Legolas x OC

By PublishedIndependent

27.1K 670 19

A young girl mysteriously entered the world of Middle Earth. There, she encounters the dragon, Smaug, Orcs, w... More

Meeting The Prince
Attack Of The Orcs
Hunt For The Orcs
Take Me With You
Battle Of The Five Armies
12 Years Later
Bilbo's Party
Is It Secret? Is It Safe?
The Prancing Pony
The Road To Rivendell
The Tenth Companion
The Fellowship
The Mines Of Moria
Mines Of Moria Part 2
Lady Galadriel
Saving Pippin And Merry
Help Arrived
Heading To Rohan
Travel To Helms Deep
Helms Deep
Aragorn Returns
Prepare For Battle
Uruk-hai VS Helms Deep
Uruk-hai VS Helms Deep Part 2
Gandalf And Rohirrim
Battle Won
Seeing The Hobbits Again
The PalantΓ­r
Gondor Calls For Aid
Dimholt Mountain
The Way Is Shut
Army Of The Dead
Minas Tirith
The Black Gate
For Frodo
Battle For Middle Earth Is Won

I Remember Now

1.2K 30 0
By PublishedIndependent

Willow Maid opened her eyes to see Legolas sitting on the bed with a small smile, "I know you don't trust me to tell your name," Legolas began, "But I am calling you Willow Maid until I've earned that trust."

"It's true what you say, Legolas. Until I am ready, Willow Maid is fine by me." The girl replied. Willow sat up and glanced around the room. Her memories of entering this strange world made her uneasy, "Legolas, where am I exactly?"


"I don't understand. What's Mirkwood? Or where at least is it located?"

The Prince blinked, and the realization hit him. She is not from his world. Legolas cleared his throat and tried to think of how to make it understandable to the child, "Nin hén, you are in Middle-Earth." Willow Maid frowned and gazed down at her hands; her mind spun in confusion, trying to remember what Middle-Earth is, "Middle-Earth..." She mumbled quietly. Legolas scooted up to the girl and draped his arm over her shoulder, "Willow, you're not from Middle-Earth... are you?" Willow turned her head to Legolas and shook her head, "No..."

"Now, this is a problem..." Legolas thought to himself. The King would not like this answer. He would think Willow is some sorcerer or a spy of the enemy. Willow fiddled with her fingers nervously. The Prince watched her, and a thought crossed his mind, "Willow, would you like to walk around the halls of the Elven Kingdom?" He felt that she needed her spirit to be lifted. Willow Maid's lips tugged upward, and a smile grazes across her face, "Yes, please."

Taking Willow's hand, Legolas helped her up from the bed, and they began their tour of the Kingdom. Willow's eyes were filled with curiosity and awe as she held Legolas' hand. Then, voices caught Willow Maid's attention, "Leave it! There's no way out! This is no Orc dungeon. These are the halls of the Woodland Realm. No one leaves here but by the King's consent." The male's voice echoes in the halls. Willow furrowed and turned her head to Legolas, "Legolas, who was that?" She asked innocently. The Prince's jaw tightens, and a dark shadow passes his face, "We... had intruders crossing our border," He peers down at Willow, "But don't worry. We took care of that."

Willow remembered now. Middle-Earth, Legolas, the Fellowship. It was coming back to her, The Lord of the Ring movies. "But, why isn't Legolas with the Fellowship? Is it over?" She wondered—the Prince side-glanced at Willow, noticing the worry and confusion in her eyes.


The girl jumped, "Sorry, Legolas. Did you say something?"

Legolas chuckled softly. He wrapped his arms around the child's waist, bending down, lifting her on his hip. Willow draped her arms around the Elf's neck as he carried her down the halls, passing a few elves.

"Are you alright, Mellon nin?" Legolas asked, concern laced in his voice. Willow sighed through her nose and locked her gray eyes to the Prince's icy blue, "It's just... well... have you met... Gimli?" Her voice quivered faintly, and her heart pounded against her ribs, fearful that she might have changed something. Legolas stopped once the question left her lips. The voice of the red-bearded Dwarf came to his memory when he took the frame and glanced at the picture of the Dwarf's son.

