Gale Hawthorne X Reader -The...

By Salazarsslut2007

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!!!THIS IS A SEQUEL TO GALE HAWTHORNE X READER -LOVERS IN THE ARENA-!!! If you would like to read this then I... More

Hello All
Chapter 1: The Spark
Chapter 2: The Train
Chapter 3: The Victory Tour
Chapter 4: 'For Now'
Chapter 5: Fuck The Fucking Capital, Like WTF You Doing Fucking Up My life??
Chapter 6: Rebellion?
Chapter 7: Healing
Chapter 8: Photo-Shoot
Chapter 9: The Announcement
Chapter 10: One last day
Chapter 11: The Reaping (2)
Chapter 13: Allies
Chapter 14: Interviews
Chapter 15: The Quarter Quell
Chapter 16: Welcome To The Jungle
Chapter 17: More Allies
Chapter 18: It's Finally Happening
Part 2: Chapter 1: New Home
Part 2: Chapter 2: Hijacking
Part 2: Chapter 3: Broken Memories
Part 2: Chapter 4: The Warning
Part 2: Chapter 5: The Rescue
Part 2: Chapter 6: "I still do"
Part 2: Chapter 7: The Flames Are Gone

Chapter 12: Training

303 4 2
By Salazarsslut2007

Y/n's POV

"Y/n," Finnick calls out

"Hello Finnick," I say still petting the horse in front of me

"Want a sugar cube? They're supposed to be for the horses but who cares about them right? they have their entire lives to eat sugar, as for you and I? Well if we see something sweet we'd better grab it." He holds up a sugar cube

"No thank you, but I'd love to borrow that outfit sometime"

"And you look pretty terrifying in that get-up. What happened to all the pretty little girl dresses?"

"I outgrew them. What about you? What happened to your shirt?"

"My stylist says that I attract more women without one. You love it don't you?" He said the last bit in a deeper seductive tone

"*fake gasp* Oh my god, is Finnick Odair trying to seduce me?"

"Is it working?"

"You wish, supermodel. I mean if you want a kiss I can give you a peck, but I'm kind of taken already, so"

"Oh, what a shame, too bad only one of you will be able to go back home, or none of you" He was about to eat the sugar cube,

"You know what, I do want a sugar cube" Right before he put it in his mouth I took it and popped it in mine. He smiled sarcastically, then Gale started walking toward us.

"Well, nice talk girl on fire,"

"You too, supermodel" He walked away just as Gale reached us.

"Finnick Odair, huh? What did he want?" Gale asks, I turned around and faced him

"To seduce me" I answer

"What? Well, now I know who to kill first in the arena" I smiled and kissed him

"Are you guys ready?" Cinna asks as he walked up to us

"Yes," We both say. He handed us each a little remote.

"Press this button when you're ready"

"Thank you, Cinna," I say. We get onto our chariot and watch as the other districts pull out.

"I can't believe it was a year ago that we were at this same spot and you grabbed my hand to steady me, and we didn't let go," I say

"Dang, that was a year ago, feels shorter" Gale said I nodded. The chariot started moving and, again, we weren't expecting it so we held hands. "I'm getting Deja Vu now." I slightly laughed, but when we went out in the view of the audience, we put on straight faces. Cinna said that this year will be different, and so did Haymitch. He said that there will be a whole different training center, a unique arena, and the tributes have all done this before so they know what they're doing. We make it to the big area where we see President Snow and more important people. He talks about how this is the 3rd Quarter Quell. No shit. I think. And he says he is happy for us to be here. Happy that he can watch us die? I think again.

After the parade, we are taken back to the building where Haymitch is gonna introduce us to some people he knows.

