and Happy-*


*-how is everything?-*

*-great just get here-* I laugh

*-will do chief-*
And with that the call ends

"They'll be here soon" I smile

"Oh man I can't wait" Peter hops on the ceiling

I wait on the porch in my pajamas. I couldn't care less what I look like I just want to see my parents. My dads. It's been such a short time without them but it feels like forever when they're gone.

Pietro waits on the steps with me until we see a sleek black car pull up in the driveway.

I stand up immediately as the back door flies open.

I feel just like a kid again as I run to him

"Hey squirt" he smiles closing the door


"Dad I missed you" I squeeze him to death in a big hug

"I missed you too kiddo" he whispers as he hugs me

"No love for the old man huh" I turn to see steeb

"Pops" I smile as he opens his arms for a hug

We group hug and then we are bombarded by Peter and Harley

"Super family back in business" Peter smiles

"Come on tell us all about space!!" I run back in with pietro

Happy comes in too and sits with us as dad and pops tell us about space and Nick fury

"And Yeah we'll definitely be making more trips up there soon" pops smiles at the end of their story

"Im already looking into buying out all current space technology" dad nods

"Of course you are" I roll my eyes

"Now what did you kids get up to?" Pops asks

Peter and I look at each other and the four of us burst out laughing on the couch

"Oh boy this is good" dad smirks

We go on to tell them all about the trouble we ran into with dr strange.

"So you're telling me. Peter was in FBI custody, some blind lawyer got him out, you went to Strange, almost tore open the multiverse, spawned in who knows how many multiversal people, and somehow fixed it all in like a day?" Dad asks holding his head

"Sounds like your kids honey" Steve jokes patting dad on the shoulder

"I had nothing to do with that!" Harley says

"Good boy keener" dad jokes

"Yeah it was all my fault" Peter laughs

"You're grounded Parker" dad jokes but peters face goes serious

"I mean hey it's one fun story to tell" pops says

"I bet there was a variant Steve somewhere looking for dad" I smile

"It's us against the world" dad puts his hand out

"In every universe. Together." Steve takes his hand in his own

"God stop with the mushy stuff I gotta go" happy fake gags

"When's the wedding Hap?" Dad snarks back

"The wedding?!" I ask and happy blushes

"I- stop it Tony" happy smiles softly before going to leave

"Thanks for bringing these two home safe happy. We appreciate you" I smile

"Any time" he winks

"Now come on let's make some breakfast" Steve smiles

And just like that we're all put together and happy again. <3


Hey everyone thank you for reading! Make sure to vote and leave me a comment to read!! Comments are my fav

I appreciate all of my readers thank you for 303k

I hope to get more chapters out soon thank you for being patient

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