Legolas didn't answer right away; instead, he took the girl into an empty hallway and set her on her feet, "I never met anyone named Gimli, Willow. However, one of the Dwarves mentioned that he has a son named Gimli. Is that who you're referring to?"

"...Yes... Legolas, you met Gimli and-"

Legolas clamped his hand over Willow's mouth and gave a hard stare at the eight-year-old, "Willow! You may know what is to happen in the future! Say no more of this!" He hissed-whispered to her. Willow nodded her head, and Legolas removed his hand, a frown plastered on his face. He stood up and took Willow's hand, pulling her out of the hall and past the dungeons. Willow quickly glanced at the Dwarves locked inside as they made their way through. One of the Dwarves, Thorin Oakenshield, watched the child walk by, "I thought your King doesn't allow a child of Men in your Kingdom." Thorin murmured, his arms crossed over his chest. Legolas paused, but only a moment, before taking Willow and carrying her away. "Dwarves." He muttered under his breath.

The King appeared, and Legolas stopped, "Adar." He acknowledged and gently set Willow to her feet, "Legolas," Thranduil spoke and averted his eyes to the child, "Im would like na ped- na tathren, privatelui." Legolas nodded and released Willow's hand, "Of course, Adar." Thranduil offered his hand to Willow, and she took it without question. Then, Thranduil led the girl away to the throne room. Legolas felt uneasy and decided to follow; although he knew it was risky, he hid in the shadows from his father's eyes.

"Now, my child, perhaps you would tell me how you ended in the Woodland Realm?" The King sat on the throne and had Willow sitting on his lap. Willow tensed up and fiddled with her hands, not wanting to look at the King. Thranduil felt her body tense on his lap, her eyes refusing to meet his own. "Perhaps, you can tell me about this ring on your finger then?"

"I found it in my room... and once I put it on, I ended up here..." She whispered, answering both questions. Thranduil nodded his head slowly, his face, however, darkened, "In other words, Willow," Thranduil's voice darkened after saying her name, "You are not from Middle-Earth. How do we know that you are not a spy of the enemy?"

"The... enemy? What enemy?" Willow asked, locking eyes with the Elven King, "I'm afraid I don't understand..."

Thranduil lifted Willow off his lap and stood up, her legs dangling in the air, "Now, Willow. I want the truth. Are you working for the enemy?" Willow trembled under the hard glare of the King, "I don't know what you're talking about!" Thranduil dropped Willow, and she landed on her bottom, "Omph!" The King turns to one of the guards, "Take her away!" He ordered. Willow shook as the guard made his way to her.

"Wait! Ada!"

Thranduil turns around to see Legolas block the way, "She is telling the truth!" The Prince explained, taking a step closer to the angry King and frightened girl. "Min will discuss hi later, Legolas. Take i gwen!"

"Cin told nin i he na- nin responsibilitui!" Legolas shouted, as the guard grabs Willow's arm and drags her to the dungeons with her screaming, "Legolas! No! Legolas!" Tears streamed down her cheeks as she was hauled into a cell. The Dwarves watched the guard toss her in and slammed the door shut. They watched and listened as she cried. Moments after the guard left, Legolas ran to her cell door, "Mellon nin..." Willow ran to the door her face covered in tear stains, "Legolas..." She sobbed. "I'm sorry for what he did, Willow. But I promise I will get you out." He whispered, running his thumb on her cheek, wiping away the tears.

Unknowingly, a certain hobbit listened to the Prince, "Perhaps I could help her if the Prince cares about her so much." He thought to himself. The Prince released the girl's hand and with an angry scowl on his face, the Prince of Mirkwood marched back to the throne room. "First thing in the morning, I will get everyone out." The hobbit softly spoke.


(My Friend)


(I would like to speak to Willow privately)

(We will discuss this later)

(You said she is my responsibility)

(Take her away)

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