"Y/n, Gale, This is Seeder, and this is Chaff," Haymitch said. We shook hands, and when Chaff and I shook hands he gave me a long kiss on the lips. "Ha ha ha, Chaff is very friendly, but uh, don't invite him over he'll drink up your liquor" I was shocked that this guy who I don't even know just kissed me. I smiled uncomfortably and nodded. Come on now, let's go. I wanted to say, but I didn't want to be rude, the last thing I need is more people out to kill me. Gale also looked shocked, he put an arm around me and we followed Haymitch into the elevator before it started moving, some lady dressed as a tree, I think it's Johanna Mason, stepped in.

"You guys look amazing," She says

"Thank you," We say

"My stylist is an idiot, district 7, lumber" She starts undoing her hair "Oh, I'd love to put my ax in her face. So what do you think? Now that the whole world wants to sleep with you?" She starts taking off jewelry and throwing it on the ground.

"I don't think the whole world wants to-" She cut me off

"I wasn't talking to you," She says and I roll my eyes. "Will you unzip?" She stood in front of Gale and told him to unzip her outfit. He reluctantly did. Then she took off her outfit, leaving not a piece of clothing on her except her high heels. Get me the fuck out of here. I think (Katniss's face in this scene though. It's so funny) Gale and I tried to look at anything but her, but Haymitch stared like he was enjoying it, and Johanna didn't say anything. It was the most awkward 20 seconds of my life. When the elevator got to the seventh floor she left.

"Thanks, let's do it again sometime," She says and leaves, still naked.

"Thank you. Johanna Mason, District 7" Haymitch says

"Oh god, that did not just happen," I said still shocked. I'm honestly kind of pissed at Johanna. Like, a little respect, please? My boyfriend is kind of standing right here. But Gale is super loyal so the entire time he looked at me. We walked to our apartment where Effie is.

I went to the fimmialar room, the one that I stayed in last year, I looked at my surroundings and sighed. I went into the bathroom and changed out of the dress into something comfy and took off all the dark makeup.

"There I am," I say and walk out of the bathroom. I go out to the dining room where I see Everyone else eating dinner. I sat down.

"So, tomorrow is training, this year I think you guys should make some more allies, everyone here is ruthless, and if you have no allies but each other then... let's just say it won't be very easy," Haymitch says

"Okay, any suggestions who we should stay away from?" I ask

"Nobody, try every one, and see who you get along with the best, and when your training, please be sure to play nice with the other tributes, if you don't then they will kill you first in the arena, got it?"

"Yup," We say


After dinner, Gale and I go up to the rooftop, lay out a blanket, and look at the stars. We're laying on our backs and Gale has his arm around me and my hand is resting on his chest. Gale is pointing out different constellations and I'm enjoying every minute of it.

"And that one, right there, is called The Big Dipper. It's one of the easiest ones to point out." Gale says. "But for this one, if you look to the right a bit and squint, you can see it. This ones called Cassiopeia. It's named after a vain Queen named Cassiopeia. She would always boast about her beauty" I smiled

"How do you know all this?" I asked

"Years ago on summer nights, my dad would take me to the woods and teach me all about the stars, every night he showed me more and more stars and constellations that most would never even see. That's one of the reasons I like sleeping with my window open, looking at the stars always calms me. It's almost like my dads there with me. I know it sounds stupid but-"

"It's not stupid, Gale. That's really sweet" He leans down and kisses me. "You know, we had our first kiss up here" Gale smiled

"Yeah, after I admitted my love for you in front of the entire country, the day before we went into the games"

"Yeah, I'll never forget that night"

"Me neither" We cuddled and looked at more stars until we both got cold and went back inside. Tomorrow is the first day of training and I'm scared and excited to see who will be our allies and who will want to kill us. We both fall asleep in my room. Something about it felt just like the night before our first games.


I'm wakened by Effie ripping open the curtains and saying "It's a big big big day!" But it's just training. I get up and follow Effie to the dining room where breakfast is being served. Haymitch tells us about all the other tributes and what their strengths and weaknesses are. After breakfast I change into the tribute training outfit then Effie escorts us to the elevator that takes us to the training room. When we walk in it looks a lot different than last year. 

"So, where do you want to start?" Gale asks

"Umm, should we split up and see which tributes we want as allies?" I suggest

"Yeah that sounds good, see you in a bit"

"Okay" I go over to the knife-throwing station and throw some knives at the dummies and they all hit the heart perfectly. I smile at my work. When I'm all done over there I decided to go over to the knot tying station. I look at the screen in front of me and try to follow it and tie the knot it's showing but it's difficult. I keep trying but then I feel someone come up close behind me. Whosever's hands they are, go around my body and start tying the knot that I was trying to do. I quickly get out of the way and see that it's Finnick. He laughs.

"Ha, sorry, I'm sorry." He picks up the ropes and starts tying them. "Let me show you the best knot to know in the arena" he continues tying the knots and I stare at him. "Don't look at me look at the knot" He says with a laugh. When he finishes the knot he puts it around his neck and pretends to choke himself.

"Very funny" He gestured for me to hold the long end of the rope.

"Do you want to take me for a walk?" he asks, I walk away.

(If you guys haven't seen this deleted scene you have to watch it, it's so funny)

I laugh to myself, Finnick isn't that bad, and now I know how to tie a noose. I walk to the ax-throwing area where I see Johanna and Enobaria throwing axes. I'm contemplating on whether I should go over there or not, then I remember what Haymitch said; Try everyone and see who I want to be my allies. I walk over there and pick up an ax. I throw it and it's not bad for the first time, it's a couple of centimeters from the heart.

Johanna looked at me sort of impressed and Enobaria just glared at me. I have to get the hell out of here before this bitch kills me. I think. I walk away relieved that I'm still alive. I don't want Enobaria as an ally, she scares the fuck out of me and honestly same with Johanna, but it's just something about the fact that Enobaria bit somebodies throat out that freaks me out. 

I looked over and saw two people struggling to make a fire. I decided to go over and help them. I'm pretty sure their names are Wiress and Beetee.

"Hey, do you guys need some help?" I ask them

"Yes that would be very great," Beetee says

"You should move your hands lower and" I show them how to move the stick so that it causes friction which causes heat which makes fire. The stick started smoking and they looked impressed. Beetee was looking up at the game makers who were watching all of the tributes as they train.

"By the corner of the table," Wiress says 

"Plutarch?" I ask

"No, next to him" Beetee lifted his glasses and looked at it.

"A forcefield," Beetee said

"How do you know?" I ask

"The shimmering. Top left-hand side" Beetee moved my head slightly "Do you see it?"

"It looks like glass"

"To separate us and them" Wiress adds

"Probably my fault, I threw a knife at them, last year

"Ahh, electromagnetic" Beetee says still looking at the forcefield

"How do you know?" I ask, they both started laughing like everyone just knows. "Is it, is it obvious or something?" They kept laughing

"'Is it obvious'" They repeated while laughing

"They might as well have a sign," Wiress said

"look around you, all the holograms all the lights they keep flickering. Why?"

"Because the forcefield is taking up to much energy."

"There's always a flaw in the system"

Nice, I learned how to tie a noose and see forcefields, what next? I look over and see the female from District 4, Mags. I go over to her and see her tying a fishhook.

"It's beautiful." Say, the fishhook was braided with lots of colorful feathers. "I saw you volunteer for that young girl, that was really brave." She nodded as a thank you. She taught me how to make a pretty fishhook like that, and then she wanted to watch me do the station where I throw knives at the fake people, so I let her come with me. I asked if she wanted to try but she said no and that she just wanted to watch.

I grabbed several of the knives and stuck them in my belt, then I put the setting on knife throwing and went in. After the countdown, fake people came running at me but I demolished them with the knives. As was going at it for about 7 minutes and soon, every single one of them was turned into a pile of orange blocks.

I stopped and looked over to see all of the tributes staring at me, and Mags was clapping. Most of them looked impressed but then some of them looked like they wanted to kill me right now. I awkwardly stepped out, put the knives back, and walked away.

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